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<br />83- 005856
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<br />UNIFORM COYEN.o\NTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay \I,.'hen due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges a5 provided in the Note. and the principal of and-_interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage,
<br />1~ Fends for Taxes and Insurance. Subject h) applicahle law Of to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly instaUment~ nf principal and intere~t an.' payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Fur.uu") equal to ('Ine~tweJtth flf the yenrly ra'Ji;e.~ and a~sess,ments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgagej and ground rents -on the Property. if any, plus. onl.>twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one~twelfth vi ye-JiTly premium instanment~ for mo.rtgage mSlIrance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time t,o time b",' L.ender on the ha~is of assessmena .'l.nd hilb and rca,;onable e:ulm.ltes. thereof.
<br />The: Funds snalf be held In an institution the depO!i.H:- or a(:counts 1,)f which are insurc.d or Zolaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency Onduding Lender if Lc-nder IS ~\:ch an jnst~lutioo J. Lender ~hall "ppiy th~ ::unds to pay said ta.Kes. assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents., Lender may nOI charge tor ,<1i.) holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compding said ai>.,<<,ss.me-nt5 and hills. unless L-cnder paY$ Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits l.ender to make such a charge, Borwwer and Lender ma!' agree In writing at the time of e.-.:ccution or this
<br />Mortgage that interest on file Funds ~haU he y.ud h' Borro.....~r. and unfess such ~tgreement js made or applicable law
<br />requires -such interest w be paid. Lender s.hall not he requm:d h1 pav H('-rrow('f ,my interest ('IT earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give t-o Borrower, wIthout .char!:tc. ;Hl annual ~H:;colH11mg of the f-llnds showmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose tor which ea.ch debit to- [he Fllnd5 wa.. made_ The hwds arc pt-edgcd tl..'> additional see-urity for the sums secured
<br />by ,hIS MortgaJ!".
<br />.If the amount of the Funds ht':id by LcnJl.n, h-'~~thcr \\,itl, ih" iutun~, monthly HH,raHments of F{mds payable prior TO
<br />the due tL1ies of taxeic, a:;.:se~s.mcnb, mS\H'3d1-':'C rfCITHll;n:-,. and grollnd ~n[,s, sh,dl c\.;ced the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />as.scaments-. msurance premium'). i1nd ground rent\ <.I." they L,ilt due. \t1("h C\CC~S ..hall be. ill Borrower's option. either
<br />pl'OiDpt!y repaid to Bono1,\.er or .:.:.cdued tn B..\rr(\wer on monthly m<>l;Jllmel)ts pf Funds. if the ;lmount of the Funds
<br />hcld by lendu shall not bt! :;utlicicnt to ray L1XC'j, '-l!i!>essmcnt'i_ 1B\-W~HiI.:C prcmlllms ;tnd ground rents as [hey (,ill due.
<br />Borrower shall t'!3)' h1' Lcnd~f :m~ ;:mwmu nece-,"S~iry 1,\ rH;1}.e up the dchclenn \!dthm 30 da~-s from the oate nt"lice is mailed
<br />by l..ender to Borrower requestmg p-a~rncnt !here..11
<br />UJ:>O-u p-Oi.ymcil.i jn filB ..'~ itH -~U1B.s srl.:ulc-d j-" Ih;,,- ~\h'n~.l-g..:, : r.:nd-cr ..hai! f'i._!i'npiJy f1:-iunJ ill B..lffower any Funds
<br />hekJ by Le.nder. If under paragraph h here...~i the Pwpern. i' ...dd ,'f the Pr(ll'crt\ 1~ otherwj,e acqUlred by Lender. Lender
<br />~1 apply, no hller lhan l!umcdi.uel~' prwr ;,' {he: L,,~ic dl the Pror--..'I1\ df Hi ,h:t:{UlSI!lon hy lxndcL any Funds held by
<br />Lender al the tllne (Ii J;pplkatlon .H a dcdn ,lJ;:<tIfI'-,t lhe <;u-m.. ,>.:curcd hv !hl'l \.1\~ngngc
<br />3. Aptllkatioa of Pay'owntL t 'nle!>'!'. appih:+\hk 1;-\\, p: \-".Ide~ othcf'\' ;...t'. all p,lyment'S ''C'(,~~I\cd by Lender under the
<br />Nt."lte and paragraphs 1 ~nu 1. hcn:-,H ..It.ll! hi.' apph'l'J !1\ t ..:ndt~l' fir'!>.i in p,J;VmCll ~\l amotmts paY;lble tn Lenuer by Borrower
<br />:m<k:r paragraph :2 herent. then !_'-~ JtlH:~e';'i i"l~iihk ,'n the ~"\(', lh("n 1\' I~W pnrKlp'-:.!l 01 the N{1h.~. .:Inti !hen W Interest and
<br />pnrn;,pai (lU any Future Adv-af1c-e~.
<br />-l. Cllartes: Lie.t.. Hor-w.....cr -..h.;ll; p:n L:lJ L;~~.', .l,,\~.',:~tnt'flt~ ,jfnl \'t!;t'f ,:rul~c'" tine" amI lfllpt)'ilth..ms attnbutable to
<br />the Pro:peny which may -attam it pn.~nt.., ,~'n:'r U1:, -'lun~a~e. ,Inti k~~",~'hpld p,lnnC'I115 N ground rents, If any, m the- manner
<br />pro\'tdc:d under paragraph:' herenf ,tf d f1<ll ~';hd 1;-\ __u..-:h m.:.\nr1(~L b! B,'rrn\\.i'!' nLtl.lI1}t pa\'mcnL \..hen due, dIrectly to the
<br />p~)'ee thereot. Borruwer !'hail Vrumpth fUf!u:\h h' I ,<ntkr ~H f\nt;;,;l':o. III ~nh'U1H~ dlll: under thl'i p;W.J.~raph, and 10 the e\'tmt
<br />8orrower ~haH maKe pannen! Jlrfi't!~ H.'nH~..~r ,'HlI pf\'mp,h. l!H!1l~h h' I.uukr ;<;.'..:eipt~ c\tdt"n>:-ulg su..:h payments,
<br />Borrt'}we:r shall prompdy di'M;:h;H~ :,tny i!.:n wh,...h h<ls' prlnl'!\ ,"~~f Ihl\ \.hmt:agc, p:il'.'lded, !h;.it Horrt",wcr "hall not be
<br />reqlnr~ to thS\:nar8< any ..uen htn ,,~, lon,e ,h Hmn..'WCf "f1.11i ,It!n'....- In ',~ H!:11~ te (he pa)ntcnt ot lhe ,)hllgallt)l'! '\e't.ted by
<br />,'ouch ben tn a m~nner ac(:~pt.abie hl j ender, ,'f ..hill!:n Ih~'d hllh ~,m~~'..l ...w..:h 11':11 ~y, pr ddt.."11.J ('nton;c-rnent 01 s.uch lien ln,
<br />lel!::tl pro..::ccdtnlrl '4h,ch (}pcf-iltc hl prt:\'"!;"i1:1 ti\~. ~ni..r-t.cmeiH -\.'1 Irk "f hlrlcllur;; 1,)f ~ht Pr-npcJ1Y ur ;,U" P;Ht th~fcuf.
<br />5. flazard I~. a.,:~rr-u""',"f ,flaB k.,;;'<.:r 1i;~ jmpf,,~..~fHe.nh 1'<<'...... t;q.,tlti~ 'S h;."r~ait~;r l'1,:eh..0 on th\' PU'opcrty m'>lIred.
<br />.1ga.uut lO~1> b~ fire, hu.u-J\ todw..ku \~ lIhm ll>l; 1nm ,.\t~'1h.k\1 .mJ ..u..:h ();:hCf hazards ~, Lt:nd,:r may n.'4t11rc
<br />~Uld m weh 4nR.~unt-s .:L"1<J tv! <<th:h p--.:rwih ..... t_::ndl::'f fB,t\ f':-4;;11':. lh.tt I eihkf ~hall not r;;:4lurc that lh~ ;.unouflt uf
<br />,uch >';(l\"ef~ ex.c<<J th-~ll i:tm-l..]!.bnt ~": UJ\t"t4~C j>:'-!Uifl..'t! t" p,n rh.... ~\lnh '<....'HH:d h- I!W. ~1().rtg~1g\.~
<br />The mWf&lKe ...;~rnC-f r-!()vtding tlw m"Uf4fh:C: ,.h"dl l~ "';l,',,>~n f;\ H,lff\h"TI "'!lhJe'-l !ll >tppro\'itl h)' l.ender; provided.
<br />tbat ~u4:h awro\'a.l ~ha11 ihH tx:: ,mrea\.tlO40h,- "IthhdJ 'Ii pn-'T1HlIfH'\ '''1 J!,\Ul'.Hh:e fhJ!il,;lt:S ."hait he p<tid In the manner
<br />proVided under paragraph ~ hl;'::n:\-~t or, it n,,~t F.;ud \n <';1>.:fl lHdtlnt:l. ~H H<\rr~.'~~r makmg pitymcUl, \->"'hcn du.e, dm:dly to the
<br />!niiU.ranc;e carner.
<br />AU insura.nce rOh~tb anJ rCll\:\\..,d'). 01CII;'J,-'1 ,h.1Jj !n: In 1,,1'11\ _1.,;..cpi,tbk 11) L coda .mtl ~hJ.H Hh:ltHk ;1. ,t;llld:trd l1h\rtgage
<br />cl&UJe- m favor l..}f and ill t\nm lA-l,;;,;;cptaNiC t._, l.l,'uJcl_ l':lH.kl 'o1l.lii h,i~C the light 11' h,!ld lh\.' P~)IKlt' ,lnd rt.'nl;'YiI-al", there.l,)f,
<br />a.nd Bor<<,\\--er ,hall promptly tJ.IfTll~h h) l.em.ler ;lll h'n~'''''.ji rt,l!l..'e, ,wd ..Iii r~\.:(:ltH!o 01 p.ml prcllHlIiIl"'_ in th~ eVent of hl"-;'.
<br />8om..lWCf ,\haU g-rv~ prompt Otli_>..:(" In Ihi.' l;l_...ur"lKt:' ..";Hflt'l ,tillj i.~n\-kr ! cnl.kr fll;j~ lnilj..C pn'\,ll \.~i IO.~!!i II nfll m;"1dc pftHnplly
<br />hy B\.lrrower
<br />Untcsa Lcndc:t i1nJ 8(1fH-,,"cr orht:f)>,!,>t: ,lgrt."l.' I:. '>\fllillg, ill~ll[;Uh,i: pr\,,-e;.-,d~ -;t\i.:tl! be -dpphcd 10 rc~h}l'iltit}n i'f rcpiolir nf
<br />the Property J.uu.tgcJ_ PW\ ,Jed -'i.U~h fC:.hHi\tll'll I.:'i h'P.IH ,~ \"";,,'vll\~nH":;i.llv it~~."lhlc- an"l lb,,' \,~l:urit:. or this Mortgag{;~ h
<br />not thucby impUted. If :,.u\:h r1;"'s,t(\I<ltl~~fl ~)[ ~CpJ.H t~ 11l.,i l.'>,.uH\Huh.'.ill} fl.'",,"lbk ''-'1 11 the \......urH~ \)i thp\ ~h,r~ga~c would
<br />be.. IInpiur~, the m:!tUfa~ pr\.X:t-C't.b. :.h;dl be .tpphcJ It' tht: ;'.lmJ'!I M......:ut..',J t1) Iht.. Mort.g.tgc. \\lth lnt' C.\"':~~". if ,il~Y. paid
<br />to Borr\-'\Wtr, H the Propcn; LI, ah.to..I..IIl<-d r.y lk'lf;,\"l.a.t;r. J! Burr~'''',,:r !.uh fd J't:"p"lfH.l to 1 ~f\der wlthlf1 30 day~ Hom the
<br />Jate ~e}-\I. nl-.l.lltu hy lender "", nOn(~We1 th..l tnt:' in~Ufan,.:c 1..,!n!CI 1'!jcn. :\) -..eHk ~ d:'Hrn h)1" m:-.uraocc heo~fits. Lender
<br />t~ authorilCd to coile-ct "nd ~ppt~ the HtiUi'.;tU"::t.' rn,:x;t.'Co1~ it: l.';:HJe:r-~ ,..ipiH,m cuhcr to fcstor~\tlon Of rc:palf (11 the Pw~rt~
<br />,".. to the sw:ns .s.e~ured by thu~- Mortpic
<br />Unle.ss Lender .md 8onn\\eJ .~th-tf\\l~ a~fl:e HI \-\t;lmg, .J.11! ;iudl ':i.ppih...oJllOH d' prn\.:,:ed~ t(l pllO;:lpal "h;~11 not c\fcnd
<br />or postpoue the: d~ date ~f the In-\.m!hly Ht$,1aHmcnl.... f::-lt."rrcu :" tti J=Huag:r~\pb 1 and 2. rH:I~l~i or ...hangc !he 3tnounl oi
<br />jU',:h ins.w\~-nts. It under var-a.-rapb is. here~;'1t the P!oPCIt) l~ ~\":~lllired h) Lender, Jll nghf, Htle and interest ot i-h'rw~c!
<br />in a.nd to allY msuT.aw.,.""( pohCleS ~Ul.J. in ~nd h' th... p~m>...i.......b th~'Te..!l :C~l.iHlUg fr,)Jll J,HJl..ige k~ lhc Property pnQf tp [hI:: ~.tlc
<br />or is-l.."''quUtbO!l ~haH pa~ H" l~lldet lu th~ c,\tcnt d the ~u.nb ~...'urc~:1 b} Lnl'>- \tong:.!.g~ dHrllCulatdy prior h' :-.ll(:h s.dc or
<br />.l1cq\Ufition.
<br />6. Pra.tn-adotl aad r..taiateaaD4'"t' of: Pt'OpHt); Le-awhuhis:;. l'ml-dominium.s; Planned l.'o.it ~k-\dl).pmeftts. HNroy,.l.~r
<br />shll1J k.eep the PrOPfrt}' in g;-:x.xl r~pltif and shaH 11z.)1 ~-nfUmt! W-iUfC ;Jr p~.'frrlll nnp.J.lOucnt ,H- Jtt~ri('i-r;:Hion n} the Propen)
<br />and. shall CQrop}y with the prOVU,IQUS (.If (lH~ leaM:' If tni" Ml>Hg,a.gc i-.. l.JO ,t k'.Js~h'lld. it dll:\ ~lHrtgi.l.gi: l" un ,1. Hllll HI ;J
<br />condolniwmu (lJ a p{anned litHt 1-k:vd....~pnlt:.nt~ lii)tfP\z\.er -I"llidl ~fh'fm ail ..-j HmfOWl:l':; (1bhgall(~n:; llfluer the Je..hl1at.on
<br />or \:OveQiUlll Clt.a.-tUtg Of gJ::1\'CHilng the 1.-0ndf..)t'fltHillrn ~)f p!.ttlfi:t:d ('f,:! dt:'\'t.~inpml.'_lH. Ine bv~la",;., and l;'C~ulat1-nn... !.'l lh~:
<br />.;:(.~um Of pianQed unjt ~\'~lopmerlt, .wa \;'I)'n5tHlh..~;H ,k'l<.:UlW~nt"_ II .i 1.,IJ-udOlmntum. ~)f pli.HUU.'-O \\l'1I! dt:'d:.h)fHllcut
<br />~ -i$- -e---lC\;ul.od by 8ortO\ll-e.t ,HH! h~-';>"td(!d l('og1tlht-f wnh !hl'" M~1r1g.tgl:. tht ,-,,,l\cihHl!:\ <Ind ;-lJ>).u,'cmenb Ilt :'>-lldl ndcr
<br />llW . l~ i.Qto and m<'tH iU~d anu -...up-pkmoCHl th\c dJVI,:lj.JfH" ;.nd dl'h.~cmcnb (~t Inn. ~'lorlgagc .~., :l lilt;' tlJ-<:1
<br />........ . PlWl; lle<<Iol"
<br />7. ~ of u___~ Senirit)~ H a\,;n~l\\'er t.:ub tp iX'fin-On the c..wen:':HH~ ,wd agn.'t'Jlient~ ':',__It"lt.::llnct! 111 thl'''
<br />N;Of~, or If ilJ\)' ..~t(m Of {u'<<.et~hng. j~ ,,--t;muneni.~d Wh1..:h m,il(,'rHtHy .ltI1','..:I~ Lem.lel'\ (Me-tc~t ill the Prt_\fk'rt).
<br />~ ,but n.nl' llQ::ut-cd to\ 'l:!n1lUeu,t domain.. liIMl!V{t:nCY, u1fk ;.:'ui',\fCcmr:,ItO, i.,lf arra11gcrn,Cl1ts .'i prLx-_;;:cding~ H;V(lh Ing ;\
<br />baAkNpt or d<<~nlf then t~t)dn at l.ender\ optKlU. Up'_Hl nOiH:C In BUfl'1.:ViA.~l. m~t\' l1i-~~C ~U'~J'l ;)ppl,"lualh.~o.. ,ll"huh\.' \\l",~h
<br />~ iUt4 ~-C !'fuch ."'1.lim ~ u. ncU.:e-~~f} h.. pWH;:\:1 ten.o-ef') if'lle-H.~~L ;:x:h:tittlg. t1~li Ih1-{ it!ll-Hed If'.. d;..bt~i'~-C'nwn!. PI
<br />~ -M-totMY~l _fQ!* iU'ld eilU'l \lP;:~ft ~tre. Pmpeny t,) m~~,; ft'fHla'i. It J,('pJl.'! ,'~i..Hr('d fYHj;t~~~t: !H<"ut.mn' "1~ ;\
<br />(.~kwn ot n~1 i1\e- kHlfl ~Uled by ttUjic Mt),rtgl!S:~" HUf1'FW~_f --#~4j:k t'>il>') th-e- premHHlh It'~i.f!f'C_,l h' mitIHt,~~n "-.\h'h
<br />i-NtW~ in tlt<<-t Uflbl ~~h nine- .J.'!- ttx: ~-f.uir'C:~m for stXh m~~l-f"'.n~t:' (~:fmHt~lf" ;J.,;ct.'1h.i.llnd: <,.\'l!h H'lf-rI'W~:f" .~wJ
<br />
<br />l
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