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<br />I <br /> <br />--.....'-I...~. <br /> <br />83~ ;IJk./5 8 4"6' <br /> <br />9. Condt"mnadon.. The proceeds of any nW:Jrd or daim for dal11ag.c~, direct or consequeniial, in connecdon with any <br />condemn-ation Of other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,. are hereby assigned <br />and shan be paid to Lender. <br />In.the evc(u- of a (otal' laking of the Property. the proceeds s.haU he- upphcd 10 the sums sec~red' by- this Deed_or'Trusl, <br />with' the', jf -any;_ paid 10 Borrower. In - the -event of g partin:- taking of the Pro.perty.- unless:- Borrower ,and '_ -Le!lder <br />otberwi.".'ll'eein writing,there.han be applied to ,he sums se<:ured by Ihi. Deed of Trosl.uch proportionof.lheproeeeds <br />;15 is--equ:ll- to- thal proportion whiw_ the amount 'of the-sunls secured by Ihis Deed of Trust immediately, prior-- to -th-e, date of <br />taklng.hC4rs::to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to-the date of taking;'_with-'the balance of-lhe vroccods <br />(13i<l ':'.0- Borrow-er~ <br />If tb-c- Property i~ abandoned by Borrower. l1r if. .after nmice by Lender to Borrower that, the eondemllO,f, offers ,to make., <br />au-award -Or -seUle a claim for dam3gcs, Borrower fails 10 respond to Lender within 30 ,days after the date -such: notie-c' is. <br />mailed; Lender- is authorized -to co.llect and apply the pr-oceeds~ at lender's: opt~n, either _to restoration or repair', -Of-the <br />ProperlY or l<' the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender ~1Od Borrower otherwise .agree in wriling, any such apptic::Jtio-n of proceeds to pfindpaJ <br />or' pos~pone the due u-ate o( the monthly installments rcferrc-d to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof-'or- change the- amount ,of <br />such -instaUmen1S.. <br />H'~ Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization oI 'the: sUllls- -secured <br />by rbis Deed of Trust granted by- Lender to any successor in intel"C5..t of Borrower shaH- not operate to, in any manner, <br />the liahiJity of ~be origtnal Borrower and Borrowt:t's successors In interest, L~-nder sh.all not -be reqUired _:{o commence <br />proceodings against such successor or refuse to extend lime for pay~nt or otherwise modify amottization of:--"t~e - sums <br />secured by this -Deed of Trust by reason of .any demand made hy the ong.mal Borrower and Borrower's -successors m mterest" <br />11. Fo-rbearance- by Lender Not a Waiver. An}' forbe:tr~lnce by Lender in any right or reme?y henmndcr., _or <br />otherwisc afforded h)" 3ppliooJc law. sh.:1l1 not be ;t waiver Df or preclude the exerCise of any such, nJ;ht- or Temcd~, <br />The procurement-of ~nsurance or the fl3ymcnt af taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not-be a walver_ of Lenders <br />righ( 10 accelerate the maturity oC the indeblednes.s secured by this Deed of Trusl. , <br />12~ Rernc-die..~ CUlllul.ative. AU rcmcdi~s provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other nght <br />.or remedy under this Oeee of Trust or :!flor-ded by law or er"uity. and may be exercised concurrently. independently or <br />successively, . <br />J J. Successors and Auip:ns Bound. JoL..,r and S~\'eraI Liability; _ Cap.ion.... The covenants and agreements herem <br />contained shzH bind and IRe nghfs hereunder shall m.un: to, the respecuve succes.sors and assigns 1,,)( Lender and Borrower. <br />-5ubje-ct to lhe pro"'~ons -of ~t:igf+'!ph l7 hereof. All covcn;tnts nnd agrccmems of Borrower shall be joint and severa1. <br />The ~aptiom; and headings of the paragraphs 0t ltus Deed of Tnts[ arc for c,mvcnlence only and arc not to be used to <br />Interpret or define the provisions hereof, <br />14. NOliee. Except for any nOuce reqUired under applicahle l<l.W lG he given In another manner. {a) any notice to <br />Uarrower provided for in tnil Deed of Trus.t shall he glVcn hy maiiing such notice by_ certified mail to Borr?wer at <br />the Property Address or at such other :'lddress ;lS Borrower may dcslgn:lle hy nO!lce to Lender as prOVided herem. and <br />(b} any- notice_ to Lender "hall be gtven by (:cntfled mail. return receipt ft::queslcd, [Q Lender's address stated herein or to <br />!'i-uch other addres3 as Lender mr:.y desJgnale by nOtice to Borrower .1$, PfllV!dcd he~ein. . Any nOIice pr~vi~ed for in t~is <br />Deed of Trust :shaH be Ucc..11Cd 1-0 h:1Vt:' been gwen to Ul1rrower or Lender when glycn In the mnnncr aestgnntcd herem. <br />15. Uniform Dud of Trust; Gov('-r-ning L:.w; SCH'rabilitv. This form of deeu of trUSt ~ombines uniform covenants for <br />n;tttona) use- .md non.:unifo_Tm covenants Wilh limited vari:ltions by Jurisdiction to c-ons~itute a uniform se-curity j~strument <br />(ovenng: real -property. ThI5 Deed of Tru~t s:l;111 he go'>cf_ned by the law of the J~nsdk,tlon In \vhich the Property IS .Iocated, <br />1n the: evcnt (hat >loy p..ovl-o;\on or ,;:Ln,I''-l:.' of thn; Deed l'! fru'!:.t or Ihe Note conH:..:ts with ~'pphcuble law. slIch conflict .shall <br />!)\}l ;;itl.eCI ;,.1ther p-ro-vis-~on$ ..:;f thi:s, f)ccti G{ lhc ~Olc 'o",hich C.3n be given effect without the conflicting provision, <br />and to thi\. end 1h-c pmYis.icr..! of the: Dc-cd Of TruM and the Note are dedareCl h) be severable" <br />16-. Borrowers Co-p)'. Bon-ower s.hail be !ufnshct.l ~~ conform-ed t:QPY of the Note and of this Deed of Tru~t ;n the time <br />,.( c~c"ution or after reco-rdauon hereof <br />17. TI1IDSfu of the PrOpeR)'; Assumption, )! ~ll PI" .;tOY -p.:1rt of the Property or an interest therein is sold 0: lransferred <br />hy UorrDwer wubou{ Lender's prIor J;.r,'nth:n t'.)n~ctH, l,',c-ludlllg (J) the crcalfl1t1 of :1 hen or encumbrance subordinnlc to <br />ItU:i Deed of TrU:Sl. tb) the crt'3.tion d;; PUrch,;J,5C i1h_HU~" ...~~cun!y Hltcrc;.l kr hou~cholJ appIHwl.:e.,,>, (CJ ::t transfer by deVIse. <br />.,lacen; N' by operation_of law upon the dea1h of ~ \\)lnl ll;':nam or old) the grai\t of any kasch-Did iUh:rest of three years or less <br />nl'it conlaitung an option to -purch;tU:. LClidei may" ,d Lcr.der\ optlon. Jcd~rc alllhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust 10 be <br />lIumelliate-1y aw: and payab-!e. LCl1ckr sn,a;H have \....:l.lved such ophon hJ acct.~!cratc If. prior-,tt" l~e'~-.?r'~tr:m-s-fer;.-t:c'tlt4c <br />~nd the penon to whom the Pro~ft}' 1S- to be ~01d or lr_:m5.krn:d agreemC'ol m writing thirffle.~tfcin~ <br />;'j uti1o-tadory to Lcnd~r .mtl (holt the ll,fclCU paY;ib!-e en Ihe 5.ums $ccurc-o by Ihi<. Deed of"Tt\B:t:.:.jhjJ~tch <br />I.tndcr sh:tH requeit. If L<;'nd-er hu waived [he PjJlll.)-H '-0 ~ct:dcralc provid(:d in lhi-s. par;),s;r~pbd 1}iamLitB~ __ <br />In intcrat h3! exe-cu!e-d il wnHcl1 assutnp-tion ugreemcnf 3c,,"cpted In wri1ing hy Lender. Ltnde-r"'S1'm~I!'1'Jm'roWet'< <br />~H oblip:t-iom unuc-t tht5 ~ of Tr;,iit ;!:nd: t~ Note <br />If Lender exercises ~Udi option w ac;;cknH'C. Lc,nJer ~haH :naIl Borrower notIce oi l.l.:ceieration in accordance Wilh <br />parAJraph 14 hereof, Such notice shaH prOVide .t rerwl.l ,11 not leu than :H1 days from the date the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay lhi: IUtll:i- -declined due:, .f llOHOWt;r [ails 10 pay ~uch 5ums prior to lhe e.'(piratioo of such period. <br />Lender may. wtthout turther nohce ~r demand on !iOfWw-e., invoke any rernedit:s permiucd by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NON-UHtf01lM COVENANtS, Borrower :sod Lender further co,tenant ;tnd ;igrcc tl:;\ follows: <br />18. ,\cC'cle:"Uon; Remedies. u<<JH as. pro1'ided jn Pantlraph 17 hereof.. upon Borrower"s breacb of any t..-ovenant or <br />:altfft'~ltt of 8orrowc-r in this nud of Trutl. in-dudina: ihe c-ov~nants to pay when due any sums secured b)' this Deed <br />(If Tru$f. Le-nd~r prior to l:l-Ccdt.-aHon l>buU m:t-i.-! notKe- t(l BON'owcr a,,\ pruvidt:d in pnrnJ:rapb 14 hereof specifying: (1) the <br />bit_a; (2) the Klioo nquire-d 10 cure such brttac:b; (3) a date. not lCM 'ban 30 days from the: date the notice is mailed to <br />Ilof-ro"'t"l by whkb ,ucb hff~b must lJ~ curl:<i, alld (oll ilult failure (n t'UTe 'lIdl hreH:ch on or before the date sptci"cd <br />!n the JJot~ f'Qay rnub in A('cd.r-ration t)[ the MIntS s~cuJ'ed b)' this D~ed of Trust and sale of the Property. The llotice <br />mall funltef infof'n Borrowet' of the- right to reinstate ufter a(<<I~ration and the right to bring a court action to assert <br />ehe lUlb..exiJiIcn<c of .. default t)-f any other d<<t"t\K of Borrower Iu 8eu!e-ntlion ~nd sate. if lhe breach is not curt'd <br />Oft or bt-lcu'e the: date a;.p<<mH in th--e noliei:'.. Lendc-r at Lende("'s opt ton may clcdare .aU of the sums ::.ccuri:d by (his Deed <br />of Trust 10 be- h'\--mediat~ly due and pa.)"!lbJe Without {urtAt'S" demand and may invoke lhe power of sal-t' and any other remedies <br />ItC'-I'tuiU" by ..pplicubk 13W. l.wder ~iuln be entitled 10 "CoRc('( aU r-e-as.onable costs and!s incurred in pursuing the <br />tt'mt'dics provided in this pat-aCraph 18, indudi~. but nof limited to~ reasonable uttoin-efs f~r5. <br />It- the- -pewCOf cJ ~ is invokt:d. Tr~c-e ~Wdi record A notice of default in (:~cb ,'ounty in which the rroperlY or some <br />part thfleof is hwated and shah mail -copia: of sut:b nn(.ict' io H~ na-anncl prticribed hy applicabU: Inn' to Borrower and to the: <br />DC"~" pe-fk>>l..~ pf~ribed b, appUc:able law. Afte-l' lhe Lapse of -such- [lure a~ may be required by npPUc3bie taw. Trustee shall <br />t:-~e- putdk notice of ,ale io. the persoas -and in Ehe manncr pfticcibed by applicable Jaw, Trustee, \".Uhovl demand on <br />~Cf~ $hall Hit lbe: Ptopc-ny at pubUc auction io 11\(': highesf bidder at the- time and pJac~ !Iud under the terms dcsignatcy <br />11\ the noti<<: of sale moue -ur n.:o.r-~ pauds :utd ill !>u-cb uTder as. Trustee may determine. Trustee- may pO$tponc MIte ot :tll <br />Of ")I pal<<1 of tm- Pmpet1y by -puWk :tnnoune-tl1lt'-w at tilt' time and place of previously s-C'h~duled sale. Lender or <br />!.................... _, I'u.m- II>. Prop"'" .1 any !Oale. <br />Upoa'RUt" of p.)"lIWUt vi the pri('(: bid. TttUJct' shan de-lh,tf to t~t: pun.'h;l$ec Trustee's deed t.~uPvf:yiltg the Property <br />:Wdd. "11M r<<itab ia the "ff'U$lt'C"s deed sh,," be prittlil f.acl,e cyidt:n\.e or Ih~ truth of tht statement!S ffiluie therein. Trtlsfee <br />~'..., tM plOCft'U of -the uk in 1M flJ,UnW'in;.~rden (l.l.l_"'o aU rcasoRuble: nms. Dud t':'I:pcnses of the sale. inclUding. but <br />~ timUftl to. Tr'ViSkt~ fut uf not nwn than _ .. _'~!".. '";'1"- uf th~ Rrt'lSa !i~lc pfke, n~a~-onable aUonlty's fres ~uul tmi-l$ (,.C <br />tilh--c.~; (!J~ to aU 5um. ~rtd by this DeW of TrttSl; and (e) tbe t',nc~.s. if ..ny. 10 the per;ion or 1U:~ni(}n~ legaUy euiitled <br />'-'" <br />... ~... ftiabl ,k;. JU:.iassDt-e. NQfwithUl,i:ndin-g';\ :K-cc!eratwn ,If the :Hlfn'J, s.c..:mcd b,' IllJS Pl.'cd of TfU~t. <br />Mot-r?,*u ~H have f-he t,-,tn t"O haye ~my pn:u;:e-euinJs- begun b)' Len-dcr ti' enforce: ~hi-s Ll<<:d 01' 'I r:ust 1..h~~(:}iHl!HH,"{] at <br />~4)' ~1,fI'W rfff,~"t(.~ lhe t."'f.l~t to- O<X:-Uf of 0) the fihh day hdure the sal.e 1)[ th~ Propert)' puuu_:nu to the pU'4~f of s,~h:: ~(~n-Hlm1:d <br />l~~ IJ!_, 0<<:4' 0-1, Tfm~ O-f {~,lc-$ltry JJf :.t _~Hdl;mcnt _cnfor<:-lhg (hb [);eeq cf Trt~'t tf: (.;J} BOrrOW(lf pa)~ LcnJ-I.'f AU UlmS Whll..:h W(luld <br />hit l~~ 4-_ tU:tdc:f tms. ~ t.'" lr\I:'~,. lh~ NUl\t &nd l!fJ{U $e~tUlng Future Athancc:" ;{ tlny, haJ no. ll.:cc!('nlllon c"':;l,,'urn.-~J. <br />I,M tl\1n'~f C,t(-en ..::ijt brt-l'b.:h_tj o,f any t~tht:t tuvenanu or agft~me:n_h- \,11' H-QHUw-u ~c,D-ntfl,inr.ti :n ihi!. D.;-ed of Trust <br />~~J ai)fl~ ~,.'\ ~n n~ilb~ e"pc--ft;;-C.-\ H~lil"Kd b.'r LC.tl4f;t a:tQ TnnIe'\: ~fl tf!ft:m.::-mJ lite -("f,)yenanh and ,q;r<:;o:tmC-l'H:'i t,1 <br />~t(J.'lIlI''8t f;~",~ j.-oll this ~qd ~jf Ttu,\l ~ntJ ,i1 cnfoa;lr4g L~Il4(t1';[l itnd Tn.'H::~'", f~medit::~ ~\ P!l.)vl~kd .n p:lra1:~r~~,"l Ii.; <br />~",___J_~~ 100_ t'H.)l ht~i('~ h~, tc-a~n1l:M€ ~n~)n\e/1!, fr:UJ~ faH~ (0; iJr.H'ff)"",,"e!'"'3 ~uch #{;'{HHl >15 Lrndt-r m~y H','1t,0-H.tbh <br />~'G~t1t -.._,n~ ::~- ~~ l<1~n t.'f thn {~d of Itur.L L~-tt(k:r'1- whtrni {n ~he -h"u~~r-tJ ;.\:~d H-t,>p"nwc-r<s t.)bh.e.~lh111 It' P") <br /> <br />.~~l' <br />i <br />I. <br />r <br />! <br />[ <br />