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<br />I <br /> <br />83- \)(;5846 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVeN^N1"S. norrower :.!Ild Lender coven:tnl ~md- agree as foHows: <br />1. P::tymenl of Principal and Interest. Borrower sh:tIl promptly P:1Y when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges 015 provided in the Note. and the prindpal of and .interest <br />on any Future Adv:mces. secured by thi.. Deed of Trust. <br />2. Funds 'for Tucs.and Insunrncc. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sllaH_pay <br />10 Lender on the day monthly ins-l,j:!t1mcnl~ or principal amI interest arc p'-lyablc unoer the NOle, until the Note fuIl. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to olle-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessmenls which may altain' priority ,over'~thi5 <br />Deed.of Trust, and.grouod rent~ on ~he Property. if :\ny. plus one,' twelfth of yearly premium installments for hn~rd- insurance. <br />plus one-.twetfth of yearly premium Ulstan-mcnt~ for mortgage-insurance, if any, :Iii :lS rC'3.sonably estimated Initially -nod from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments ';lOd bilts and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds -shan- be held ~n an institution the- deposits or accounts of which arc insured or gunranieed -by a Feder-al or <br />state agency -(including lender if Lender I!' sllch an institution}. Lender shalf apply lhe Funds_ to pay said owes. :isSeSsmcnts, <br />insurance premiums and gr-o-und rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and :lpplying the Funds, analyzing- sai~ acc~unt <br />or verifying and comp1Hng said as:sessmentx and bWs, un'e...~s Lender pays Borrower' interest on the FunQS and appIi~able- Jaw_ <br />permits Lender 10 mak.e such a ch:ngc, Borrower and Lender may ;'Igrec in writing ;'it the time of- execution"- of, this <br />Deed of Trust that inlcrest on the Funds' ~h~1l be paid to Borrower. and unless slIch ngrccmcnl is made or nppJic~blc law <br />requ;-~ ~uch ;ntcp'~ !o b!: p:Ud, Le!'..rl~r ~h;d! rIot oe req-l.!in::d to pay Horrower any in!ere~n or earnings on the Funds. -"Lender <br />shall give Co Borrower, without I::harge. ,In annual accounting of the Ftlnd~ showing credits- and the-Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to ~hc Funds wa~ n1:ldc. The Funds are pledged as_additional security for the sums secured <br />by Ibis Deed of Trust. <br />If the: ~mounl of the Funds held hy Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prtor to <br />the due dates of taxcs. ass.c-s-sment... imtlr~lHCC premium" and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said t<l~CS, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ~;f~)1H1d fCi1h ;1', Ihl'Y !~H duc, ~tJch t;\.CCSS shali he. tIt Borro\vcr"s option, either <br />prrtmptiy rcr....ald to Borrower or credilcd to B,)rrnwer ,l-;} nl-'Jnlh!y in-stallmC'n1s .of Funds. If the :tn10Hf'it of lhe _ Funds <br />hclJ by Lender shall not he sutlkicnt f;,l r>:IY LU:_C'i., ;~S"l'"smt;nts, insurance prcmalfns and ground rents as they f311 duc. <br />Borrower sh:dl pay to Lender :my amount 'It''I:.:c-<;:<;ary !r' m;:~t:: up the ddkicncy W1lhin 30 days- fn"lm the date notice is mailed <br />hy Lender to Horrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon p:tHncnt in full L'f alt ;,;ur.ns "<:t:,lr~d by Ihls D-el...'d ~l{ TillSl. L:nder sbjH pwmptly refund to norrowcr any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under p.:lragraph 1 S h~n~(lf the Pr(lperty 15- ,old or the Property is .otherwise acquif~d by Lender, Lender <br />"haU apply. no later than immedi~ll,.'j,,' paor 1(1 tb...; <,;dc of ,he Property or ,10.!On !w Lender. :my Funds- held hy <br />Lc-ndu at the time of application ;~s;< cretl!l_ :lgams.1 !ne $,UIUS :'l..'cured by lhi~ Deed of Trust. <br />J. AppJic'Afion of Pa,vmenls. {'nlc'\~ ;,pp!;cabic 1;1\\' pri'I\'HIe\ ('ther.....l$..:., ~H rayment-: received hy Lender under the <br />~O-(e ami r-:uagr-aph-s I :mu 2 hereof \!~all he appill.:d hy I cndc-r fif',: l/1 paymi.'HI (:'f amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />~mdcr rara~raph 2 hereof. then :0 HlrC:C\1 p-:lY;lbk ~'n thc- NC'tC, the!! 10 the pnm:.:q1:d 111" th~ Note. and then 10 inferest :md <br />principal an any Future Advances. <br />4, (:hargrs: Licft$, O'-lrrower ",hatl ;'1-.1)' ~ln f01XC". ,:~..".i.':,"'sm('nh .wd ,~tht'r charges, i~ncs :md lmpo-;itiom aHributabic !t) <br />the Property which may auain a pnorj~y n....N ~hls Deed of Trust. and leasehold paym~nts or ground rents. jf any, in the <br />manner provJde-d under paragr-aph 2 hereof Of, If nN p3iti in stich m:HlnCr. by Bon\1\I,.:r making pJym~nt. wheu due. directly <br />:0 the p:lj'ce thcn:of. Dorro\\-cr shall promptly II!! f\l:ih It' 1 cndc:r al! IIQIi-cc\ of .ullounts ~hlC um.icr this paragraph. and in the <br />event Borrower shaH make payrm:nl d:fC-C!!Y. B(lrrnw('! ..hall promptly furnIsh I,) Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Uorrowc-r !hsll promptly dts::hargc ~n\' ll-:n ",..tHeh hl-lS prltHHy I.)VCf Ih!,> [)enl (Jf frllsl: prOVided, lhat Borrower shall no! h:: <br />requm:_d to dl'sctl:uge any such hen 'd h'Il,[~ ;,,,- Be'Hower <:.h;dl .'1:frec 111 writin~ Itl the payment of the obligation sL"Curcd by <br />{,uch h~n ." a ma.nner :tt.'c-c-ptai.1Jt: In I ;:-;, ,.( "ll,dll~~ !:~h'd f;Hlh conl1.':.\[ <ouch hen by, or defend ~nfor~cmcnt of sllch lien in. <br />Ie-gal pro;;:t'edmg~ WhH::h operate t:' pr":;'-;:f!l U:C ;:fl!t..1r...e-ment uf the lzt;n or [nrlcl(Ufc t't lhe Pwpcny or :1n}' part {hereof. <br />5. Ibul'd JIlSUJ'2uce-. ilDHO'.\'a <;;h.:1l1 ~~cp rhe Il"HprOvcmcl1ts lli)W '::\,ISIIl1g. or h~rC';}fiN erected lHl {he Property insured <br />againit l~~i! oJ' fire, hazard\ inchlilicd wi1hm !he term "c'lcnJc-d ..:nwrage"', :!nd such ,-,I her h;lz~rds ILi Lender I1l3.Y require <br />and in such amouna 3nd (or su-ch p-erlodo; ;~:, 1 \.'nt_kr mav reqUIre: pnwa.lnL lh;lt Lcndc.r shail nll{ rcqwf(.' Ihat fhe ;UllO\llll 0{ <br />'inch coverage exct'co amoum (~I coverage fC4l11r~d to PJ.'y the St.l-fn\ :'.l.U:urcd by thIS Dt.'cd of ., rllSt, <br />fhe: imurarn.:c: .:.::arricr pro'.-.ding th~ in:\ltrann:: ~haJj h-(': (ho'tCn b:l Borrower subject 1\1 appn..1-val by Lenuer: prO\'jdcd, <br />lh:n such a.pproval s.haH no: b~ :unfc:~"~oHllhly WH-hhcld. ;\11 premiums on HI~m;H';t;.\.~ pl.llt~lc~ shall b-~ p,:tld in the manner <br />provided under pU3.graph 2. hered ~)r, if no! paid \n )lich tn;sn.ner, hy Borrower mak:lf1g payment, \vhen due, direcrly to the <br />tm;urance Canler. <br />AU insurance p-o-JiciC't 3-.flU renewals :htfNJ! "h~lll h-\.' <II klZH ;1-.;c::-ptabic in ! <:nd..n and ~h:ll! Hh:ludc ;1 standard mor!g:;ge <br />d.usc in hvor 'Of 3-nd in form 3~(cp,J;hlc bl l end':f I \:nder 'tl'<<ll h~\...c the i 19ht Il' hold the policies .!no renewals thereof. <br />Jnd Dolrower ihaU prompdy furni-th t,\ 1 e-mk, .-dl .::rlC\\;.tl lHltl,:Z'<, ilnJ all rc-t:cipt~ ill p<lld premilmu. in the l;VCOl Qf )(1<;'\, <br />Borrower shall give pn..Hnpt notlL,."C to i1:(: In''iWa:KC I.-,::fflt:r ,\i1d L.:nder. Lemler maj" m~kc proof of los., Jf nOl made rromplly <br />by Borro'O\~L <br />Unle-s~ Lender ::uw Borrower u~hcn"~\-C .;t;n:..: Hl ""n!mg. HMlf-3I1("!: prm.:t:-eus ~hal! 1)\: ;ipphed t;') re_\lonHion or reran ,1t <br />~he Property d:unaged, jHovh.k'-d ~\Kh r~-~.!l'LHji:1n \.If r-c-p-;llf 1\ ..:.t:OfH"lllJH:ally fC;l:obic ;u:d the Sl.';.:urllY ;'! this Deed of Trust I'" <br />!V:lt thereby Impa1fl~-d. Ir 'i.u...:h fc-5-h,-na!IOn \)~ i'C'pa.!f J"-: nlH t'Cl,i-fhJlllh.:.dly h:;;J.~ilble or If lhe "~CurllY Ilf thi.. Decd (ij Trll~( ''''ouio <br />hc Impa.Ired, Ihe iO-$Ufcano;e rt'l1c>.::cd~ be ~P!,,!IClj 10 the ;i,un, lcc-uret! by this: Deed of Tru~t. '.Vllh the c,'(\:cs~. If any. panl <br />10 Borrower. l! the PronerlY 1'5- ;tbandoncd by HOftu\Vl.:f, ,lr if lh_'\ffowcr l~:d'i !D rr:spond 10 Lender withm 30 dHY<< (rom {he <br />date noti-ce i\ m.lliku by i.~nder 10 Borrol.l.-\!r Ih;'H lhe n~SllrmlLC ..:arncr olfl'f:; ill !(:ttlc :1 claim for Hl:\urance benefil", Lender <br />1:\ authonted to ~'{,)Hc-:t cmd ;lppl~.. lln: lnslttan....,:; rfocecd.. i;:i! Lender's i.JpllOn cUller to rcslur.\lWll or repair cd the- Proper1\-- <br />or to the surn$. st'cureu bv tl'"u~ IA:cd of Tn!)l <br />Unless Lender and BorrO\\'c. O!h-t'fWl,"-' .;I:;n.:c :n wntin~, .W, ,>-uch ;lpphc,llion 01 proc-ct'"d'S In prinCIpal shall nOI e,\.lclH.I <br />~)r poslpone lhe due dale I,A !he !:II.Hllhly !t\\tallrncnh rdl.:rfcJ to in pafOl,grnphs i :wJ :: hcrcuf or dlange the ;unounl oj <br />~ucb ,"s.taHrnenis" It under ran..~raph il\ hCf'C'\Jt Ihe- Flopcrty !:. a\:.(~ulrcd hy 1.cfi~jl~r, illlllght, tltlC nnd interest of Borrl,wcr <br />1f1 ant! to any in$ut3ncc polkH~~ .;mo Hi ,inU l(J the rr\.xcc-J~ !herc-ot rC:omhing from damage tt) t'H~ Property puor to the !.:llc <br />nr ;.u:-qUi1i:tion '$h:\H p-JS"i iO L~ndcr w rhe c_'(telH of lht: ~L"Cl.m:cl by this Decd u! Trust ill1mcdiatc:J~ pn-or to such 'i:de or <br />aeqUlshion, <br />6. P:rewn'ation and ~taiot~fUulce of Jl'mpeny; L~$C'b()lds; CondominiluU'i; Planned Una. Ucvelopments. BOHt'WC! <br />--hail k~"Cp Ihe Ph1pcny In -f,OI.Hi rqntf .n.d ,hall ;,,1( t;,"mllH! Witst.:: -i,lf peruHI llllp:llflHcnl (.1[' .ktl:nOJiltltHl of [he Propcrt) <br /><1M shaH oomph' with the p-to,,';slons of J.ny i~~l::>c d ;01''' Deed l,."If Tr~t is on <1 kJ.'n:hold_ If thi) Deed of Trm.( is on a unH in a <br />cOnOo-ntiniutn Of a p-tam:cd unit de-vclopm,-cm, Horrnwt:r shaH i'".cdorm ;ll! of Borrowcr'-s \1hhgatlons Ilnder the dCl.:iatJtion <br />or ('(}Yenants ('Tea. jug or covero-ing the Cl.Hldominmfl:1 or f'l;--;nned unit del.'cloprncm. the hy~hIWS- ;md rt'!!:ul:ll:om. {)f Ihe <br />-c~ndolniniwn t'lf pJannea unit deveiopmCH!. ;-ll1-U ...(.lnl1!tucnt Documents, If a u:.mdomioillOl or planned unll dl~Vt.:"k)pmcllt <br />rtdel' il <<:.xe-cut\!d by Borrower- .and n:-eon.ieJ together ....nth thh Deed 01 Tru~t, the ;;OV-cnan!5- ,J!1-d agreements 01 'iotli.:h litleI' <br />~h.aU be inco-rporalcd InfO and :shaH nmend and l:>upph:mem the coven;;tnls :Iud ~igreement$ ut lhis- Deed ol Trust -<IS if the rider <br />were a pan h('teoL <br />'1, Ptetecdon tiC Lemkr's See-utit,.. H Ht)(wwcr f<!lb to pcr-f(irm the ~ovennnts ~nJ agfccment~ (ontaim'J m thi5 <br />r~ of TrUSt, vf' a any action 'Of procee-UHlg I). i;ommc-nced which malcrl;-tUy ;tffecu Lc-nJc(~ mtcres! Ul. the Pro~ny. <br />incfudl-n,#. but not limited: to, -c-mi-nem dmn..a-in, in'Jiotvenc). {'ode enf0rcement, or nn'onge-rmmls (If proccedin~:i involving: a <br />ow.tupl Of de<:cde-nt. !hen Lender af l...!,..'tlder-s OPW)R. upun notlce to Borrower, mAY make 3uch a~1pcaran~C5. Jish\ln;e SItch <br />ttJ.,"'R$ :and btll.c s-U(,h a-ction as ~.!j n-cces.uf)' !t.) proh::-'C{ Lender\. ,meres:!. meJuding.. but not [Hntl.etl ft', disbw:\cment nl <br />tt'4tt;()ftJWe- 4.H-o-rncy'-s fea .and enlf)' ufX'u .the Proveny w n~~\;e rep-alt>;_ If t.~ndc-r 11..''4~llr\:ti mortgage insur~tnct as. ,\ <br />conOt_tiOft f!! maku11lhc loan $eCureU- by tna [)ee-d of Trust. BO(tOW-t'f sha:H pay {he premIUms requlrc~ w mtHIH~1itl ,)Heh <br />H'$i\ltanC-e m dcct wllt1 1l:ucb tunc- as the roqu-in:..rne:nt t"H' ,,~h H1Sllr:Jnce tc:rrmn:Uc\ PI ,Kcorditncc wI,h B(lrrowcJ's .a110 <br />L~'$ ,wfj~f:en .-8fftf'ne:nt Of applicable law, OOHOW(:f sh:dt pa~' the aUWUlH d' :<11 f'- <..\ngage Ifl'liUran,c premiums in dH: <br />""......... ~ oruler r-raanl'n :: !>e1'OC <br />J\P1 amon".. dabutted, by Lend<< lO this paragraph 7. \vith lI'Ht:{t:;,l thc-r"'~~)(L shall tle-corne :tddil1UflJl <br />1~lW'l.' (it Borrower ~utt)d hy th~~ O<<d ot Trust. Unless Rutrow-er :w_d l.encler agree to otl1(:( terms ~)t paymem. .',uch <br />.imutihi$ shalt tw fJ3yable, upt:)n norK.c ffl)n\ Le~f to tk'Jrfower fC'quMl'ng p:1ymcnl fh~r\","'L ~H1d shill! ht.:tl' HHerc"S1 trOIlJ !he <br />~- Qt d~~t a'l:-:lM Ata ".YAMe- f~QJ'n time' t\,1- Ifme f.~n u\Jhla-nding prJn~':If;'lli tlnder ~hc Note lm}e\S p~)'m~-ot ()f imCfC$1 <br />41 t\K:n- t:ate- ~ Dft-cmtr.ary to ap~ht:.bic hI". In whK:h eve:-nl, UKb amountJ sha-U hear mlltt\,'j:j at the highesl fille <br />~ ~r- ~lI:~h!t. lil.--w. NQ(mng coo~ained f-l"l tht$ iJ<tra:Jtapb 7 shaH H:-qUHC Lender 10 H'~cur nny C'~pense ~).r tnKc <br />...y-~. . <br />.. ~, t~ may t'll~:k~ ('1-' c-i'ly(l, to b~ ma,. reldj(~tl.bte entnh HfH>n ;lnd ih'f)e-l::'ilu-fi\ ,\fthe Propt;rty. tn,wi,__",,! <br />t'ba( L(~- ~ c.t.",-jJt)UOW-et no~~\:-;: prmr lO -..flY ;,\-".::-h m\~l}On trpc:qtYll1,ff: f.1:u{lf'U\bk -';iH~~ l4:.,;.-Jt::tO-f ft:-.t4-ttd i-(; Lendc-f-'~ <br />'_inlb" 1'_'>'. <br /> <br />r. <br /> <br />