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<br />9. Condemnation, The proc~-ed~ o.f ~ny ;!.w.ard 0,( claim (of'damages, direct or consequential, jn connection with a~y
<br />t~ondemnation Of-other 13kiug.ol the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby .assigned
<br />and shall be paid .10 Lender.
<br />In the evelll of a 10laltaking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secured bylhis Decdof Trust.
<br />wHh the excess, .if ",ny. paid to Borrower. In -.the ev.cnt of a partial- laking of the Property. unless- Borrower '_~n~ l;:.e.n~er
<br />GlherwlseaglDe in wriling, there shallb< applied 10 Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust suchproportion.oC Iheproceeds
<br />a.i. e'!ti.ltothatproportion which Ibe amounl of lhe sums 'eeured by this Deed of Trusl immediately prior to the date of
<br />laking bear. 10 Ihe hir marke, value of Ihe Property immediately prior 10 Ihe date of laking, withlhe balance of Ih.. proceeds
<br />paid.-to--Borrowe,.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by_Lender to Borrower that-thC'condemnor offers- IQ make
<br />an award-or ,-seuk q-daeim for damage!;, Borrower fails (0 r-cspo-nd to Lender within 30 days aJle:r the_ datc< such: ,rloticc:-"is
<br />mai4oo1 LMder is. authorized to_ coHect a.nd apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to_ restoration Of :-repair, o.f" _the
<br />Property or 10 the sums secured by lhis Dced of Tnrst.
<br />UnkC$s -Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing, nny s.uch :tpplic."'uion of proceeds to principal. shaU not- extend
<br />or postpone Ibedue date of the monthly inSlullmeolS referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or ehange the amount of
<br />such inltlUmcn-1s..
<br />Ht BOn-owtr Not Rdeuect Extension of (he time for payment or modification of amortization of the, sums secured
<br />oy -this Deed of Tru$t granted by Lender to any successor in i-ntcre~,t o~ Borrower sball not operate to reh:ase. in any manner,
<br />the liabHtiy of [he originaf Borr-o-wer ;.lnd Borrower's successo-rs n1 .nterest. Lender shall nOt, be required-, to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify .amortization of the- -sOnlS
<br />&(cur-ed by tbls Deed of Trusl bv ~-ason of any demand made by the Qrigina! Borr-ower- and Borrowerts su-c~ors- in interest.
<br />11. Forhumne~ by Lender Not a W:liver. Any (orbearance: b>' Lell,der In exerd$ing any right or remedy hereunder, -or
<br />,_\therwise "Worded by .ap-p!icab-le ~aw. sh;JU not be a waiver ()~ or preclude the exercise of any s.uch rig~t or remedy.
<br />The pt'-CiCurement of io$tlr:lnce or (he paYIl\~nl o.f l;u;cs -or other hens Of charges by Lender $hllU not be -a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the matur~ty of the indehtedness z,ccuted b)' this Deed of 'reus!.
<br />t2. a.elllt!-diui CunlUlafiv~. Ail ;cmcdtc$ prvvlticd it' this Decd of Trust i!re distinct and cumulative to any -other right
<br />Of re:nedy under (his Deed ot Tnnt or Jfforded by bw or c;'~lity" and may be ext:r-~ised concurrently. independently or
<br />succeuively~
<br />tJ. S,ucceaon and Am:m- Bound; Joint aDd Se-ye-rnl Uab-lUfy; C>>ptions.. '{'he covenants and agreements herein
<br />,",ont.;uncd 1haU bind, and the _nghu here.w,d~r 5haH inure to, (he rcspeetlve Su.-CC'C'~'i.:Sors llod assign-s of Lender and Borrower,
<br />sub~ct to the provBions of paragn,ph 17 hereof., AU cu-w:naotx- and agrccmcnt;i of Borrower sh.all be joint and severaL
<br />the ~,:s:ptlOn$ ::tnd headings o( lhc: p-;\r;l~taph.t 01 this Deed cd Truu .~rt for conVeou:nce only and are not to be used to
<br />mtetptet 'or define the pmviswM hereof.
<br />t4.. Xo~, E:llc_cpt f.or any n-O:ttCc t;'::'lulred iJtlde:r apphc~bk law to be. given in another ,manner, (a) -any notice to
<br />Horrower prov-uied for In thi!- Deed of -rru:s! .shaH be grven by matJing such nO(lCc by certified. malt nddresst'd to Borrower Ott
<br />the Propert)' I'\ddress or ~I ~udt ~'IMr :nldreu ;J.$ Bnrr(\wJ:-( may delignate. hy notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender sh.d! be i:r\'CfI h\' I:tr-un.ed nl341, return recetpt rcqu-t:~t-ed, 10 Lcndc_r's address sHucd herein or to
<br />'\-u!;h othcr addr-en as. Lender ;'rl>l)' dC11g0l!te: by nl;1t!ce to B~'rrowcr as pr0vldcd he,rein, Any notice proYtdcd for in this
<br />Deed ,jf Trull :s.haH be d-ee-med 10 ha'l:e been gtv::-f) tu Horn)wer nr tender when gIven In the manner designated herein.
<br />t5. tiftUona Drtd ()f Tnt:lf; Go\'uning Law; S-c'o'C'rabiUt),. Thl.. t..:lfm nf ~ked ,.)( trust .:ornbmc$ uniform covenants tor
<br />!l.1tiorull use and non...umfol"m covenant" With :imued Y;:lriatH1M by ju::u-da:-t.on to ctmstitutc: a uniform security instrument
<br />l.(wcring real propcny. Thn D~cd ...f Tm-'t.t ;;h;1H l~ g('l'.-erncd by the IJ\V f'f the luris-diction in which the Property is toeatcd,
<br />10 the C\'ent rruH any prv\',SltlQ .:>f "LAm.c d !:\l~ Deed ,:it Trmt (.\r ,he t~olC l'unl\.!:.-t\ \nth 3pplit':-.1ble law. such contlict shall
<br />H\'t lfTcc,{ other pr-oVI\!i;mnS .of t1m; :Jceo ,A L".:.t vf the i'~(lte which \"-;;'H ):t'n:-n effect wlthOl..lt the conflicting prOVision.
<br />;lnd to thi,. end the provi~on! fit the D-e~-d (It "fnJ\t ~nd the N0-te MC dccbrcd to be 5cvemble.
<br />16. Bo.rTOWtf's -CUP), Htir,'.s\\->;f :Oi,;!!1 t~c lil:.f<i'shcd .! ..:onformcd ~opy Hf tbe: Note tltld at thi$1}ct<J of Tru_";.(;,1t Ihe time-
<br />{)t ;;-:\c.cution iJf 3hcr !<<urOatH.1!l hen-::ol
<br />11. Tnllwlcr 01 the Propert}; A"umpfion. 11' n-ll ;W?' put! t'l t:\~ PiUPC:lY (-".1', an lnlcmst therein IS sold_ or tral!sfcrred
<br />hy tWrn.)wrr wltht't1t L.c.~def'" r-rlOf \\"Hkrt ;,,,-,!1\cnt. C...dUlJUiC [.~) ll';-C ,:reallt~n 01 ~ ben (.1' encumbrance :subordmate to
<br />1nn, D..."et! of Tru$.t, \ b) the (Jl:.:t{;v-n d ,\ ;'~tICt:.:I\~ muoeY ",~.(:utHf' ;IHcrc"i 1\'1 h\1u:'i..~t)Ol\.l :lprhance~;. } a tf:Josfcr bj' deVIse,
<br />,k3.li;:cn( {'It' by ,-\pculhofi of !;1W vp.'Jn th!! dc.un 'It::;, ,',0. (.:"!UIH <;}f {d} lhe ~~!,>J;!ll nf any leasehold intere:i( of three rears or less
<br />,(KH '-Ct\t;itrnnc An o-pt""a u:~ i'tm:'-i,~Si:. i wdcr m;l'f, .\( Ltntic.... ~~p-t1un. JC(J,l1~ ;lH lbc S,UlH~ .s.ccun:d P'; thiS DI.'X"d of _Trust 10 he
<br />AHille\,hatdy due and p;4y.ah!e 11..,nd:<"f :,hati II~VC ....;;;,iv-cd 'J:ut::h \~p-th-]n fn ~l~:u:k'f,:HC' d, pnnr \() lhe ~it: or tr.;u.1..\-tt;t', l.ender
<br />~fld !~ person 10 whom .~ P:fUj'lCHY 1:[. tu be ~t.;d. ,,-'f tDns.(,,~ned fead. ,~g.le~mefH n. writinf tbat I.h~ credit ot &uch :acrs-on
<br />~1. ~a.lt'4-1aCIO-fr tG Lender <in\} :he ji'def~t p.lr~bk on !h~. .'iLHl-i,;> :'.C'CUfCJ hv tlw. Or->:c Of Trvs-1 m1:U be ,al'sH(.h t:,.tc as
<br />I cooer sEwH req\.u:n 1f Lender ~.llv~d the uptHJn Iv ;),C~t.~kl;.tIC prOVH.leJ l;l :1'::,:> p;Jl.agraph 17~ ~~d. if nQffl;~\\'~'l_$~
<br />in .nlC'ru1 h;u c::\'Ct.'tl~~ j. wnHi:;n .u_~Ump!W!l ~tfeem('nt .'t{:..:t.pH!d \n Wl1tltl-g h~ 1. cndcr, lender $JUi.ll ttlea$e -lieno-wer- from
<br />:dl ohhg.nOM under dw. Deed ,)f Tn,,,,, and the Nuh:,
<br />Ii Lc-ndet" cxcn:-~~ s.U4'n ,',:-'11",,:1 10 ~c..:-der..ltc. l..-c-adcf './H!' tn:ui Bt)f! ,}'il:er !':,OUcc ,~t :h.:\.~elc-rll:tiof1 111 a,,'(;(,Jrdancc wilh
<br />pu,",graph 14 heno{ Such nOli.;:,", ~~aH p'v..~dc .i It<cflllJ -l.~! ;,ot k:-'i- than :hi U:l;).5 from .th~ date the noti~c IS mailed within
<br />wtuch trorrower U'llY pay the )um:\; ued.u-w due. f D~)HUWCf f;ub "-.1 pay :,.u~h !l:uflls pnor 10 the cxpmlUou of $uch period,
<br />Le:nc;kcr O\.y. wun-out Cunher t\otr.::e or JcmaaJ uu IWrr-i.)wcf. ;1tv:::J,.c .m} reme-uw:> permiueu hy p.ar3graph 18 hercor.
<br />
<br />NONAJNif'OJt.M COYl:.1otA-NlS !3on\.'i'~(Cf 3nd under lIuther '':''O\i~nam :in-a ;;.gil:;~ 4U; to!lows:
<br />
<br />18-. A<<mradon; Rt:mM~ t;xccpC: AI pI'OYided io pM#&mpb 17 h~rc:uf, tlpota Borrower's brca<'b of any (o\'enant or
<br />~I:r~t of Bofto...r in th" Ilffd of Trus.4, lndudin: t~ ~,:o""~natU$ to pay when due an)' !turns secured bl this Ueed
<br />o-f Tr1l$1.. l....ndcl' priot to >lH'C'kradon ~n.JI mad nOlke I{l Utlt1'"OWt'f lU fitO't'id<<i in para.:rapb 14 hereof spedfying: (1) the
<br />malt; {1) .... ktloa tl'quin:d l~) <"ute ,Ui.iJ bt-t-acb; (J) ;,'t datf' nut 1e\5 th>>n 3D da)'s from the date tbe 1l00tiu is <<nailed io
<br />BCU-l'QwC'f* by "'Web ,,"df brent'.. mu-cW ~ \'un:d; and (4) tbal bdure: to ,..un: .,;u('b brcarb un or hdol"e the dafe :s~dti~
<br />iu tilt' nulin' nay lnvll in a4:t'cknuton uf th-e M,lQtt, secured b)' thit I)~d of hU$1 nnd- fiat.:: of the: })ropert)'. The notice
<br />-;.haU r..na.e-f iAfotm u:'Ol'f&'"-t'f t>> tb-e ri&Ju If) ~ittstate aflu ul--eleration und (he right to br1nll 11 ~ourt action to ns-snt
<br />tbe- MU~...C'D<< of . dc-fau-1t f)r .iJ-ll) mhu dtfe-nw of S-OHuwet ta- aeukratiun and ule. If the bre-.c'b is nut cured
<br />un or brC.ore Ik date s.pcei:fied ill tht n()lkt'~ Ledet at Lender's option may dcd.;ut' aU of tbe SUhlS ~tl'urcd by this Deed
<br />(J Tnu:1 to -lie i~iatet)' due ao-d pay-.ili1~ u-ith.ou! fu-rlhef demand and may w\'okc: the- po.wer of snie and any other remedies
<br />P<'ftftitt.ed b, ap--pIk:a.bic ll\'l. l.emit-r -'!.haJj be entitled. tu l,:oU-td aU fc-uuuabk: c0b and cxpen.'ie,$ incurnd ill pUl"suiOR tIlt
<br />tf'Dlediti prU\'i4ri in t.ki$ par,qrapb 18, indudint* but not limited to, f~HOnabk attome.""~ rees~
<br />ff the powt'f oJ We is io"fiku_ Tru'ite<- ~haU fecCOf'd a nutice of dt"fauU in each CCtmfy in which th~ Propert)' or ~omc
<br />part lAc-reo{ k ioeated and sitaU mail C'op1u (;( svcll rt.Ottee in U\t'- manner pfuc-fibed by applicabl<< law !Q ROfTo\Vtf' INId to the
<br />ad)..,. pfiWM pt'b(ribed. b, Ap,nc-abk law, Aftt'l ibt' I"plie uf S\:h7k time u may ~ I~qu.ired by apphn;blt' 12:'t1-'. Tru.';,f~e shaH
<br />-lnt: pvbJk ftOli....... 'i.}f uk to the persons and in the mann!::r prt'$("ri-.be.d by .;pplicabJe J:aw. Trustee.. witbout demand (J-n
<br />8offo~-er" di..n sell tM Propc-ny Jll publiC' auctiun to tbe hi1::hes{ ufdde-f' OI-t she ti.me ii_nd pbu'e and under tht!: terms de!j~gnAteu
<br />in the- n~ a-f ~ in one ur nton': -p3fUk :and in such oro<:r as Tmst<< Ut3)" de-fermint'o Trnsh::e mu,)' postp.one s;\ie of .all
<br />ur aa, paft.':e-l of 1M _Pro-put} by publk untHHJU'tem-ent at Ha:- time and p'l;K'e of an}' prc"Jou~y sd-ledu'cd salt!. LcndC'r or
<br />lA'ndff'-j: ~_c: may fuU'("l\Jb:~ the Ft$pe.uy- u'! any ~-a-1t~
<br />\}~ tett-.' of pa.tuJClli ().f the- ptie-c bid. Trmle';r "baU ddi"tr l-tl the p.urd~a.w,.. Tru$tee's d~fi1 conv~)'ing; tile Propc,rt)'
<br />~ Tk ~itab ht th~ Tntst<<''$ d,,'~d ~h..U ~ pd.tna (at'it: c\-td-cm:-t,: o-f Ihe tmill of tb.c -st3tcmcni$ made lIu:reltl. Truste.e
<br />"kMt~ ~,.- "',"04:ff~& of d~ uk- lJ) th-t !'ollo\...,-t.tl5n-Ordu; fal ;0 aU n:MQnabJ'f' {'i}~~\ and -tt:peU:\h of !he s.ah:-.. Jndudina:. but
<br />..I U-mRK to" rtu$tff~ t<<:s: uf not m<<Jl't- man l'i.r1 ":--t", uf the 't:fQtl,'S ute pm:c. ft'a-....ooable- aHoruc"'$ f('e~ allu U}!z.b. of
<br />~~i- ('Ii).'o III $ltms l<<un.."<I b,. -tills Dew of l'nv..l. ;and h::} tbf" eXct'.!.s. if ;fUll to 'h~ per$on O-r p-~f!jUUS legally (f\tilted
<br />
<br />.,< B4<<n~t's R~bJ ftJ Rt-li1,*,~t. fi"'<I~llhstara,hn-g L;n-4cf'')> ,~c",'-;;kr~n, n ,;f the ~t!fn~ '-\-"n:n::f.1 l:y lrl\~ f),;t;"u i,f j fu:,-.l.
<br />rkw:t<.~,*n ~b~i hA-1I'c Hle rit~H !.w- h;:Jvc Ml~' p"H~c-cJi.n-g,'! hegun h)" Lender ~( -:n{dr~c lrm, D,~t.'d Tn..ui dt~"('Hlw\;{;J at
<br /><41,)" Ha~_ prmf t,e- the' :(:~rli('r {~, (/O::'';;\:( (~f h} tht, iHth d.llt !i..{~f()re the 'j-U.fC t~f the (;.1 'S.~lk l.:onLilHtd
<br />tnl~t\ t~('-.d ~,!'f Tn-${ ".f t,~n tlilly d ~ ~".".tti'tli:',r;.t Cf1fQftiil~ \hi'$; Octd uf j"r~l~l d SUili" wiu~h "''''tHdd
<br />tie t~ dtiC,,>JH4et:. thi-$ r.Joe:i::l;~ f.i lrml, lh\:: N-ntt ,',l;nd th_Ke'!. ;"~~'~iijlf!~ FfJtl.1ff,' i.'I.) ;t~.....ckr.Htun
<br />-j,~ Ilt~;:nn':,lft_f ":Uftlli ~'l!l bfi;:iX~hl;:~ l_:thcf tOV(tl~nt-~ ~H .1!trCI.,~mef~u. ik'Hr;wcl' ..rnl.;'lllH:-{j lfl (hi'- DCt"d
<br />r~)_~tl'_-,()W~.f V_..~~ ~H fGJ.~ln\llb.k H:~-U~ft'lJ LCfHlet amI T"H~ie~ Jf-, ~~nf~'-.ft ;;1& ;1':e MHl
<br />ih:~~,"_f ';.Uftl,.-mttd m *~~ [~d ~nd In Ler\:tk..\ <:"",4 TtHV,!'_~:', r('r.;t'~;u:t
<br />M~t,;~'~I,*", h~t 1mnf.-<SJ h} 't'.;J,1,:tn..b1lS: UlJn~.-f;, Llk.>':l
<br />t_l;'~~.tr~-w ~},1:Uf,._-t~;"t !-;~n ~yf t::J<:cu (,i ;r'i-t~!{4! 1:-'"" ;:"~"'pel:/ .::ld !krr_,~<."'.ef-',
<br />
<br />
<br />