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<br />I <br /> <br />"_'U';". <br /> <br />83- 00583f) <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />{)NrFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foHows: <br /> <br />1. Payment of Principal and Intenst. Borrower sh311 promptJy pay w~en due the principai o.l ~nd interest ,on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided In the Note. and the pnncJpal of and mterest <br />on any FUlure Advance$. secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the- day monthly instalimenls of prinCipal and irHcrest are payable under the !'late, until th7 Not~ i~ paid in fuJ~. <br />a sum (herein '"Funds") equal to one-twelfth uf the- yearly taxes and lissessmcnts which may aUatn pnorlty. over thIS <br />Deed of Trus-t, and ground rents 00 the Property. if any. plu!> one-twelfth of yearly premium instaHmcnts for hazard insurance, <br />plus one~twelfth of yearty premium Ulstallmenls for ,uortgage insurance, if any. aU as re3sonably estimated initially and from <br />thne to time by Lender on the basis of a:>sessments. and bills and rC.3sonable estimates Ihereof. <br />The Funds shall 'be held in :!n instit~lrion the deposits. or accounts of which are insured Of guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stale agency (in~htdi"g lender If Lender IS such an in.O;Uh:floo), Lender sh.all apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessm.ents. <br />lO,-unmcc premJUm~ and ground rcnt~. Lender may not chMge (or so ht")ldmg and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assC.'isments a.nd bills. unless. Lender pays Borr~wer interest on the Funds and applicable' law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borr0wcr and Lender may ;:lgrce In writing tit the time of execution of this <br />Deed of Trust that imerest en the Funds "hail be paId t(l Borrower, a.nd llnles~ su;:h agreement is made or applicable law <br />reqUires SUi:-h interest In be paid. i.ender shall m'l be requir:ed to pay Bon-(1Wer any intcrcsl Of earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />~hall gNe to B-ci.rrowcr. WilhoU1 charge, an annual ac::ount;ng of rhe Funds showtng credits and debirs to the Funds. Bnd the <br />purpose for which tkb-jt t-O the Fund~ \ViOlS made. The Funds are pledged liS additional security for the sums secured <br />hy thi$: Deed o( Trust. <br />If the amount of the Fnnd'S hdd hy Ltnd(~r, iogethcr with Ihe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates ~)( la.'u~s. a'i:icsunent'i, insurance premittms and ground rents. shall exceed the :Jmount required to pay said taxes, <br />3.$iS-eS$mcnts. insurance p(emium~ ~wd t;rounJ tcnt., a.... they Jail due. !iuch excess- !.haU be, .at Borrower's option, eirhcr <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower .or credited 11) l.h'1rw~It.t'r on monthly inslallmt:nl'i of Fund~. If the amount of the Funds <br />hcId by Lender !.hail OM he \uffident W p:iY (;J.h~'~. _ls'\e<.;.sments.. insurance prcmillm1 nnd ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower ~haH pay to Lender any amOUfH fH:..:cssarv ((; make up the deficiency withm 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to B.orrower req~tlng payment thereo!. <br />Upon p3ymcnt in ftdJ of all sums :'iccmed h~ {ilf\. Deed ni Tn.\<;1. I.ender shail prompl/~' refund fl.1- Borrower any Funds <br />held by LendcL If tinder paraRraph 18 hereot lhe- Propet1Y 1\ \i;old ('>r the Property is .othCn."'ISC acquired by Lender. Lender <br />;,hall apply, no hter than lmmc-diatcly poor h) the- ~.)!e "! the Propcrty or Its !n:qtll!>ltlon h~' Lender. any Fund!> held hy <br />Lender at the ~!mc of .applIcation IL'i: 11 credit aga1n~! The ...urn\- ~l.~cm-ed by thlS Deed of Trust. <br />3. Ap:ptic1arion of P"!'fIlUttt. Unlc-:;.s ~ppl1c.lhj~ Ln\. pnwJ ',-,,,- olherwlse. all paymcnf"i received by Lr:ndcr under the <br />NOIC: .:inti p-ua~raph-( i ~tI1d '1. here.,! $h:ll1 1--;: .lppi!ed b\ I ,.-nder t!rs! in payment (If .mKl\lnt'\. payahlc to Lender hy Borrower <br />under paragraph 2- hereof. :~tt It) tntereq p<t\ani[' I.m the- Note. :ljcn to Uie f\fm':-Ipal (If !he NOle. and then to inlcrcst and <br />pnnCt-p3! on any Future :\dv.:tncel <br />4, CbJU'l8: tie.. Rorrflwer \hall p,n- ;)11 Lnc'o. .n.'iC"-'1.mCf\-f<' "nd llthcr charg(::~, hne~ and impOSitions <luribut.ablc h' <br />!he Property which may ~u-am a pn0"flt" cv('[ tnl' Deed of Tru<;t. ~nd leasehold pa\'ments or ground rents, if any, in ihe <br />ma.nntr prO"o'tdcd under r.ara,l!tnph 2 hcrcd "f. It HOf paul 1:1 su\:h manner, tw ma1.1ng payment, when due, directly <br />(0 the p.i}'ee thercoL fu")tro-w~r s.haH pmmptJ\' !qf!H'!;h hl Lender ~1!l nnhl.."l''\ of rHnNtnr\ dne unde-r thi'l paragr3ph. and in the <br />evenl Bormwcr !>l<~.lil mai;e payment!ll, U~nr{'....~r "h;jH promptly filflll'\h ti) 'cmkr r('cC'lpts eVlllc-nclng slt\:h p:lVOlcnts. <br />Borrnwe:r shaH promptly di.schaq-c "Of 11('n ""'!lH...n ha.. rH'I('n,} ("'~'r thl~ DeeD .d 1 w~t. provJl1ed. that Borr\ :-.hallllUl he <br />tcqtmc:d 10 ,U\i:.h:rrgc an)' $ouch lien'\{} kmit x~ Bo;r,',w(.', \h:tll ::t~rt'c If! ~\fl!~nL~ In the payment (If the tlhllgJII(ln secured by <br />sUi;"h hen iO t\ nunnr:r ao:-e-pt3.bk to L-cndt'f. ~"!aL i\, ~\KKf L\;lh vnniest "\Kh hen n\". l'f ,h'Cend cnfl1rCi.'Tnel1t \,f su-.:::h heR In. <br />l-C8;li pr-tx-ecdmp \l.,hKh operate t J pn::\'f.."nl Pw e'1fnr~t'rner\t p( the h'H Of ~,-)rt(.'jttln: pt. (he f-'n~rcrty or any part thereof. <br />~" IIaz:ant IMUIlIAtT'. BOH~' ..n..'1il ;;"ccp :h(' HnprOY('nH:nt\ {\\)w c\:!,:m~ pr ncre-;tlh:-r ('!'ct.:tco (Ill lhc Propo::rly lI1surcd <br />"B-a1lll[ Iou b-y tire. hllz.a.u.h Hh,-bdt'd u'llhm !t-!..: krm 'i'\!t:nd~d ~l1""('r;lgc", Jnd \ulh ,-tlher h,ll<Hd.. :1'> I cndcr rna~ require <br />Oiud Hl such n-m...:n::nh and for "-tb.:h i'("fH~!i; :~', l i..'!h.k[ rn.n r~'4U1rt.:: pW\'fded. lh<-l.t [,~lHkf ~h;tillW{ requHc !h~l lhe amounf (11 <br />l-uch tQ.'f.a.gc- t"xe~_ed that :ttTH.:"Ufll c..f CO'YCfijg.:.: ro'-~Hl:rt'd !d 11;;1:1' th~ smn\ -:.-1.'>':Htcd t-.y !l"w. nt'~d d -r rtI~t <br />I'ht- imnrtlocC' ..:.'uncr ptt'"r\'1dHlt th~ Ifl\Uf,tr:\<; "h..t! he chown h) B';Hnl-wer ~llbJCi.:1 'p .WpH~\',-lJ h" ' provided. <br />that such :!ippru\';1i dun nN he: unf"C'a~onJihh' \\'1ti.1hdd All pfCtfUUm, on tnnn;:lncc i'\.qiloC's ~h311 he pauJ in (he manner <br />Ff'Ov:dcd. under par-aqa-pb : h!:'!"t"OI or, If Hot p.,1\d ..udl (tunner. t'\ BorruVo'l',r n:Hikln~ payment. ~\.hen due. l.hrectly to the <br />insurance. e&rTlIlf, <br />AU mSI.).[a-n~'C i-)-"",h-oc,. itr",J n."l~"".;th th,,-cpj loh.JI! r--~ tll j.:,n1'; lH:l..:cr>;ahh: l;f I coder Jnd "h.di j;h,:ludc ;, sLwdard mOr!g.lgl.~ <br />dause tIl fa,.,,! 01 ;lnd in rmm ai........e?fahl~ 1..:\ f (('J1:! 1 endCf ,-1)Jl! h ''t'e !he n.~ht (('1 opj>! the p,-,!tCIC'; ;lfld [hercoJ. <br />~nd Borrower ~haH phllI1-pth' fUftlis.h l.-' 1 cnd>:f -l'l rnH:'-\.!l.1 lW{t.;,,:... ;,ow.! i\H f>:<:e;pl.. d raId r~t:IntUm\, In the event \11' lov~. <br />80ffG\\'C.f shall giH: prompt n..:-tKc \0 the HhUL.llh.L' ~ ,ltllCf ..:nJ 1_t' 1 ~nd~r m;.l\ ma.kt: proof ur 1\.',.. Ii Ill'l made promptly <br />by Bom)wcr. <br />.. Unlcs~ Lc-ndcf and fl..l:m'll;n ;.jl~f"'I'$C .L~J~r ~,~ v.r:HnR. Hl\Ur.\fKC prf>u:cos ..h.lli ~ :1f'phcd !o 1(~\tufa!Wn or rcpalT pI <br />the ProV'Crt.. da-mag~J, prtn-ldccl \u>.n re~h\t;J;:l1..~n ,,.\f rq'.IH '''' ;..t1l1orn'I.:'flly !~':}"lbk ,\11d !h\' <;.-t:"unlV LIl :111'. Deed {]f Trust r... <br />n.."lt thereby lltlll-alred. If ~t~b ft'n~)laln:m ur !t'''r-a,.q '\ t'..i..>1h..\!h 1'c:I)I('k iH II the 7>....UHHy oi Ihl" Deed of hilSI \\-ould <br />be tmp.ureJ. the lns\Jr'ln,,;e priX~ds !>hall he .a~\~\l,C"d !;., !he sura, ",t:'l.:l,1t('-;j h\ ihn DJ.'c-d d 1 nnL wllh th~ t..~'-U:"'''. d ;lny. r:ud <br />to Uorro"'"cr H tlw Pn..'l-pr:ny i\ hy j-1(\fj .!'An, ,1, If B.)ff()\Acr :"-IIL\ hi f,-'sp'llnd f<1 I.ctll.h:r ,-,...(hm 10 d.ty<; i [11m Iht..' <br />da!c OOh.;c to; tt13tfCd hy r eOOef ~o Ilo-rHh\.e-f nU! 1n>;" !n"'-utOllv.;.'t;" \.tH,-cr n!h::r.. I..' "('!lie ;,1 ~ I.I.Hll (\,,11' !l\'i,UfMU.:t' hcndih. Lt'I\ <br />,,> authon.leu :~~ LoU~t and ;il.p-pi~' the UUll.!,lIll..'~ prud::t.."U,\ .t{ Lender\- I.'Pll~)11 cllhcr it' r......luCollil:>f1 or feral( of the PIOI}cI1) <br />m h;) the 1.Un'h )ll:\."~ned pv thiS Dcctl of Tn.:,{ <br />Unle5;l 1 endc:r <tOO U(\ff(Jwer Nht:rwIK .\g.r~c W \\ fllHl!t ;lny ~u,,;-h ..pph":~tfllm t'! pr\.'i:cl..~tb h\ p-t1i'\Clp.tJ ,hilll not c.\lend <br />~n j.X1:\.fponc the ti-Ut' d~!e t,'I the tn..mlhl~ m"IJilmenh :dCHC-J !d HI p>JfJ.grapb" 1 ,~Ilti : hereof "r {hangc the- ~mlounl ol <br />:mt;b mSlaHmertts. Jf ull1kr lS herC',-,: the PmJ-1<('rt~ l~ O'i(l..jwreo"'y l.t'oder....l11 !l~ht, tl!le .:lnO inlcre.\t of Ik.rrowcr <br />10 and to. :toy tra,urancC' J."'I.~KleS JH1j lfl ~HiJ k' lh~ rtt\-':t"e.J.:\ t!lCft..'I.)! fhuUlOg fti.'Hll d:1fil;lge l\.' the PW;lt:rty pratT In the ~;I;C <br />Of" .JC'lU>>.Hlf'fl UtaH P4\.1!. hi Lenoer hl the OIC"lll ,,1 th.~ 1!.lHn.. ~<.'"^.:urcU ny It}!" Dceli (l{ 1 n~l InHnedlat~Jy pnol' {I' '\ouch \;t1c Of <br />J.cquKthon. <br />6~ PrNer"\-atKm. and{'~ of Proptn) ~ Le~twkls; ('uudom-miuUbi; Planned t inil Ot.'\'eloplllcnb. B(l.rrO\....'~r <br />"hJ.H k.-t"C"t-~ Ih€ l).topcny In ~gx-.J rt"p~Hr .wJ sh,J:l; 11'''1 \..dl\-flHt \",j.'\lt..' peoH!l Imp~tHll\,"!l[ -l'f <!;.:!erhll'J1hm of the Pr(l.pert~ <br />,;>n4 s.~l ~Otnpj) With lht- pro'><.$-a.uh uf iti1) ie.Jsc ,f :tW.i Deed "f Tru\t ,'> ,)f1 <J h:~I~~hold Ii thl'; Deed of Trust \1> till <I unH Ul ~l <br />Co.nd..."m1lmUffi L~r <l pianhCd unit dcvdopment. n(ln,~WCr -.h;dj ~"Cdorm ..0 (It HOffl-nAtn', \~hJig,I!"m'$ undc!' the dediu;'\tmH <br />,,~t co-'~ieo--allh (reatms or guv't:n.1tn~ the (DnJ,, {;f pLmtletl unll, dc...-dorment the b\".b\I,-~ ;md rrguialt"'lh I.-t! the <br />coodornuuum \}f plmned tHld lkychJ';:. Oln-O ~(.lm:~ltue:H J.v..:umenh. If a ...:.:m...luminu.tOl or planned unit dc\"clnpmclll <br />;tdt:-r l". c.,-e.t:uted h}" HO-rroW1;':l anJ rC'i.'t,.rdcd 1t.),l.!(,"{~.tN WH'h tnl:' r~l:lJ d f nrst the l...',wcn.H1:.. ~f1-J .U;fCt"lllCIH\ vi" ':.lIell rider <br />S:!\,lU he tooorpoldtcrl .nlo ;lnd ~hail ~mt'nd and ")u-ppkmem [he- l,.P\'ct1anh anJ 7lgrttmt.~n!'J. iJl this Deed I'i Trn'}{ ;j~. If [he nder <br />.'ere il pui hereof. <br />7. ~tioa of l..eatkt', Sec;;urih'.. if Bnnl.l....c~. :'a,h h,l ;x:d~'frn the ...'Q\o;';!l3.lH:!. ;';,'1d ai!re-I.':fnt;n!') ....!n~a!ncd m Ihl... <br />r~ of TrutL Of d any 4CtlOf~ 01'" ;nK#;C,jl!lg I" ~\.l'lmlH.:n';-I.."d .wh-H:h :n~h~flOllly l.t:ft,:Ch'.. In!~H..~1 In :hc Propert\ <br />iociudm&. but n",t hmttai to, C$ifi<-m di;Hnaft1. in~uh~f1';). Gxh: cnh,rl,.~em-l.'!ll, or ;tcr;mg::meat\ ;.-'r pro.;:cedn1gs I!i\'\)l\'mg a <br />bankrupt Qt ~t. ~ht-n Le.nder at Le-ndc:--r'" t.lp~ion.. upon o""tl;:e hJ Borrowel', ma)< m~i." !l.w.:h :appcaran~('''i.,(' ~I.h,-,h <br />1>UftL$ .lI1:d t.:tlc ;.U~ aeCt~on as ~~ n~!y '-0 p;:.otc.u LcnJer'~ li1teri0t. lfl\.'ludlllg" ha no: ilf}l\teu 11.1, JlsoW\CmCnl 01 <br />fC<~fiable auo-rne:y'j; f~ -i!nd entry upon 1~ Propen\" j(. m..;le rep'lin If i,en(j~r fC'1UHt'd IlH..Hlg;-Jgc m.'tUr<HKC .\'\ ,\ <br />..:ondUtOf\ of makmllM k'HIo iecU"e4 f1.y rh\!o D~ of Tru)'l. Jwnuwcr ...h~lI Pity the pn::liHutn:t re4ulrcJ t{~ m;llflfaln ,"\ll:h <br />ifU;U.(.m~ In etfc~:t unlit- ..uch time ;1..\ fhc ~\Jlrefnen{ h>f ,"u-ch H1!louraa.;.c reI l"l1lH~t~',. Hl .k\.J~rdanl~c wlIh Uorrower''i ;1Ih'l <br />t ~'i writl"tf't 'Itee-mert{ or apptk~blc. lAW. BOHQ\I<Cl ';.h~H pay lhc .tHl-ClmH 1.1 [ ,ali Ill-l..Hl~;.tgc In~ut anl'C prCflliUfll.\. III Ihe <br />-. Pft!"1<!ed ;:> 2 1-..,,,,,,( <br />MY 3mO\U\15 d~ by Le.ndct punuant w thf.~ p3f3gapn '7. with 111~cre-s1 !nereN'L ..hJfl N-\'":ornt~ addition:.1 <br />IW...kbtedntu of 90ftQWcr ~r-td by In... .Deed of TnuJ. Cnb~ O{)H'(\we-r ,HH.i Lender agree ll..l u-lhtr h.....rm!o t,)f p-Ol)'n1:C"r'tt. 1;.uch <br />anl:QtUtU shaH bt pay.b~ upon nl:':-Htct from t..ti\\.{~r hi Hr>lrowC"t' n:'~t:u"emn~ P..l)fr'll'rll therctlf. Jl!i-O :~h~il hear nlttrelt tn"m !ht' <br />d>>.t 01. dntwnttne:nt at the ",te p..:yab!e !rom fi~ in h~ ~m IHJhtiU1(hng ~~f1nt'lp.lj under :hi:' Nt"!1C lm:("\~ p<lymenl of lnt~n:!.j <br />~1 ~h nrtc _i'lukJ ~ (,tmuary to :&ppJt('"iIlbk- Jaw. In Whli:h .c"ent \t1\.'h ~H'fk~Ufl:I\ ..h-;11J b{'M tIHcr'C'lt :\1 the hifhe~t ralt: <br />~We uadc-~ .ppt~bk t~,_, NQlhiu. ~1-~nl~utl1tJ: H1 tlw. p;;snlfaph ~: ;haH iCQUIll;; L("nJe! 10 Int.'ur ,ltl)" e.\rcn~e or f3kt': <br />wy .,:tll'" i14J........ <br />I.- ~....... l,~:r tn.iI)' tl!\->>k~ (\3' {..\fit! It') bo.! m-Mk r~.,~'ma-bte -entw:;s tJpt)'n a-n-J im.J.-'<'\.:horn os tht" Propert", <br />;-hM L~ ,.n..U ".TC- n(in'~'c'r n(Ht,. J.\-f!'.ff to al'},y" Mi4'"h Hl:'.;~lkm $,pt',,~fyH11 feaWnjl:!J:e J;3U-~ tncft't.ol' 1diHlZiJ !i~ ~'~hi,'r'~ <br />t~~ ~n t~ r~h <br /> <br />L <br />