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<br />83- 005833
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<br />9. Condemnation. The pn:lr;eeds of ....fly award Oi clai;;; fo; damages, direct or con:eque!!tiaJ, jf! ~onnec(ion with any
<br />condern":~ :ion or other tating of the Property, or part lhereo~-. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />a~d shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of. 1.0101 taking 01 the Property, ,he proceeds shall he applied 10 the sums secured by this,D\:edof Trust.
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partral laking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shaH be applied to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust such proportion of the- proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date-of
<br />laking beaB 10 the fair market value of [he Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrow-cr, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offen to ma~e
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fatls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice IS
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to cot1ect and :.lpply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower othcl'\yise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone Ihe due dale of the monthly installments rctcrn:d to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />\uch installments.
<br />10. BoITOWt'T Not R~leawd. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lendt'r 10 aoy SUcces~{)r in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower :.lOd BO.Hower's SU':L'CSS(lrS in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedIngs ag:linst such successor or refuse to extend Im\e for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />~ecured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original HorrnwC'r and Horrower's s.ucccs,~ors in interest.
<br />11. ~or~araft(e by Len&r Not a \\1aivcr. Any forbearance bv Lender HI c.'l(ercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />othc:rwil;e atT.)cded by apphcahle law, ~hall not he' a ....':UIIl"f ('If o'r preclude the c~erci.se of any such right or remedy,
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of laxes or Nher liens ('Ir charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />fight (0 accelerate the maturity of the mdchledness- sCt:ured b\ this Deed of Trusl
<br />12.. Rem-t'dies (~umulati;'.. Ail remedies pro\ildcd In th;s Decd of Trust arc distinct and cumulative t? any other right
<br />or remedy ur-..der tbls Deed of Trust or afforded by !::tw ur equity, and may 0.J: ex.ercised concurrently, !ndependently or
<br />successively,
<br />13. Successon: and A~ns Bound: Joint and Seyer-II UabiJity: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />(ontained s.hall hind, and the nghts hereunder ~hJ.H HiUre 10. lhe respectlve successors and a_....signs of Lender and Borrower,
<br />mbject to the prOVfSiOns of paragraph 17 hereof All covenaniS and a[.:recments of Borrower shall he joint and several.
<br />Joe capllons ~nd headings of the paragr;lph.'i vf thl"- Deed \)( Trwa are for c\)n\'cOIcnce only ~lnd arc not to he used to
<br />lnterprCl or define the: proviSIOns hereof
<br />14. ~otice. Except tor ;toy notIce r.:qw;cd under o.\pphcablc Lr.1o' In h: !(l'lIen 10 another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provIded f-or in [hI-$. Deed of Trust ."haU be given hy maIling such fHHICC ny, certified mail addressed to Borr~wer at
<br />the Property Address or at such other 3ddrcs-s ..l5 Borrower may deslgnatc hy llQOCe to Lender as provided herem, and
<br />i,bJ an\-' notice in Lender 1haU be gl\'('n h'.' ..:cmtie-d m~lIl. rerurn receipt requc.'\!cd, to Lcnder"s ud~rcss stat,cd herein Of to
<br />')u~h other 3ddres~ as Lender n1:lY de:ugnate hv notice III Borrower ';1:' pmvldcd herem. Any notice provided for In t~is
<br />Deed of Tm~t .shall be deemed ie, have heen glvel1 W u\)(wwcr N lender .....hen gIven III the manner designated herem,
<br />t5~ U'lifomt Dud of Trust: Ga"crni~ Law; St"u:nhilif,-, n\l~ form of l.lccd of tru~t combmes uniform covenants for
<br />national use and nun-uniform Covenants wHh limited vanatlons by IUflsdlction In i.."omaitute a uniform security instrument
<br />..x.l....ering real property This Deed of Trust ).h~Jl he governed by the \iW 01 the IUflsdll;rion in whtch the Property is located,
<br />In the event that any pfO"'I~ion Of d.J.u)c u~ d1l"lo Deed ',)j rru:H or the Note connll':l~ with applicable law. st.lch conllict ,shall
<br />nol af(C\:;t vtner provr~JOnj 1.11 thiS Decd of {'rust ,'f the ~otc wtw:h can he g.lven dTe-ct Without the conllicung prOVision,
<br />and to thi"io end the rrovi~ltJns of ~hc Deed o! Trust O1H(i lhe Note ,1ft' dcclan:u h) he severable.
<br />16. Borr()wu.~ C()P)~ HOflo'ht'r "l>h~lil bt, !mm\hcu a Lonfotmcd ,op)' ol the Note and of this Deed of Trust ;H Ihe lime
<br />~lt e,\et:utlvn Of after rcconbhon herctJf
<br />17. TraDlfer of the Propeort}; Assumption. if all ur ,m)' p.u-l of th~ Prt'lpt'fl)- llr an interes.t therelll is sold or (ransJerrcd
<br />by Borfl.)wer Without Lender's- p-tIOf written ;':1-'li\cnL C\,dud:ng i.if lhc Io.'!t:allon of a hen ur encumbrance subordinate_ to
<br />llw. Deed of Trust, ,b) the creation I'll a pun.:!!.....c PHJnCY "c~UIlI.,.. lHh:rc$t tor hOtt;'oochold ilpp.hanc~, t c} ~ lriln~ief by deVise,
<br />..It:')~enl or b)' operation of jaw upon the: d-~.ath ,11 ;1 ;>lltH h:n.:uIll'f ii,iJ lhe f.:liwt of ;111) ieasehofd interest uf thtt..--c year!! or less
<br />llot cont.unmS an ophon h) pun.:h:.lsc, 1 enJel il!.!) _ .it l_cmic{ ~ OpltOli, dcd~fC .~l! the SUlllS :.t:l;urcJ by I'll~ Deco of Trust to he
<br />Immediately due- and payable_ I enticf shOjI( fU_\O: v...!!\-'ed \-U1.:f; ophnn h' d..:...:o:h.'1iHe d, prior tt) ~hc sale or lran$.{c-r, Len~r
<br />and the per$U1l to whom lhe Prope-ily IS- io ~ ",-,id Of trall'Sicnc\,l ft'.\l;:h ;lgrC\:IHCOI ill wTiting that the l.;redH of such-person
<br />I" S-ahSla.;;tOry to l.ernkr and rha! the IlHC-h::,,1 p~)-abk Io.;H the ~um\, :-..;-.:urcJ hy (hI" Deed of Trust shan -be at ~ud) r-41c as
<br />Lender ~hal1.el-tuQ{ If Lendc!" h4) 'A OlfYeJ [,'lC opti..m h. <11....ci~r.dic ph)\'IJeJ In thl'" paro;sraph 17. and jf. Borrower's s.Ucce.Ssor
<br />lfl Interest ha~ c.\c...:ute,j ~ ....lIUen .lssumptoun ..grcelH~ii( a1..t.:<!pfN lfl WI J(Hlg hy L(:ndcf. I. ender shall rele;:lsc Borrower from
<br />~lJ obligations under this, Deed (}f Tru~l and the ~utc::
<br />If Lender cx.er~l~ SlKh l'pth,Hl {<J .h.:...:dl"r;Jh;", IXflJcf ~h,l.ii :n,UI Borhl-.\t:J !wtll';t' ,,)[ .h"lt,-jclil.tlon 11\ ;l~(;..)rdanc~ wilh
<br />p.uagraph i" hereof- Such nvll~c :.hall piv'o'h.k ..l. perllJ-,-i oj !hH k~", (han 1(1 lLIJ~ !rom [he date the notH':C i~ maiicd Within
<br />\It'hich 80rHJWer may pay the SUIW, de-dared Jut:. If Borrowef (.His Iu pii\ ...u~h Ml-mS- pllur to Ihe c,xplraoon ot such period,
<br />Lender ma)'. \\.ilhuut lurth<( fh_ltK\i ~,( ..km.uH.l. .,)11 U..Hhl.....er, lli'h)\-"O: ;J.f1j ri.:fl\t:Jlc30 pt.::lmitleJ by par.,graph 18 hereof.
<br />~(}N.UN.tt-OkM ('OYf..NM',f:'j._ B('I(fow.;r ..oJ Lt'flJCI tunnct \.-O\-'l:'ll.lnt ,1od ;'!pt:C;j~ follows.
<br />18, An.:c:luation; Rrmedie}r.. E:\cep. ibo ptovitkd in par4l&nph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of an)' co..enanl or
<br />"'a;,-nmcul of Burro"cr in this l~cd of Trust, induding the ,:oHm.lOb to pu! \'\-hen due an, sums t.c4'ured by lhi!. lleed
<br />or Tru~l, l.<uder p.r.or h) ll(:cderati\ln ..haJl mail nOli,e 10 Bouo\\l"r as pro,ided in paraKraph 14 hereof spedfyine.: (1) the
<br />br-:....:tt; (.Z) the .,'Iion J"c4fuircd to CUfl;" ",u~h brc..".h; LH lit d~h:-. nol Jes,', thall .10 da;" from the dale the no lice is mailed to
<br />8Ufro",C'r, by whkh ~u.:b brc~'h fU~ hi: (-urt'u; ;ilnd ~4) lhat failure (u nut ..ui:h breach on or before the date specified
<br />in tbe R-4itiu- nta) n;sult in :!o.:dcratioll of Ihe .'J,UUb 3.el.:uh-d b~ fhi", need uf Tru~t and ~e of the Prupcrl)'. The- llulit:e
<br />\haU furtht-r inform BOf'fa\\cr or Ih~ ri.ghi to rCllu,tate ..hcf a(."t:c1endion and the right 10 b-ring a court ~h:liou to :!$Sert
<br />lhe non-('xiMen<:e of .a ddaull ur am olher dd~n-~e- uf Bonu,",,"f It) a-(\.'derOltion and ~ale. If lhr breach b nof \.'urcd
<br />ou or ~iort the dale ;:pC:t.:lftrd in Iht ~otin. Lender ~t Lender's option maJ dedal"c aU of the llUIl1!1 ~ecured b) this Dnd
<br />of Trust tu be- tmlnedialel} due and pa)'ab1e without furfh.:r dc-mand and liUlj inl'okc th~ power of sale and an) olher remedi('~
<br />p~fn..iUed b} appli~ablt la",. Lender s:hall be cntitlc:d fo .:uUe('t aU reasonable t'Qsb 3tld nprll.!ie~ iUl'urred in pun.;uing the
<br />r~mc~jcs prolWed in Ibis pa'~r~pb ,g, indudin~. bUf not lilUit~d IH, F't'a",ollahle at1Qnlc,)"s fees,
<br />If the- pOlln:r of Wile h: io\-ukcd. TCUo)ltc shaH fc-t:ord a nofi..:c of default in cat'h count)' in \~bicb the Prope.rly ur sUUle
<br />p-at1 tbt'fC'of is kK:att11 Olnd -shall mail copies of ~U-("h notice in Ih€' manot'r pnst:ribed b)' applicable Jaw to Borrower and fo the
<br />other ~C'SOns' p<<-iuibtd 1>-) applic;ible law. After the la~ Qf \u..:h time 3\ mal be r\:qujr~d b)' applkable la\\-. Tru~((..c !thaIl
<br />Ki"\'t' public notice of Air 10 tlk pt'f50lb and in the maput.r prc"t.ribed h) applintble 111\\_ Trustee, wifhout demand on
<br />Rouou.tr, shall ~en the- Pfl.lPC-r1l a.t publii: :lUl'lion to the higbc')t bidder ut tnt time and plan. and under Ihe term!) des.ign~teti
<br />in 1M noUn of we in ont or more pands .and in :3uda uf"der 3!'t Trustee ma) drtt'rmin..... "ru~tec may ro~tpun~ sale of all
<br />Q-f" an} parC"tl of the Prope:rt)' b} public :.lIUlUUfl\:t'ment lit the lime: and pb<:e of an)" pre\"iouslJ" scheduled .\owe. It'nucr or
<br />L~nd~-r's des4r,UC( may purthaa~ the ProlH:rfJ at (lPJ sale,
<br />VpQ-l\ rtt'C'ipt of pa,'mftut of tht' prlt"f' bid. Tf"U~If'~ ..haU J.rlh~r 10 the pUrdl""C( Tr"'"h'('.", d~".d ..'onH)iug tht' I)ropcri)
<br />M)W. Tht' redtals in 1M TrUM-ft"s deed r;;naU be- prima fade e\idrn,,'C' (If Ih~ fruth ()( Ihe stalc-menfs mad€' therein, Trush..c
<br />m.:a.l1 .ppt) tb~ pro<-eeds or th( ~tc in lilt' fnnuwing~91.dcr; (a) to aU rea.-,;ollllblc t:woh- aud upt"n.\e.,; of the sale, including, but
<br />nqt UmlffiJ tu, Tru5.~t'.S fces of not mort" than '''_H ~!' of the gross salt- priec-. fca'touabJe attorney's f<<.'~ and ..:osls of
<br />lid.. e,'idtl-J('t'; (b) to all i;unl$ u'cured b)' th*~ [)t~d of l'ru_st; and (t) the uu."\s. jf an), to Iht p~f'M);n or pe~ons Ic~aU) entitled
<br />'''''...10.
<br />19. Buu"\\rr's Right to- Rdustalt. !\;OH\Jlh:i.tJ.ndlflg Lt'otkr',\ :H;Io.'elcr;J!"1 ,11 lht: ,Wll\ v;.., !,IH;;d bj :ill" Deed Il! '!li't
<br />BOHO\lo'Cr \h.a.U h~i'~ the fight tp have ,111~ p-hl<l't>.hrog" heg.un hy l.t.nder ~ cnfmu' [hi" fx-eJ of Tfd....i di':i'-"'f:tHlued ~!:
<br />:H1Y ~Hnt. pHn( lO lhe C'-J.d_,(t h) n":~lll oJ (I) the fifth da> b(~f\HC Ihc ..ale ()f the Pfupaty punu;lI.t 10 rht: i"mn t,( U!L' l.,unlallw,J
<br />ihn. Deed (if Ttwa or !Id ef'litrj" nf :t jlulglHcnt en{ol;:.'tng lhl\ [)~~d 1,)[ Tnnt If [;1) !lOr!tH"C'i t cH..h:r .d~ ~tllll\ ,-,hl;;:h y.'!ldd
<br />then u-ue IIndef lhl'l- D,"~d tJf rt\hl, lhe NDte ;lnJ ,'tote.. 'i:."-('IHlHg FUl<..lfe :\Jv,ln";I:\,!!' .1:-1:. _h(d\'I,dll1f! ,_~('.-wlc~i
<br />tk,(f\lw,'r {"{Ife\- ,~Jl r..rc.s.;;-he::. ,..1 ..HI)' "thet l'ff':tenanI) ,I( <4grcl:'m1."Dh ,;1 U..Hr,'Wt;)" ,',~nt~H-'H'd ."1 :hi~ !1-ecd "f 'j rt!'<
<br />Bvrre14-;;'f P"!:_Y" .al! rC~\'()A~h-t(: t JlltUHt:J hy t,t'IHier .wd 'r1'\!~k~, m <:-nL\I"lfl!) JI:c '\,',\;.;nh ;lll,l a~ln He;",,,
<br />hN~er_ i~~;I~t:~_:~~tH;H:~;~fl:~~d t." n;.I~f~ni~~~ll~ ~:['!i_;.l~l;_~r,~l~'t~~: (dl ~~':~_r:l;:~,,;t~;~:~\,_~ ~~!,li':'i~l~l.~ :., 1.',1: l' ~~;~:~~,,:i~ p,jraf;
<br />1{'~1..iirt: tn ..H.\U";~ th.ilt lh,;; hen ,d thn DI:~d of rtll~l. I ~ndcr''i :n1tr,,:'~l ,;1 rh( Pr...lfX;"\ '-..1 B. '.'l,;i.";', ','lj,!,~.1(;,"~
<br />