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<br />83- 005833
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender COVenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Intrrest. Borrower shall prompUv pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness ~\'-idenc~d by the Note, prepayment aild latc chargt." as provided in the Note. and Ihe principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advanc-~ secured bv this Deed of T niSi.
<br />2~ Femds for Tues aJMI'lnsuraBC'f. Subject to applicable taw or to a wriUe:n waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender Or'! {he day monthly jn~tanmenf~ of principal ~md interest are p.iyat"1fe lJOdcr the Note, unlil the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein .'Funds"') equal to one"twelfth of the yearly taxes and assCS'Iments which may uttain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on- the Property. if .a~lY, plus (toe-lwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yeuJy premium iitlitaHments fOJ I1lortgage insurance. jf .my, .111 a$ reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />dme to time hy Lender on the ba~js- of assessments i.lnd bills .and reasonable estimates therenf,
<br />The Funds shall be held in a:1 institution fhe depo:,>tt.. or accounts of whIch arc insHred or guar:mtecd by a Federal- or
<br />state- agency (mcluding Lender if Lender is. .;uch an ins.fittltion}, Lender 'ihall apply the Funds (0 pay said taxes. assessments,
<br />in$urance premium:<i and ground rents, Lender mil}' nOi charge for so holding and applying lhe Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or venfying and c()mpiting said a~~mcnt~ and hilh, 1tnlc-"" l.ender pays BOfrO\\tcr infCres! on the Funds and applicable -law
<br />permrt5 Lender to make $-lIch <l chMge BOrn)WCT :wd I.ender mil\" ,agree in wrilinf( at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Tru'Sl that inte~st 00 th~ Fund~ ..haH bc paId w Borrower. and unles:; such agreement is made or applicable Jaw
<br />requires i\l\:h inl-c:-refil to he pa.id. Lender shall .1I..!( be reqUired to PiilY Rorrower <IllY ill!crcr.{ or c;unings on the Funds. lender
<br />'\hall give 10 BorH'.lwe-r. \\'rtho\Jt tharge" an annual ilc"o-tlntmg of the Funds "hQwing credifs and debits to the Funds and the
<br />pu.rpose for which each debi~ UJ the Fund.. W;l~ l'ltadc. <The- Funds are rled~ed as additional securitY f-Or the sums secured
<br />bv 'this Deed of Trust
<br />~ If the amo-unt of the Funds held bv lender, h~gcfher with the filwrc monthly im.tallments of Funds payable prior to-
<br />fhe due dall:s of la'C'S_ ai,.~~smf'nt\. 1Il1',HritflCe pn."-minm, ;wd ground rent~. ..hall exceed [he amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />;~~\:mcnt';, !n~Uran..'e pie-mmms and gf()und rt:'fH... ,:;;, thc\' r,dl due, <,Hch e,'\ces..~ shali he. al Borrower's option, either
<br />promprly repaId to1 Born""t-wer <.If ,--rcdi!cd to H~Hmwt'r ('on monthly ins!aBmcnt~ of Funds_ If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender ...hall rH.lt he "tUll-c:enl !_,-\ ru\" !;n~.. ~...-q~"\-sme-l1t~_ m"uran~-c premiums ",nd ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower thall pay t-o Lender ;mv .amount !lt~(-{''''''dry h\ make I.Jp the ddiclcnc..' Vi/thin 30 day.. from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower rc-quei:tlUg payment thereof
<br />Upon p3~m(~nt in fHI! {'( .:lIl $ums :l;C:~:lln:d n\ Cl~S DI..~cd ~)f Tru:'iI, Lender :;.nal! promptly rdund to Bormwcr any Funds
<br />held by Lender it url-dt'r par.agnlph lS hereN !h..' Prnp-e-nv !"; "D-ld Of the ProperlY ~'\ olherwl'\C: 3c4uired by Lender. Lender
<br />,hall apply_ no later than immediately pnC'f !i' H);;, '..de Ht :he ProperlY nr i!!. ;}.,:qHlSltlon t.~' Lender. Jny hmd~ held hy
<br />Lende.r a.t the tl~ of application 3'; a aerlH 3g.am~~ the ~um;;; ..ecurc:-d by lim, Deed ot Trust.
<br />3. Applkafion of Pa_ymt.tub.. t.'ltll:''i.'': .lPP1K,it'lk b<~ prtl\'Hk-:. ,-'lhcrwlsc. all r'-'ymC111~ received by Lender under the
<br />~{lte :tfld pi1ra8r3~h... I :md 2 hereot !ih;i.ll be .apphc-d !h i cn-cte-r fir'-;! in r<lvrncnt of .ltlWlJnts paY3bk to Lender hy Borrower
<br />,!JNkr paragnph .... hereof. then tf-' mtere...! p.!-Y;lbk on 0)(" Note. \:'~n it' !h..: pnlKlpa! \"f Inc Note. :llld then to inlerest and
<br />pnnopal un any Future .-\dvances
<br />4. Ch-.u; L-i'lms. ROHPwcr >;hall pav ;111 LIXC\. ,1 ';_H-:,,-s.me-r.F. ~nh~ ,'>lht'r d1l'lrgCt;. fines and :mpo-silions. ~lTIrlhutabjc w
<br />the Ptopen'!' \,'<hich may ;lUam a pnofltv 'olVer ,hl" DC'..::d ,'I TrLlst. and lea.sehold p;iymenUJ or ground rents, if any. in the
<br />:nac.nc-r prtwkied und-e-r para~raph 2 hCH:ot I~l. :i" ~lnt p:.1Hj l!l 'Hl(-!"l manner, b\: B\}rrpwcr makmg payment, when due. dircctly
<br />10 the p..yee tneref.,t, B-orrcwrr ~,haH prOmptl.. !;;:n:..h f ..oder ;111 He-tlce,> l,f amount.., dUl' under rhis raragraph, J.nd in the
<br />event B-ounwt:t" lhilH m~i.t: piJ,,'menl Jacrll\'. Bf'rl\)\q~r ~h:ll! pmmp!ly l'ulH\h !" 1 ~ndC'r rc("t:lpts eVHknCHlj; such payments.
<br />Horrower ~a.il promptty dn.;,Juu~e any !ICtl ,.\hl..h -1-;;.\ ~>:'lOfll:~ P'iCf :hl';. lkcd pj 1 ~ ll\t. I~ro"'id~d. thai Bl'rrowcr sh;J11 llN he
<br />leqmred to ths.dl3rgc any 'HKh hen '':.{; i,m~ ;1' fk'fftnli'cr ..hi-tit a~ft,~\- !l~ \\fl!m~ 1<' !h~ p.lymCI1t (If the l.-'bhg~llllln secured by
<br />,uch biC"o In a nl;"nncr iii,:..'t:pLlo!e i" ! t.'nder. I'r ~f;;jii II' ~('t'R.j Lutl! u~n;c\t \\1,.11 hen 1"\' I'~ ,h:h:nd enltHrcment (\f 'i\i..:h he-Il !O
<br />lqnd pl(,-~ffiH!J~~ \\ht:;,:h "pc'-f4tC' ;,1 :1H'Yt'IH t.~<: !.-";"!:..~mt'r;; ,'! The den "f L'rkIlUft' \,f lhe Prnr'crt\' Pf ;Un' P;HI the-rent
<br />5, U.~ I~, BUH,-"."":- <h;ti, L_<>.:p '!l~' .mpf<'\C"lllenl.. P,p"" C"\;"-d,n", \,'! huelller ".ft-(:h,,"d ,-If! lhe l'rnp.:rtr Il\suft'd
<br />;;~<tm'\l k'15 r-v fire ~':l!,1lr(h j"Klud~-:-u \,;!h;;-: ";''; ;.\:';l1d",d "n.! "~h.h i'lh-;:-r h.lr;lrd" :1", J clH.h.'r ma\' rcq\llfe
<br />;'I,jl('j!O ~m,:h <l-rnpiH,b J.nd f":'f 'l,th.-i; pt:"r~'_f\~" .,- 1 ".',T; 1)10,1" l'~'-,lIJ,;t il1':lt I Clldc! ..It,dl n('{ r("qUlr..: lhat tll~ l.irnOHfll l'l
<br />:'<tKn (\.w-erag..:- e:\.{c~d ~~ai ,HHil\mJ ,"'e\,\,,~ ;,..:~j f,' ;~J\ t~1l" 1o-\1l1", \,:"tl~t"d h\ l!H\ Pe-eo t't I I'll'"
<br />lhlO Hl~Ur.':.ll.."t. !.:..t!O<;f I'H!,'~:d!:tt tht" H'-.W ~h;t!l t~~ ..!h'~C!' !->-, ji,)f"fr,n"Cf ~,'h~t'~t ",IPPlt,h.d bv 1..'ndt:1 (HOVtdcd
<br />that :5Ucll aprn"n(.:i~ ~haB ~\-{l! ~-<" U;11ea..,t'rt,Ifli) ..... ilhht'!.j VI ;'tCr1HllB\\ ,)1, !n;'lIrMI...~e p..'II(lC_'> ~h;tll h' P:l!J IJ~ the manner
<br />rr()\'ltle:d unJct p.iHagfaph.~ ~lt'!~--'; Vt", ~! ',,,), F-i,<J ',: ~,li.,h 'n.&l!tl~l, h g,.nr,!...n:'f !llilt;.Wg p:ly:m~rH. \'.-hen dul:', ~l:rcctiy 10 the
<br />IU$UUl\\;e ........rner.
<br />:\H IflS;ur3:th,;(' p-ohr. l~':,> ,>ntj i-e~c-,,",!i~ :!'in,_',', ~'\2 11, h': nl ,lh', q'\.lhlt: I,' Lt'IHk: ,Hal ...h.1H Hh:iudc .1 SI:tlhL-Hd IllOrlg<t~-r.'
<br />dauM: In hr.-'Of 01 and III ('{i"T1 ,k..-.:-pr.!l"jC h> i (-,-_,k'; ! ...'P<kf '"_1l.."lf, h~nl;' 1ht.: ,>~:ht (" J'H'lhi the P~'~h':H'" ;ltlU r(;m:....:ll... Iherc~)l.
<br />and BOHOW-f:f ",haU rr""j't\p-~ly :;.lfn!J,h ~d l_('f.dc ,;; ,n';;"",~\: '-"_ltl,n ..uhi ,dllt'",''-'Pi'l ,I: p"al pa'!tllt..llln In lill: C\l..~n{ pt 10......
<br />B-oiTOWCT ~haU tl'o-c f'hml~H nuu~.~ t,~ nlC' ''!HH...l:\'';-... ~,,!r"C-1 ,<!Hi I I..'fhf.:" ! l..';nk_l tn,l\ fll.t}..(,' pt\,,,,{ vI 11..1"'" II nnl iliadc prOlnplly
<br />!:>,Borro.....,
<br />UllkiS. Lender ';HIJ ik~!Il'''''~{ ..!h{'I"',_....' d~i;:\ fi ":1t;l'g, '1\'..Hijl',,{: ;.".....c!.'"ii, "h.:ii be ..lj'P:IUJ 1(\ /l'.,h1fa{IOII 01 fep.J1f oj
<br />~h-e Projxny l.Lm-.dft>;"u. pt~'''H.kd -..t.<<,:h j,"~l.--'r.dl\"'; >Ii rt~\-'o.!I.f ", C-..d1Ujjl;":.jj;~ lc..!)J!,jc .1'-1d (frt' \{'\iCflly 01 !h:... Dc('d pI T[ll'it !\
<br />not lhc.tcb~ Inlf'<l;il..~J I! \u..-h r.;~klld.ll,-;n \_,; H:p,i,! ,... ~,"\ (~"f\,.'t!lI.<:aH\' kil-"llIh.c ~H d :ht' W-..:tHdy "I thl<; Dc\'d of I rll~t wl..)ldd
<br />~ :m~ueJ-. 1M ;lhUfd,h,:C Pf..-':'l.'('"tl\ ,h.tll Pe ;lPi"h(,: It, Ih..: ~d!H" ~':\.,",l:J hy Ilw. I ked or I nISI!, wHn the C\LC~~"', If an}. p,:llll
<br />:,,) llorrow~l If 'h< Prnren~ ' .ih:!..i.J:('-H;;,i h\ n,.nl~'v.;:l. d fJOfhl\,..~t l,lll~ Ii.! lc~pnih:ll;.! L .:nJ,:;- ,..,:hm _\0 d.t~... from the
<br />d:u" nO(f("(: h nuukd by 1 t'rH.lCf 1t.1 Hn_n~l""". 1;",; I'l;: P:1\u,.thu; ....:Ha.-r ~lift':l"- ;.. ..(~ltk ,l "i.llm ;pr nl"~;ld:h.-t' b~m:fil'i. 1 e-ndcr
<br />i" .:.1utnor:zed to \.'olled ..ud J.ppiy the ln~Ul.Hl"C ~'!""~cu" ..! I t'r:dc(o; "pHon either i,) ft.:\i(lf.H!on or rcp.1I1 of rhc Propert)
<br />l~f 10 the $UOh ~;.:.l,ired b,' 011". Deed llf t ru..t
<br />Unk-u l.c:.Jcr ;.H~J BoUI.,}'-CI olhen\otx ..\!-:,t.:\' ':" ',,"'lllllf:. ,~n! ~u~h .1ppIKdlh'll \\: rf,",""",:cl.-h l<l pruh,:lpal :'-ihall Ot)l e.\lcnJ
<br />or p'1S,lpfHlt the due J.HC ....{ .he llh)rilhjy ,H":.l!;mt:il!:" ,-~:CHetj !0 111 p~ftiigr~l'h'i I ..Ifld ,~ herevl or ..::h;;lIlgl: lhe am..mot \~l
<br />"iUt.:-h Ul~l"nnteub. if under pat.ilS-ftllph i;-; hcre.,j the Pwp'Cl'l~ i\ .J.,-~ullcd t-.v Lendtr. .-ill n~~f1t, lltle anJ InlCI'C.':I-t 01 Borrnwer
<br />In ;U1-U to any m~uum;c P'~.'lhi.:le6o anJ ;n ..HlJ I"~ ~h,,-. rh,<,,-ced), !h~"h:~)l re..u!twg 11 ~Hll U;JI1\.tg.;: .0 the PropeH)' poor to the s.lk
<br />,.J[ a"_tlUi"llioH ::.h.all l).;1h to Lender hl the ntc:ut d !h~ :>um'). .\,;(urcJ b} tt\1r. D;:;:ed 01 -1 rust lInmc"hatd~ prior 10. 7'>u..::h !<ale \11
<br />aC'4u.isihon.
<br />,. PreM-natioa .ad ~nc~ of Prupc:rt)-; Lf;~hol~; Condomaniums-; Planned t'n;t Unelopme-nts. Born\\lwc/
<br />...hall iH:CP!~ Prop<:ft)" ill g(.....~_rq~H .md 'ih~d ,,-....1 ....p~rHl\d ""G:'I.I..' l', p-<.'.lII!t llHp;WiHnt, l'r ..kicflOr..i1lOn n-I the PrOpetlY
<br />Mld shaH cornpl) ___th tbe pfO\'t5ii)nl ~lf an)' It:.a:o...:: d ~hr~. iXt-J of I Hat h on a 1l.:J-\chokl. It dm; Dct:-J \)f TruH i!to ~'II J. unl! III ,I
<br />,onOOn-lltl-lU-ffi or .J. p!annN unit devt:lnprnenl. B~Jrrl,,'wl:::r s.haH p~.."d{)fm .Iil n! B(lrrl)'<\I,':(", L)hligation) ullder lhc oecl.tr.H,\.H1
<br />pf co\!enanb creating (..r gvvern:nJ the ;.',mJ-\.1-HlHhUm 1.\f planned ,;nIt dcvelopmcJH. {he !"-<y .l.lW~ ;HlU f1.':gul:Jllt)n~ pf Ih"
<br />t'ooOOmi.ni-um Of planned uon de~d.;)pm-el:lt, iil/U (\,~iutjH;eIH d",l<:umtn{~. II .., (,oflJ~--"miml1ll1 (1{ plaun~d till'l dc\-dppmcnl
<br />.ide! Ii- c"eculeJ hy BOH-llWer .and ret;urJeJ h'~eth~l" ~lth !t\!~ DeeJ I.,t lrusl. lhc ;'I..hul~mls and. agf'CenICIlh. ;)1 ,-;ul..:h nJer
<br />\.haU he rnc'Ofpunucd mto ancl '>hail .mend an.J SUpph:1l1JtIH the (v'.eo.mh ;J.nJ ;tgrecn\(::a[~ (~f lhis Oct'''' 01 TrulIl as- If the rider
<br />W'etc :t part hereof
<br />7~ PtohKUon at li04~t~-s S<<-uritJ. H lh.lfo'~..:-r {<ill', hl p-CC!0Wl the CD\;tl1ant'\ ,in\j a.J;:l'c.::rnent" (,<'>Oti-HlH:-U I!l lh."\
<br />DccU \:.~( TrusL ,Jr !f au} .J",UQfl .or ?f,J'CC-eJ.H1-; '-'" ,-pmw{',Kcd l.\ohich fn.1fC:l.tn) ..1 tl ct.: I:, l t-nd~r';, ;nlcte.\l III lh~ I'ropcrl}.
<br />JtKludin-L but not limited to. C'flUfi(:m dumain, ini:'..jvJ;-n~,,-, ,"-ode enfmCClnent. t"f J! Lmgc-menb lH pn:)l.~ecdm~, In\'olvtng n
<br />bankrupt ('If d<<c-d~~ilT then Lender at Lend~{\ vPIH,Hl. UJXIfi no(.o;e !u BOrlPWCT. frHt)' male !:.l.h.:h ~ppt;ar4nccs, J;\but\-c ~uch
<br />!-UU\$- I~ t.-li--.: lUd~ ;l.ctIOt\ _$ t~ n~CSUf} It} p-rotc....:~ Lt'nJer\ lnferc~t. :n..:luutr\g. \lUt rH.'! hrllHcd to, ui~btlr"\(-":'I'H;nt Ilf
<br />r'C<t*".f1:l'h!rl: aU-ofncy-'! fet'$ ;md entry lipon the Pr<;)p.!:rty h" m",i.e r~p.1in It I,enol'r It'4inicJ lliong3p: H1M1f;.,ni,:C ,r\ .I
<br />,-QOOjuvn Qf mating the lo-;lJl: se--l,,~uH,'d h-y r!-ils r~u ('If Trl1$f. Borrower 'ih:ln ray the pr\:fn;lIm~ rC{lHlrcd h, 111.),nL.w'l \1.\\.'11
<br />H\Il.W4-ncr- In t.f!ect unHJ ,1!.u<;o time <"t\ the r-~UirCnH:nl f,)f .it-w:h m,lli~tn-.:t:' te[iHlila\~, III ,l..;(...,!~lan;..:~' Wllh HOll.."\'C(.' .HH.1
<br />Lcodef~!- wriU-cu i1.gh~'eI'n(;nt Of appli('4hfe bw R(),f!\lwer ~h~H f-a} !he amuunl l'f ail HlI.)rt:;;J.gc ;tl\Ura,nl,;C pt;;mllW\,' H1 lh.:
<br />flH\nner pt-l,'f'f'idcd urnJ,er pa.t.l:&-fapfl :'! he.r(df.
<br />Any a-tJii)Unf$ d-tlb\.U'~ by Lt"llder PUr&.UOlfH !f' l~H\'~. r.r~l~:aph i, wilh ;!*_'fc~1 dl'Cnnn. \;J-m.1J h-:-r.:<..llHt' ;ldd,tlt)fl;:t!
<br />m~b--tmnQ.l of Do:n-owt-r jf~Htt!cl h)' thll, {)Ud N TnnJ _ t iH!C:'~Jj; B-oHuwcr and I t'H\.kr ':,~~fC~ h~ other tet In"$. \)1 p;l'rmcnL :;;'l\.+,
<br />31ln>.)'lJ-hh-1-half rn: P<")'~bk- upo-n n(\H(C' l_f>:'!1l 'e~~t-er l~_' IkHr{~"""el fe~Ue~!_Hlg p'f\mCHI lhtrl'(~f. ~l.lij ..hall !~,ij lnIL'n:\l I!PITl Ihe
<br />datt: (jf~sr~nu:l\t M (he rate 1M-laMe frum Hfnr !;'1II1h~ "0 1.'...:btitnJmg pnf1i..:'1"t\ !lnJt't fh,~, :",'0((: iJl\ln"!' pilyment pr ltI1U\"il
<br />ll~ ~h< tattt w<)ut-d he, (;Ontuiry !n af1ph(abll;'" la-....,. ,;!1 "",hl'.h event \'1_>L:h afl1;':,tmh ".h:~'! he,ll ,~;!,'rl,,~~t l1f thi." hlghe!;l rat"
<br />pcntl*~w. undtt <'ip,h<:~Ne llf,~', S<J~tHng {-nnliimcd In thl1',- p\HJ:gu.rh 7 :;blH !C-~t,lH1,'; t tn~ler to H1dl[ ;H"l~ t'xpCj}l~ t1i t;da:'
<br />'MY actl~ hl::tt-ti~t,
<br />.. ~1~ . endcJ fl'Hty ffiid.l_( i")-f ,,~t.~ [i, h-t rnn;j~ r~<<~)n.:~hk en:n€''fi n\~~:(~;fHH, ~)~- ib.l: Pr(1r.:I'!\", j ,"I..ltk.-!
<br />~h~H l,-trtdC"( ~H 5tlOe 001H.W(t"t n.)\1('-(; pfNf tn ;,I:H'f 'i.\Ji.:'h lfnp<cii(,n t,pe..:dymg -,-,llt,,~ rhcrck'l n;'blrd (,I I et'lJn'\
<br />lIH~J't\i.t iu ttle f1-roMf"t'
<br />
<br />L
<br />