<br />I
<br />
<br />83....., uU5804
<br />
<br />f I.:nd~'l'... ~"f;l,,,ji ;H~rc~mcnl 01 .lOnlh..lblc I:/w. Horrower ..hall p:i.y the ",nlllllOt nf allmorl!!ugc iO<iuranL:'c premiums: in the
<br />flIann~r prlwiucd ~lOdcf paragr,tr,h 2 hereof.
<br />A.n~' amount.... dhhllfSl'd by Lender pUfsIIOiOt to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additi01~al
<br />;lHh.:h!t:df1":~.;, 01 BpHowcr secured oy thi.. M,on!!Jgc. I ;Hless Borrower and Lcnder agree to other terms of pa~'-ment: stich
<br />aFnulInts ~tlilU h: p:iyabk t1pon m'}dct~ from Lender to Bflrrowcr r-cque"ting-p3yment {hercnL and 'shall bear interest fmm__the
<br />date ('l( di\ptlf""me-nl at the rate payable from time Tn lime on outstanding principal under the Note unless paymenFof
<br />interest ..t.(. such .ralC would he contrary h' applicable bw. In which event !'Ouch amounts shall hear interest at the highest -rate
<br />rcrrnlssihk undc-r :lrrficahlc law NothIng 'contained in this paragraph 7 s.hall require Lender to incur any expense or: take
<br />:In\' action-hereunder.
<br />, 8. Inspection. I _,~nder may make or cause h) f\c made reollsonahle cntric.. upon and inspecti"ns of- the Property,' provided
<br />fhat Lender ...hall give Bnrrowcr n(lt1c~_ prior 10 ;my SlH.:h inspection ~pedfying reasonable C311"'-C therefor related' to tenders-
<br />1lllcre'\l in Ihe- Pro-perty.
<br />9, f:ofldrnmBfion. The pn\cccd... I\f >Jay ;l\-'.ard or claim for damuges, dirc-cl or consequential. in connection with-any
<br />..:ondcmnalinn C!r 0thcr tuking 0f the Properly_ \1f part thereof, Dr f('lf cnn....cy:tn-cc in lieu of c(lOdemnation, are hereby a~igned
<br />;10,1 ..haH he ptlHI to Lender.
<br />1'1 the L'....cn{ (''It' <t hY{al laking ,)1 the Prope-ny, the pl'_h.-t.::;cds ....hall he applied fo the '\urns :5ccmed hy this Mortgage.
<br />\\ilh the nl,-'~>"''' 'f ;in\', r,jti! {" Rorr'1wa, In fhe ~~""enr i~f a partial u:king I.-,-f Ihe Property. ttnless Borrower_and-I.-e,nder
<br />tllntn\'i"c ~~rcC' in Writing. there ~lu!l r..e- applied rn tl)c "'U01'i "ectlrt'~l hy thi, -Mortgage "tlch proportion of_the proceeds
<br /><1\ i.. ('qual to Ih:-u rrl'fXlrtinl1 \~h!~.h thl' ;i!l10Wlt pf the ..urn" \ccurcd hy 1h;" "",ortgagc immediately prior 1(\ the date of
<br />ukmg 11<.:.,1'; in I}),.:' f:\If m_<trket \ ahh: (,f the Prt1!X"'!\ ililnlcdiatcl\. pri{lf 10 tn\." d,1tC of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bnrrnv.'er
<br />If iht> Prnpcr!\, i, ,d'andnflnl h B,lrftw.-N ,If If. drIer notice h\' I ,ender In Borrower that the condemnor offers to' make
<br />III .nVJlrO (If <,['tth.' :J .:faun 1M (brn;q,;t.'" Bf'rrow~r f.liJ... In rt",rnn,l fo Lender within 10 days after the date such notice. is
<br />maikd. I cad;;:-; j" ,!"th0ri?~d h) r1lflcc! and ;lrrh !he rmc~ed". at Lelldcr'~ option, either to re~toration or repair of the
<br />Prf\".-rl\' .-.f !q If1(' 'tlnh ''''':..:!In..'d h' !h\:-. \11)nl!.lCl~
<br />t ';ik'\" t clhk-f ,md B{'lrr"WCT ('In,-'r\\ 1',1.' agree HI '^ rilin~, ,wy \uch arr1l\,.,;ition {.f proo:cds to principal shalt not extend
<br />.,f p,''',tP,'lh' riot..' due date- pi rht~ ln0nlhl\- ia'iLdlmenls r~ft:rr('d II) in PilHlgraph" I ..md 2 herepf or change the amount of
<br />'dlrn In<:lalhncnb
<br />ID. ROffO\H"r ~ot Relell~, Fxtemiflll I't lnc llm~ hH p,:i\-mcnr f-.r !1lpdftkllti\l11 (If amortization of the sums secured
<br />r.\-' thi'i M;>rI~.f~;': ~r:Hjfcd b\' Lend;;-r 1,1 ;HI) "tk'Ce_"'-\'f H1 inlt,'n.;'>f ,~f Ri'rwwcr ...hall nul operate fO release, in any manner.
<br />!ht~ !j:'lhtlil\' tlf lhc "rigm,d ~orr(>\\-cr .1nd BO:TiH\'cr', \11~:\."C""llr<, :n inlere"l I l'ndcr "hall not be required tn commen'.e
<br />pnlt:ccding, ,..~a- ':I ~'.K'-h -"'.I...:;.~L':,>Sdr .'r n:fU,}t' f,) l'xtt'r.d !1ll11,' fdr r<l\fHent ,10 nfhcf\"-i,,e modifv amorrization of the sums
<br />',ct'ull.d h\' thi.. ~tdnga!-'i." h\ ,~;l"l.n ,'i ,;nv dl.'n..uhi Ji1ade l->'. :hl' \)ri1,;inal Borrn\\cr ;lnJ Borrower's Sllc(cssors in interest.
<br />II. Fnrbearan<< b\ J -cnde-c :"\:nl a Wain'r, .\nv (,>fPcar,llh:(: h I ctll.kr in n-erri<;lll2: an\' righ1 or remedy here-under, or
<br />\ltherWI"-l' ;dh'lrdcd t~v -;rrj1dhh.~ hw J-1,111 h: ,1 W~ll\('r d \\1' I'rc":'ltldc the C'xefci\c (II ~lnv s.uch right or remedy.
<br />The prOi:Uft'mt'ot "I ill~\jr;HKv I'l' In.;.' ;-',1\ :11<,'::1 \,'! t,;'<.''';lr ,<lhl.'f !;C!l'; ,If' \.'h:tf~,-'''' h\- r cndcr ~h,lll nO! h~ a \\aivcr ('If Lender's
<br />richt ~ol ai..-(L"kr,\tt.' :}h' n1:J.!nrit\ .Ii ;b.: "hkhcdn".. ~'..~ d!'\\ ;1" \!,Hli.'.HoC
<br />12. Rt"lltt'dit'_li ('umulafi'H', \1: :,'lnl"d,~", ',\;'d r:. "- \lM!.l',Ii!C ,l~\-' ihlin~l .PH! lllOllli3liQ: to ~ln\' ,lfhcr right or
<br />;i.'OW..1\' lIlJdi,:r !In... '-1t1r!:':_!!;'C .J!Llf.kd f \ ," ,-,.Il:!;' '1,1 flU\ h,' \,-_'~-,-:,\.'d ,.lnL\HTO,:nl!\ Ind~lx'ndcnlh' (11' <;\lccc<;.sively
<br />JJ~ Soc.-ct.',-...)r, ;<tnd \ssicm Bound: .Juinl and Sl"\t'tal l_bhi1ii'\; (-aJltinn'l, rhe "I\l.'llJnh .111d dgr('C'ments herein
<br />l',HH:.Uned ",fuH hind .mJ Ill..;: ! (1:I1r... j-:<..~L' ,;der"~ ,Ill H1;!:-C :' \ ['it' r-; -",k..l'\"d[\ and ~l......i,l!lli.. ,:.! 1-C'nJcf' :1l1d Borrower.
<br />"uh!!.>.." t" ,_ill" i'FI,\'i'h1f1\. .'1 ;~.":h:'_lt':~ hc,,','~ \i;" l'\'., ,If B"ft,'Wl'r "h;j1! he ;(ltnt ;-lOd ~everal.
<br />fhr "'.1plht!h ,In;! \"~~lJfn~" ;-" 1'" .l":'.,:'~~'> \1"1 ,;.:.!:::,' ,,,\'\'[HI.'I1','I.: "nh- .me! ,Ire n,-'t 1,1 he lI"cd to
<br />,n1errrt{ p, detin...' Y'l<.' pr\~\;""!1" ':,"t'-'~
<br />14. ~nHt.'('-. f\".....m f(~r ;;fl\ n '!",:C .....',;. i di :.'i\'t'n ;n ;Hl\\tht~r 1ll,1I1m'T_ ial <In\' notice fa
<br />Rnrf,)\\,{'r" pf\.H fd-t'd 1,lf "1 :1--;j, \1", !:-,.i~~' '".:n - ~L~!~ficd 111.lij ,IJdr('..,\cd Ip Borrower at
<br />ih\"~ Pn~p~i!~-- -\ddg~".. ,'f c" \, h ,'If!t: ,.id'l'\- "nii..t.' j,l I cndef :1'\ pflWidcd herein, and
<br />n...j :In'!. notl':': !,' ! -t'!j,h:1 ,h,~:: he.., ';.''-iilC'-1~;-d !,\ I cod,'r'" ;nidn:," ~latcd herein or to
<br />~l.ll.:h "thcr 3dJrc-~" "" Il,,'J\" ~'l.n i~'q~"..le)-' ,Jt::..l !'l'U:Hl \nv fl.~!i..-~ rrj)vided f('r In thh
<br />;\t.)ng~lg... "hJll f-<\-' dt.'~nh.:J ~,\ i' ;'~',7" ).:!,n; :,_, H,'_r:,'\~\,:! I', I ";lhk'l ~','.':n In ih~ manner di...."i~ni1!('d h\!rcin
<br />15. Lniform '\tnnl:~(': (;lIH'rnin~ Lan: St.'\f.'T;thilih, j 1~' i.lf n' '>! n1, ;(}.:'..I,:" ,-'.1rn~ine\ llllJforrn ~-,w~nanh fnr national
<br />use and nl\f'l-\Jl1lfl'nn ~'l\'.{~run<.. ,,~~~ hll1~h',l' ,rl,li"~J1" :-, "i _il,-'ll 1.\.' 'hl::.-,'\.,' ;\ tJlHtllrnl ~(";.:qnr\' in"trument I:..Dve:ring
<br />,..,al}i ('f't'"' I... \1., .,~ - I: ~ -,h".- L, -- - -, ,-." "1 ~ht.~ !u'l...dt~'l',;n i"! .....hid; lh..- Pr0pert\' I' IOC:lft'd. In the
<br />:':'C";~h;11~:;lY i1;!:';Vl~i.,.:,f':~.~;~!;;;:l,f}-' ;':~_~;::'~!~'>::I!::" ,~-~, " "c' ~,'q!1;,!, l';ih ,:ppil..:ahli: Liw, "l\l\,'h cOni]l":1 ,hall not affect
<br />i.')!her pf;.~\-j~l')lh ,.{ In" '1i.'rl~.li:"': ,'f lht: "'k >,,1);.:-' \','-t'r: :.';l,,:,~ \'.nhC'llt the __':lllni~:liflC prn\i"lit-'H_ ;md fI) this
<br />end (he pr('f\t~,,'rh l~r tilt' \1-lX-I~~4.:':':- ,l:l;,1 ;h~_' "',,-.!~, ;,,:- .;~~l.Ht'd 1,' i'I' '\','cr;th!;:
<br />16. Btlrm""rr'~ e{)p~'_ SOn,l\\;,,'r '>-"Hi !',,- . ;; I,_,_hcd ,1 '-\"1~dr>n~d ,.(\.po\' (.f ,~c "Ole and (If thi" ~'1(lrlgag.c at the time
<br />~lt c'l:e.;utlnn t'f ,IH-er n.~\.'\:'fd.:nu.'\n \h;,';t',,{
<br />17, Tramfrr of tM Prup.trt~.; ,-\!Io.,umption, It ;l~j .'r .ln~ p,::t ,\( ih"," Pr,)pl."ny i'f ;10 mterest thl:rcm i, ,,<old or transferred
<br />hy Borrn\.\-cr wuhtlur Lt.'fluer\.. prllH 'l,-'nHen ~,'lh\:~:[ c"\,,'i:l~hng t,\; Iht" "n:a!h1[l ,d ,\ hen ,1f enctlmh-ran~c "uhordin;.lIC fo
<br />thl'\. MOtl~;tge, fht the ,:f1.':![H\P d pUl-..:h,l"l' 111;,'111;.'\ ....."w it; Hll~rl.'q f,)f h,lll'\chnlJ applt.Hh';\.''i, !c) a transfer by devise.
<br />~-cnt Of OV ()l't"ra.tlOn \.{ 1,1\\ llPt)O the death tit " !,)l:l.t !I.'JUnl ,-'f (: II J ~T .~, ~f ill, 1)[ lIuk'ifIJ 'rl rUllt 'r tkru . Uti' In 1M-Ii
<br />.~. .. T I . 'fll r l iIlR'! l..r r 1 cnd<'r rna~. j,f I ~ndi,;f.' P~Hh'fl_ dCI.'I.ir\.' ;dl Ih;.' '.11m, "~I.:l!n;,d h\' It-'m !\1ortgage 10 be
<br />immwiatdy due ;lnd payable_ f end~r ~haH h,jq' \~,tl\t'd 'lli...-h (lpIIOn "~I ;K...-dcr;lte ii, rri..\( t,:\ tnl": qk pr iransfer, Lender
<br />and t~- per'l(10 h) whom the Pro~rt~ ,,, fC' h ~('dd ,\r !rao'l-fo!"'l.,'J rcadl u,!:n:cnu...r\l In \Hl11ng Ihat the (.;'fedi! of ~uch pefS-on
<br />!~ satufti.;tor:~ 111 Lender and th,H the- mtere"l r~}.J.~k ,'In lhl..~ ,,;'~p, ">t.'o.:ure:d h\ !hi.." MOH!!ag-.: ...hall h< ;il 5.1!i.:h rate as Lender
<br />sbaH reqttt::':'t. If 1 cnder has wa......ed the ,'ptHl1j l,l "i.'(Ckr.J{l' rroviJt.'1.l !:\ lhi),. r;iragri.tph 1 i ,HH_i if BMf(l'~"-er'l :-,lh.:CeSSOr in
<br />interest ha-", i:xe".:-uted a wntten iCi~umpilQ-n agn:~me-ni a,..:epted in \\.rjfnl~ hv I enticf. I.('nder shall rele;t~ Borrower from all
<br />obligAuons 'under thts Mortgage lind the ~ot~,
<br />If Lro-de-r exerds.e:~ s.lli:h .'r"l!(ln h''1 iu.:cdcr.i.Ht'_ i COdCl \.run rn<l,l R,')rH)\\<cr noth:1.:" t'( ;\;,:,,:cleratlof\ in ,iI.:c(1f(l;tnce with
<br />paraeOlph 14- htre,)i. Such n{)ll~-e .,-hall pH,w;de iJ reT;\)d <::,f ill': !;(.,!>,'\ ~han :'0.;1;1\'-, from rhe dale [he IH.ticc j.;; mailed \\:ithin
<br />.,hKh Borrov.'cf may pa~ the ,,-um'\ d<<':Luc-d aut:'. It B\:trw\l.('[ f";j,, t\) PdY ~\lI,-,h ..tift).. prHlf 1(1 the c\pirati('n of <;uch period.
<br />Lender' lIUly, wlfhoUf funw nonce (lr ~kmand pn BOfnn~.;r. .m-\1t.,c any rl,'n'ledIC5, rermlllt.'d h\' raragraph 1 S hereof.
<br />
<br />NoN.-Ut>iu:.OtU,. COV~NA~TS Barr~"wef .am] Lender further Cl'..-en.ant and agree as l<'lIl'W~
<br />la.- AC'nIendoa~ ~ Except as provid<<-d in paraxrapb J 1 hff~t. upon Borrower's breach of any cov-enRnt or
<br />........ of Ionvw.. ht- u. Mortt-MP... iududilll lite< co'Umaak to pl,- when dU<<' Hn~' SUfDlij seeMed by this ~fort&aa.e.
<br />~ jtriar to ~ duolI mail _. '0 lIano",.r ... pro.idod in palllllrapft 14 htf.of .p.dfyillll: (l) the b..""h:
<br />f~)t....... ~ 10 _ Otldl hteadt; Ill' dal.. noli... Ihaa lO day. fro", th. d",. the noll<< is mail.d to Borro....r.
<br />hJ wWdo __ bteedt _ lot rllfed; .ntI (4) ,''''' follur. to c.... _b bre""b oa or before lhe d.,. >p<<ifled la the notk.
<br />__.-Ilia ~ of the ....... ._urod b, IhI< Morltlllll', J_w.,.... by iodicial prnceedlot .nd .. of Ih. Property,
<br />..... ~ .... hntlwr hof_ a-.. ol.he flab' .., rw..t.. .f...r .cc.....'ion .ad .b. ricb. '0 ",,~rt ia the f~losure
<br />......... u.o _.__ of . ..nil or any' ,,'he, dd._ "f 8...",,,., '0 "".......lon .nd fGrecl.....,,,, If ,he bre...b
<br />... ... ........ .... Of lid.... .... "- .....iIIod in !he _lee. t"nder .. bader'. nptlt.n ....,. d.d.... all 01 'b. "".... ..cund by
<br />IIlioI ~'-...Io be~' .".. _ pay....... ,,11_' forthtr de_ and m.y ,......_ by ludkl'" I'''~' t.uder
<br />... .... fttitW to c-ulftt . ",1Kft f"'~~hIa _. C"PC~ tjf fOTfl.-..VtVI'... indudiaa. but not Iimit~4 tv, (,Olih: of d<<ume-ntary
<br />nt4nor.._l>. '""" mIe-,,"
<br />J9. ...~~......... 19. R:riIwtak. ~m",,1th'd;Hl-d-P'\~ I {"nOi;;'f',. _,t.;:,.-ekqlmn li{ !low ','HH"- 'Hxmed hy llHI" ~.lt,;rtg"}t('
<br />:JI{)fjUWii~- -'<,h;.l;H t';l,~,,,-t' I~ !~ht 1;' n-:J\'C' .m~ f11~'>\:,,,ffii!l-,gl b'q,€lm 1--\- i (fld..'l h~ ,n!nt(t' tnfo, \.h'flg-.J~'\,' d!'-':OMlBu.:(j .i< ,Ml\ t!!'1H'
<br />
<br />