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<br />83- ou5804 <br /> <br />t: "'-JI'OI{M ('(lVt :-. .\:-.1') ~ !Jt1f1YI\\iCr ,Hld l,cIIucr (OVcnant and :lgrce' as follows: <br /> <br />L PHyme-nr of Print.'ipa! and Inh~iC';it. BOiT(lWCr shall prompliy pay when liue the pnncip;t1 of ;Jlld llllcn:st un ih~ <br />indebtl..'dol.''l_'' cvldE.mC....U by the Note. pr~paymenl and 1;lte charge... a.. provitJed in the Note. and the principal of and interes.t <br />on any Futun; Ad\lanl.:c'" ~ecllred by this Mortg~gc <br />2. Fonds for Taxes and Jnsuranf..'l'. Subject to applicilhlc low or 10 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH- pay <br />to Lt~ndcr t'll lhc tby monthly in"tallmenh of ilnd Interest arc payable lllldcr the Nore, until the Note, is paid-in full. <br />a sum (hercm "Funds"} equal to 0nc.rweltrh nf rhl,.~ YCilrly !axel; and ass.essments which may aHain priority flver this <br />Mortgage. ano ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus ;,)ne~,tweJfth of yearly premium installments tor mortgage Insurance, if any, aU as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to tim" by Lender on the bn!:lf.,> of\t:S.'iments and hills ~nd reasonable estimates thereof. <br />fhe: Funds shaH he held in an institution the deposits or ,h:..:nunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />..tate ~gency t including Lender if Lender is ~ul'h fin institution). ! coder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />im.urancc premiums ;Jnd ground rcnts. Lender may not charge h.1r ,,(1 holding ;:Ind applying the Funds, analyzing said' account. <br />or verjf~'ing and compHing S~ll(j a~ses..~mcots ,lOll hi"~, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits 10 make '\uch a ,,:h~lrge, BtJrrower and Lender may agree in writing af the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that Interest on (he Funds ...hall he paid to Borrower, and unless 5uch agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires stich interest 10 be paid, Lender \haH nCll p.c required to pay Borrower any inlerest or earnings on, the Funds. Lender <br />..hoill give [0 R"rrower, wilhOlH charge, .In ;mllual accounting of lhe Fund\ ...howing credits and debits- to the Funds nnd the <br />purpth~ lnr v,.'hlch each Jd~Jt 10 the FUllch wa~ Ill.Hie, The Fund", arc pledged as. additional security for the sums secured <br />OJ' thl'> \fortgage <br />H the amOunt uf the Funds held by Lt:ndcf, logether with the future monthly inst<lllmems of Funds payable prior to <br />the due daks of l;lxc.". as"c'iSmcnh. IOsurancc premlUOls and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />as-..Cs.o;mcnh. ms.t1ran..:e premHHn:>. and ground rem... as the\' L.tll dut:, :'.tlch 1.;XCt.~ss shall he, at Borro\.\"cr's. option, either <br />promrt1y fepaid to Borrower or cn..'1illcd to Bllrwwer nn monthly Instiillmcnts of Funds, If the ~mount of the Funds <br />held by Lender \halI not he sufficient to pay l.1XI:,'\, assessments, In\ur;l!1cc premiums and ground rents as fhey fall due, <br />Borrower shalf pay 10 Lender any ;Hlwunt nc~e:..,ary to make up the dcnclcnc\' withm 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />hy Lender to Borrower requesting payment lhen:t)t <br />Upon pa)-mclH in full t,f all sum~ '\c\:ureJ hy !hl' :\10r!g;tge, I endcr ~hall promptly rctund 14.1 Borrower any Funds <br />held by LcnJer. H under paragraph l!'\ hcr('or the PhJpcrtv IS "nh.i ,Ir lh..: ProperlY IS othef\\-'1~c a~qlllred by Lender. Lender <br />~haH apply. no I.Her than nnmcd:;IIClv prior In !he ,ak ,>t !he Property ,'r !IS <iL'qUlsitlon hy Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender al the lim..: Ll[ ~~pplic-ation .!S ,J ..reJIt agalllSt lhe ii.ums 't:;,;urct! hy rhl" Morrgagc< <br />3. Applkalion uf Palments. Unh:.., apphcahlc law PW\ Ides dth~n\ i..c. .111 p3ymcnt~ rc.::elved by Lender under the <br />:\ltHe Olnd paragraph~ j and': hereof ~halt be' appilcd by 1 cnder t1rSI In ['~I\ lrlerlt (It a.mounts payable [0 Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ~ hereof. lhen to :n!crt::~~ payable \In lht.' 'ole, then !<l lht.: pfln..::ipal '" Ihe Note, ;lOd then h"l interest and <br />pnnclpal on any Furure Advances <br />4. CbafJ;ts; [..irns, R"ffO\\t"r ,i\;dl ;'.1'" ,d( i '\V' ""-l''',f'P,-'nh 'nd l,ther ,h,lr<.:c". tin.:" ,llld llnro"iIIO!lS aHnOtHable to <br />the Property which may ;utain ,I pr;;,nl':o ;I\'er .~H" \t,'t{~~I~C-, .lnd k~l~.dllljd l",i\ tIlL'nl'> ,If gn'und n:nls, If any, 1tl The manner <br />pro\'IJcd under pMagraph ::.: hcn.'ol dr, :: ,,,-It !),Jtd ill 'd,h:h Ill.Hlnd h\ B,lrrd\\\:l l1l<lkll)~ p.lymcllL \\.hen due, lhrectly to the <br />payee thereof. B(1!Tov.-er \h.tli pr,){l\p[l~ l..:rrll"!, 1,' I cndt.:f ;IH Il"q,t:o;."" tIt .!flH1llnb dUt' Hnder ltU\ paragraph, :lnd in the event <br />Bo-rrr-Vro'cr "hall make payment ,Ll-.:....'li\ H;i[,[,')\\,.' ~h.lil pfl1rnpl;', 11111lr,h hI l..:nd..:r r":l..:CIph ...'\id':JlI.:mg \lli.'h pilynR'nts, <br />Borro\\cr ..,hall prt)mpfiy Jhi:h;ugc ,la\ j,t:rl ',t~'I~h !;,., :;li<;fli\ ",-'f :hl' \1,trI!!:!~l:, pn1\'ldeJ, ihJI BonInoo'er ..,hall nul be <br />required to JI~...-h.lfgC ,ln~ 'Iuch heu ,\1 j'Hl~ .,~ H"fi,,,\..:r ...1;,111 II' Ihl' p,t\'illell! ,'I Ihe nbl:~allOn ..t.'(.;urcd hy <br />,>ueh hen In ,I manner acccrubh: :,~ l.cndl'r, ,'1 ,.1(,ld Hl o;t-'..!J ~,lllt,',l "i~h h\ ,II' ,ldcnJ l.'nh\f(Cmcnt oi :illch lien in, <br />legal P-HK..:\..--.;Jlllg~ \.lrhtch ~TCf~:!C j,' r1...'\-..'q! ,~h' ;,.-nh'f":i:llllf\! ,'] lh~" :;,'l; I';' hlrk)lll:~' (it lhe Pr,'pt:flV ,\) .In\ pan thereof. <br />~. Hazard Intllurant.:t:'. Horf(n...;r ~h~dt !..l.:....r lhi: rHl'r,'\o:nl\'p{ ,\/'-,t;flg ,'I il~IC.t1il'l (,'i\"...!t"d PH the Pr'lpcflY In,,-urcd <br />.l.~.llllS{ 10\:0. hv nre. 1;.lzanh, m,.itH.k.J \~ith!n ,h~ lo.:rm ~."I,:nJ..:d ,-, h'!,:;:~ ,u1d ..',,~h l'!ht.'i h,l.cJfll... .i~ I t.:lH.k!' rHi-l\' re~t1tre <br />,i;;'J In :,.,u,h .lm'')lHll~ .mJ I~'l ~ch,i: i\\"nl1J"l ,I'> Il.:lhki ,<:yHlf',', iUi.'d, th,~~ Ll'aJi:! \h,tlf ,Hl! r.....411lft: tha.t the amount L'f <br />'Such ....:vvcragt' c:\\':~cd Ih.1~ .l!1h'~,f1: ,,",-'i.:~..' ; ,'4UI,,'d 'I !"t\ '~h' ~'ir!l', '~'~~!l,J i',\ lhl", \Jnlll!;tgc <br />The mSUTanl..1.: .....lrner rflJ\'ldmg the ,lbU!.j!h" "l,l,i h; !\<"-'I,'ll h'. lh':r\'\~t'f 'lIttle..:! I;' dPP!t.h.d h~ I.cntlcr; prOVided, <br />that ,>uch approval. ~hail not ht' _1l1l'e3,"n~hl\ ,\llh!lt:jJ \:i pi....;I1UI!f1h ,<f! Hl"'ll!,;:~C~~ plliii..-';O:\ ',hall r.c ralli HI the manner <br />prOVided under paragraph 2 hen,,'\.); ur, ,; ~Wi !';~i,J u. "1.,,1-; nl,lnl1er. h\ H,',r(l~~CI ma"lllg pil~ment, ,-"hen dut.', dlfCl:lly to the <br />!IbUrance carner, <br />All jnsuran~c pOhCH.~~ .md rcnc\".ii... tncrt:\.,. r'",' J;\ (,'nn ,:~'''''';~;'lhk (,' 1 '::hl.'l .lod ,it.dl "ll;"Je ,I ';,1I1d,tnJ m(,I[tgage <br />dause ,0 i3\,(\f nt anJ 1ll !\)Im <h,-..t."pIJhi~ l~' 1_l.ih.kl i \,"HJ~! ',h,d; lh" !i~lli L' iil'hllhl.' r,-'lk"IC~ ,1:111 rL'IlC'v...ll... fhereoL <br />and ..h;di pr\~mplh llllnl;<.h !~' rend:." --lfj ;.:nn",i; ,h)L...~" ,J:id "~ :~',"cljn.., ,II p,IJd ['lciHlllln,. In lhe eVent \)t lo:,,~. <br />Borr\1wer ~h;,H gl\-e rrunlPt fl;,>th"I,.' (l~ ihc ~n~llf,11'1".: ':.1n)~'i ,Jil.! 11..'lhh.'! ll,,'[h;t', !)O,l\ 11\;d..c pl".1i ('I ll),,>') I! ()\"t lH.u.k pn'mptl) <br />h-y Borrower, <br />t}nle:$$ Lender i-ind Bt.)rr,,;\\l'; \.,tht'[\\,..,,; ,-1gH:\,' 1:1 \'l'lill~, "~'d!.j\I,~' t'ltk~~"!' "h~dl h.: ;Q'f'llt.:J lu rL'~flir~tljLlll \'1' repair of <br />the: Propeny datnage~l, Ph1\'idcd ~Il..'h rl""t~'fd;li~ln ,'r r'-'p.tlr " ...:,,',nic'lllh..dh ;~',i"Jl)i~.' ;,nJ lIlt.: "C...llflt) nl !hl'. \h'1rtg,lgC I'> <br />not thereby Impaired It \u.:h re-:-k)f.lthJll or ft~p.o.l:r l'i ~\\'l C"'lhlllH",lil\ l~',I"'lhk tll i! [hI: .,o.;.:unl<. c;{ ,hi" ~'I.Jrlg...lgc would <br />be Impaired, the miuran.;e ph,..t:-c\.b "h>lll i)t ,lppllcd fl.) (ht, <'Uflb ..1..'I..'U!l,,'d b:, ,hI,> .\1l)rlgOtgC, with the l~\u...''1S, jf :Iny, paid <br />to Borrower. If lhe Prupen\ h ,lbJuJ'.;lll.:\.j h B<~r,,}\<.cl, ,'f '! lilHl<I\\,t,"f l.l,h ;,' r~"poll~! tn Il'!h.k!' \\';{hlfl :;0 daJ~ trom tht: <br />date nohct" IS mailed h\ LcnJd I,. HOlTl~\\L'r Tnul the ;n~U1.Hl";I..' ~',llnL'r iltlcr... !<' ~.:nk' ,l ,:Llllll fOl ilhllr~tnCC heno:tib, I.cnder <br />l!.l J.uthonzed to CvUtl:,t .inti ,lpply the ,n!louf..lfh.t.' r'rl..'l:ct'J~ .J.t l.c:nJl.'i'" \1IHlllH l;,'!thcr to r-S;:Shlf.dl{.H\ .)[ lepa!! II! lht.' pf('p~f{Y <br />vr to the sum~ ~\..>--,,;;ured b} thIS Mongagc <br />Unless lender and Borrt..'w.'cr ..llht:rv.I'~ ;lg:rec ;n '''I :WIg, .In) ~u\.-h ~lppllG,llOTl .d pft1cn:Ji- hl pi !:K1P,tl :-'Il ,iI I no! extend <br />or postpone the due date \~f !h~ nhlOlhl~ m~tai!menl.... rderred !l) 1I1 p,lfdg:rdph:o. 1 .;Ihl ::; here-I)l (1) ...:h;iI1~C !hl: ;lrl101.JOI of <br />such lustaUnw.uls. It under paragraph! 8 hereof [he pf\.)pert~ ,) a<:-qwrcJ b~ Lender ,Iii fight. ! ilk and m!crest of Borrflwcl <br />in and to an}' Ul:SUfallCe policiee,. and In ;Jnd h' the prv..:.:eJ.. fbertYll reOSUil1f!g lronl J,lilMge 1{1 lhe Prt'I--"l'rt\ Pfll)f to the ~ale <br />Of a-cq-ui;)ition shaH ~ h' Lend~r w the exten.t (It the ')ums ...c..:urcd b~ thl~ \lwlgitgc Hl\m~Jlatciy p"ur h' "Hch sale or <br />acquunuon, <br />6. Pruenatioa aad '1aiDlenucl!' of Propt'r1); teaschol~: CondolOinium~; Planm:d L nif 1>.." elopmenls. Borrow~r <br />"baIl keep the Property in good repair and 'lohaH not commit Wa",tc t1f permn imp,llrfll~nl nr Jelcrwfi.tlion \.,,[ the Property <br />4lDd shall cumpj,- ",'Ith the prO'1JSlOfitiO ot dll; !ease II : Ill.'. \hntgagc l<, nn .I lC;,J.),~h,-\id, Ii !hl' \1..)flgagc I~ "ll ,1 UOlt 111 .1 <br />c-ondomimum (}f a planned unH dC'%'e1opm-cnt, Bono"-'cr ~h;;l.ll perhJfIll ,,-11 ot UorrO\.\'cr's t1hilgdlll)IlS lHHic:r the Jt'd;1ratlOfl <br />or covewmu creaung or govenung [be ..:nnd-omiOlum or planned unll dcvell}pm(~nt. lhe: hy.!a....... ,tnd regulatlom. of the <br />"Qndominium or planned unit Jevc-iopmem, .md ~(lnslituerH JOI.:Um~IHf>. It a (";JfldlHmnlum or pl~mncd Ulllt Jl"vdOpmenl <br />ndcr i$ e);C:C:uted by BorrOW\}f and fe\;OCdeti t~,)glHher WIth lius Mong-agc, the cOVenanls .tnd Otgreemenh t.H <,;lIch nJe-r <br />:tbaU ~ i~.iltoU tatc and shall amend ~md :>-upplement tbe Ci:)'..c,nanls .lnd agfc~mcnts of 1hls Mortgage ,is l! rhe rider <br />v;e"'. ~ put hereof. <br />i~ ~... of IA..f. Se<tuit)'. If BonowCf falh to pt.;:lfdlHl the ,-',IVeOi:Ulb athl agreements ;,.'\ill!.:urU':lJ 11l lhl:< <br />Mort.., or if any .'tel,tOll ~)r p-r{.lt;cc-diq i\ \.:,omm~n~c-J whj~h ffiittc-riaHy ,dIcc!s Len"lc.:r's 1I1ierc.,,1 HI the PW~rlY" <br />,fA;h14in-a. but m)( hmttcd lo, emj~~ni d'mluin, ifV'lf.1tvency! code enfon.:emcnl. ("f Jrra-ngemenh ilr pn:x:;.~diflgs mvotving .. <br />haUftl-pl uf -.:k"i;:-ddlt. 1J\t!;11 Lende.t at Lender', o'pw.JH, upon Hl.:itK-C In HOfl',-~wl.Or In.:n make \i.h:h J.ppe..t'iMI"'''~" dt"\btJl":',c ~lI.;h <br />.,;UIn.\ and fat-o- $uch klivu u iJ- -o6;-e~1\Al)- lU p-rot~;l Lernk-(~ !ntereM~ mdudlng, hut Iwt limited hi, lhsbuncmcnt \.It <br />~~~llbIe Ut.omc)'~ it'IC~ and e-nil)' upon :hc- P'mpt:u~ h, m.-ke n;t'a.H~ If! .~itd"~l rt'I,I\IlH~d ;'!h!H!(~\gt. tn~UI;l.lH:c 4'i. .i <br />i:...."4'dH~-m :J.)f nl~.m,i tblz loan ';.i,O,,;ufe~ b) ~hHi M'111g,"a;~. H-mr~,>wl.::r "lkdi fl,;I.} the prCnHl.Um H;'q~lire\1 (0 UHulll.lll1 "\h:h <br />U-\lHi-f.a,f'tCt if} C't!ti...:f u;'~hl ~v(h UtOO ,J:~ !he fC"iW{~m-e,:n ({:H' ..,ocb Ht'mhlfh.'I;~ f.1,;UnHl.itc' :n ....;,..".lldarh,\: .\'Ilh U"[fP\\';-, '-i .ind <br /> <br />