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<br />r <br /> <br />83':';';' 005784 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender's writtCU agreement or appiicabie law, Borrower shaH pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums.-in .the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereat <br />Any amounrs disbursed by Lender pursuant ta Ih~ paragraph 7, wilh interest Ihereon. shall becomeaddilional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage, Unl"",< Borrower and Lender agree 10 other tenns of payment," .SllCh <br />amounlS shall be payable upon notice from Lender 10 Borrower requesting payment lhereof. and shaUbem' interest frtll1lithe <br />~e of disbn,..,ment at the rate payable from lime 10 time 00 oUlslanding principal under the No<<> unless JllIl1ineIIt.of <br />in_al sucIl rate W<JUId be contrary 10 applicable law. in which event.uchamouOlS shall bear inttll'CSt althe,hiJhestl'ate <br />permi..ibIe under applicable law. Nothing conlained in lhi. paragraph 7 sball requi", Lender to incuranyex~ortal<.. <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. ~, Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />lhat Lender shall give Borrower nOlice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inlerest in the Property. <br />9. COOHIemaIiotI. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or l'Onsequential, in connection .wilbany <br />condemnation or other raking of the Propeny. or pan Ihereof. or for conveyance in lieu of .condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In lhe evenl of a loW taking of lhe Property. the proceed. ,hall be applied to lhe sum. ,secured by Ibis Morlgtlge. <br />with the ej(~, if any. paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the PmFtY. l,tnless .Borrower 'and 'Lemler <br />otherwise agree in writing. there .hall be applied to Ihe sum. secured by this Mongage such proportion of tbeproceeds <br />as;, equal 10 that proportion which lhe amounl of the .ums secured by thi, Mortgage immediately prior 10 the dale of <br />taking bean: to the fair market value of ih~ Property immediately prior' to the date of taking. with the balance of tbe-proceeds <br />paid 10 Borrower. <br />ff the Propenv i. abandoned by Borrower. or if, .fler notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers lO'make <br />an awar<! or settle . claim for damages, Borrower fails tt' respond to Lander within 30 days after the dare wcb,notice i. <br />mailecL Lender j, authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds, al Lender's optiot,. either to restoration or "'parr' of. the <br />Property or to the ~ums secured hv this Mongage. <br />Unles~ Lender and Borrower othcrw~ agne in writjfl~. any such application of proceeds to principal shall -not extend <br />OT postpone the due date 0f the monthly im,taUments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />,uch in-staHments. <br />10~ BArroWfl' Not RdeaRd. Extension ('~i the tlme for payment (lr modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />hy this Mortgage granted b\' Lender to any 'HlCCeS~"r in intere"r of Borrower ",halt not operate to. release. in any manner. <br />rhe liability of fhe nri!rinal Borrowei and Borr('\wer\ .\uCCCS'i.oro: l!1 iorerest, Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proc-l:edings aga.mst such succ.euor 0r refuse tc'l extend time for payment tlf othe.Nd"c modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by rhi-s by reason r~f JOY demand made by fhe orj~mal Rorwwer and B.('1rrower's successors in interest. <br />n. F~ by 1.eJHI<< Nm a WaivPr. An\' f()rbe.a.ran~c tw I,cnder in e,erci"me anv riJ!:ht or remedy hereunder. or <br />.:.,t~nvise afforded hv ..;pphcable law. ;;;hall not he a waive-r nt or preclude the exer~ise 'of ~nv such ri~t or remedy, <br />The procuremenr of tn1.urancc or the p-"yment of t;ncs fit other liens. \ll (harg~ ~v I.ender "hall not be ;:.t waiver of Lender's <br />ris,ht [0 accelerate the maturity (;of the mdehtcdn~s ,;,ecuTed hy rhl" Mort~age, <br />1%~ Remedies CUllt1Jladw.. :\11 r("mcrll~ pr0vldcd H1 diN \1(lrtga~c ;He distinct :.lnd cllmulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage Ilf aff(lrded h... Llw PI" {,quit\'" .lnti n1JS nt" ,-'lmcurrent!\" mdependenlly or successively. <br />J ~ SW'C'ntiIH'Ii aIId A.~ Bound; Joint aad Sf:-vrral Liability-;- Capdom. Toe ;:ovenan{s and agreements herein <br />~ontamed shall bind. and the rights hereunder \haH InU!e h..1, the rt:''''\.pectlvc 'UCCC".'\Qf'i ami J",.ign-s 0-f Lender :md Rorrower. <br />!iubiecl to fOe pro-vlS-ttlm! of pa.ragraph I"'! h!'ft.,"\,t -\H ;;:ovena!l!'S and :ll;,rccmcnh nt Bnrro....'er shail he jCljnt and several <br />The .:ttpttoos .and (If the paf3gt<lph" tlf !fyi, "\'1ortg:,1~c ;ire (,'f \'llO\'Nl:lenCC IlfiJy ;mtl art" not to he used [() <br />Interpret or define the provl~i{)n.. h-('reot. <br />1.. Notice. Except for any noue(' rl....(,plirl'd ,lndcr dPp!il.:abk la....- w be gWl'n in another manner. {al any notice to <br />Borrower proVided for In thi.. MorfgaJe ~haH he ~l\'en by m~lIin~ l"u(,:n :joflc-.: h~ .;t~rtified m;ll! addr-c..~cd to Borrower at <br />th.e Property Address or ;it ,;uch l)t~f ~'\ddre~'S .;is, Bt)[r( ;-n;;I" dcstgn;ne bv noticf:: t{l Lender ;is provided herein. and <br />to) any notIce 10 Lender ~haU be p\'cn hv certdied mad:, J eturn te-;'::C'I:'f requested, h_1 Lender',;. addres\ !W.ltt.."-d herein or to <br />such other add~ .u l.ender may de~lgfHut'_ f'\\-' (1(\I}-,'(: t,l Born~we-r tl~ pn.-"tnded ht."retn Any norke provided (('if in this <br />Mortgage shaH he deemed h"l h;;l\.e ~n p"'c-n (0 Born~""c:'r Pf f <:nd('r \\ hen ~!\'en in fhe manner designated herein <br />1-5. Vnifonn M~.; (;o-'f<<'f1l:iD& Law; Se~r...bilit). i'h,.. i<\fHl I)' Il'1pngag-c u~mbines unIform l,;'o\'enanb for national <br />Ilk and lk"m~wllfonn cov-enants \\ilh limit-e-d q~.n"-tlon'! r.v lHfl"...b_.:t,PM (" l,,'~'n~tll\it;; a undorm ~-ccurit\' instrument covering <br />real property J1H':) M-Ci-f!gagt'" ,,-hall be ~ovefl1(.'d hv !he i.:tv. ,'f :hr !on..,k:IH'IT1 lfl which the- PrO~(1Y i" located, In the <br />event that Olny prOVfStOO or l.,~lause d thh Mon~a~c ,',: ~h~ 'nIt' ~','nth"':l.. wIlh arrri<:::lble law, "\Il..::h conflict ..hall not affect <br />Nhel pro>fls-ion\ d thi~ Mortgage \~r the ,","Ie '-'d~;l.,h ' he' ~l"Cf! dft~L"t \\Hlwut fhe ..~ontli(;tln~ pnwi"ion, dod to thj~ <br />end the p-fl....Il-S-k1-n'l. ,){ the ~,{1of1gag(: and thee '.I!l~ J.!t' dL';..'I;~rcd !l' h_' ,cvcrahlt' <br />16.. BonoWH'S Cop,'. Borrx)Wcr ,hall t-t' furm,hed .' ;.dlh'rITI~d UlP\ ,If th,,; 'nle- .tlll! ,11 !h!\ M(lrf~agc ut the time <br />nf eAtX;"ul",-'n (."It .dter ffi"Ordaii(\o hereof <br />11. oftlle Propen~:; :\JOUlnpJion. l~ J!i ,'I ;Ul~ p.lfl ~-,! IhL' Pn1pert\' "I" an llltereSllhcrelO i.. s'l\ld (lr rran..;ferrcii <br />by BorrO'W-(f.wlt.h.Out Lcmk'r\ rr~l1r wnHr-ll ~~)n\CIlI.. ~',dudi!'l~ '-l; the \..-rc;lltOft. ."T i\ hen .or "~Iborllmale. 10 ,:1"- ~i-:" <br />.i{tIS Mort,., Ii." !he ~re4Uon of ii purcha"!oe nWf).C\ ~~'\:Url{\ Qlh:re-s:! 1M hO\l-s.t:fwld ilppll.mcc'i. !t,'l <.l tfamtl::f i:'Iv dCYI~e, \_~\\! p <br />i}~'-, ~~<,nt \)f hy (~r3ti()n of law UlXlfl the lh::alh of ,'i ",ml !.:n.wl I!r 1 j 'P J ~f - ( '. , I' - ~F1 I j ll1rJllt ~f (kFViI "nlf I!r l\l"--~ _ t) '- <br />V, J ~1 T ~ .. 'l'~ F1 f.' J . , f L r 1 enJer m<l"". dt ! cnder ,nplh_'o dcci,lfe aH fhe ~um" sC;;lired hv this Mortgage to he (, }.f'~ <br />~ 1.mmed~atC'IY due and payable. Le-nde. r., ..hail ha\~ 'A-i,iVcd \w,;h <"lptl{IO 1,1 'h'Lcler~. Ie II. prior 10 Ih~ ",ale nf transfer, Lender V~ <br />d"~ and the- ~0Qfl t() whom the Prope-n~ II; lt1 (1Ie !.()jJ __)f lran~h?rr('d rca...-h llgn:emo:m In wnnng thaT the ,,'redlt (,f !'.uch person <br />IS ntufactQry to Lender .md thai the mte-rest payable ~H'1 the :wm"ll ~t,'~ured 11, thIS \'ltl-rtgage ,hall be ;H su..;h rate il~ Lender <br />shall TUlueSL~ If l.ender has wan'ed d\e- \){'mon f(1 .u.:cekr:.\le\Jcd 111 [hl\ pdragraph 17. :tnJ if Borrower\; ~tlC'CSSl)r in <br />Intet'e'ithue-xi:Xuted a wntten assumptioo agreement .:l~~eptc-tJ In ",,{itln~ hy I ,ender, i.ender ",hall rejea:i~ Borrower from all <br />obl.,.tion. under rhlS Mortgage and the Nore. <br />If Lender SUi.'h option (0 a~\"'Clet.atc, lender ..haB mall Hotl\)o,.t,.cr fH"}{K~ \';1' dc-:eleratlon in ac~nrdan(e wilh <br />paragraph l4 hem."lt Such rWHeema!! prt.wlde; withm <br />whiclt Borro",'e-f mill)' pay the sumt declared due. It ROfh.l\Oot:'f r.Hh h~ p;:tY "IKn "-dffiS Pflfl[ 1(1 the t'\pif'dfIOTI (\f "lIen period. <br />l.t-ft.def'may, 'W-.uhuui further nOI~l..'e or demand on Rorro-wee ',l\'l)kc -itn... remedies pernllHed hy p;.\fagr.aph IS hereof. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Nt,)N..l1N!FOIU.' COVEN-i\J<,;l-S. Borrowcr aou I.cnder funher (('''-cHam .!od .igret: a~ fl)lk,-w~ <br />I" Au.......... a.......... E1l(:('pt __ provided in par~raph 17 benot~ upon Bonowu'!j bre-1Kh of AU)' co"e-nant or <br />........ of BornnrC:l' i-a t1d5 ~1ona:.~ iflritMtitta dw ('o_C"ftant~ to Va) wJH:.n due an" SUQ~ se~urcd b~' this Motta...". <br />LeaoIor pdor ,.. ~ ...... mail no~ ." IIorr.....r .. pro.ided in P"'''IInlpb 14 hCROf ......if'iRll: (I) 'he b,",n'h; <br />ilt Uot 1IdIoa.......... to... _1I......l\l (J) a ..... 001 _ 1_ 30...." from lhe d... the noli.. .. mail.d to, <br />'" wlIokh _II '-II _ ... <1IR4: lIIOd (41 t.... ,...... 10 <lfte .",,11 bru<1I ..a or bef..... lhe dat. ......ified ;0 Ih. ootk. <br />_ _Ill ~..I!IIe....... _lJttii b, ,.... M........, lonc"-r. by ilfdkial pro<.....JIRlI ...d """' of Ihe I'ropc.rty. <br />'"", Mlb ...... hut.... 1IlI_ ........... of the '.... '" ~ "'ltr o<cf'leratieJa and lhe riRh. 10 ....""rt in the lored....... <br />............. ... _Uilt__ uf a defMIl or ...., ........ <lel_ 0/ Bon...... eo ""<.Ie..,,,.... _ 10_.......... If the _h <br />.. _ ..... on ... ........ IIot date ....... 1111'" .......~. hndn ar I.e",",r's opllon ....y d<< all 01 tho ........ _und hy <br />... -.... '" _ ~y ".. _ pay.... wilhQat ,..._ _ _ _y f......,_ hy judkial P""'''''''iRlI. Iruder <br />.... ... ........ ... ........ 111-'0 ~ all n~ of loree_.... Inri......., l>vI ...., IlmRd 16. <<JOts 0/ do<o......otary <br />........... ............._ roc...".. <br />t-."" ......-erJ...... t......... N,,_l-twith$t.lftdm, L",rnk:-"!l 'Jl.,"~!cf'$-H~~fi nf th(: ~am1l- :'~';un:iJ hv tht'\ M('ft~ilg(:, <br />iJot~t ~.! M~ t~ -ftab~ J(,\ hl\'t' ~ny p'f.(~T,.t'dm-a!t- t,~'tun hy i ernkr h. udon.'e <fW. MNI.lp:tgc dh'((HHHlUeJ J! ~'H1~ {iflW <br />