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<br />r <br /> <br />83...... <br /> <br />\lu5784 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNlFOR..M COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant ,and agree- as follows: <br />1. Payment of PrIIlc/pal ....d Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mongage. <br />2. Funds for Tues ..... 1_. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shaD pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortg.,., and ground rents on lbe Property. if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus oDe-twelfth of Yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initilllly anllfrom <br />time 10 time by Lender on tbe basis of ......ments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency {including Lender if Lender is such an institution l. Lender shall apply the Punds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the ,Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling .aid assa,mcnts and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />penuits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of f:Xecuti~n - of :this <br />Mortgage lbat inlerest un the Funds shan be paid to Burrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accOlmting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds -and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage, <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of- Funds payable prior to <br />the due date$ of taxes, aMe5$ments.. insurance premiums and ground renl'i, shall exceed the amount required [0 -pay said.taxes. <br />2S-~ts, insurance premiums and ground rents as Ihey (aU due, such c_xcess s.hall be. at Borro.....-er's option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borroy..-ef or crt..-dited fo Borrower an monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender y,h-all not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments. msurancc premiums and ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is maiJed <br />by Lende-r to Borrower requestmg payment thereor <br />Upon payment In full of all sums secured by thls Mongagt:. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />heJd by Lender. If under paragraph I H hereoi the Property J" s,Jid or the Property is otherWise acqutred by lender. Lender <br />shall apply, no later- ~ha.n lmmediatdy prior h1 the sate uf the Property Of tts acquiSition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the lime or application as a credit agamst the se~l.Jrcd by thiS Mortgage, <br />3. Appikadea of Paym-eJtb. Cnkss applicable \a'-" pr\wldt.~s Nhef\\ i'i.c. .ill payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shaH be apphed hy L~~ndcf first In p<.i\ment 01 amollnts payable h) Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereoL [hen to mterest r.tyabfe (1f) the 'Ole. then 10 the principal or tt-.e Note, and then t(l interest and <br />pone-Jpal on any Future AdVances. <br />4. Charaes: 1.Jras. Borro\\€! "h..l! I'd~ .lil 1.1\1,"'\. .l',..~..."rnc-ni~ .I!h.i ~'tht.'i ;.-h;Jr~t", fln~... ;mJ Impositions attributable to <br />the Property which may attain J- priority (lVcr lhl.\ ~1o-nga~c, ,iod !caseh~)IJ paymellls l'lr ground rents. if any. in the manner <br />provukd under paragraph ~ h~rc{Jf or. it llt.ll p,.lJIj In ..u~h Jn~lnn!;'c 11\ ijorro\\er rndkmg payml'nt. when due. directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shail promptl~ furmsh h_~ LenJer tdl H,.'tlCC.. nl .wwunb due under th1-s paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shall make parmcm dtfc>cth:, tJ, ...haU rwrnpli\ t'.lrm'\h l() Lt:ndcr r~~drts t:\ldcnl:log such payments. <br />Borrower ~haH pfi1111ptly JiSt.:h.arge an} lien "l.hlCh ha;\ j1nont\" (i\-Cf Iht<., ~tortgage: rnwli.led, lhilt Bormw~f' shall nLlt be <br />requlfcd to d~scharge any ~uch hen '->\.} kIng ;1.5. H"fWV..Ci ~haH ;Lgrt~t: Hl ,'rlll!\g': !\' the payment of the obhgalhm s.ecured by <br />~uch hen In a manner accepfable to L~nder. 'iH "h;;,1; In !:-,}-nd l.,mh ~:;,H11c..l \lKh hen ov. Of ddenJ enfi.m:cmcnl \H ~llch lien Ill, <br />legal proceedmg-s whIch o~rMe to pn:\-ent {11l" ~:nl('f\.,:cnh'nt ,Ii 1ht., hen I..lf !orkl{WC nf the Propert~' or any part thereof. <br />5.. Hazard I~, u.orro~ef ,hai! io..ccp lhe 'mrh",eHlt'flL" 11<1\\ ;"".IClllnJ.: (If hert:>!ltt:r erected on the- Prop~flY Ifl~ureu <br />iiSalJflit loss hy fire, hazar,h mdth:.led \\-jlhm rhe l..:rm <C'\!:C'fl\kd d'-;,.t:f,.ig..: ;jn...l '\LiLh (lIher hazards a", l.ender m,l.Y rcqlllrc <br />and in sucb amoUflb .and f.x ~lK.'h pt.'fh.X,h.-.\.. !.":!Idcr tn", tClj\Jl!I.', Pfll\l~k..L Ihall,t~llJ~r "hall not require Ihal th~ ~!f'lOunl \)( <br />such cove_rage:: (:(ceed that am<Junt ,If (i,,"--crase f<o.'4u.n:d \<1 p~t\" th~ >,IHll-'- ..C..-HfCd r.\ lhl\ ~-1\.Jrtg..tge <br />The ln$ cum! prOViding the- ll1)l,lirdfi...;e ~h",H he "t1t~..c1\ h-., HOffO\\Cf "'JblCl.'t h~ i1pprl'"al n) Lc-nJef: proVided, <br />thai such appn)\-aJ shall ntH toe unrc~\l1.;ihiy \.lo ithhJ:id '\li ptenllLHH' I'D m"'W,Ilh':c !Hdil..'le::. "hall he paid III th~ manner <br />pr-oVlded under ~ herwl I.JL :1 nul p.ud H) ~!H.:h 1Hitnncl; b~ H~)ffl)\ltcr maklfl.{i: pil.}'ment. when dut:, dJn~\:tly to the <br />lDSurancc: carner, <br />^iI iQ5UraUn,~ puh":le!> and fen-e~ai... tti~H;",'! "h<J/l h.' III h,nn ,n_~-I;.'pl<lbk' 1.\ l ~ndcT ,lnJ "h~lllllh-,ludc ,I ,I;lfld<ird mortgage <br />daUlloe tn favor (If and In totm a-.:.:cptuok I..' Lender ! .;ndCI "h.lil h~~t: lhl,.' fight ii' h.lld the polh.:lc_,> .11ld fl.:!1I.:'>\tlls there,lL <br />and Bonu\llo'Cr ~h..:iii prompll~ fUflllsh hI tender ..ill h'ncl'o.!1 ll~'{h.-t''' o.l.nJ ~tl! ft~i:Clpl:l. ()f fHtlJ prcfHlLlfIh In Ihe 1.:\':01 of Ios;:. <br />Borrower ~b<J!J ~:l\'t;; prump\ p'(l(h.:e h, the lB'IUf,~n..;c ....HIIl'! ,1"..1 I endcl. I cu.;.... mo.l.~ make pro,,! \It loss It IWI 01,11.1(: pf\lmpll) <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender d1);J 8ofr0\o\-t:I lHheNj,,~ ..tgfl'': In "-filing. llhtJl.tlh..c p"h.~'.:d, i>hJII bt' ..J.pphed hl'd-tlon nr rt.~palr of <br />lhe PTopc:rt)' \.t:.unageJ. pnJvlJed ~u,,;h rt:-~tviall(ln l~r n:p.,Hi ;, \."....i.Hi~lmh.;4il\' rl:.l.~lblc ,wJ Ih..' ",CI.-UfUY \It thl') ,\lortg~tgc I.. <br />not lhereby imp.llr"t'd. It suo.:h n:,')turittH.m or It'Pdlf 1') Ih.H <:d1Ih1iHh...i!l} k.l7l<lhlc M Ii !he ::o.i,.';';l:nty tit' thl<; ~lon&agc w\,luld <br />be- impaired, the lUsurance pnxt~txb ..haH be >1p-ph~J h,l lhe '>uInl'l ')t:'..:til\:J h~ (hi.. Mortgage, ~ Ilh !h~ c\.o:.:t;'t-:., Ii ,wy. ('lud <br />to a...,rrowcr. If the Property l~ ~!.b-.Hl;jt~ncJ t~" Btlfl'('WCl" ,'1 l1 H.:'Ht''''Cr !.i1l" h' f.-:~{)\.tfh.J to tl;'nd~f ""thlll 30 day!. lrom th\." <br />dale notice IS milJk-d by Lender tn B.;nHtW(:f Ih.H lnc In~Ur4n,.:"," \,.--,Jf!lel ~'!kr.. 1,) ~l.,'"lllc .J ..:i~Wl1 h..r ln~urJ.n..;c hendit3, Lender <br />to'\- autboozed to ooikx:t iind appl) (h~ IlbU(.;iUC,; rrt:->cccJ-3 .il L cnJcl ... opb.ln l'!thcr h) r~!L)r.lllOn \"r repair (It the Propen)' <br />(-'-f to the &UrnS ~~ured by {hts Mortga~. <br />Unless L~llder and Borrl,)'A-'-cr Dthef\'\oI:~.c ..g.r<< Hi '"'-{\fmg. <t,ny 'r,J..:h .lp-pll(<i{I1.,m III prl~ccd~ W pflm..l.p;tl "hdll nut l'.\lI.:-nd <br />or p.>>tpone the due diU~ \.)1 the nh_mlhl~ m~taJjmenl~ rdcrred: 1\' j;; parJ.graph:-- ! ,inti 2 hcrept IH ..-hangc the ;Ullouol 01 <br />iucb instaUmeuts.. If -under parairaph j Ii hereof l:he Ph}pert) \.\ ~"'YUJfeJ h~ LendeL .Ill nght,. lale ,U1J mlereM 01 Hornmcr <br />in and to an:;- msuram::e puhcia .aflU in and to the priXt.--eJ:l there.,J-f rc;>owtfmg !rum J.lfll.J.gC to the Propcn~ pnor III the ~alc <br />or 4Cquii-tbO-n li-nuH!' 10 Lender to the C,\ienl or the !)Ufll.'). ~\:ure-d 1)\- ~hl!, \h'lrlg;Jf:-C Jln:ncdlitld) prim III 'ouch sal~ 01 <br />~ittwn. <br />'" P:n.en.... awl ~(f' of Propen~'; I.-etieoold.\; Cond-om'niuUJ~; Planned enit 1>e'udupl1'wnts. <br />.,balj keep the Propttty in ~ repait and ~haU nvr t:-Ornmlf ....'-Mte 1)[ permn Itnpillrrne-IH iJr Jetcrloralu..m ot th~ Properry <br />and shaU comply YlIitb (he pro"~oo~ <.1t any !c$C It 1hz,;' \1ortg.igt: t',. on '-I'ht'd;J, It thiS .\tongag.: 1S l.ll1 ,i HnH In .1 <br />condomiwum (l( .. pia.nncd unH de'\.-eI.opmcnL Borr..:.\we: "hail pcrJ0llU aB t'i Bornno\.-('f:;' \lh!Jgalti,\HS under the 4e-chu'atll)1l <br />Of C(J\'CDl.Ol$ ..:re.dlQg I.')f juvernm-B, the ..-:t.ndommu-i-nl \~! plannl;..>U lllHt ~le...'clopmcnL The by.lay.!i, Jntl reguJarltin't -1.11" tht'! <br />t:oodominiUlt\ or planned unit tit-vekJpfftt'HL ,md \,'onsutuenl ..h.x.:umcnh_ 1!.1 <':\.Hl\_h..){lunium or planned Wlit dCH-h.Jrmcnt <br />rtdet u ~ by BOllt.l\Vec and ~(,.'lfdt-,d w~thet ""ttn l!w. Mortgage, the ((!\'CU.UUb <lad agreem-enh d ~ll~h llder <br />thaH be inc()rpot~ Into illld \hail iIlJl(;nd and '5<upph:mem the ';'\h-euanl~ dnd .tgn:eme-Il(:') fir tlw\ ~ton!tag(' ...:<0 II the rider <br />"'...... ..part beteo€. <br />,~ ~ of ~.~. If B-orrO'4Ci fa~l!< tn per[('lfnl the -,;o"'''eoanb .amI agfC'Cmentfi ~"ontamed in ~hl,) <br />~~ ~)f if uy at:tJOQ t~t p-fQL-eediB3 I' commcl!:CcJ ',l,.'hH:h mauriai'~' atf-e\.';:h te-ndet'~ lnlef\."Sl in the Pr>,1pt:rty. <br />md.\Atinc. but fl,..-"lt hmiiM 'to. -&:mjnt':-t:t.t dQrwiih. in.!i()h-elk:~', .,:t"1dc ~nfor('~.ment. .n- Lttrangeml.lOlJi; tH' procec..tin-g.,. m...olvHlg n <br />~pt ct: ~-l. thitU Lc-~t AI L-tflUe_r'lj. l}ptJO,U. upon !'H~t.l:C-C h~ 60nO"",'H. may make '\u~h <~ppc-aralh;Cf" "h'\hufS-t.: s~Ji;h <br />.mal &Dd ~I: ..h kUQn A~ ii ~ll4fl h) prOtex:l Lendt.f~}; ttlll;::re..t., but }}o.t hrnueJ: h), \lalJ~:lnscn),t;Hl \'i <br />~,altmwY."i ice. fjJ)(( en-tty upon the rr~HY w tfUt.Kf: t(cPO_f, H L~ndcf' r<:<'lLHIT."d nw-r~gagc Hy,,\tni.m:_(' a~ ;l. <br />~t~_ oJ makm, t~. !uan ~Ufed f)y tha"c. nn"(~;.i;('r shaH pay {hot f'fCm!UUb re-qum:;j /,:) maintam \~l\'~h <br />fftt4lf.~ in fkt until :,}~K:h lIme- .." 1fK. reqUtn'UlImt fOf ~U4:h ! tnmH1at~ 111 .l,""~I.'tdancc W1I0 f.lorn:v;;.--c{' and <br /> <br />... <br />