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<br />r- <br />I <br /> <br />83- OU5776 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />9. Coadem..adoa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and .ball be paid to Lender. <br />[n the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of (he Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shaH be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is. equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taKing bears to the fair market value of the Propeny immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the- condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails (0 respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to coHect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of -the <br />Property or to the .ums secured by thi. need of Trust. <br />Unless- Lender and Borro-wer otherwise agree in writing. any such applic,uion ot proceeds to principal shan-not extend <br />~~~=~~ts~ue date of the monthly installments referred w in paragraphs I and :2 hereof or change the amount of <br /> <br />10. Borrowt't Not RdC'.-ed. Extension of the time tor payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any succeSSQr in intc~e:st of Borrower shalt not operate t-o rele~se. in any manner, <br />the h.abilitv of tilt: original Borrower and Borrower.~ su-ccesSt.ns m Interest. Lender. shall not be requtred to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for paymc_nl or otherwise modify amortization of l~e sums <br />secured by this Deed cof Trust by reason of .any demand made hy the origlOal Borrower ,and Borrower's successors in Interest. <br />11. .~orbearan<< by Lender Not s Wai"er. Any forbearance by Lender in exercismg any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shaH not he a waiver pf or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procure-ment of j'l'l.Surance or the payment of tax~ or other li~ns (lr charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to a,cceleralc the maturity of tnc IOdebtedneS-..\ secured hy this Deed of Trust <br />12. Remedin. Cum-ulativ~. All remedies pn:n:lljed In this Deed of Trust are disrlOC{ and cumulative (O any other right <br />or remedy under rt'lls need of Trust or 3-fforded 1-)\: !;j\ofi (lr equH)-". ;1fld may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively . <br />1 J. Su("Cftl8OI"S and Af1i<<D5 Bound: Joint and St"nnd I hbiJity: (.'.plions, T'1e covenants and agreements herein <br />containeo shall hmJ. .16~ fhe nghts hereunder ..,ha!i Inure !(~. the respective "u~('e-SSOfS ~Ind Js~igns of lender and Borrower. <br />..ubJ<<:t to the provisions of parag-oph ! 7 h-cre{."lt >\ll covenanls and :lgreemems of Borrower ~hall he ioiot and severaL <br />The caption.\ and headings or the paragraph.:; ~,t :hls Deed t1( Trmt MC "':Imvenlcnce only and are not to he used to <br />mterp~t or define the provtslons hereof <br />14. ~~. E:\ctpt (Of any notKC ;equ~!l.--d under appll>::}bie !d\\- h. bi.:' ~Iven Hl another manner. (al ;my notice tt) <br />Borrower provided for 111 thl$. Dew at T ru-st ..hall ht- given hy m;:u!mg ~u:.,.'h nouce by ~erllfied mall addressed tn Borr?wer ~I <br />the Property Addr:es-s or a! .loch (Hhe-r .\ddtcss <1\ Borff.,wer ma) deSIgnate by notice It'! Lender as provIded herem. ;lnd <br />{h} any notice to Lender dun be g!\.'cn hv certul-ed m:uL n;:turn receipt n:que~ted. 10 l..ende(s address- stated heretn or to <br />,>ue-h other .address as. Lender may (h:~ilgnalc tVi {Hltlce It.. Borrower <.IS provided herem_ Any notice provided for III this <br />Deed ().f Tnnt Sohal! be det'nlCrl tn have been gi"'cn to B..HTl.,wer nr I ender when given in the manner dcsignaied herein. <br />t5T linHonn llffd of Trust; (;uv<<nine Law; Se,"~rabint)-. rhl"" fNfl) of deed 01 1m"! combines Uniform covenants for <br />nabonal U~ and nvn,u01lorm ,-,{}Vena-ills with limned 'dnat!(lm. r.~ !ulIs.dll.:tll)f1 (l) constItute- a uniform secunty instrument <br /><,'ft\'uing reai pn.l-pc:f1\'. This r>eed i.'l Trust ,,>~u!l N- ~oH'rnt"d OY 1he J,iW ill the Jun",dl..:lion HI whIch the ProperlY is located. <br />In the evem that any prO:Vl-$-IOn Of dllU~ \l1' lhl~ Deed (\1 Tru:'lot .'f the ;-":~"lC ,,'lHlfh..:b wIth <lpphcahlc law, 'HJch ..:onflicr shall <br />J)l.)l atfe--.:t owr pro\-"!smns. of !hJ$ i)et..~ (~f 1 :Uii '-if lhe !'\.He ....hICn ~'.Hl he ~l\'eft dle.:t wllhoUI the contlicting provisiun, <br />,md fo fhu end the: prV'HJI{)f1:ll l'l rhe De-cd ,>1 1 ruM !he '-Ole .lie l1ed.!fcd fp N: scve-rahle <br />16. Borro.....,." <:opy. ~~aH ~, t;;fHlo;n('d .;I ~\lniotlncd ,-,_lpy pI the Note ,md ill lht:i Deed of Trust ;\l the time <br />,)t c.\ecUllUfl or after recoTwulon hereof <br />17. 'fraasfe-t of rw Propc-rt,~ "'.....ptioa. If ",n ,>, ,tm P,i11 llf the Prt'J:'Io\.:'r1\" Uf an inteozsl thereIn 15 sold or tr!msferrcd <br />\1" 8orrow~r wIthout Lender's pn(lj ....-nttt"rl ;.:,HI\;tnL {' ,dUi"hn~ ,.l! lhe (re~iH(ln ot <! lien ~.H c-ncumbram:e ~uh()rdH1ate to <br />this. l)ccd Qt ffUt-t. ! h) the n-cat!uo \.1 oJ plJrC03.M." "~f-Tn('\ ";("";,"11<11\- llllt'r("~t t,_H htlus.chuld appIHtm;~. (\: j ..l trJmter My devise. <br />Jc:scc:nt or hy ope-ration of law upon th<: death ,A., "!lr j,::',l!\l (H i I!! lhc .l>:rJ:nl 01 "fiV h:asdwld mterest 01 Ihree yC'ars. ,)r les~ <br />not cool:untfl.j an option tl~ run:h<noe. I q;~n. oil! .:onder '\ ,'pil;'~1, J('~br(' .1J! tht' sum,> 'it'cured bv thts De-ed oj TnJ~t to he' <br />IInmcdta.tcl)' due- ltnd p<iVlSble, Lcrnkr ..,h;IH f'U\"C 'l"-._lIW'd ,u\:fl optH,HI 1\1 u,,-n:kratc If, PfI{)f !p lhe ~ale fIr transfer. Lender <br />..nd (he pefS(:l{l to -.-hJ.,\!ll the Propenll~ I.J t"C hI!.! ,,!, ~:-~J.1l~ic, ~~~d r~'a..:h agr-cemcn! :n wTlllng thai the credIt ()t 'low.:h penon <br />~~ .....U~dolCt(try ti." ! <'"rider .uw ~hil~ th(" l1Hernt j1';J\-.:tf:k ~"n (he >;.illlV;, .......-.. urt"\! t,\- ;hl\ {)t:'_cd (if "f n.:i-t "hall he at s,Kh i all:' a,> <br />Lender sh.a:U feQUC3t H Lender h.J-:\ w-a:\-~d the \lr-rHlfll;.~ ~H:cdC"r,)!\~ puwHJed n:l !hl" par'ipiiph 1:. and If Borrower",;_ \-ucccssnf <br />ltl- mtCf"C'St h..~ e~ecwcU 11 wnHcn auum;mtm dgfcenlcm ~o.:(erl('d ~p \.\-! HIO~ h\- I .:ndet. I ender ",hall ff:lca:)c BOTf(lwcr irOn! <br />~dl Qhhpul."1,li<j under thi'!f Dc-ni ~)-t Tn"! ;tnJ .he:' ~;,)tc <br />If Lender Cl:.C'n:f~ ,tKh i,"1ptU.'Hl [(1 .1(..'ei(",,)h."_ 1 cnder ..hd!l '1l;J:l! Ihnrl)'.Acr IWIH.:C l'f iH:..:der-<ttlon Hi ; with <br />p.l.ngraph j4 here(',i SUch nOla.-c ~hl-n pr\w1dc- ;! peh-LtU .'1 '1U! k~<, fhan 1.1'1 ...b)-Oj tWill the dale the notice I~ mailed wIthin <br />'4-bi<.~h &lIffower m.oi} p,l.'t- the :s.Ufn__'lo ded~rcl.i !JUt: l! BI"fflj~C' L,d~ I" r.n' \u..h ,urn... rOOf 1'-"\ {he e,-prratH~n nf such pcripd. <br />Lender may, ,*lthi:H.t{ turthcr r~otH.:e pr demami '_'11 k\Hf\y".cr n'ot1j..(" .m\' ;,~medit''' permittet1 hv "1-xjfa~raph 18 h("r~of <br /> <br />NON.L_""It.()JIIM ('n...t"'''SI~ fi.,.1f(O\.',('f .,ind t ~'!H,kr ia,ther ,,{WI;;'OM1! .wJ <1g.rt'c ;3.. IQlk,.w,," <br /> <br />l8. ,\c<<'fcoratioa; R~.. I\:l.<<pf M pruvidc-d in panerapt. 17 ~tt'C)t upoR Borwwt'f'"'!i brt!acft of an} co\-enant or <br />iCl'ftIItf'Bt of Bul"f'01lll<rf in Ihi:!. I_}ffd u.f TfWi.l. indodiAl 1M un rnan-b to pa.,. ~'ht'n du~ Jflny ~um!l se('urftt by Ihis ))ud <br />of T...... I..."', prior to .n:-l"~. llha8 mad Dotkt' 10 BOrTu'ft't'r ft pnntdt'-d in paracrapb 14 hen-of ~p<<if}'ing: t1) lhe <br />bft.."': U) Itw ktioe f"lutnd to nu'C' MKft bIT.d.: t.ll a d..~. lloi If'SS than JO d.)'!l frum tbe datle 'ht' notice' i.... mailed 10 <br />BorroWff. by ~-hkh '!I.\KD hffacb m.... be- ('urtd: ~ud t4l that fathtf~ 10 c.'un' ~uch brflM:'h on or bt-fore the date !ipedfifll <br />ill lhe nutit't- mar f'e'Wll III a<:cdtorat..... of .tw With WUlrrd b~ Ink llt"'f!d of hm1 and Wit uf the '-rope-rty. Ib~ noltct <br />dulH hm:_ iafonu 5onuMt'r ul 1M ritA' .0 ft'iMbtlC' lIftrt" ~(.t'kr-alion iI-IId Ibt'- riatlt (0 brilll a c.'nuft action to ~r1 <br />thlt ......UM~f' of . "nft 'It .....- O'Mf' de-ffllW' of 8orru",rr to acu-te-ntMm and hale. If the- bl"eilCh i!l nut f.:Urtd <br />on or bNOft ttw daM- spK'iIiN in the hotK~. t....... at I.c'Pde,'.. upttuft m_:-- ~cb.rr aU of the- sum!lo ~(:ured b) thh. llfl-d <br />uf .r.... to be- i~-d) dft- a.nd ,.,.wr "'-lthou. fUr1hc-r <k-mand dlid mil,\' in"u&(' the- powtr of we and liD} other rf:mtdlfi <br />~ by ...,tic.... I...., L~aGn d.aiI ~ ~nti.kd to n)ji<<-f aU tttiORa-bk t'Qsb and u~nsn inculTt'd in punuif12 Ihr- <br />.- ......._ bt ..... _noplt 18. bt<ludiroc. but "'" limited to. r.-nabk: .-f' f.... <br />If tM powet' 01 salt: is i:a..aked. Tl1iI:Stft ~baft rt"('ord a hotk:t' of dc-fanU in f!'M'"h CoUnl) in which the Properf~' or some <br />p.wt theftol is SocaiH Md .. __ c~ of web nofk:fo in tM maOMf P,.~ribed b)' applkabk I."" tu Borrower and to the <br />"'..... __...-m...t Ity ~..". All... Ih~ "'.... of .ucb li.... as may be '<'fuiml by .pplkabl~ I.... Trust.., .hall <br />&i.~ pIIIIIIk ~ of .. to ,he prnoctll and h't t~ m."ftt"1" pt'e'k:ribed b} _ppfkablt I."",. Trustee. without demand on <br />......... .... wi tJk Property at puhl:k aiKrwn tu 1M hichnl bidd4tf' :If .he .i~ and pI.~ and undu the Irrm~ desi<<nated <br />in lite IMJIiIi<< of,.. it. oae- e!' Iftore: pa<<~h aacl in W('h Of'lkt" a\ TIlhtn ma)- dcl~fl1'li-ac-. Tru..H' m.}' posf:po8C' sale of all <br />01' ...y peft'd of rhe Proprtf1y by public aR-DOUOCement at tM tm. and pIa('t" of an) pCC:l'iousl,. ~h~uW sa-Ie-. Lendtor Of <br />I_'s ........ _ ,....,10_ ,.... ......,....y ., ...y...... <br />tJpea rr<<ittt of p.,ftMttC uf the prk~ bid. frnth' ""haD ddiYfi to tfw' pur-chaw-I" Trutn;'j MW ('OftnyiflJt 1M Prftpt:rI)' <br />~ " reritUt ill dM TNltn',. dff4 ... hit prima facit f',,"fdHK~ of tb~ truth of the shdemt"ftb lOde' thue.",. Trus:ti!C' <br />~......, tit.- ~ of 1M Wtk- HI tk foUowiac orde,.~ fa. to aU re.-onaWt (,oM:'j aad rs~ o-f tM ,..I~~ indudiq. but <br />IMitIilaMed to. T~~'res of DOt IftOlI"t': than:,. __ '1,_ ~_. ,._. ._ "\. of tM .fWi&- We: prit;~. feDORa-hie .'10f'1:te) ',- f<<s and ("tMia of <br />:::..... ~ Ut) to . MUla IK'VM hy {Hoed Of "rnN; and (cl fht' f.CnJ!J. U IIn,.. to .ht' penon or pentGl'V' ~y e-nrif~d <br /> <br />t.. ~~. R.... t& R~~ )'-.;{tt'>lfl!hstllIHJmg l_cllder'.. ;~:.:-I..-I..'l-er.l'tfla 111 the ,-~'urcd hy 11l1' n('~-d 1.,.f 1 tq"l, <br />!k\ffUWCf "haU f\a~t th4;o HAht tv nlJ'tO{; "lW p!o(-,~djog" heguil hy Lentler In \'nruh;-C llH~ r~('d ':'f i'nl'il dLs,C{lnt:ml(.",j .at <br />"flY_ hme ptl(~ t-f:~ lM C-llfhtf W 0\-'t."Uf" (tf tlJ the f1Un dit;-. l-'~fnf(, the "dlt' 1'1 Ihe P'-dpt'f1Y t_Hlnill;:s.rH h' I~W p{'~eT n! ..ale ~:'lllfall)t'd <br />;'l:l t~~ t.)J l"rmJ or (~fJ-t'nlT)' ~~. It .ltwi$_ment cnlfHL'!fJg. !hn. l)ee-u .If 'Trtlst d_ ,at Bnrf(>~l.'r p.n--... l x,jjd~r .111 ..unh wh",.-h ......ltl!;,! <br />~ fhen due umk,t Ihtt [~of lfH1';t. the Nnct' TH:_Ht":. \C-(unng l-'uture A,j,';Jft..-(;",. ;f ;Hl\. M;h1 fl.) -h":'i'kraliPn l'''':ulT~'\1 <br />:b-t ~'H.~"~,f ,\.'ut~ JiH bre"dw$ ur ..tny l.~thet ~_{Jv("n~tH'!o U! <1gretr~m.. d fk)fH~"q:r ,,\tflfilHieJ H! {hi" Deed ,\f T! U\-l <br />~tl ft.tnr\-",*~., _pl5)'" ~H f("Ii,,").j'~bk e\))('n$.C_~ H"U,-Hfrr-J by ! t:ndcr 4nd Tn_hlct: In ~r'!iof;;:mg n~(" ,,'o'l'l;:n,wh <!nd .!~rl:1tmt~rU~ ,,1 <br />8{)fn~ ..-nn~...ti~ l-!~ lht~ I~ 1-)' rHt~ -'lJrd ill enJI.ln:mg l,>:n-dc( \. ....'lJ 'r::"'e ~ n:fn<oJiC" .\' rr{'\olik-~ !n i'M4~f<tph 1P; <br />he-~, Jt)!i;~~t-dHl"o hul rut! !~ft"'l~c-d In. rCil~('fiahk >ii-HOOl{"\i'-t, lte-~. ,Jnil idi K{~n{n..--t~~ !;;ikC"'! "-th,'h "~:!lnn ;~-;. I ('H1J~1 flU\i- n:"t...\q,<.\hh <br />f't'~l~~~ hl iI"lwrt th,tl 1~~ !len l.t Ihl't rk~j oj i "1-\'1 {u!,-kr "- H,l>f(~~,l \n ,h-i: P"','p.enOy .lnd H,"lh'',.\(Ol ... "td~1l1ttt-Hn h' ~',i~ <br /> <br />r <br />