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<br />83_0C5776
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />I. PIIY- of Prine;.... anti Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due Ihe principal of and intere51 on the
<br />IOdebtedneu evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />%. F...... fer Tua ...... 1ns1JraJI<<. Subject to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is -pJtl'; in full,
<br />a suru (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one~[welfth of :'carly premium installments for hazard insurance~
<br />plus one~tweJfth of ye~rly premium installments for mongage insurance, jf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by L.ender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable t:Stimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in -an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stale agency (jnduding Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds fl) pay sai4 taxes. assessments.
<br />Insurance premiums and grou~d rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and cnmpiling saId assessments and bills. unle.\s. lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Jaw
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower .and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest O-n the Funds shall be pa.d to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or apphcable law
<br />requi!'f'S- such interest to be paid. Lender shall 'tot be required to pay Borrower any inter~1: or earnings. on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Fund:!' showing credits and debits to t~ _Funds_and the
<br />purpose for which eacb debil 10 lhe Fund, was ma,k The Funds are pledged as additional securilY for the sums secured
<br />by this. Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the fUlUte mo-nlhiy installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due date!i of taxes. as:R'iSme-nts. Insurance premiums and ground rents. shaH exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.,
<br />assessments.. insurance premiums and grountl rents as lh~y t~lH due, such excess shall be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid 1('1 Borrower or {~rcdiled. to Borrower on monrhly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held b}' lender 5hafl not DC sufficient !('I pay ra~es. as.sessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary fO male up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by lender 10 Borrower requesu"l! paymenl (hereof
<br />Upon payment in ruB of all ~ums secured oy rhis Deed of Tru'll. 1.ender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lent.'kr_ If under J?aragraph 18 hereof ihe Pwpcr!y f., ...old Llf the Pfl"lpcrry lsotherWISC acquired by Lender. lender
<br />shaH apply. no later than Immediate]y pnor fn lhe ,,;.lIe ~-'l the ProperlY ur U~ acqulsltlo-n by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />tender at the ttme uf applicauon ,1'1 a "red!! against the <,um<; ...ecured hy thHi Deed of Trust.
<br />J. Application of Payment!l. l;nh,~"-S appllc30k j~1\" provHlc\ (lrherwcs,l'. all, paymenfs reccl\-'cd by Lender under the
<br />Sore and paragraph!. I and:! hereof shall be ::s.pphed hy I -coder tir.., III payment of .amount'.> payable to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 here-.ot. then to inrere'\l DII\:~lhk t)n !he ~ote. Ihen In rhe prlOclpai of the Note. and then t(l inlerest and
<br />pnncrpaJ on any Future Advam'es
<br />4. Charwfl: (MaL Borrowt'"r ~hati p;;y ,ill t,nC''o" ;j....o;C:>.Sm~nh ,md \Ithc-r tJlarges. flnes .1nJ ImposltitJns attributable to
<br />the Propen)' which mal af!.am a pnnfltv ('\"e; IhlS D~d .:<f Trust. Jnd lea~holJ payments or ground rents, if any. in the
<br />manner provIded under piifa~rapn ~ hcreof l,r. if om raid m such manner. bv Borrower makmg payment. when due. directly
<br />to the pay<< thereof B{1rru\\.~T ~haH prompliy funH~h ~l) I L"IlJl'f all notIL't.., ()f J.lnoHnls dlle under this paragraph. and in the-
<br />eyent Borrower shaH make p-ayrnelll dlfc..:ti\_ Born",v>l:r ..hall promptly fllflw-.h hi tender re1;C'lpt5 eVHknclOg such payments.
<br />Borrower sh&iI pwmpHy dl~chargc 3-n~ IH.:n .....Mh.h h;;l\ pnoflfv O\i,'r Ih<-.. Deed lJI lru'\t; rrn\<'ldcd, thai BLlrri).....e-r ..hall fil"lt he
<br />reqUired to Ji\i:harg(" :my <,u.:h hen ~.~ long .)\ lknrower ...hall agree m ~ntln~ Itl the pityment Llf lhe llbhgllllon ~e(:urcd by
<br />'ouch lien m.J. mann~r llt:l.:t"}1rat'\!e !,> (cnder, ,H "hall ill ~O(J.d t.lllf; ",,"'rllnt ...IILt) hen by. Of defend cnfon:ement of sUi.:h lien In.
<br />legal prlXudmg'" \4-hKh ppcr.u~ h~ pR'yt~\''!t !tk.' cnf,nn:l1h,'ot ,-'1 1t1.: h....n '.if f~"'!klture ..-,f. the Properly or any ran I.hereof.
<br />5. Hawant IMU~. BOrfOWt"f \h,JH ~c-cp the- Imrro\'t'ml'ot-\ no\\ C'\I\.!ln~ ...!f hereafter erecled on rhc Propertv Insured
<br />:tgalfi$t lost by fire. h.u.ar~ HKJudotu ""llhln the term 't;,tendcd ;,u\-';".ugt' Jod \u\.'h ('<Iher h:Sl.llr1"f:o.. as l.ender may reqUIre
<br />.1nd m 1-uch .mount:! .1tl:d fn-r 'HJi.:h p.:rHld~..t~ I (:nJl.:f nl).\l lequlre. j1fll\"!dt:'d. Ihal Lender ...h311 O(l( rC4uJre that the amount of
<br />\U(:"h ":o\(~r.age t'\"c-cet.i lhi\l ~m-ount \--,t ..,I\'ef;tg\4 f~-q;lm:-d !l.' P;,j\ tne sum... "cl,:mcd r.y rhl'" Dct."d of TTll~t
<br />The tn1\uranc-c ;:.:trrter pf(w!,hng fhe HhUf.Hh.t' ..hall tx- ch,'....C\~ t\\' B~...rrt'\\el ...uhjt......t t~) appn_ha! hy I cndt'r. p.rtwldeu,
<br />that suc_n appto\-'af shaH nm r.c uniea:\.onab-iy .". fthh;:ld ,,",-II pr-emHltn\ nn Hlsurancc p'lJlcie-s "hall l}f." pa.ld in the manner
<br />provtckd unrlu paraarapb ;. hcreQt oc If {K'H ;"ald :~\ '>lK-h 'THinner, hy BOrTnwcr fll,J);lI1g payment. when due, dlfl:ctfy to the
<br />losu-rance '"-&mer"
<br />All Ifi"ura!1\.~e JX)h..:~ ..lnd renC'",..b, H"->-('rt"ui _\,'-..ll! ~c ;n !"fm .j",,-qHolhk h' lender .lOU ..h~ll !lldude .j 'SIJod.u-d mongagi.,'
<br />,.:faux to ta'\'\.)-f of and In form a"l..'!:p-l;!.hk !o I c:n,j('f ! cnder ~h.\l! h..n~; fh;;: !l~ht In hold lhc po..l.lll.'lc\ ;Hld renc'-\,t!.. Ihereof.
<br />;"nd 8otrn-\H:.t "hail Ph-.mp-tly TlHfll.'\h !,) J o:ndl.'! ,Itl ft.nc....o1i 'ltJll~C'" .1:l4,.l ~llj IC":Clpt\ ,~i p;lhJ prc",ulln.., In the cYt'nl ,-11 It1S,\
<br />BdfTO""--er ~.H gl\'(" pro.mpl u('l..,:c 1,' ~h<: 'llSU!.J:h...C' ~dllit"f ,lthi ll'lldcr I ;:n~!cr m".. make Ilf\)(,.f ..If los~ II nul nude rrnmptl~
<br />bv Borrower
<br />. Unlet:'\ (C'ndcr.,nJ Borro'''H''r ,'th~I\"I~ .i~f'-'C ::l ;~r:'lnlo:'. ,ih~ll.llk-C ~or;:'d:'t:{h "h,.if he ;.tppheu [{J lL'\!lIratwn ('If n..'palr ilt
<br />the p(;)pt'rty J~m~<<L P{U\'IL~J. ~u.;h H...t~'t~Ih"!l UI '-CP,IH (', "1H~mH-;.ln\, !c.l...tble .If!i..1Ihl.' ..c...:U!ll\- t'! Ih:.. Deed 01 TrH'1 "
<br />not fM~b-\ lmpanffl If ..it"h fnhl!3;t~tm ~;r rcp-a~r h ,h-'1 n'\'n~.ml\.dl!\ le,n-Ihk ,-'f if Ihe '>-C<'llflty (11 thl\ Deed of rrll'\f ....ould
<br />be Imp.alft'J, ;he-1Mur;iIKc r-tf,:~CU\ ...hall he aprlj~1..1 t.' !tlc Hill" \."..uf>:d hy lhl' D<<:d Ilf 'Im:;:t, ....Ith the n.:IC"'''. If an". paul
<br />h) 80rrt.'Wl:'f If {he Prof)('tt\ .." ..IoanJu-n('"d h.... 8t~f(~I"'n ;.[ :( !-h.!f\......cr Lid., In 1c...p-tmd 10 l.cnd-l'r \",nhIH ;'0 da".. from tht"
<br />l.b!C' fK\th."C h m;llkd b\' : (,fld\~! !~, !L.)lfo....n !h...il tht.' ,;I-s,U:-,uh.:t: (",nj'.'f \~!kf" hI "euk" ;..:l.lllll t\)r Ilhllfa.IK{,," hcnefil". j,ender
<br />I') aufMtlze-\.f !l; ,,'(~HC'..:t and app4:y the !n!'l1..II,Jlh,:C p(l""'~'" .J! 1 i:ndcr ~ <.1pllon Ctlher 10 ":~tO(atl()n or f<:p.llr pi !he Propert\
<br />nr to the: 5um,- 'tt"Cured b) Ihl.'~ ~ l,)-{ rh.at
<br />t:nles) 1 cndcr and Born).:ef (lih-('lWIM: agree ,1\ wlltmg, .10) ~'Kh .Apph~;lll(\n (,1 proce-cds to prllh.'lpal ...hall not c\tend
<br />i.)f fX~lf".me lht: due .fatt' i.lt ~he m..mthl~ :O\t.illlftlcnh !dcnt"d Ip in paragraph... 1 :Hh_i :: here-ol Ilf (hange the amOUlll 01
<br />"i.uch llU(.nn~OI~, If under puagraph I;..; h('rc~)1 Ihe Propcft\ ,.., ..lo,:\{uucd h~ [-cnder.. "Iii fight. title ;'lOt..! !ntCfc~1 ,It Borrowt."f
<br />!114M h) illl~ In\UJllfiCC }.'X)lh,:u:::l. and In J:nd w the- pri.-x-'.ced.. !hc[nll ,e--,ullmg trlHn danl.I,b>e to the Pn.\lxTly pl'lor rt' the "lk
<br />('If ;;lC~ulSltlOn !.haH ~~ Ii:) l...enJt:'f \(.~ the (._\tent d lhe )um'j 'I(:-l.uf('\ll.l\ 11'11':' rkt~d pI 1 ru~t HnmedlalCI} rn(lr :0 :\w.:h \;.tle ~1J
<br />iJc-qwiUion
<br />6. Preset-..adoa aad MaiBtt-ll&Af;-t of Prupe-ri); I.tawhukh; Condo-miniuJu~;, Planned llnil l)eYdopnunl~. Bor'I1~\l."r
<br />"".tif k<<p!he Pn\pcn} if! ~\loi.~d n"p-,.lIr ..1nJ ...iu:U nt'l ~,'i1HH:l ....t,)(,' .'i" p1..'I!!1H Hnp,tH!\IC-nl ,'r dt"tcll;H:llll1n (II 'he Propt:l't\
<br />anJ shall compiy wllh t~ pn..llr;S-\\.-'i'ls (l{ .l:l! lc..t~ II thp,\ Deed ,-,t 11m.! I'" ,"n d lCOAscih.liJ If flu, Dee-d ,-,( Trus-t t<, ,'1\ J unl! Ill.i
<br />.::ondofnl",um ~"}r ~ planned nrH! dCYl:iupruenc Bont''d-er ""h~l! pt:thgm .ill I_'t BorrO\H."' \. llhllgalHln~ under the Ikl,:IJfatltHI
<br />or ,:;:o\'~nanh ;;reanng v! g\T\'Crnwg lhe ,-nrn,hHnmlt.m~ ,'r pl~nnt:J ;Jill: de\el-o-pmem, the by ld\lo~ .1Il\! rl.'~ul.\!Wlh "I rhe-
<br />;,.MdomlnuJm o-t" planned HOlt dc\'eh,pment, ,.rld ..'i.m~!!!tjenl d(>i.Unl-('HI.... 11 j, ((lfHhnnlOlum or planned Ilnll d....\l.l\.prncn!
<br />mkr t't. c\e\.:Ulcd by 8orH"Iw-er and 1tX:,)IU<J w.gefhcl Wl!h th~.., r~~('t.! ,-'I I nt"'-!. the ,,'\.-'\\.'nan!~ .toO ;lgn:-eme-nl\ ,'! ....lId) pdcr
<br />\hail he lrn:.....rpo-ntcd mtu ::lnd \.haH amend iJnJ !,\Jppkmo;:nr rhe ,:,'\I,:n;Wh ,mJ ~Igre\.'ment> Of thl\ Decd ,'[ I fll"\( "I' d the l,d.;r
<br />We'fe ;l pan hereof
<br />7, ~ of l,(>e4ft'-, ~a:rity. H BOHo.....er f"l!~ to pt'rtorm lhe c\J'o'cnana an..! ~grt"cmeHt.. ...nntiHncd I!l rhi'>
<br />~ o-t .rrust. Vf I,f -au)' -'l('tli"."\>:!l or pr\.oceedlOg 1\ ,;omm-encro .....hH.:h matt:'nali~' .ttTt.'\:b l.-ender\ HHere-;,t In the Prnperty.
<br />loch.ldlOl. but IlQI limned to. e-mU\eOl domain, lnsoh'C'-nc~-, \.\x1e colon.:emefl!. tlI arraogemenb ,If pH~t.'1.'JJn);,~ Im.-ojvmg it
<br />banlrupt or ~nr, then Lc::rnkr .at Lender'\ uP'lm-n. upon n~,H1C{' 10 B('trrl~w-er. rna~ make '!<Ui:O appcar:Hl(.'t:'~. df'lhur\t~ '>Udl
<br />'ii-Utl1:l and t~i.t '!ouch ..l;c-hon ~j, l!o n~'-ltr-y h) pn.ltC'C1 Lender" lnteresl if'h.:tuJmg. hut llllt hnHk~ tH, dlshw'!-(Tne;:nt \It
<br />~~ i!!tJ;.\rMY'~ f~ .!!.!l'J ~!~ u~_~ ~~ Pro~"!> !;.' !!~,!"'~ f'::-p-~!r': !f t~<:n-J~! re~U!!'-ed !!l~)r!g~C !'!~~r~!!'.:~ ;~';. ;,
<br />coaW-tKm of makJn, the loan se-CUlOO by thD 11<00 ~~f TruM. Bono'04'cI ...hall pa) the premlti(O\ req-oncd !n In.l!nl..tln "'ill,:'"
<br />l~ in clf<<t tinul \ucn time 3:$ the '-e\4\Uremenl tor "iuch In,,,ur~n\:'i'' tcrmlllal("<i to ;.\c(,;ordao;,.c Wllh Bt)rr(~\\e(.. ~HH.l
<br />t~.\ wnl_ttn illf~ l')~' applicable j~w B~JHt~'e' ~haH pa\ the ,lm1..1tmt \-'1 .!ll 1l1\.)ttgage H1:IlUraUn^ pr(,fl'llIm,\ In Iht"
<br />mL"lft:Cf providc'd under pi\uaJtllpb :1 ne-fC\'}t',
<br />Any ~l d~bu~ b" Lc:ndtr pursuant t(~ ihtlo p;;tlii,fl'raph ;, '1,\;110 lfHereM then.~~ln .,h,lll heulfllC adJltH\I1.tl
<br />H'tdeb~ of Sotrower \eCured !1y tn-i" llecd o! Tru~t Unk~.. BOrrOlA<'C'f :tlld I ('oder agrC'C to other tel'Hl~ of ra\--ml"lll, \<K'h
<br />ItmQUtlh:\bAn be pa),.t>>e upon nofKt- twm Londer It.'f 8ontWio'C:f r~qUoe\fmg pa'onefH thetiC;)!. .-no s.h~~1l heal !Htete,t !!I,'O\ IhlC'
<br />date of disbuf'tf::'fft1ent:.1 the rale piI)'able ftJ;)Jl1 ti:me tfllfrnt 00 (>lJf"-t.anthng pnnllp.;d ufld~f the :-';01(." lm!e\S pa';menl (.t if'IN"t"s\
<br />~ $U(;f!: fille w(~lld bot ~-limtr1tf) to apphcablc bow. in Whl..:h e".C'lH <"\1\.'11 amounh ..hall h(-'.u ;oft:te<i.' ;\! the h!~he",J i.lt('
<br />pe~btt: undcl 1iIPJN-K..bl1! law Nf)thltl-g ,,'OU(iJlneJ jll {hi,! p-.:sriitgraph ... ....h;1H ;('qUH(' Lendef 1\.1 ifh':ur 3l1\' e'l;pt'n~~ llf taKt'
<br />"'Y Kt"", bo:........
<br />., ~ Le"'.r m.y make llf (l\uW to he made n'3:~(~t';3hl-c t;.';~'ltnt''i Up'-~1ll ;.nd In''pc'-("ta'll'i- of rhe Pmpen' ph" ldcd
<br />t~l u-ndft' ~U It~t Bortf'l'a'C'-t nl:~.~e Pf~Of to .111)' :\UI.:h Hl\.p.ec.:tl('n "pt"l.:,lfYHlB. r~.il.u;n..bl(' .::ause- f!wtdor !t:'!;lll."t.l II' I n1\kr ,
<br />ltUC-f'ftt tn the- P-rOOlt1~
<br />
<br />L
<br />