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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />~'.' .' .7_CyAdeumatioD. In1be~tthe;ProP!lrty. quny pnrUbereof, shall be taken by .mi....nt domain. the Mortgagee <br />isiunpoJfel!ed;to..,.,ueet~dreeeiwJlll,compensationwbichlll!lYb<tpajd founyproperty taken or for damages to property <br />JlOj;taPu.lIDd" ~ahIIliapplyiJ'tlchoompens.atlon. nHts option, either to a Jeductlonof the indebtadnessseeured <br />herelJy.,Qr to~'lII1~tI!epropertyS9: _.,ed; <br /> <br />~', ...'i8;:~#~lJyMOH.MQrtpgeeIll!lY. but shall , haoe no obIiglltion, to do any act which the MortgBf!or <br />,Ilitd,~.may~~anyacUtdeemsneceaary toi>rotedthe lien bereof. Mortgagor <br />~~~~illJl9l1detila1l.d'l!Dl'~~so eJt))el'1ded bytheM~ for.thubow Pwpooes. and any sums so expended <br />bi'i~'~,~ bi!lldde<I,"ilidebtetlnesueeuredbereby and MeoD1eslIbject to tbelien bereof. Mortgagee <br />\iIUIlhI~li!eUr"YPe~,l~y ~ofll!lythlng It may do Drouiitto do hereunder, <br /> <br />9.~:ft~ofRiiftk '...'llrnels oftheessencehereot. and upon Mortgagor's defiiult in any covenant <br />.....~ot1lliSM~, includiJlll covenantstopeyw1tendue the sums secured by ,this Mortg&ge,tbe;.Mortgageesball' <br />-1ltlU!kld; atitll sOlll.O}IttoIt&lldwithoutii.O~. to~ul sums secured bYthi$ Mortgage to be immediately due:and <br />~lUItimay 'coai!nenee. totecl'o6lmiof this Mortealllli bY j\ldiciu proceedings; and, i>rovided furthl!l', that upon such <br />detaaJli.,*,.~.Of.~r.ppj)intedI!Y. C9Urt. may at its option &lid without reganI tothndequacy of the <br />Jl!elIIIty;~upoo8l!dtalolljlOSl8Sllionof the Ptcp:.rty andcolleetthe renls,lssues and profttstlterefromandapplythem <br />~ to.1he~. of:colIeetlon &lid. operation of the l'ropeny and then upon the indebteclness secured by this Mortpgee: <br />.... DUIs,....- &lIdpro1\U bemi IMiped to the'Moripgee as fUrther security for the payment of the indebtedn.... <br />.....-t:bi!Joeb)'. <br /> <br />IllTtDafer ot Property. If all otany put of the Property lssold or transferred without the e"press written con- <br />Stl!!t.of the ~, Mortpgee may at its sole option, declare all sums secured by this Mortpge to be Immedlatelydue <br />amlpy.ble. <br /> <br />11.. FtdIlre AdnnceL Upon ~uest of Mortgacor, Mortgacee mal' mate additional and futJ1re advanees to <br />MOrtIa&01. Such aclHnc:e$, with interest thereon, shall be seeured by this Mortpge when .Yldencedby promissolynotes <br />tt.atinC tIW oald notea are secured b_by. Ai no lime shall tbe principal amount of the. Indebtedness seeurea by,tbl&. <br />~. not!ndudlnl_advanced to ~t th" !eCurity of this Mortgap. exceed the original Note. <br /> <br />12. ~PmYlaioDa. <br /> <br />(I) Afty f~ in .."ereisin. any rilht or remedy sb.allllof be. ...oI....r thereof. <br /> <br />(b) All ~pnmdedlle...1II are distinct and cumulatiVe to any other right afforded by law or equity, <br />ami may be eX8ft!lled COReUlINItly, independently or sucee..holy. <br /> <br />(e) on.. eovenanls and qreemenls contained shall bind, and the rights inure to.. the reapectlye <br />_ &lid auiplS of the Monaaaorand the Mortpaee. <br /> <br />(d) All eoveaantIJ ami ~lS I>f the Monaat<>< are joint and sey.raI, <br /> <br />(e) on.. beadi.. I>f the paIll&l'8pIls of this Mortpco are for CODYflnlenee only and sbalI not be used to inter. <br />pftt or define the proYilions "-t <br /> <br />1ll...1iIllMaL Upon p*)'meEt of all swno secured by this Mortpae, Mortpcee sltaII dlse!targe tbis Mortpge and <br />IhaIl ~ attd deli_. ..tistJ.etory rel_ th....for, <br /> <br />IN" WITNESS WHE.Ill>OF, Mortpp hat. ...._ted this .III" on the 2 4t ~l" rch , 19 Jli.... <br />/ /'2:> . /;/ o,;:::j::>/ <br />~'~.~4 ::J /:A:e:~'---- <br />\~narles ~. chapman} F ~wer <br /> <br />StaR of N....... <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />:tl ~~.~ .' <br />.:.' '. 'J,j.if ~'VlJ---/ <br />Ie 4ry~.~ap n) 1 <br />Conaty .: <br /> <br />Bon:o.... <br /> <br />On this 24th day of March 19.QL betOllt me.. the U1u:\eflSlCned. a Notary Publie <br /> <br />_~amlqWll.lflesIforsaidc:oun'y.peIlIOtIaI1ycame Charles S. Chapman and Mary K <br /> <br />('.bJ~lDlIn. Husband and \.Ii fe , to me known to be the <br />ldeaI:iMl, ~tsl wItooe __II are sublaibed to the; foreaoma inatrulDel1t and aeknowiedpd the ""KUtion thereof <br /> <br />tobe the ir <br /> <br />volIuUary act aU deed. <br /> <br />'6...._~~my hb4....4 IlOtarial seal a' Grand I s land. Nebraska <br /> <br />,~~ '--})) ., ".\ (r: 1.0: <br />. "4\l,,~_(JammlaIon upirea: I" \. U~/.LJ./ .jLUcc. <br /> <br />~;-~~~~~a_FN~u4_) <br />,,1,1 .'.. <br /> <br />in said county, the <br /> <br /> <br />Nuta.n PubIk' <br /> <br />""~', . <br /> <br />L....I'.. <br />;~~l;~~ ,.: <br />;j':~..~"'.r~' <br />..,. .'......,..~.. :'...'.'."'.' ,il!i <br />...f;.,,~t- <br />~""-~;:" -M <br />~';J. ,~,~j; ~: <br /> <br /> <br />.~~ <br /> <br />"'\ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />'".'-;, \;; ~~ <br />. ~~. <br />4 'C\' <br />:~ <br /> <br />.~.~ " <br />',I ,~ <br />, ' <br />'\} f'~ <br /> <br />.\:)'. Jl, <br />"t, <br />;'."~;>\ <br /> <br />