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<br />83-f105732
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<br />'.' ,;,..~~iBenteftiftinto:be~n'
<br />",.:ari~Wf..fl,!
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<br />,and Mal:y' K.,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />."';~~b.dt!~l8d~MoltpgOOin tlw'prlnclpalsvmof$35, 910.96
<br />~J1ar(;h: 2.4, 1963 {lterein"'Note"}P19vlding !or.payments ofptinclP4landlnteleSt,with tbebalan~ Oftbe~.
<br />il\(le1l~;,ti.:ri~$OQD.rJllid;~~Yl!blllonJfllrth 2. 4, 1987
<br />
<br />~~_~~~~~::o~n:::=~~~:~:d==::r~:::~~::i~:=f'
<br />
<br />.tblf'/llonPlo(<:O\ltlllnedh"rein, Mortpgor does he~by mortgage and convey to, Mortgagee tbefollowillgdflserili8d"
<br />Halt
<br />
<br />County, Nebraska;
<br />
<br />
<br />The Northerly 110' 01 Lot 6, Block 3 of Dickey Second Subdivision
<br />in theE~SE\ of Section 1, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the
<br />6th P.M.., to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Topther with all buildlll\1li. Imp"''''''1>enls. fixwfl'S, st.......... alll'Ys, \)&SSll/IOway., e......ments. rights, privi1eees and
<br />~ Ioeaud th_ or In anywise pl'rtaiIllng tltereto, and tlte rents ....... and profits. ",.....ions and remalnden
<br />tIIemol;. ~. but IIOtli.mited 10.. heautIC and eooIlngl'quipnt<ont and sud1 personal property that Is attached to the
<br />~ao.\O COIlotitull' a t\l(tu.re; all of whidt, ,,,,,'iudlng retll_....nts and additions th....to.ls be~bydeclared
<br />to....portOCUle Noal eotaIol.-.-dby tllelian of tilt> M<tft&aIe _udall of tile foreloitIC beina refe""'" to herein 118 the
<br />"'~.\ '
<br />
<br />~fllltller__"'and......, wlUl Mortpgt!<'.as folio.....
<br />
<br />t, Par-L, To pay tile inOobted_and the .n_lbe~"" provided in \h.. MortcaI" lIlld \he Note,
<br />
<br />%. 'nllL MorttIaIOt is. tile _. of tile ~y. bas the! npt ...d authority 10 mortpCl> tl)e Property, and
<br />__ u.t tbe'lft-.ted11tm>by lo.r_and l>I'i<M'liw on tile l'ropl'rty. ..~"" may otlterwlwb..."t fortlthueitt.
<br />
<br />Q 'The ~ iUllbject to a MortpCo wlw.."n _ ",,---------'.,
<br />
<br />;.flIe.~, NClOI1led at Book ,______, , Patt>,. 01 tbe M~ Rt!rof1I& of ,-
<br />.~ wItleb ........Iu lien prior to tile I...... c....r.ct h.....by.
<br />
<br />County,
<br />
<br />[J. OtItvJlliar'" or l!IlCltlDbran<t!o: -, .., --.-' -' ,. .
<br />
<br />
<br />'fA'--.fIJr;~'~ort't!tlllllt_y.hllll~'()f~tl!QOW or
<br />>.,.,~~~~I~.;~.-.tt._,fml~~'$or
<br />~lI~(l~~,~~tM'1>f'~Ml1'~~~..-.Qor~dllDln'
<br />;iI!$c~or ,~~_.,tt/.~ witball"'\"!l-_ of Ia"wlth
<br />