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<br />I <br /> <br />NOncE. 83-4)05727 . .................... <br />1liIa.ONdItCOlltnlCtflrieac.'."JIUf1lhUe,.AIll9l..rlghts ..whlch the Ekiy..hlla ...lnllt the SelIer.8rtatn8' <br />out.. ...01..... .~. t~., '.. ..... .... . ... . ,..lfICI~". ((1"''''.. ..Iand......... ."""10 v.Ud aaalnllt. .nvholdllrofth... "~... ..., <br />1"fI.etfgllttctl'tlCCM!r ~...frolIt_hoIder IImlt8cftothe llmOUl'Itpald by .tJIe~ <br />UitCfW-'~ .. ..,........ ......... .....>., .,'... ..... ..... ...... ... ..'. .'.....,.'... <br />Ai~Is.ltpIJYvalcfreclSCln fOr~"~i...:~lfefenae la.legally v.11d reuonfOr notpayfnt. <br /> <br />n ~~~~~::=-~:.:L~tactfol'~:=~requat.forinsurancefoiany""SO;'wilhin~(151~from~1 <br />;._otlillJ~by~yauot1lillIloldor<lf_COlIlI:lICl ;,JP>owthat~OfmyCovenge.wilfbe irriutgi;d.with.Ibo.~cairier(8)_h <br />*tuJlnftn<lOfmy~.)fQp!bor-:ilh~~. . ,~llIlSa.riIrac:t., . '.. . .. ...'...... > .........; <br />~NOTE, ffl_~inslu;al<:e u.tbia~.1 will....cen.ewitiun thirty(3())daysacertificaleofil1SUtlll1C!lmorefu\lydescribin&lboins1UlllOa~i <br />. ~ boItt_ifdlereis iUly COlllIict in Ibo""-......~ of Ibo <:ertilicate ofinsuratlce andlbe following NOliceOfPloposecl~tIlati IDICbV1l11ld.CIlIyw) <br />.i. lhe--= in the following - ofl'rOpClOedlnslllince. f IlIiokllO'N~lbaveinsuratlceooveraaeOIllYiflbave been clulrgcdforil, . . ......... ...... ,... ...,'; <br />. NOtd:E6F~PROPO$EDtNSURANCE ...,.. ......, .; <br />" ~."",l___~(',CreditAa:idoatandHeaId>~orbod>.:willbe~t<>tbia._CoDlraotoalbo...._$dooill;;;It}...~.;, <br />Jt..,... .~for"""'iIIIuruce.1liis"""'-wiIImJr~ . ~ . ,"'~for....n.Of' . ..,. ..... ,.. , <br />~~~::..-==~effedive_=~:m....~f'OCIllllll......Of~=lhe ..ti! '. <br />ms.w-c~boJiofltsand~Oftbo'::ewinl>eDO/d'lo~.~~baDklf <br />lnIirl;Ito~..,y.. ..' will bepoyobielO me: The initial8mountofCn:dittlfe' losorance is the _1<qUirod lO_y TOtal 0 .. , <br />,*,-!Jy1h!o lImOlllJl of eocIJ inOnlbly pa~ OR a sclleduIed30day baois. If! am jointIyobligalild OR tbo Sales Comractwilh a Co- . ',' <br />l"'n!<JIIIioifor~ ure-.deOdi bo1Ief'iio,willbepayoble 0ftIy with ~lOtlte fuOt one <lfus rodie. Sllbjec:tll> excluoloills, elimlmiliims' <br />intbo_ poliq orconifialle, Ctodit~andHeaflh 1_ is forihll benefit amounl Of I!3OIhOf eocIJ mooth'spaymel1l foreaeh day <br />dueUfllfinjlaY""sl.b..nmilelo,"unypoy_lOl""'howe_; 1__lballell>beJlR'1lel1redfiom~_lOsuc:lI_ '. ' <br />_ (14)...........nve days _the insur8noe benefit IS paid Ilod< 10 tbofirst day Of my lOlaI disillrility, I aloe ......lWI_ -...,. ..........frIIIIlL':..= <br />_-"5~...""" ...la1oe......1hat...._.......................___.........._ur..............wIII-.. <br />_ ..........__1_,.... DuelOtbomu.imum_of__intbo_poli<y.lboltttllatllll)'unpaid_ia_..fdie~ <br />.......... wiIIJdII_lOllepaid. lf1he Sales C_ is prepaid in fllllpnorlO Ihe lo$t raymonl dabl,lIIl)' uoeamed _ pR!IlIillll1l will be refunded to moin IlH>ma... <br />.... preIctibodby law. Wilhin Ihilty (30) days. I willl1:<:cive the <:ertilicate of insuro:>oe _ flIliy describing my _ _. {!l1le _ is -~ by <br />1he~........,.,lwillR<ei1lealOlfulld<lftbo_pmJIiumsl_paid, . . . , <br />JIQYDl11lO-=m.parapapbaconllliD......maJelltivet<ttbiasale gi_ by US IiO the finattdal insdtu_ orbolllt iD.....foritlObuy!lllaCOllllJlcL <br />. 'SEIJ..I!R'$WARRAN11ES ANDASSIGNIIENT OF INSTALUIE AND II. <br />fOIl. \"~. SeIl<r hoJdly......-..... <:oII~s, !rlIDSfen ond o:Ielivero to <br />(Assip>t) . ,tld..llII~in..,.I..IlH>InsJallmeIltSolesConttaaandMortpge. WI allliet1s.xistingw . JlllY!IlOIll.lhepn1pOlty <br />~. ' ilbon!IJy. ..-......s..MortppeomdorIboMonpacpnwisionsOfIbisCOllll'lCl.SeIler.._. ollII . . IS; (I) II h.. 1bo..righLlO..... <br />lhiJ~ Itt lllld II.- in Ibis <:ORlJaCl..,.Iin theD"1"f'$ _ lie materially lI'Ue Illd oonect; (3) This CODllaCtamsefiom tbo boilafidesale <br />of Ihe P>da and servi<eJ deIcrihod ben:in; (4) The cash downpayment shown in Ibis c<JOIrO<I w.. octwIlIy paid by Du}", and no pan of said .sow-ymeJltwas \oallod cIi- <br />RlCtIy '" indirecdy by SeIl<r 10 Buyer; IS I Eoeh Buyer is IepIIy competeIlllO <OIIll'ICl; (6) This <OIIll'ICl is DO< and will not be subject 10 IIIl)' claim. dOfe'ose. demand or riJht <br />of ofOet; (7}The.,.OC1Hiocl of Ibis <<*llICl and !he underlying ........-ion 81...._ .... _ cIid llOt violale ",y f<deraI or sJaIe law .din:cliv.. rule or "'pl. aIion now <br />111~; (1)111_- _Ibis _ '" the ~..... __ io tubjec:J II> . fi8hI of ",.,is.<ioa or COl1Cdbolioll bY.the ~.S\lCh !IlICissioDor~ <br />,...poriodhueqtmod and _ tlto >ale _tht.<<",_;=:~",_. nuSCIllfJllACT ISHUlI., SE1UR wmntIfftE&OlIIISE. <br />INTE.STIJ\4ONYWHl!REOF, theandorslJllC'! is. ~. lie oftbe Selle< and has S1ped below"n bobalf of the SeL'eron Ibis <br />day of . q,; .19~ <br /> <br />~-~'--"--IX~,,~ T~ <br /> <br /> <br />..h........._~__._~ ~. <br />Mytomm....."nnptlh' ----- ^. ~ <br />,-.!'{tf..\{ "(jl.t.if<r - 511" 91- iw.kuu \ i 1 <" /' / <br />JESSIE C GlL60W jftc:<') C - . U"",-(r-' <br />,/~~ '< - .-'! ,'""i" .~",m.m. biif). u.c. T:L lWJ: ;,;- _ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.v. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br />L <br />