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<br />.. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />83--005727 <br />ADomONAL TERMS <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />c!i <br /> <br />:.>- <br /> <br />jC <br /> <br />PIlEPA YMENT -\ND ACCRUAl> OF THEfIN-\NCE CHARGE: Even lhougl1 f doOOl have to pay mo'" than the "'gular scheduled monlhly payment., I have the <br />right to prepa. . rothe-whole amotint owUa8;to fuD'ahny time or in part from time to time. If the lending institution or bank that buys my contract computes the finance <br />chargcdaily. know my fmance chatgi! win be Ie.. if! make an early payment. and it will be higherlf I pay late; I also recognize !hat any necessary adjustment to my toW <br />finance Chlitge willbe n:fIkted in my fmal bill; I <llso know !hat the amountS shown on the. reverse side for the Finance Charge, Total of PaymentS. and the TotalSale Price <br />are OIIimates b!lsed on tbe..somption that you will ..."ive e"clrnf thel"'Y."""'tS exactly on its due date; and f know that there will be 110 l'efund Iff prepaybeeause the", <br />isllOtll!oB to.teflltld iff am cluJrBed ona daily basis, If the lendiOJ imtuution or benk dooSllnt compute the finance charge daily, and if I prepay the whole amount. you <br />wllhell....h'me theuseamed ponIon of tho _ clulrgefintenlotl by the OCC()Untlngpmadureknown ..the actuarial metbod;and the amount of my rebate win be <br />'fuMed 011 tlie..,heduled dales and amounts of myBlOlltbty payment and not on the actIl.u dates and amounts of the prepaymenlS!hat I pay to you. I k110w that a ",fund <br />oflO$S tban $1 ,OOwilll!Otbe """"'. <br />UIPORTAN1 NOTICE ABOUT WARfIANTIES: <br />.... (a at" We ..,SELLER HEREBY DISCl..AIM ALL WARRANnES, EXPRESSED OR IMPUED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AtfI)F1TNESS FOR A PARTICULA~ PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR'. <br />NISHES.. 8UY!RwtTHA .SEPARATE WRITTEN UMlTED WARRANTY OR SERVlCE CONTRACT MADE BY Sa- <br />LER.ON lTSOWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(b)t have JelId, In detail, the_ . 'lfMITED WARRANTY" which .,,,:ompani.. this oontract. It explains tho couditionsand cin;u11lSUllJCeS in whi<:bthemao- <br />_pn>d\Jl:Is Will ~repaiJedoneplllC:ed. l W<c. noUce of tho limitations on the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any implied wlllTllDty.jVhich lIppIles to the <br />goods laStS OljJy asloi!g IS tbewamnt)' or__t. <br />SPl!Ct\L-ORDER. (;()()DS: I know _ you have tnllllSured my house and i.. openings so that you can make the r.>ro<Iucts to fit mv particular house; flake IlOtil:O that the <br />goodstllaure..-f.aclured for-my specifIC house pmbioI>>y will 00l fit any 0Ibet _. and under such oonditioiis.IImow _Ctannot canc:elthis <OIltrICtat any1tme <br />afte.-m.pcriodoftimegivento me. by law. in whichtoCllit<et Afterthalleplperiodoftime, I know _I ha...thoobligation topayyou in full the amoUDt owetl. <br />OBLlGA'I1ONS PE1lT AJllIING TO MY REAL EST ATE: I. I promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep it insured for at least 8lJ'i, of itS ~vaIue <br />by buylng" fuIoandeneoded __ msur-.: policy. The insurance compauy must be approved by you, and the policy must have a beIIeficlarJI clause whichsa:ts lhat <br />you are to be paid if there is a km. The ins_ ""mpany mUSl ag... thalli will not cancel my policy wilhout tltSt telling you. I authorize tho ins""""", c:ornpanyto,pay <br />youdinledylOrany loti, y.",__", _this ins_ paymentloeithet repay any amounts I owe you or to repair my house, 2; ! aIsopromise_IVlillJJtJlllllow <br />;i::,==Wi~~~rn.~:'::ia~.Ir.r::~~~~~==.,.~=.~=~'::~ <br />pennisoion. S,H! do 001 i1lsure my houseorfUlfilin,y otberobligations wmy reaI.....te,;I:: \'OUcan dol. ifyoo want (but you.tlo 00l have tol. If you dopay any <br />of ~ obliptious for me. lag... '0 paYYoo hack on demand plus interest at tho bighesllawful contract rate of mterest. Until I 1>1\1' you hack, will be added <br />!o my deb< to you which is ~ by my reaI..- and house, I know thai if you decide to buy illSllllli'ICe for me !hal you do !lOth.." '" obtain any homeowner or liability <br />_. <br />SALEOFMYIIOllSE:! promise"'" ",...U.leaseorgi"" my house 10 anyone until I have fully rejWd my debt 10 yoo, <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default _Ibis COI1U1l<t If <br />L I doti'. muu pay"""" when d...; or <br />I break. an)' promise II'BlIdt- to you In Ibu, t,'onttaCt: or <br />3, SomelbiDu el.. happel>S _h c...... you 10 bellC'''' In good faith thai I dooot intend to pay l"OU as promised; or <br />4, I def...h on any obliptiono for which I am U>utg my borne as ooll~; or <br />5, Sometluogbappensoomyboose.micl1t111ealemyou<rights. if any ,m It <br /> <br />IF! A,\( L'Il DEFAIJL T: I undeniWld that you have the nght 1<' foreclose the Moog. I Mye g,ven '0 YOU and MV. my house sold to repay ...y amounts I owe you if I <br />....mclefaultundertluH'OOlra<t.llelore mlboose IS sold. 1"" will doeverythUJjl that the law r<quires, I(you hire an atUlmOy to assist you 105011 my boule. or. to........ <br />or. to prolOd )'OUt "fbts.1 agree to pay you lor 1'OOf.1'elI>OnlIble snomeys' 1_ and for otber relaled..peNeS such.. court costS. tItle 5eMI:bes and money you expended <br />lOJW<*Clmy_.if)'W _allowed toeolloct sucll_byla.. . <br />OTHER 'lIGHTS: WO__IIOI""", any 01 tho rittbUunderthll'~_ as onen as ... want wnhoo'losmg them. Or. we<andelay enforcing any of tho rtgbtl <br />wilhoutlostn& tbetn. We-can altO use any nghts now or in the j\ilure.tlvc,Q ft)U5 by law, <br />BELAYS: I know """ you ..111 use you< beot etfotts IQ ,_I the produ<u I .... purchasUJjl on my _. but I .00 _WId that ill some sltualions you may oncounter <br />delays ,hat are <>used bv strikes, weather condItion>. delays YOU ha.... IU -... material>, or (orothe< rc_ thaI are beYOOd your <Dutrol. I undemaDd that you will <br />001 he liable {o<such deIOys' c <br />ARIIlTRA noN: If I ~. dupuIe or dam> WIth you -mog the qlWltllV. quail!\' or pafoononte of the prodlXU. I understand thai mv dispute may be submiaed to <br />&ad 5eltled ~ 10 the medlatioo-artJilrabGD program that may ha"" de..ioped in my oommuml)', I 000 kr_ that any <lea...", """'" by an arlritntor(.) would be.. <br />_ In the court ha."Ulgjwis<bction over... aad you, ' <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I kDOw ,,".at the wUJdows. _. and _ matenoh tI\at ha,,, 10 he ",moved by 1"" fOr this ,__ ~ 110 salvqe value. Wheu you to- <br />move tMm~ youca_..e them {(It' whatever ~ you "~ant. <br />SPECIAL SITU" nO"'1i: Due to tho _. . . of some of tho produ<u that}Oll. $IOU. I. __ in speaaI situations that you< ~ Office may have to",view <br />and_ this ,-.-act. I also _ that tIIis >ale ~ III my bome and t1lat "'" _I may D(,lt Ita"" had all the oom:,,. infonnotioo impodant to thio transaetioa <br />al_~ I /lI'" YOUIh)'_lOoorrectany<tb__"""may~occurTed w,"",tho_1Il this<:omractwm:compIet<d. <br />lI'o"VALJD PROV1SIONS: If ""1 provWonofthts~.1OIaIoo the low and i>~. tho _pfthecOl1!n<twillbe V&lid.!f*")'parlofthis_lCQ1litIs <br />~of__lhrtho_l"""'its, lben)"Oll will naiy ltavetho .torolle<t from rnethe_of ~ _ tho law allows you IOcoIlect. <br />~OFTRJSCON1'IlACT: Thisrontrll:t"""",,(y be <hanged ,f_ you and I agree m writing, <br />The 1Cl",""", .......lIri1Iptomy_........_l ha"" __..- thts.'OhItOCt.. ooId to. tinaacoal InstitutlOll or a bank, and I sltould notice thai tho imoor- <br />-<<_ptOYisiutl.._by its__ m ""'1'<""'. bold I"", lVUC. <br /> <br />1" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />