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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />9. COfldemnation.. The pr.oceeds oJ any 3ward or c1a-im for damages. dire~t ~r~co_ns~uc~ri,al~~'_!rl ~n~~J~i}_-;:,#it.l!:-_;~~r <br />condemnation or DIller la~ing of the Property, or part Ibereof, or for conveyance 10 hcu of condemnatli)lJ.arc,~~~bl"a,ssl/P1e",. <br />and shall. bC' paid Ill, Lepder. <br />lnlbe Oyepl of a 101311a~ing of lhc l'roperty, the proceeds sbaU he. applied to lhe sums. secun:db <br />wilblM exccss,il any, paid to Borrower, In Ihc cvenl olaparlia! taklnJ: of Ihe. Property. un~ <br />otherwise aFee in "'riling, tbcre shall be ap.plied 10 Ibe sums secured by tltis Deed ol Tros\ su<:h. prO !Im .,,. ".,. <br />,. is equal 10 t!latprf,)portion which Ihe amounl'f)[ 1M sums secured bYlhis Deed, of Trust i .. .','. . prior, .', ..> <br />ta~ing bc:u-s 10 the {air markel value of IheProperty immedialCly prior 10 lbe dale of taking, wilh,/he balanceofl~~.'.' <br />paid. 10 JkKTOwer, ..' . . '.'.,." ".>"" <br />If Ibe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. afler nOliee by Lender 10 Borrower IbaUhe.c:onde\llnor,oliml~.fll;tk" <br />an award'or setlle a claim for damages, Borrower fail'. 10 respond 10 Lender witbin 30 days afterlhe,'d.les\lclf~otjcry:Js <br />mailed. tender is authorized 10 collect and apply Ihe proceeds, al Lender's option, eilher 10 restoration'or~ir",,9~:~ <br />Property or 10 Ihe sums seeured by this D--...ed ol Trust. . .... ", ..... '.., , ..', <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wriling,any such application of proceeds 10 principal ~Iln"f:el(l~!ld <br />or poslpone Ihe due dale of the monlhly installments re[erred 10 in paragraph, j and 2 bereof or changetbe .moume'or' <br />,ucb ill$lallments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the lime for paymenl or modification of amortization oftbe sumss~l1red <br />hy tbis Deed o[ Trust granted by Lender to any 'uccessor in inlereSt of Borrower sball not operate to release, in any manner..: <br />the liabiUly of t.he angina-l Borrower and B-orrowet~s sm:cc.ssor$ in inlerest. Lender shall not be require~_ to. ~of'9tnC~~ <br />proceedings against such suceCSSQr or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amO:rtizati~n -6L~11_e :s~ms <br />secured by tbis Deed o[ Trost by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successot'$' in "interest. <br />1:, Forbe"",nce by Lender Nol a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in e~crcising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />tJ(herwne afforded by :ippli~3hIe law, shall not be a w~iver of or preclude the exercise of any - stich ri&h.t or rcl11ed}-'~ <br />"I1te procurement of insurance or the: payment oC taxes or other liens or ch3.f"gts by Lender shan not be a waiver.of Lender's <br />right 10 accelerate the maturity of the indebtedneu secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />12. Remcdifl Cumulative. Ail remedies providc-d ;n lhis: Deed of TOUI are distinct and cumulative '(0 any o~ber right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or Jtforded by taw Dr c:p'.liI)', and may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successive!)'. <br />13. Successors nnd Assigns Round; Joint ~nd Sevrral Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />~ontained shaH bind, and the rights. hereunder shalf Inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />~ub;eet to the provisions of parag~pb 17 hereof. AU covenants and agreements of Borrower shaH be joint and several. <br />rhe c3ptions :lnd headings o! rhe p:Af3$nlphs or this Dced \..)f Tru~t arc for c~'Ilvenicnce only and are not to be used to <br />lnterprct or define lbe prOVISIOns hereoI. <br />14. Notice~ Except for any ootl"e n:qu~red llOdcr applicable law 10 be given in another manner, (a) any notice lo <br />Harrower provided for In this Deed of Trust ~haJj be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />!he Property ~"ddfC$$ or 3.t such eincr addreu ~s Borrower may designale hy notice to lender as provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice to Lender shaJl he g:i\-'c:n by certified mati, return receipt requested, to Lender's address s.tated herein or to <br />'Su.-.:h other adurcn 3S Lender m:!)' J~:signil[e by notice 10 Borrower a! provided herein, Any notice provided for in this <br /> of Trust shaH be deemed to have been givttn (\) Borro\' .r or Lcnoer when glven in the manner designaled herein. <br />t5. Uniform I.leed of Trust; Governing I.awj Srt<erabU.ity. Thn form of deed or tal,t combines uniform l.'OVenants for <br /> use .and noo-uniform cove-mints ....'ith limited variations by jurisd.ction to conslHule a unifllrm security instrument <br />,overing real properlY, This Deed o[ Tru'l ,hall be governed bl' the law of the !urlSdiclion in which tbe ProperlY is located, <br />In fhe event th,:u any. prOVISIOn or ..:b.usc uf this Deed 01 Trust Of lhe NOle umJiic{s with apphcablc law. such conflict shall <br />not affc-ct \")ther prO\'.t.Slons of ItJls Dced of Trust t1f {hc Note whIch can he- ,l:~\-e-n dTect wlthom the conflicting provision. <br />;!nd to thii end the provisions ('of :he Deed vt Tm1t and the Note- arc JecJarcd to be: sevenblc. <br />16, Ilorrow<,r', Copy. Borrower ~haH be furnl,hed .\ \:'()fl(or-mcd Ct1p~' of the Nole and of this Dc-e-J of TrU\t ;:H the time <br />of e~eeution or after r~ordal~on hereof <br />17. Tnn.dcr ol.h-e Propt'rt~; Assumption. If :ill Of :H1Y ..1an (If the Prup~ny or om tnlc:rC5.t therein lS wId or transferred <br />hy Borrower without Lender's pnor \.\'fHlcn i.~;Jn.\cni. (:.\citH.hng (,1) the cr-C.I\I\'n of a h:n \)f encumbrance s.ubordinale to <br />thi:.- [Xed of Trust, to) the crt'ation ot ~l purcha.\e :none: ~c;:,;ur:ty rnterC:i! f,--~r household appliances, \-;,;) :l tr:msfer hy devise, <br />Jes.;ent or by ope,rat1on of law up-on tnf: de.aih of oJ i,HfH ien:..:nt or (J} the gr~nl ;,;.t no)' ieaschni-d inh..rc~t of thfe~ ,"cars or le~s <br />not ;':\;;H~injng an (lp{l~m to pl.lrch:l'sC'. t cndcf J\\.,;,\Y. .1t 1 ender-'j: optWi1. dcct;nc ~111 the ~um' ,srcurcd hy this Deed of Trust to be <br />illlme(hatf.~!Y du~ i1nd payable" Lender ..ruB n;l\'t:' wan-cd sUi,,'h opt1Dn III ~J.:":-L~h.'I..1::t: d', poor h) {he SAle or tr:Uls(er. Lender <br />.Jm! the person to whom the Property is h) ~c ~O!J cr ~;:\ll"!era;J r<:,;\c~ in welting that the credit of such person <br />f5 5-,J{isf<.lctury to L~ndc:r ;on.:.! th.J.! ~he Interest pay~hk c.u. the \Ui'll', ~;,XI.l!l,."d ~oy .hn Oc:cd of Trust shaH be at such rate as <br />Lender s-h~H requcsl. If Lcn-Jer has th-c l)ptlOn u :n:cd-er:1:c pn.YldJed In lhl~ p~H,JgrJ;ph 17. and if Bor-rower'~ successor <br />111 liltCre-il ha:o c~e,ulcd ;J, wnltcn ;lssumpoon agreement ;'l~ccpted H} Wf iting b! Lc:ndcl'. lender shall release: Borrower from <br />;tli oblititions under lh~ Deed (,f Tru"t and the 'N,HC <br />If Lender C,l.CJC!S-C'S such opHon to ;,lr,;:..:-ckr;ih.":, L~f'H.h:-; -.hJ;; m';Hl n~H'w"-'e i:ullce ()( ~\c;,;elcr;u;0n l!l :.lccordance with <br />paragQph 14 hcrC\.l-f. Such nO{lce ~h~ll prov:dc a r"'I.'rlPd l'l 1\\.'1: k~s than :\0 J.1"~ ti~""m the da.te lhe notice is. maiicd within <br />which Dorrow-cr rnay pay the sUm~ -de-dare-u due. it f~Hh II) P3.y ~uch SUHb p1'lor to tht: expu-.ltion of such period. <br />Lender may. Wtlnout iunher nOllce or JemJ.llJ \,:m ilOfJi.)WC.r. i;!\ukc ,HI~ ,ClH\,'t.i:t.':) pcnmltctl by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NON.UNU:'OkM COV-E.!'oIANTS_ Harrower and L~n-der !lltlhct c:Jvenanl ;'H~Li Oi~'('C .'!S loih)ws: <br />IS. A,:('ml'lIfion. Rememes. Exc:~pt us. provided in para;traph J j h,'~of, upon lJorruwer's breatcb of an)" connanl or <br />atf('C-Qttflt of Barrow<< in this J)cc-d Hf Trust. ;Ilcludinl:; lhe H').\'t-nanb: to pa)' ",hen due all} ~ums "r\"ured by this Ueed <br />of 'Trus'. under prior to a('-('ekratidn ~haU mait nntt('t In norn.Io\'Wtt ~'i ilru\'ided ill p:nltgr.-ph 14 nereof spc:dfying: (1) the <br />bntac:h; (2) the action f"c-qUiftd to L'urt' suc:h breach; (3) it dati::', not lC,:\s Ih01I1 J() dD)'~ froOl fhe date fhe Hotice is moiled to <br />Bonowe,., by "bicb -such breACh mtit bt (urf:'d; And (..s) Ihat (aHnrt' 10 one' ,",'h br\"OK'lt on or berore the date "IH~:dfied <br />itt the notice may lUbh in ft('tduation of the ~IUn.."i se{'ured b)' th" tlc-t'd uf Trust and sale of the Property, Tht notice <br />'kbaU 'ut1hc-r inform Borro~t:r of tbe right tu rtinUilte after ac.'ct'kralion and the- tight to bring :I t,'ourt action 10 assert <br />the non*t:d.tencc: of a ddauU or an)' other defense uf norro~r to an::de-rnrion .and sale. If the brtach is not cured <br />Oft (J.f bc-fol't' the: ~e specified in Ih<! uotkc-. Lendef' 411 Lifndcr's option mB)' dttlare :aU of the ~um:s .'iiecund by Ihis Deed <br />of Trust to ~ imm-e-diattly due lInd pa,.ule ...ithout furtAN demand and may in"okc the pown of ~le and any other remedies <br />~t,uiU.ed by l.tpplicabk bw, Lendt'r shalt be entitled 10 ~oU-ed aU reasorulble CO~t5 and c:\pcnses incurred in pursuinl:, the <br />r~ pro\'itJeQ in thb pa.racnapb 18. lacludiuc.. but not limited to. n:uonable at;ofne)"s fee-s. <br />If fht' power of.s.ak is in~o1ud. Trust<< ).haU -r<<ord a nottet' of default in each county in which the Property or somt' <br />part lhenle' Is locatM an" ,ball \ftail <0,"" of such notice In lhe mann<< p,e>cribW by applicable 13W 10 Borrow"r und 10 the <br /><>lit,.. ,......... p,"c..bed by..pplll"abR law. Afler tlte lups< of such time as lOay he ,equired by applicable law.. Trustee shull <br />~ivC' public notkt' uf sale: to the ~f-'ons and in Ihe manner pf~ribed by ap-plkab1~ law, Trustee. without dem:uui on <br />B.onowe-t, ~haU srH ,be P.ropeny :at public auction to th~ nightst bidder at the time and pluce- and under the terms designatf:u <br />in t.... notift vf uk ill Oftt Of mon: pan:els and in ~uc-h onkr as Tms.(~e may determine. Trustee may postpone S3h,~ of aU <br />of .any p*r<<l of the Property by put,tk aUllOUl1t.~tnent at tilt' tim-t and place of any pnviousfy scheduled sa!~. Lender Of <br />I ~mt...". dnla- .....y ptOrcb_Ih~ Propert} at any .ale. <br />Upon rc<<:ipl of pa.rmeft-t of the prie~ bkl. T..usc<< slaU dcUv~,. to (he purrh~r Tru.tee's <ked ronve)"jl\1 the iJroperty <br />~ TIM r<<itala fn late TfU:S1e~'s d<e-d smill be prima rac~ nid~"{'c or Ihe truth 0-[ the ~tut("mf'nts made thr-rein. Tru5;ee <br />mltllllfl'ly lltt- I'fOt'wds of lhe .. i.. I"" ruUowi"l\ order: (al 10 nU "".'" <<><Is ...d oxpen..,,, of the ,..Ie, induding, hut <br />fWC Umitt4 to.. ~-I-s I~ of not mon duUt _ N-A (!1. of th~ gr-ug Mlk pricC'" reaMlnablc -aHorM)"S fees antl ,,'osls or <br />liffe, e---idflk..-. tit) 10. aU -sums S'C<u~ by thHi D<<<i or Tn~; and (c) the C-Il,t"CS$. if iHt}, to the twfwn or l}("fSUm.i It-gKUy euiitlt"d <br />ll..m<;. <br />t9~ 8o-n......,.s Rich! to ReinSl.ak. Nt1twithstandmg l,ellOers accclcr,nH_-,fj ''I th~ ,allU ,'l,c\:un:J t\}' !tll\ [)Ct."l1 ,,11 -I r-li'.!, <br />lloth'l''N't,1 duB h31,1~ the: t.'SlH 10 h~"'e any rf<<~eclmgs begun- b;' L~ndcr 1\0 ','nh)r-..'~ thi~ Deed ,if rrus,1 th~C"nHH!H('d at <br />;1'0) ',~ ptH::tf to t..he- e4rflC'f tu Q<;Cur ,~)of U) the fifth Jll'! bf:!';;N'C the :'Si41-C of the Pr{,pcny pI..H~U~I;-tt tll the iK)wtr of '"d~ .:nnLllne-d <br />iH ,h~~edofTrw He (n)-enl;y of;i !H\iiittletH enft.>f\'-:Hlg lhb nt"td of TnHa d' Lll 1)0(fn,"-ct pay!'; Lender .::l.!l :H/fiU 'It'hi;;;:h \'i-t.1qli.: <br />~ ihen dvc:- U1~.r thti t'k",i t.1f ''fr-u~L the No-,,:' i,HUJ !h.He.. M':'('; Future t\dV-iJH>;;:e:\. :f ;\01'. h.Hf f10 ~c;:!;1!e{,il!ion OC(:LllTt:"d <br />ib-~ Bi)f~'4:f n.4fl;1, ~H fuudt<1 'M An)" uther N)ven~nh 1".( :j}jrccments. ilf Borrower '::(~nti\HH'J in !hi~ r~::ed nf T fH"i. <br />U;j -~t~ P,l".,itU N;~h-l~ e-\~n~(-\ :rn;.~'fferl b_y I .cndcf ~-t~d T:;:t~t-f," tH i:-n(,-J-fJ;mg ,he (\)'...:n+.l~H_' MHo! ;1g\~;;;:ment5 ('! <br />nG-fn~!t ~~~.~J Iii tlli$ ~d d-' TnJ~t AUU III Cf!ton;-!ng i ef1dc-r'~ ,.wd 1 ;-;,1"\:-"....1 i';;~rn-tJ.!C$ .)1.. p"l.'ndCd ,t1 pM ,\~l";'lpil 1 S <br />t'*fjJ~r_ ~m;--J'Jw.ft.~ b<u! am !ltthfeJ. H}. (t.:;j~-t,<a."blc ....ntHn't:)"1i f~e,'i< ij.OO ft.ll Bmrowtt \,1k:(':":i f.,-n:;..h ;!!dl~"'l':;U L'.:/'!-da fCt.l\ :e;-r>,(H,abl'. <br />t''<<4,i,it!'1e' t~j ..~t( _h<tt ih-t ht'f1 thl" i~d 9f f(u-". L("f"i,der\,. in;.-t"~o;:::q W ift".. Pro-pt;ny .'H1,d H..Hr,,'\.q:!':;; ubll~~il[H~l1 it' )'-;i<, <br />