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<br />I <br /> <br />83-4l([5710 <br />UNIFORM COYBN.AN'rs. Borrower ;lnd Lcnder coycmmt- am:Lagrce .as. follo\1{s: <br />I. Paymcml of Principat ami ltJlen!St. Borrower shall promptly p.y when due Ihe principal of lUldinle,e.,t ontb. <br />in<kbt.dn...evid.nced by lheNOI', prepaymcntand laIc charges as provided in the Note. and the principal oCandintercsl <br />on- any FUlUrc Advances seCur-ed by-thi!t Deed of Trust <br />2. FtJmlsforl'_....d I_nee. Suhject to applicable law 0, to a written waiver by Lender; Borrowcr shall par <br />to Lentler on lhe day tn<>nthlyinslllllments of principal and inlerest are p.yable under Ihe No.e. unti'lhe Note is'paiQi~,fl!ll, <br />. sum (herein. ~P""dS") ,eq",,1 10 o_twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may' attain' priorityo'VCrlhi. <br />Dec<l of Tr:uSl. and groundr<:n",," lhe ProperlY. if any. plus one-twelfth of yearlypreminminstaUmcnls forhJlzardinsu",nee., <br />plus "mHwelfth:ot yearly premium installments for mortgltllc inslIrance. if any. .11 .s rcuooably eslimated,inillallyand'from', <br />time to time by Lcndllr on the of assessments and bills andreason.ble eslimales thereof, ,'. '. .: ,.., ,.,.<.: <br />11wFundt,shall beheldin'.n institution lhe deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranloe<lbyaFi:dera.~"ar', <br />s!llte ageney (including,Lcnder if Lender i. such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds tOPIlY said laxes; as~llTeil.l$~ <br />'Muralloe premiums and ground rents, . Lender may nOI charge for so holding and "pplyingthe Funds" .nalyzin~,s,dil:,,:cotl!'t: <br />or verifying.nd compiling assessments and bills. unles, Lender r'Ys Borrower inlereston lbe Fun<ls and'"pplicabktcJ..,^" <br />permits Lender 10 m-alee such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in- writing :at the' time' of execution- of--:Uils <br />IRC(t of Trust that interest on the Funus s.h..aH be patd to Borrower. and unless such ~lgrec-mcnt is made or 'applicable law <br />requires s.ue.h- interest 10 be paid. Lender shaU not be required to pay Borrower- any interest or earnings. on the--Fun~s.___L~der <br />shaH give to Borrower. wi.thout charge. an annual accounting of the Flll1d~ s.howing credits and-debits to the Funds and_the <br />purpose for which eac.h-debit fO ahe Funds was made.. The- Funds ::ire pl'!:dge.d as additional security for-the.-sums _secured <br />bv ,hi. Deed of Trust. <br />. If the amount of the: Funds held by Lender. together with -:he future monthly ins1aHmcnts of Funds payable- prior to- <br />the due dates of la:t'~. assessment~. insurance pTcmjllm~ :ind ground rents. m;\U ex('ced lhc amount required to pay said taxes; <br />nsse:Ssmcnts, insurance prerruums ;mo gn:<und rents :1$ they fall due, ~w.:h excess shaJl be. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly rep3id to Burrower or credited l-O Oorrower \~n mnnthly lflstaHme-nts ~lf Funds. If the amount of -the Fund!\ <br />held hy Le"def" s-haU not be sufficient w: pay taxcs~ asscs~rnents-. in!iuf>!ncc premmms. and ground rents as they faU due~ <br />Borrower sh.:tli pay to Lender .any amount r.e-CC5'mry to m:tkc up the defiCiency withll1 30 day,s from the dale notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment lher<:of. <br />UfX'o payment in (ull of aU sums secHred by this- Deed (It Trust. Lender shall rromptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />hc-id by Lender, If under paragraph I S hereof the Properly !~ sold or the PiC'pcrty IS .o.then\"lse acquired by Lender. Lender <br />~haU apply. no later fhan immedultety prior to the s.a!e oj lhc Property or Hi ~lcqHl$lhOn by Lender. any Fund$. held by <br />Lender at the- ~ime of apphcation as a credit against the S,lrns !".ecufcd by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Apl'lkatioa of Payments. Unle:<;':O;; i,lp-p!ic:!blc law pro\-'tdes otherwise, aU p.aymenl~ received by Lender under the <br />NtJte <lotI paragraph~ laud 2. hereof sh.dl he applied h)' Ll"odcr flrSI In payment o~ ;IOlOl.mts p~~yablc to Lenuer by Dorro\.vcr <br />under p-arag-raph :2 hereof. lhen 10 inlerC5.t pJY~-lblc on the N(llc. then to the prmclp;11 ('If the Notc. and then fO inlerest ~md <br />principal on .my Future Advances. <br />4. I.iens. Borrower S-hllll pay ~!l ta'tcs. ;:hsc.<;:smenl<;. tHld nthci charges.. floes and impOSitions attributable w <br />the Propeny which may -:ttt:kin .:1 puority over lhis Deed (\( Trust. and Jc;:1sehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof OT. if nor paill ill such Bl:1nner. by U0nowcr making payment. when due. directly <br />10 [he p;J,yet: the-reof. norrower shaH proOlp-tly fHenish 10 Lender ;tH notices 1..)( Jmcunts due under this paragraph. and in the <br />cft:nt Borr-owcr shaH make:, payment directly. R.('rrOWer <;.hat~ promptly hlrOlsh to _ Lcnder rccelpts evidencing stich payments, <br />Borrower shall pr-ompt1y dlscharftc any lien WhKh ha'S pt1Qnly f)VC'r thiS Dc~d ut l'ruSl: pro\'ldcd. Ih~t Borrower shall not ne <br />reqwfed to di~(-h3rs:t ;tny s.uch lien s-o long ;1.. Borrower ~>h-;}Il agree in wntmg h) the payment of the 0btlg:lIwn secured by <br />~li('h Itc_n iila manner acccptable to Lender, or in gOOtS tHth (On!eSl '.\.\lcn :;cn hy, C:f defend cnft)rremClI{ of such lien in. <br />kg;;;1 proceedm;s which operate It} prcvcfH the Ct'lfl1rccmcnt \11 !he hen ur t,--lrfctlurc ot the ProJ-x,:ny or any pari thereof. <br />5. II~ InsunlllC1:. Bor-rower ..hail k.:cp the Improvements nO'\\' (~I)jtiOg. or hcrcaher cre-ctt"d <'11 the Propeny ini.urcd <br />:lgatrni J05$ by tire:.. hazards Induded within 'he H:rm "cl\:ten-dcJ covcntte", .10tl such pthcr hJzard~ a,> Lcnocr may rcqlllrc <br />and m such amounts rind (or $u~h rctj-od~ ~l' 1 {'ndcr m-a\ n:qUlre: pnl'/lJcd_ t!n,{ Lender ..hall ~h'l reqUIre lh:n the amotll'l (l( <br />wch (~Q"'cnl~c exceed lhat amount of t'o\<t"ra~~ (cqlllfcd 10 {Jay thi: :mnl'i; secured by thl'i Dc-cd of Tru~L <br />The insurance t.'3rmr pro\.aHnt; the ins.t!f~U\CC ...hal! he '.2hn~-cn b... Horr(1'\\Icr sllbjecl !ll approv.Ji hy Lender: pnwldcd <br />that such approval &hall not be untc3.St:mably wl1hhcid. All prcmmni5 on tn$ur~ncc l)(lhc,e$ shall be p;lid in the m;mner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not p.:Hd in '}uch m3nOl:t, by Uorr-owcr making p..ymco!. when due. directh' to lhe <br />insurance carrier. <br />All tn\uO$m:e potu;;es and reueww theH~uf !.h.3H ~,~ !O form 3-!.:ccpt.abh:: Li ! cndcr ,and "h.tH tndudc ;! s.t~H1dar-d mortgage <br />clause in favor of and in form .H:cc:ptahi~ in Lender. Lender -shaH h"ve the nght H. ho.hl th,~ p;)li~tcs ;md Icncw';'lls thereoL <br />and BouU'W.:r ::.hail promptly furnish tt? I e-r.~icr ~~H r~nev,-,iSi Botkt:~ ;;md aU re":Clptt. of paId prcinatms_ fn the event of io\". <br />Borrower shaH gIve plum-pl Oulli."C hJ t1l... :nsuranc-c .:alTl\.-; and Lender LentJer m.J)' rHid,..: prO'..)! of h_lS'" :! not made:: promptl\' <br />by nort<)WCr. <br />Unless Lender ~nd Borrower lJthCfWi'M: agfC--: 10 \HH~ng. m:\\if:.m-ce ptf1-\:ccdi '.luH he app~icd !o fC"iIOration or I ~p;llr or <br />the Properly dam_aged. pr-ovitk-d !>uch re~h)O!ltm ot rcp~lir 1\ ~i.'l)tlu-mlt..~.til}. k.:.t',,lbk ~Hld tile 5.C~:Hitj' of ItH$, De.ed l~f Trust t\. <br />n"H thcreby Hnpilued. If such rr.stl.).fation \.if n:p-.;ur !"> flOI f..-"l:on,,)mK:;H-y h,";}\ibic Of ,f the "('(mity nf thi", Deed nf 1'1 \1st would <br />be jmpa,r-ea, the .nsuranece prcx:ecd-s shall be: .aprr1ieJ 1\) lhe !ium... ~ecmed by thi-s. Dt>:d of Tnls,t, wuh the- C-Xi.:Css. it' any, pal\J <br />10 BOlTo:wcr, If the Prt-\pcrt)' lS ~Ibandollcd b~ nvrn.n\'l~:, \lr it i:hxfowcr L.lls fn fl':sptnd 10- Lcndt.:r \vithill 30 days. from Iht: <br />date nt.H&ce Ii Inailed by Lender to Ik)rr~)wcr lhat Ihe 111S\.lf3;n;.;-c cUrler dfcj~ h) SCHk a d.1an far Ins.urance benefits, Lender <br />Is' authorized to coHect <lnd apply th>:: Hl:)uram;-'c PH.KL~ds ;H Lt:nder'~ ('.pll(Hl ..-lfhcr 1\1 fc..tora(I{Hl \.If repair e-{ the Propeny <br />or '0 the: sums secured by th&s !ked ()( Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othen...-t~ ;l~fc-e in ~\-fiHllg, ;illY ~uch ~IPttlt,";Hll'n oi pro,,;ccd's 10 rrml.:fra} ~hall not extcnd <br />or iXl's-.ponc the due date of the m()Hthl)' lOs.taHmenb Iderrcsj to \11 palagraphl; I and:' hereot Uf change the amount oj <br />such mstal1rllcnts, 1l under p,araaraph l" her'Cof the Property IS ,lcqulreJ by lender. .111 nght. tItle .lnd interest of nOHowcr <br />111 and to Illl)' in$urance po-hcic.5 and. ,!l ,10J m the pnxceili 1h~re\..1 r~lflling tWfn (.tilll.oig..: It) the Pwpert~' poor to the ~ah.' <br />('\.f acq~~sJtion ih~U pass tQ lender to the eAtenl of the :sunu :'C":UfCU by thiS D~t:J 0: Trust nnmediiltell' Pf~O( to "3uch s~dc or <br />a<XIut1-itJoJ\. <br />&. Prenn.atiDft aaad Maia:C~natKe uf l'rope-rt)', l..ebeholds.: Condorniniunts; Planned Vnil Uevelopmt"nts. Bor; r~wcr <br />..h-,.dJ keep the Pro-pc'rty m;ooU rr:p:,uf ~I~ s.nOl-U HlH 1.:~\rnm1( 'A,JiU":- \H ilo.;nnll imp~H{IHCtll vr \kh.:rtl\raH()fi of the i'ropt'ny <br />.mtl thalt comply with the p(OVilioll$ of any leas<: if thIS nec-d n[ TruM i'i un a lc~~.;:-holJ. r( thts Deed of Trust i~ on a unit in ~1 <br />condomltUwu or .a planned unit ,development. Uorrc:>>tf-::r j~U r-:dorm .lil of Oorrowcr'.s (Jhligatio!ls Hndcr the dcclaralinn <br />Uf co~.a-tl Cleat-in, 01' go~mg 1~ t:ondotniftlUnl or pt~n.n~ umt development. ~he b}'~IOlWS and reg\:ilati0os of the <br />-.:~ -or plalltlCd umt development, and cOlutl,tuent .1Jocumcnts: ~ If a condonllnium or pianned lUll! dc\'cit}p~nt <br />nder, a ~xecuted by ~o""'tr and rec.urdeJ together WIth lht$ Deed or 1 rust, the covenant_$ and :tgrecmenl5 of stl\.:h rtder <br />dRaU be I-MOrporated into and shalt amend and $UppkmCUl rhe \,":"t)'\i('nants and agreemcnts of this. Deed of TrllM as if the rider <br />""'re a PArt ~ <br />7.. Prated.. of LeJuIert. Sec-urity. H Bo-nvwet falls to pedQrm the covenants and agreements contained in thl'i. <br />Oeed cJf Trustjo or- it any action or proceedtng 1\ com.menccd "-hkk materialty affects Lender's inter-C),l In the Properly, <br />inctudma. _-bi,n _not -fimkc4- to-, eminent dt.ltluun. In-'il~'''. -code- enfurccmcnl. or arrang.eOlcn\s or proceedings invoivlng ;1 <br />~Nft-\)r ~f' then u~ at ltmdct'$ o~lttun~ upon r~~.-;c 10 Uorrower. may make su-ch, appcllran-ces. dishurse s'och <br />&utn5_ 'Uld ~ -.wc:~ - ~ at. is nc~ry to protcct Lcndct s .nt~resl. including. but not hmitc:d to, <.H:sbUf:!i.emnH ,-If <br />~ ~.s fees- 3tW.-attty upon ,the Propet1y fo Plake TePi'trs. If Liendcr n:-q-uircd mOftgage in-SUf.1l1CC us a <br />cOtldlllOn <If.~ the 1olUl-.ed by 11m Deed of fllllt. Borrowe, ,hall pay .he. premiuIl1$ requi,ed '0 mOllltain such <br />,__in ,elttc11ilt1il wdlt...... ..Ihe r~tlur such i",,"'an... ''''' '" "..cordanee. wilh Borrower', and <br />~'$ wl'iUcl\~ or a.~i<:.bIe I...., Borrow..r .h.1l pay the am<"'''l of all morlgage i.>loronee p~miunlS in lhe <br />- flRWidcd. W1cMt"""~ '1 henof, <br />,All<y.~ ..........byL.ftIdcr P''''W'U\lIO 11m pa'qrapil 7, w.lh 111.........1 ther<!un, ,hall become addition. I <br />.~o( 8l>rrowet.~ by lhis Oeedo.! TFu$t, IJnl~ ""frow..r ltl\tl Lent:!<lr "&fC<: ,,, otber I.,"" oj pavmen' slXh <br />~l.t. > payable II\lODNllk:t> lrom I..,mler 10 au""....r ''''1_1I''g p")'ment ,lter.of, ,nd .h.lI bea, intemJ fro;" ill. <br />d:&t.-~ ~ *tt.-fiUo paya,bftc f_rOOt emu:--;O' IhM t~n nutst3-n-dtnl pnn<;ipaf un4er fh-e NOte \H\lcU- raymen-t of int~t(~t <br />,lt~t'.1II ~ "" ~ 1","l>Pl",.ble IllW, ,in wh"," ..""t.,.."h a"''''"It. ,hall be.r ;nle,,",' 01 ,"" highest '''< <br />~~ ~~, NOlhicnll "oma""'" in In,. l'\l!agr..J'lI 7 ,hall ,e'lu"" Le~r tQ ;IIeur .ny '.'1"'n", or take <br />..,~~. <br />1< ~ ~ -m.y m~ (tt .t;:~. h:t t~ made: rcutlfWiUlv cnlrj_ p;pon nH~ iMp<r:t.t'Ofttli of ~hc Prope.r t ~'. p(\wi~_.;,-t <br />~t~l ~.'Mder lW- $fJt'_--.tkv~ ~miwe. pt~' tt.! ._n.,. ;'ucA in-~pec:l~~ $~ati~ tMtri,lnahkl: ('<J~ ~hcr'c~o; ff\f'iUcd 1\1 Lendet'1. <br />"._i4> I_~. <br /> <br />