<br />83-005662
<br />
<br />9. C......IIdoa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and .haIl be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise &gnie in writing. there shall be applied to the sum.s secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bea", to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor otIers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lef&der within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, lender i. authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or cbange the amount of
<br />such illStallmenll<.
<br />10. ............. Not R...... Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors. in interest. Lender shaH not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to ex.tend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trost by reason of any demand made by the original ~orrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />n. F"""""- by Leader Not I Walnr. Any forbearance by Lender 10 exercising an)' right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicahle law, ,ban not l>e a waiver of M preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of in.~unrncc- or the payment of taxes or other Hens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender~s
<br />right to accelerate tbe maturity of the indebtedness .ecured hy this Deed of Trust
<br />1 %. Remedies C.-uIatiY.. An remed.,. provided m th.. Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of TfU$t or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively .
<br />13. Sutt....... ..... AooIps Bound: Joint Ind Several Uability; Captious. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />,'ont:uned shalt bind, and the rights hereunder .~han inure w. Ihe respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subjet.-'1. to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All ~..wenanlS and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The: captions and headinp of the patagraphs of !hili Deed of Trust arc for .:onvenience .only and arc not to he U\ed to
<br />inlerpret OT define the pravisi""" ':,....,f-
<br />I~ Nodee. Except (or any notice reqwred umier ~tpphcable lot\!>- w Me g.i\'en In another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Bor-rower provided tor in this Deed oi Trust shaH he given hy rruuliog slKh notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such other addreu :u\ Borrower may designate hy notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender shall be given by certified maiL re{urn receipt requested, t,) l.cnder's address stated herein or to
<br />~uch othe:' .ddress as Lender may dat.nau hy notice- fO Borrower as prQvlded herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Doed of Trust ..hall be deemed 10 have been given to Borrower ~)r Lender \.vhen g:iven 1I1 the manner designated herein.
<br />IS.. Valform t::>Hd of T.....; GoYHWIat ,......; SeftrabiHly. Ttlls form n( deed of trust combines Uniform covenants for
<br />nat~onai use and non-uniform covenants with hmnro vaflatlOn~ h\' jUf!sc.hction t\l constitute a uniform secUrity instntment
<br />\..'o\'ering real property. This Deed of Trust \hal1 he g:o\.'uncd b)' I he Llw of tht" ,unMiu2'"hOn in whi~h the Property is located.
<br />In [he event_thAt any proVl!iion or dausc of this l>eed ni rru~t t~r the ~~HC- l;onrh.:1S. with apphcahit' law, su.ch cnnftict ,shall
<br />nOI. atf~(, nt.he,r- _pnWJ510m l"lf rhls Deed ('If rru~ (jr [he Nt)1e, \lohu.:h c~w ,IX' gr\'cn etfect Without the conflicting provIsion,
<br />.lnd to (IU5 eoo me proVR1Ofti. vf lbe I:leed of 1 rust and lhe Note ,,1((' declarcd h\ he ~eY('rable.
<br />16. .........fl'~1 Copy. Bon-ower sJaJt be fllrn;~~ a ~;o-ntl)rmed (npy \'t the N...HC and of lhis. Deed of Trust ill the timt'
<br />elf e~ecutil.m or aher recordation hereof.
<br />17. 'r.....,... of 1M ".......,.; A.Hmpdoa. If ~tll ;:'r an~- pan of Ihe Propt"rty ;:'f an iOleres:llberem IS sold or lran$t'erred
<br />by Borrower w,It.Out under's pnor wr;H~n ,,-._m~nt, e\dudm(l: \.11 !he crC-illl..:m ,Jt 3 hen IX encumbrance subordinau: to
<br />tht!l Deed of T~, (b) the crtJihon of:;& purchase rn~'1ne'\< \a;;urit\-- lOtef1:"St for hou\chold appltanca, (c) :1, transfer hy devise.
<br />deKent \-,..r flY upcr.ti011 of J... upon t~ de..th of ;t ,oInt trnant ,~r ! d) ;hC' grant {,t any ieasehoki Interest of Ihree year$. or less
<br />oN containin, an optu:m to purchMe, 1 coder mav ~l t ef'K.ier"-o,. l'ptwn~ Je.:lare .ll! !he- ~um:\ secured by this ~ of' TruSl to he
<br />.omteilia:tely due:: and payabk. Le-nUC'r shall ha,"'t' '.\ iU\'r-Q slKh optuJO to ~c\.-'dc:ralc:: it. pnor to tm: ~ille t,.)r tran~fer. Lender
<br />and tbe person to wbom the- Property 1\ h' he ~\JjJ ll. !ransft"rred 1t'..H:h .J.greemen! In wriung thai the credit of ~uch person
<br />\~ uti-s.tacmf)' hl Lender a.nd that lhe intereu pa,'ilblt- ~m. fr.c HHth "'-.'\.:ured r..,;- th!5 [~ of Trust ,naB he at such rate as.
<br />Lender shan request_ If f_.e-nder h..as wuvf'd the ~)ptl(m t;;l olcce!eUh: prov.dcd Hl thl~ para<<.raph ]7, and if Borrower's successor
<br />iO jn!el'CSt has Cl.ecuted l.t wliuet\ ilHumption :lgnxmrnt "'l.."Ccpted '0 ....PtJng r.\' l.ender, Lender \halt release Borrower from
<br />311 oblipuOf1!. under this ~ of Tcult and t.hc: N't'l-te
<br />It lende-r el.e-rciieS such Opllon to a..::c-deratc, i rnder ",ha.t! ,nil:! !i'Jrnl-w-e1 m')tH:e \11 ~Ct.'1:teratlon In accordance with
<br />parap-apb ! 4- hereoi Such nOtice shaH prondc a pcrl'l~ {~t N~t k~-'S than ~o d.a)'S from the dale the notice l~ mailed withln
<br />whtdt Borrower may pa)' lhe sums deeia:r-ed due. If tk.fh}_e-r h.b 10 p;ty ",uch s.u--nn prior tn the e;(ptrati~:lO of 5:uch penod.
<br />Lender may. wnhout tunhel' rn.ltJCe or denl.luw: {'n 8orn"t\l'c.-r. n1'l<1.)t-.c -1n~ remC'dtes pcrmtU~ h)' paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />NON~Ul'oHfoaM COVEN~NfS tklrrO'Wcr and l.t'~:.ier further f...wenant ~nd i-gtft a'S. follows:
<br />18. ,,<~ R_ .:",epl .. .......kM1Il.. _npliI11 M_f. u_ !to.......r'. bfta<h of In)' ,'o,.~tUIOl ur
<br />~a' of Ber"""ff in ltd, ~ ~f r...... i.dedi.. It... ('0\""'811, 10 pa" ~IK-n d_ any sUQW R'cul'ed b,.. tbili Dud
<br />of h_, t.,.... ......... tu ................ dulll R1lIiI b...i<~ tu _......., .. ......,~d in _rapb 1.& M....of .....df)ina: Ol the
<br />Iwnrh: (ll tM .._ ,",..v.d to n,.... "",h Itn..h; i31 I cbt~. bOO ..... than .\0 dlY' from th~ dlt~ t,", notke I. mailed to
<br />BurfO.~r. by _'tuda ...udI: tift.... m.. bt' un": ..... (4. t.... faHun- '0 l.'Uff ~'K'h bno...-h un or hefo", tbe dalt' sp<<ifiN
<br />1ft the aotk~ ftIa) A1Iu1t in Kcriflalioa tit .- *"11M !K'('ul'fll b) t"*" tlc-flt of Ir,", and '\8it of the Prop<<t)', Tbe notkt
<br />dtaIJ fun~r huona Bono~f of thr- riChl hi ",_.aff' .ftt'f a('~'C'k"..iun and Ih.. richl 10 brirc 8 t.'uul1 at'tion '0 as.wr1
<br />tM DUft....cJi,..f'DC'~ Gf >> .,.... or all) ,.citer .ff1ls.e (If Bmfo"rr 10 'lk'n'H:rabon and uko. If the bre-a<h i'li not (.'urt'd
<br />OR or loft..., tlor ""'" ~ in I'" iootla. h.... ... 1......., .....ioR ma, d...t...... aI' of t,", sum, .<Cu..... by Ihk Ilffd
<br />of 1',... to br ........dy d_ ..... pa,..... wtldtout hartbt-r tkmaad aad 1IUlI) unokto Iht pown of Wlk .nd an) of~r ff'm",in
<br />JIlHIIIi!Jed It, ~ ,..... l~ ~~ ~ !Qi."'" ,-. n>~~ aI~ reawaabk t."o\-ts and f'X~ incu~ in punning th~
<br />~ piv..-.icd iIiI 1_ pIlAt..... Hi.. ~. inR q.i'Ji imtii-ri io. rnso__ 8tio-rMY"1ji ft'eS.
<br />If the ,.... 01. NIle is ift,.t1IIr.ed.. 'rlVllft .. R't'Of'1l . ftOIke- of dc'bult in each count.,. in which thr Pr~rtl or ,ome
<br />,...c tIwnoI t5 .&ocatetI and shIIij .... ~ of ",,-.a. ftOian. tn 'M JDaOM'r prnc~ b,- applicable law to Borro","N Mod to the
<br />..._ ~ _rilwtlloy ........-Ia.., "fter 'M '- of _h ti_ .... ....) ... r~qul"'" by "l'plkalJl<. "'...rru"'.... .hall
<br />rh'~ ,.e.Iic IIOtke- of sale to the fWnOM aad 1ft r~ m.OBfl prhCriMd b... a"tic... fa.. Trust<<. ~ithou( dt'mand on
<br />~.. .. Mtt rhe Protwrty at pliblk alM:ttu. to t_ hiahnt bIdckt at lbe tiltH' and pl.....(" and undn the tnm'lo dnianaltd
<br />h& the ~ of ... __ OM Of' tROf't' pIlf'€'eb atMI in \\K'ft (tfde.r M Tru~ctff m.) detrtmine~ l'ru!ifU m.) pm-lpoM saI:~ of 311
<br />or -7 prrmrf of tire ........y by pvWlc _....~_... .. I,", ti_ ...... p\ft<'e of ..oy p....viously ",,",drrled ",I~. I..nd<'r or
<br />~..~___the..........., ..._y".
<br />L?ea ~ of pa~nwal of ttw pt'kr bid.. frustff ....... dftj,,", to the purdta.Wf' rrmtrt.... ~ "'(Ku~'ing lht" f)f't)p..:rt~
<br />....~ T1w rcri1alt ill the Ih"ft"~ dad ~ ... prima r...:ie t"\-idftk"C:' of ttw tTUtb uf tlk ...l~lmwn(~ mack therrin. Tru,.ln'
<br />.... ""'" the .......... of tbc .. In t'" fullo...... or"'; .., to ..tl .-.-....bIe mob .nd .,prthn of tM _. i..dndint<. but
<br />ftDt.............. "r~'4 ~of AOlIROh' t_ 1..,,# uf I~ of ltw .e;rOI!6M.... Prk"-'t.. r~~ att(KtJf'~.'1ri f~ and t'U!ilts ufdtlc t<,idn\tt;
<br />'''I "'''_-..I!n tltb1lftodall'ru.., _\<lIl1..,.-. if...,.lutl>o"".......... _.. "'alh vntitl<d the........
<br />.9. ~. It..... to........ NQ(I,,\<l{h'itandm_ LC'Hl!cr'r. a-l.,~.etc-l..l!lon o! !he "\1m.. M:'.:urcd by ihl" Dt'e'd l_\! (PhI
<br />8off~-f ~u ba~.... dw ti,llt 10 fHJ"C an>, rf(~eetlU1gs tlegun b-~ l.ender h~ t'ufon..'e thl:i Oerd ul 1 rHM ..ll!iC(\fHliHlt"d .\\
<br />~fty tune- pi'tQf Ut~ U~f to (1(.X;Uf l'){ {Ii the filth d-a} ht'fnrc I~ Mlk ,"Ii the P-ropenv purw"'nt tll lh< I){~\\'('r III "~tl(' U)nl~lm('\_l
<br />m thn ~ oj' lflAtor ('i)c-ntry- ot ... jl;iod,me.nc cnJofdn~ fhi~ {~1 t}J Tnl~t If- !;It IJt'<(f\)>A("r pay-;- i (Ollef :IH \.unl\ ....-hr('h \-\-,tl\4ttl
<br />'be:t~ due undt-r thl$ llcod. ol .fn.i!.i. the NN(, :tlnd Holel- 1j('-l,.:U-fIf\J Future Advaoct'>;, 1~ ilny, h~J Eh' ,t-...."d(;flllj~_'n l);;:~:l.H fCJ:
<br />tbt 8ou\~1 >i;'Un:1- llU bJ'~he\. -of Ainy \,thef' .,:o\>emH\h not itlret'!menh ~,t HOfnn,;rCI o:.:(l-flialOcU III du.... i'h't.J nf t ru...t
<br />~-d .OU~s- p;lt)'J, '*H nt_:ma-bk t"\petl!le\ u'K,-mf('t} h" 1 e-nJer ~nt.f Tnl't.t-ec tn (~nk\n:ll)S \he (',)\'enanh Mld a~rl't~tHl'nI\ 0.'1
<br />Ekw~J' ~OOt1Wned m tht" t~ vi rn,-~l ~nd tn t:ulHfl.:mg l~m1(":r'\ .JOO 'lru""iCt''' r~m('dln 3"!; pr.~~IJt..d Hi p::lnt~JIl:j:'h l.,..,
<br />~~. tt'lili;tud.~ -bu.- tn:>t hmiU'd tn. n'-U;Lnub~ ath;:or~v\ tet",; .'tntl tJ! ttorw"'~r i;.lklt~ H~h ;:l\;hun ,{,~ Lt::mit.'.!" ma\- fi":n,,'-TuH...
<br />r1l'qu.fllf' !-o ~rt th&t: dl< heft (,t thu. ~I t,t T'-U--M_ I cntk-f" 'nlt-~",t If, lhe p.rn~)('rt\ ;ilnd Hr.rH'-\!IrCf-" t+h~a1;,'n (,' ,':10.
<br />