<br />I"
<br />
<br />83':';"-\il) 5662
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />.1. hymen. of Princlpal and 11de_ Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />IUdebledne.. evidenced by the Note. prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />1. ........ f.... Tueo ..... I~ Subjecl 10 applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower sban pay
<br />to Lender on lhe day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under Ihe Note. until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one,twelfth of the yearly laxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trusl, and ground rents on lbe Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inslallments for hazard insuran"",,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearty premium installmentn for mortgage insurance. jf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time 10 time by Lender on Ihe basis of a._ments and bills and reasonable estimales thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by tt. l.:ederal or
<br />Slale agency (including Lender jf Lender is mch an instilution). Lender shall apply the Fund.. to pay said laxes, assessmenls.
<br />insurance premiums and ground renl... Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hills. unless Lender pays .8orrower inlerest on Ihe Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest Oft the Fund~ shaH be paid to Borrower. and unies.~ such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shaH not be required to pay Borrower any i)-;terest or tllmings on -tbe Funds. Lender
<br />shaH give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accountlng of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional security for the sums secured
<br />bv this Deed of Trust,
<br />. If the amounl of the Funds held by Lender, together with the fUlUre monlhly inslallments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dales of taxes. a..ssesL"'nenl$. insurance premiums and ground rents., shaH exceed the: amount required to pa-y said taxes..
<br />;lMeSSmenu~ insurance premlum$ and ground rents: :as they foil! due. such e:\c-ess 5hall be, at Borrower's option~ either
<br />promptly repaid to BolTOwer ar credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shaR no-t be sufficient to pay ta:xe"i. a-S.'lessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower -shall pay to Lender any :amount necessary ro make up the deficiency \,tithin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesti", payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in (u1l of aU sums secured by thj~ Deed Of Trust. Lender shaH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy I.--ender, It under paragraph IS hen.."'-tJi the Propern~ h "old ,-'f the PTope-rty IS otherwtse ac.quired by Lender. Lender
<br />,baU apply. no taler tha.n Immediately prtor tn the ....lIe 01 the Prnpeny ,-'r i!s- al:quis.ttion by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application a~ = credit against the sums ~ured hy thi.~ Deed of Trust.
<br />3. AppIk:atiou of Pa-pM'II-ls.. Unl~ apphcabte bw rr'1\'jde~ otherWise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />NOle and paragraphs- 1 and 2 her-cot ~haU be applied f\V I cnder fin.t In VaymcOI of amounts payable to Lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then tll inte-rest payable on the Note. then (.('> tht pnnclpai \}f the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prmcJpal on any Future Advances
<br />4, C'barwes. i.... BOffi'lW(;"f ...tHdJ rav <:;!I tJ:'!oC'>, '::'~CO:~rn!'!H<: ~~nd other chaf1!cs.. tInes and ,mposltions iiuributable to
<br />the Propert\~' which may :iuain a pnoru)' over thiS [ked or' TrUll. and lea~ho-Jd payments or ground rents. if any~ in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hcreo[ (\r. It thlt paiJ in 'l.th.*n m;m~lt'r, by Bi.."\tr\'lwcr maKing payment. when due. directly
<br />10 the p-aYff thereof. Bt\t'"fO'N-er "hall promptly furoili.n !f\ i cnder all lH.'}tlCC\. of amounts. due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />~vent Borrower shaH make p.:J.yment directly, Borrower s.hall promplly fmnlsh h\ Lender receipts evidencmg such payments.
<br />liorTower ~hajl promptly dlscha~ any h-t"n whIch has prmnty o\-,,'r thiS- Deed t'\t Truse provu:ted. that Horrower shall not be
<br />reqUired in di'k:h.uge any \u~h hen 'S{) l.ong i.i\i Borrower ...hall agree In wrtunjl h-' the payment of the obllgal1on secured by
<br />...uch he--n in a manner acceptable In Lender. nr ,halt In g;ood fauh .:o-m,,'s.t ,ul:h hen ny. ~~r defend enfort:ement of such hen In.
<br />icgaJ PflX'eedin8'io whtch (~pera1e 1\} prevent the enton.:emcnt ~\! the llt;:n -llf iortelture {It the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />5. Huanll8Rlnattt. Borrower ...hall leep Ihe !mpro'it'mcnt'\ now ('u'\t1n~ or hereafter e-ft."Cted ~1-n the Propert)' Insured
<br />..tgauu:f h.1S$ hv fire, hUArd1 indtitkd wlthm the ferm "{,-1\te:ndcJ uwerage' and "-u\.:h Nher hal.ards as I.ender may requirr
<br />.md In iuch amounll And for ~u,"h perHxJs. .b Lender nun reqUIre; pnwltktJ, that Lender ..hall not require that the amount of
<br /><;.uch to\''Crage c\cee-d fhat amount l~f <n'\'cragc fC'QUlIt'd t" pa\ the ~um.. ~cured by thl'\ Deed t'"t Trust.
<br />Th~ in:luram:e (arner pfOvldm~ the m~urancc ..hall hC' i.:ht~ti h... Bl};fOWCr "uhjc.:t hI apprll\';'11 by Lender: pnwldeJ,
<br />that s-uch approval shaH not Pc unreuonabiy Withheld Ail rrem1UI1U on msurJ,nc(' fX-'hcies shan he paid in the manner
<br />provIded unde.r paraarapb Z huC'-()i or. 11 not p:ud In 'iUl..'h mallMr. h..- BOfTower making paymenl. when due. direclly 10 the
<br />Insurance carnet.
<br />All1fi$urao,,'t poh-.:te3 and r-cm:wah the-rc-tJf iihaH r>e ~;l (..nil iI,,-.;.~ept3bie it' Lender ;Uld ...hail lIKlude a slandard mortgage
<br />dau~ in ta'l,'()!' of and in fOfm aL'cp:ah-l~ h} Lender. i ,cn<Jcr "hatl h.'l\.'1." !he o;l1:t w t:oiJ the poiick:.~ and renewals thereoL
<br />.tnd Bo-rro\ll.-er sbaH promptty furm$h 1(1 Lendcr ail fcnev.-ai :J\J{KC, ,md ~ill Il'~eip(~ ,If r;:IlJ premlUm'i" In the event of los'!>,
<br />Borrower sh.U g~\'e prompt notKc 1'-' the H1l.UrafH':C catTln ;.}mJ i _ender l en~~r m.n ma;.C" pn.X){ (.It inss It nt.)( I'!lade promptly
<br />hv tklrrowcr.
<br />, Unless Lcnde-t and Borrower ntherv.'I'iloC .agree HI \.lol"ltlng, ,n:.-lH.-m>.(' plp,:eoos. ...hail he appheu to rC\tnratu.m or repair tlf
<br />lne Pr-.lperty dama~~ provl-'Jed :i.och n~'''~Hrat!~~H ~H :-tp.aH ;~ {'"-..<"':-I-\'ml!.:~l!~ ~{'";}'i!hk ;mtJ the ~t!nty 01 thiS [)t.'e-u i.}! Trust J~
<br />nO{ thereby impaucd_ It ~och r-eslOra!HJn I.H rl.~pan ~'\ n,l! e...:,moITlll.:alh h.'~\lhk ,1;"" !! lhe v"\.'UUl~' of thi\ (.leed of Trust would
<br />be :ntpaned. the- mSUfam:~ pn:x~,'! ~_hai! be app-hc-d to lhe- sum" ~ccun.'d hv IhlS. Oc~d I.\f Trust, with the c'(ces:\, If any. paui
<br />h,'l ~r. If the PTtlpC'rty IS abwooneJ by RlHH-\w('r. ,If It l1\lfw......er LHh w fc~pond 10 Lender wlthm 30 day" from the
<br />date notU..-e t~ maded b,,' Lender to Borto\,\.-er that ~he Jtl!UaOCC- ';Mfl~f Drlen_ :.:' \cHle il l.:lalm for m:)man.,,;c ht-nefits.. Lender
<br />l~ authorized to n:JHect- and apply the msurOtI\<,;C pn1<l:ccds <it 1 ('nda, \'fltllln ~\ther t(\ re\wraUOI1 I.~r repair of the I)rope:rty
<br />('of to the sums secured by thiS l)eed of TrmL
<br />UnJeu Lender and 8orrower otherwIse- agree m .... r-lflOg. .m\ ,tli.:h ~ppil~otlH;m ltl rroccaU tl.l prinCipal ..hall nut extend
<br />Of pcostp.:Ule lhe d~ date of the nIDIllhl\ tn'-taHmenh It"tCHnt h_'- ll~ p..uagtaph'\ 1 ,and -.: hereof (}f I.:hange the amount 01
<br />~uch mstallments" If under paraxraph IX bneut lhe Prupen\ ~., .h'::Io4UIFOO tl~ j,I.'oder. aU rIght tItle and interc\t (It Borrower
<br />In and (0 any JOs.uranee poh4.:Ib and Hl and t,i the pn,-x:ecd~ therc~~t ft~uHlIlg tWill damage to Ihe Property prior tll the sale
<br />nr acqUlunon mall paM h:'l Lender to the c~tc::nl ;.,t the ~unn MX:Ufc-d. (1\ thi~ Deeci ot rrusl Immedtatd,. pnor ltl ~uch !l.all: or
<br />ac:qul$lUon
<br />6. ..._........ ud M...... .01 P"",",y: 1..--.. C..adomiol_ Planned l'nit I~ BOIfO"e,
<br />..hail ..cep lhe P"--lpen)' Hl giX.'ld repair ~lt1,Q :loJ1~lt npl .;omnut ~.a.stc ~'r ~nlllt unpalfment I,lf defCfK'fatlon of the ProperlY
<br />,;!:nu $h.aJl comPY WIth the plO\'ISfQ-QS ot ~ny teaM' If th:~ l>eed of Tru~ !~ ~Hl a iea~hoid. If thi~ Deed of Trust 1'- on a UOIt IJl n
<br />cQndonunlum \1r a planned unir dev~,iopmenf. Bono...er \h3!l pcdt'rm <Ill of Horrower'~ ohiigahons under the declaraoon
<br />,,)( cove~"- cre&ttng ;)( govcrmng the condominIUm (.r planneti tinn de\ieiopment. the t"y~la..\ dmt regulallOus l~r Ihe
<br />';:~UQl or planned unn Ue\'c-klpment. .)nd ':-0nr.liluc-nt d\.')\.:umefJl~, H a ("(}odomimum m planned unit deveh}pmcnt
<br />tlder t~ e-x.ecuted bl' ~owtr aM l'<<-orded tOgi:'lher ".'nh !h!5 1)eW pI lrtl'S!. the ~(lVenants and agretmenu \:j such rider
<br />-shaU he Incorporated tnh) and shaH amend am.! ~uppkment the t.'--o\-'cnanb dud ;i:VCCfuents ui thl\ Deed i.lt Trm..t as If the- l"llkr
<br />_re a put hereof.
<br />7. . ~ of ~.. Secwity. If Borrower f:ul:s to perform the ':U\;en~nl5 and agree-me-nb (ontalOed in thi...
<br />(>cod Ol fl'Ult. (.if If any !tenon Of proceedmg Hi. ,,~tlm.menced which mstcrlalh affects Lendcr's lnte~l H'I the Pr\~perty,
<br />lndudina. but not hnut04 lO. emiBCnl domam. lHKl!venq. ..-..1<<k eotort,..--eme:nL (~r arrangements or proceedlnp 1n\-'{llvHlS ;1
<br />-bankrupt or -d<<cdcnt. then Lendef' ilt l..endef'~ opuon. upon notice ~o &~rrower. may male \-uch appe-.ltancc-"\, di~burse <;\H;h
<br />SUfft!; J:nd take such ole-Uon .u 1~ n~tJ ttl. pr'\J1CCt Lernk(~ .meral, mdudmi. r.ut nut limucd tt', "H\hur~ef1lcnt ;e'1
<br />T~ ..tt~'s fees And. entry upon the Propeny III make repalf1; U Lenll-er requued mortgage lI\~lJnH1;":t' .J" ~l
<br />~ondtbOn ~'d makina d!,= l-oaft ~urod -by thlSl I)ccd of_ Trust. Born)\\iC'r !<hah pa)' tot: premium) requued h' malfHaln "Heh
<br />I.~ In -e1fec1 untd sucb tune &5 the- reqwremem for "ucl1 m~Ur;tt'i""l: termlt1at~ 111 ,iCcordalKc wuh Bunowcr"\ ~fld
<br />I~'t- w~ .apc:emoat Ct apPiQbie law_ Ik"')ffo..~r ~haH pay the iinl{)unf ~\! ,Ill Ilu)llllagc iil\tJrant:~ pr-CmIUnl:'\ HI lht&
<br />"'..._ pro'tided undet parqr"pb 2 hen!o!
<br />. ,Atly UDO:W!b -di$bucied hey I.~r pill$u.ant_ to Ihu paragraph '1, "":ih nHe-r~t thereun, ..hall hi."'\.:f'me iHidHHtnal
<br />H,ckbted_ of ~ -leCUI"fti M' th~ J:>eed ot lrusL Ullk':\-, Borrower and Lemler agree W ('l-thcr term:\ "tt puyme-nL :\u;.~h
<br />~_.dIaJj ~ Pl,.hie upon POtk:e- from l~ to &or-rower reqUC$llnJllla)'I~m thereof, and shall hear mteresl from the
<br />dase of ~t ill the Rte pay~ f-fom Ume h.' time 00 {)ut'tandm-g fUmCtpal un~r fhe Nnle unlen payment t)t mtt::rcst
<br />Jtl ~h_ rate- would he_ t:-onu.ary to appItc...te law, in wb-u'h ev~nt \l!("h arnollnh 1>hail ~.l:H Ifltere-s.1 at the tHs;he..' rat<'
<br />~_~ ~u::a.bie l... NodufJI (4mtamed In thHi, P-ilf3.If.l,l;pn ? ..hail r~4utte LcndeJ h). Hh:Ur :tn.) (':\J'e'flSC or t4k~
<br />""'f_~.
<br />L ~_ t-endti may rMk.-t! ~n t.i1UV \(1 be made- reM(ltlilbk efUft<'r. ~lfX~n ~nJ i05pecHr~n:{ (,,; the !::>,jlpctly. pr,w~ded
<br />1b*1 t~..-.at.... tkn--r-ower rlttU\1<' pm.'li' N Jin) $.uch H"pt'~tlOfl. ~,peclh'lng r('a')t.lO~b-i<e {,:;i.Utte there!!.}, fd~1~ Itl J coder..
<br />",...-.._~, .
<br />