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<br />
<br />prior 10 enlry of a judgmenl<nforcing Ihis Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be Ihen due under
<br />Ihis M'Ortgage, Ihe Note and notO$ securing Fulure Advance" jf any, had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures all
<br />breaches of .any otljer l;ovenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this. ,Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays-'aU -reasonable
<br />expcn$e$ incurred by Lcmk:r.in enforcing - fhe covenants and agreements of Borrower contained in' this- Mortgage' arid: fn
<br />enf'OreingJ..ender'sremediM as providedioparagraph 18 hereof. including, bUI nOllimited to, reasonabl" allorney'~leC$la/lll
<br />(d) Borrower 'a.lces sucbaction '" Lender mayreascll.bly require 1'0 assure I hat the lien of IhisMortgage; Lender's:inl~t
<br />in IhePropeny and Borrower',obliglllion to pay the sum. .ecured by Ihi. Mortgage shall conlinue unil!lll8i""".::Upott.,tiIclt.
<br />pay- and.cuce by Borrower. ,his Mongage and Ihe obligations secured hereby shall remain infuUf'Orceandeti'm.u.il
<br />no _leralion,Iuodocl'urred, '. .. ... ... ...c:'c
<br />~. Aos/gnmcnlot ReJlb; Appointment of R..elnr; uoder inPossessiol>. As .ddilional seeurity;t",rWnder.:llotfc>lI!Iel'
<br />hereby _igm .0 Lender the rents <:If the Property. provided thaI Borro",...r Shall, prior 10 .cee!eralio" U1lllttr:p.~~IF18'
<br />hereof orabandonmenl at the Property, have tlle right 10 c<>llect and retain such ren.s as. IheY~du~a!l!l'~alAe:':
<br />Upon ~eceteration under paragraph i8 he_lor abandonment of the Property; Lender. in PetSQll.,by"ca~'or'\bJ'
<br />judicially appomted receiver, sball been.tilled to ent"'-"pon, lake possession of and managccthe P~l1!1d!tl:~it~,
<br />rent, ,;f the Property, ineluding ,hose past due, All ren" collected by Lender or tlle .....e.ver shall' be applled fr . .,"
<br />of the co... of managemenl at the Property.nd coHecllon .>treots. including, but notlimitedto,l'eCeiv~'"f<ies<
<br />receiver's bonds and reaIOI1lIble attorney', fets, and then 10 lhe sumssecu"",by Ihis. Mortgage..l....~,.a
<br />shall be liable to _nt only for lhose rents 4Ctuallyreceived. .'
<br />1LF_ Ad_ Upon request of. Borro_r, Lender, at lender'. OfIIion prior 10 reI_.Clf..thia,
<br />rnau Future Mv.nces 10 Borrowe.. Such FutUre Advances. With inletCsllhe"""'. <ball. be
<br />evidelleed by promissory noles stating ,hal sajd no... are secured heRby. At no time'hallthejltlntij!;l{ . ..,. .... ......"".
<br />mdebledn.....eeured bYlh,s Motlgage. nol including wms advanced in accordance herewilhIOPt<ltect,tho~~'ilf:'~'
<br />Mortg..... exceed.he ot.ginal amount of Ihe Note plus USS. 5.00A.O.a.....,. ".': ...,:,
<br />Z2. Jte~. Upon payment of all .urm ""'Uled by tbis Mottgoogt:. Lt:ndcr <ball discharge thiI~Ott_:~
<br />cbarge 10 llotro_r. Borrower shall Day all costS at recordation. if any,
<br />
<br />,:.._ J\,~ hi.tH) ..),:~ thi:l<. Hortqaqa h h-Oiitd by ::!1d Sa~U",li.U.A XOct'JA-IJlt Fi:;a.nce "'Ut\d (or-iu- l~.1-_.Uccct~;.;::_-~:~~
<br />li\~.tao...f. F-1.-n-ilnc_ k.tl'.o.rtt'fi. tTlti t,..m-a"-![" ..y. ~t. i.enlh:c'li opU.Ctn.. ~>;::iare_ .1.1 SI,lSQ; :!;QCUC.do:~::ih.~_, _, ~"~
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<br />\1'1 WrrNEM WHUlEOf, Borro~r hll$ e~eC\ned this Mongaae,
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<br />'1':-'.. to'"g'H",; .1\st.",",,,,.. ...AS 4Cl<r."'{lth!QPU b4ti\l"~ "'" 1.1110 (1st .da.v,
<br />October . .. B,8~. by ~n~l, ~a;:nanAlicl (0 Lliar1ene Kay Al1c1,'h\m7ari'lf'and'wife
<br />101C!.eu ::>y "..nd "...<1 noun"l ~....l "L 'G~and'ls1;ln'd: Ne: . 6s80i . , , .
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