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<br />r <br /> <br />83-005648 <br /> <br />Lcuikr's, wrm~n __agreement or app!kabfc law. Borrower shall pay tb~ .amount of -all morrgage""insutance:. J>.n::n:tnt:Ol'!!idn<the <br />mann~r providt....i unO€::f-- p.;\rngril:ph 2. herooL. _' " ,'. <br />An)' amotml1l diobl",.ed by Lender p''''.'.''' to ,his, wi.h. inte""rlhereOw;shall.bec":mIl'addi\l<llri"l: <br />"\I>'~r-_M:cure(J::-:hY: this' :l\for!f!~\gc~ _lJ!lkss BOtr\l\\'cr- -am.1 !.cnJe,r: ag~-::tfi.- ('l_th~r.;--h~~_tm~';:~_f,-p~.r <br />"",_ills ,h.llb. Pllynbk' "PI'n nOl",C fromJ.ender \0 Borrower r'<I~"illg r'lymell..hc[<l()Laod"hllllbear,lnre~~ <br /><law oLui<bur<emcn.a. I""ra.e payahle from lime '0 iim" ow "".standlng PflAcI\>ll1 und....lhe..~,:unJ <br />inl\ln$l...""hf."'......'l<I~ eon'''''}'.lo applit.bk1law; i.. wlilchevertt.,''''IS'''hallhe.l''itlleres~:"i <br />permiss:ible unde, applicable l.w. Nt\tliing <;onl.ioed 10 Ihi, ,,"ragraph 7 shall require lender.loineu....llny.. <br />nn)' AA'lionhereu!l(ler, . ".. <br />&; ..~.Ion. Lemkr may make "(c....e '0 ""..",dcNMooablc cnlrle' upon "QdiO'jle<;lionu'f'tf1e~f <br />to:t'f timde.-. "Bit1U give Borrower notlt"i: prlor 10 any ~uch l'o-.tpectiort ~pceifY1ng teawnahte: ean~,,-t~ <br />inte(~t -in the- Property. <br />,.. C.o-ntfent-uatinA. The pHX:C''i.:$ PI' any .tW~Hd -of' claim fo-r damBges~ direCt 'Of con,~qventmt_~-- in:;C_bn~iO-n' <br />..."'t;~UH'tktll.or t'W:-hcr faking-1)( th~ P"rnpe:rty.-t'f paJ1 {herem. or for C()ov-ey-,,_occ in ,lieu of (:Mde1m'Hlti('u~-;:nn:\~~:,;~ <br />anll .ihnIt ~ ~id to_ Lender. _ _ -;- ___ '_ ,'>~ _;__'-,_~ <br />tn the c\'efl~ {If-;i h"\taJ tlifdng l}f HIe- Pr-ope'ft)'. the pnx:cWs-~h<<H-_ be .appU~- hytne ~l-ms"~ln:_d_"-bY"{~"k:)\'~~~,~:: <br />\.\icn !hc cx.;:-cs.,., tf tony. P,li.J h~ 11('\{I"()W",r. In- rhe event Df ~~ partial taking: \,( the' Pro-perry,- nnl65 :B{\na~':_.,~~~~_~:" <br />tHhcrwl~ agree in wtlfing. lhere ~h:tH he - :lpphed to the ~Hnu ~e{;ured by tl1i~ ~fnrtga~ - ~nch: ,:p~:'~f '_-fb~<~l~' <br />as_,," C(fual ~l.'llh:d prnpnniHil ,""hidl ~he mtlnUnr f'lfthe ;;Uf'Il'\ t;c~uredhy thls M('lrtg_~f!e--imfTftdi3teIY--"r~r.t~-~-(y-t~'~~,:,~_ <br />f.;iIO-ng be;;tR- tn fhe fai.:r market v''!bc t\f fhe Prt"lpe-rtv Hllfnt"Ur.ttdv prior to the ifate of taking. with 'the batance_c)f t~:-p~; <br />{'lafd to ~~'e;", <br />ff the Pr-o~_rry i" .1h.:lndnlW.1.f h\ [k'!'!'{~W{:,f. t~r if atter nntkc hy tJ:nder Tn Ro-rnrwer that the condeni-no-r-otfe;.::,to":'rn'lke:- <br />,m ""Wd-rd or "..cuk i't daun f~)'t Borrower bH~ !o\"Ifll.l h.'! Lender,within JO days afrer -t-he date $uth--nOtice_-:is <br />m;llkd. Leoder h i,HChfrf17ed H' fInd ilppiy rhe ptt\Ctt!th, at Lender>" opriem, either- to- -rMroration or- l1:p.ii<of,"thC: <br />l)f(;.f\inW;;)r t-t1' tht' 5>ffmi;, '}c~--ure-d hy t~".. Moq~~l;c <br />C Unkh t C:J'H~f ~nd Bm--,Y'<\h:r r'rh,'rWf'C ;!~~;-C H~ \\ nting. ;tn-V 'iHrh appfi\."a!!on ill pr~"eeth to pr-incirml '$baU n()1:~ex:tend <br />t'r i~~fpt:\HC ihc dut d:.ttc -tl-r :~ monthly i~~S{&nmcnh- 1d'.:ftt:d it) 1:1 parag:r<1rh, ! .;no 1 hereof or cJ-l4n@:t_ the- amou_nt of <br />'ltl(h ,n'!!t;1!h1'\ent"- <br />Ht Korf'OW1"'- "Vol Rd('tiCd~ ~:\ll._-n"-l-~')-n ,'r~ ~h~ ::ml..~ t....lI l~jVt~H~-~n d-r m\'.dtf1cafiou (.f :;O\ortizA11on of the sunt:!l: secured <br />hl {h~" "f-;\11~a.~C gran-H~'..! tnr Lcnd\~f ,,\ ~'T~' <:,U-X:;.'(-i.-..',>S n J;lk,C;;l ;}I ih~n("lW'l.f ..hat} m).: -{)J~r-i'H~ h} rdt."asc, in any manner. <br />l'n~ tU1nhl1i _"of the ;.'fjej~,___d Ihw,_"',~-:: ",1d Hi'fH'!-\;.,<<"- !Tnc-n,,,! i <:ndcr "hJ;H il:P{ he required to conunence <br />('n\(l.'"~!in~!. ~g;lJn'\1 <,;\,;h ":!i:l:c>;,-;r'l ',' dD-l\~' j,' ~''\h:-,"d l'fIH.' ~,-,: ;~;J'd'nt':'nl .'f ,'lh"f\\-'j,C' fl;H'ldif... ;H'llertiltttif>n (l( the turns <br />'-,C'-i,:l:h~,j ,k-;,' thi, jl"hH1f!:aitc >-~; rc.p"-',, -i\" d-4.~ l.1.,";,1 f\hH.1t' .l",,~ :'l'Ii:!Hl.a.1 Iknr,.wer h,d fhtHnwc;-'s ,"\l.:ct~snn in interest. <br />11. forbc.unt~ h~' J nulo ',-..t ,. \\'"i'(1" \.,. '.'n~..',H ;jn, '-: h 1 ,:tHkr In \'\er~~j.'>ln; ,wy ~,t remedy hc-re:nndc,'f, or <br />,,1h'-;;N-'''~: ,rL,rt,k;.J M ljji'hi.~,~k .,,\>. ,\~ ~'i.. W,;H";~'! ,',,-.:..:hd(: :h-e nc-r.:'l\t' -of ;\I1Y ~nth right I.'"\T n"J'n~dy. <br />fh,~ P!'C':;"'i!(HK~--:~ ;<1' H1._';-..t'~n.;..r ".,'~!~1(':;-' ,>1 ., "th,~r 1-',-~;,,- ,1f !l.I-f'j~~';; ;-.y I ('nd..:-l" "hal! n~'t b-,';t \"i;-tlV~r ('If 1,ender.'S <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />i~N I' _"~-;'V~l.'!'.~~:;: :11;:: ~:-Lltt,-:tif'\ ,.! <br />n:. W:UfW-dtt-;, ("uluuWi.t. ,.-1' <br /> <br />,\,;-",~,"\.'dnr'''''' .. <br /> <br />i \-\\ <br /> <br />\L"~,,,",' <br /> <br />. . ~ :\<: ~ 'C " <br /> <br />-\ ~1 <br /> <br />"-. ~,.: t,.- ,,~,\, <br /> <br />.:,,'d "hi "QH1-;!.,:i'\',' !~\ .,ll', '-'1 her nght or <br />'-J.. -,' ~:'LI;\ ,kt'~'nde-fill\' (If "\lCcc.~-slvely <br />('~tp,ittH.., ! t:~ ~'-'''~~H,l~~:'' _::d :1tl\.'{:!r!('nh herein <br />-.-,,'~-" O\n~; ;;'\-';'1';::'1'- d{ !\,kr :tnd R,JHt:\wcr. <br />..;;~ _~n;,:~-,,~ .,t !lr'\':-L-'''-h'f ,h..di !~, )\tint ,tlld \c\'eral. <br />'1', .:n "..'!\ '_'1..' ,>nh '".) _'J( n,~t h~ !l"cd Tn <br /> <br />~~',n,>h ;,,,dc,, -;}"\ \-h~t',;..g~ l"It' xit.,'f<-t!""d -, <br /> <br />,I' ('{f",H'.- <br /> <br />q,<l q, ,~ <br /> <br />13 S-tU:n....~...'t...w.4 ,-\l;ifoitfl'" ~Hm-d: J"lo;lil .m.1 v't'fai ll,d~~li!\: <br /> <br />.. ~'f1i_,~;n(;:';,: ~<h;\i~ <br /> <br />h,th~ ~t,~i ~;h <br /> <br /> <br />"\!;" i <br /> <br />",ib">L~ )~. ,"": ;"f"H'i'<"..m-'i. <'f k',l <br />f'ht' ,-J?!:-'WH. ;,nJ ;":~.L;,~~;:'-' ',l-t <br />":-'Jlt~'J'N"f~ "k-tin..; <br /> <br />" '- -';~.. <br /> <br />H~ :'-Rd "L'-H UlHf"~r-nl ..:~~;;c''l.;v""h -,. ,li--t <br />ft;.-.l r'-E-,;"X'j':\ ti~l\ \-Lcn~~j::'': <br />i'''"'<f1r !D.o; ,;",\\' p.;,1\'1\',~.-' <br /> <br />.nH~'_-" <br /> <br />\.,f,_H;,o-H\ <br /> <br />i'~ ,!n,1~;-;;;:" m..,Hm~L ~:H ~dl\' n..\t~cc: tf\ <br />1~6~-",f .:;dt~r~<,,-,.,-:J :.-.) R...,fHW;('f :H <br />. ,''o~k, _~\ r,~,----nridcd heh';ln. and <br />'.' j- ':' ;\(h~n:'.'i. s! "tl.:"d hercin nf' to <br />" ~kd ~","C;; -\'~v p,"ii..:-\: 0r~-.vH1~d f"r' in thh. <br />,"-'1e'1 l:"t';} L' th-c- m;1n~1tf ,'lfti\,,::n:ll~d herein <br />~ ~;l~'. ~~;:;~ "!Hh~n-l.,.:t nn._f~l:nn ,,_.Hd:t1;:tnt~ for n.aHonal <br />t- ,<'r~<l,t;'i-t' ~ ,',l~>'rm ..,-';',-l':l\v F"-tn:tHt.'IH (\,-vcnog <br />."1 '."~~)rh ,',,"' l!r;:>j",,'tH Jpc~t~d rn the <br />~ "~~ ,lN~?i\...H-t" t;t'\l< \"",l'; -';f~f111g,:~ -.;,haU HO{ allec! <br />,fn,'.t'l ,.~(" ;imfh-~'H.~~ ~"t,,\j,>h"lL Ml:J ton this <br /> <br />H-..,.-n'~p- fH'Y'lkrl ;,}, ,:\ <br />l"1" hd~nt -\dj.,~.. ,'"- <br />~tl :ff'j. th,Hh:~ ,f', LCt:--<~\~. <br />'.(i'(:11 ~,th-rt :lJd,-:v;. _ ~ 1:i.." <br />'h,:tr.if:~ ~0...;\~i h:' ,,~;;:~r'l-\.l,:';' 0"-"1 f,,1.'.q. }- <br />15, t_'nff~_lu "-Nt~-a:-~~ GU"'t;lnt..ft 1_.J!~~.';;'~~'lfbiU.J_'l. <br /> <br />dhc-l' !'f(', 1\t;.:>f1\. <;cf ;in'- l;,.t~,!!~,H,'t.' <br /><:nd th.t! rh'~--t\-~~,o" ,'f 'h.t \l,';;-:':.r.: <br />1.. JlOftb~ff;\ Copy. U;:,,;.: -""d.t " <br />"t \',~~~..O~k:'Ol~ 1,11 ,~~ft;'f f~:.,;~_)n-J"u\'n h-;,',,! <br /> <br /> <br />'f ~~,t 'hH( ;~';Hj l'( *~:- ~\f'lf'tt:'~ :It the lime: <br /> <br />17, TnatiC'f..t.~Pt.)pr-t1\; "~~umpttuft, l' 's;t\ \)r;ln.l.n.1c[-dt_~cin_i,,~n.f1'ifened <br />1-\\ H-\Hh,)\\'C'!' ,'\c'1h-(1\.1! L-t'ndcf'~ P~H}$ ,,,-pn...;- 'n,-Cd ~': :'t"~ '-'f i:n.:nrHhntl1ct:' 'Hl~~""jm~ttc hl <br />0'11\ Mh)ti~;t~t, ':'1 th.... ~'r"..lH.'!l d! \";H,?'.l"-"," (~h~F;~'\ ~-..; '.' ':lc"t ~~\r L,,'H\t;;hpiJ ;IPP;!'-~fh,'O:'" J,.t .~ lfan.;te-f t"1v devt&-e, <br />~mi ()( t'l;' \"X(.,lltOJ~ ~,!. l.a-.,., c;,,'tl t;-..{' d"'-;..lrh '\'~ .~ :,~' "~ " ... n )I 'A' J j~~' t 'r 11 r't d Ihn'1i ~ iJiU tU Ijt(:~ <br />, - rn"[}-I1I;1 'f' ~ t 'l I !f A.'! ~'n..k'r ;q~l.'" .,' 1:-:~d\.': '- J;.:,.l..;i( ,ll ,b;: ".,-:fl:'" 'eo.:'dtl"U hy tiHs \lmtg:\gc to he <br />i~~-d~At(h' dt~ ji'~d p;&);\bk' ~ ;;1~S;; ,,-h"f: ~1:1\"(' ~'-...< >\"\i ",...,'. ;'Pi"", ' ' ,1..":C'-<~ ,!e il pn(,; k tnt.:- '.Jk ,'1 Ira!HfeL j em:..tcr <br />.i:t.J:l:t--~f...t-i'JoO:m ;,}~"llin~ ~h", P-'';"T-,e;,,~:.. "'--. -.,,; .., '..,,,,-.,~'-J ,..fd":Oj; !h,1\ {t.~, ,-, \~,f c.i.....b p..;non <br />i... :);;uu;l#n\~r} h' l.e,;,,,,k.r .H}jj fh~; j~,..: iHI..'-: I.. " , \~oJ\:(_l.h\;,; ,-,l .." __~;-- \<... ,'\:d :-.~ '.h_,1li 11",. --l; ).';..:h 1.'H~ .l~ t .cnder <br />ih~ii 'cqi~"J, tf I tfMk: h.b l,I,-~-1\'C-<~ lh~ h>..,,<l.'Lll\'" ')'(H '-,k:J .~ lhl__ ,lHd !, t-h-'.ff\1\\,>..!f'" "'-UI..".::e:'.$or in <br />l.\'\tcfC':1t has. ~\t'~7"-i{C-J"\' 'Ji,'f;Ht.-ft ;.~<.;.m'i'-H0H Jilccmt'~'( ~.<t';)t..'d ~,;',~ ',f~~t!i h'l-t';~-;'" Hn,aw.u :f0-l11 ,Ill <br />'~f#iU!'OfVi u,o,d.,;,t thi, "'.firtg~~t" ~HW t~~ '-'(H-e- <br />H LCtlde-~ !;,:\~f": \.~;\ ,,-:"Kl' t'p~").,, r" J;';:C..:k:-,lI>:" <br />;-~.;.-;:~h : i ~:-:c.::::: :;;~~__::~ r'>-~U':::-t~ ...~,,,;. ;,;"',;,,,,'k ;..- <br />w'h~;h -80tfi.>~~-t m~}' pit} ~he \-\m~~ '<,~[\.-'-;.i ;..i:j~~~ IL')tHH,t-~ <br />Lt'ftll.itr m.iI} ~.i,!ht'i.H further n~",.H.'.t: ,'r ,,!i:m.\n.:.t ,'~\1 fh'''n~l\o\-tj <br /> <br />t ,'n~i":l '.',.,d' :,:.\:i rL~f' ,.;,t::r n-i)~;(--': \,j .l,:"x;n--,lt;\'n H, ,H..'I..:-t\nLH:~'t.' ~\i!h <br />~,:.' ~~'"w tn ..1.,,,,, {!'~~IH rt',e Jah: !he ,1;,;\j.:t.' h nli~H-ed loA-ilhlH <br />1":'1" 'q;.~-'" ~,~n1~ PfH"-! h~ :ll(' t~\I'lf.;l'-','n ,If t..;-o..:h r'~"~lOi.i. <br />~''-<~,'': .nh "'ml.:d,t.,, pelm~!,(.d h'!..- p.H'-a~laph ;K hrrt"~\i' <br /> <br />N~~UNU'(>>n.. efW";NM'';l~ Non-:\-w-cr "Hl--J 1 !:\hle-r It,,,-.;h~l ,--,ht"f\ :..nd ,!~!t'\.' ,1> f.dhlw... <br /> <br />fa. At:(-t~ ~ t~<<1M _ p<<ui-\tkd in ,;JHli;f-'PQ 1'1 helM. upon IlUf"ruVfN\ iU~adt of an,. n."C'llaitf fH' <br />.......... 01 hi",,,,,,,, .. mil '-lbrttJl&e~ mdt'ttlilll th(' t'(n-nulnh 10 JUI}' ~h-t'tt U\k' an,-- ~uQ)~ .;e('Uft'd b~ ih-lli ;\tof1ltItlC', <br />............ Ie ...~~ ohaA mall ........ .., Ilntr....... a' PI",;d." i.. p_n1ph 14 h.",," 'P<<ii,.....: !II lh. br...d" <br />(2),....___,....... t. ('Uft> ~ ~h: t:\) # daft', not k,-, .Jutn JO d.,,~ (fUn1 the date tit.. u.t:Mk",;" II, maill'd 10 Bo-trowel, <br />'" ~.. ""*'11 ..... M <1Itn!4; _ (4\ ,.... fall.... 10 .0.< ,..... bryas.. un '" b<l.... ,be "".. .p<<;lird in .be ..olk. <br />nntf-,,....-..,...fCWt.... ~t 1_ '-ttth!\ i<"'~ b,. t-bh .\-lol'tjt3#e~ "~n1:~"f(, by indk'iat rf1.."-~f'Ht~ 1I1ntf Qh,:, ..r 1M J~)JWXf)", <br />......... ,tbaB ~ bsf-otM 1,;,u'h.t.COcf u-f ftw fiebt In ft'f.D$.at. af.u .t_l~~lft.,JNiuft and th~ tiC-h' .0 .if~r1 in the t't)f("dQftl,.-~ <br />~ """_..... 0(.. lIef....ll ... an, ".k. ~_ '" ...........'f 10 a""..knot"", ",nd I................, If 'n. 1m,.." <br />.. "'" ..-.. ... M ........... 1M .... ....lh<llo Ilw n"tko, t..lf<ler al u....'. t>pIlBn -r d<<lsrq ..I. "t I'"'....... _uf1!d by <br />_ MM'\pp ... M""~' '*"" a,..) ,,",yabk ...._. {,..tho< _.... ....d n...y f"......... by jud.."". ~""I' 1A'..<t", <br />'.w._,~.... t~' iQ-~" pttti:-'t'd... aU (-.-pit...... (If f4(,'~~f~. 'fit"htdiq~ hui oof Hndt.... t4t,,,- (wrt;. nf du<<ul'uc<<tUtty <br />......_. ~.. ..... Ill'" .._.... <br />t'~ ~ at..... <<t RtitMJak~ N....~'..-;:{h,,'$,..;u'\dtO~ 1. l,)Ut-, ~ "\;;;'."'t,f~r:HH,'n of the "iHll),\ ~~'U,H~tt h). tiwi. :\-h"'nj!,~t~tt: <br />n~!-th}-"('~ ~h$H ha~o( l~ lit~l -ill h\t,,~-c ,,~*}- pi'f""i3Hhn,~'''; !~ttti.f~ i).'f ~ ';-H(k."_~ s'" ~Hk~z'\:. ~:tw,- -\'!t-'nt~'f:<; Gn_{:\'ll~lfit~\:U ~d "1';>' !';IW <br />