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<br />I <br /> <br />-n..;.....4~-ir_ <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />83-+)05644 <br /> <br />9. Condcnnmliott. The procc-ed$ of .:my ':1\vard or dnim for damagt;..1\, direct or consequential. in connccti'!-" 'with}lny <br />{;on~mna-tion or othe-r la-kins_of the Property, or lhei'eof; or (or conveyance in lieu of condemnafion,' are -hereby ~uigf1ed <br />and shall be paid to Lender. ., . . ... .' <br />In lh" <:venl of. mull.king of the I'roperty, ,he proc<ro<ls shnU he applied 10 ,he sums secured by, Ih,.Deed of 1 rust, <br />with the excess, if .ny, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial laking of the l'roperty,. unl.... Borro",er alld '~C!1der <br />otherwi3eagree in wrilinll. there shall be aPPlied '0 the sumssccured by 'his Decd of Trustsucllp.-oponionof lIuqx'oceeds <br />,s is equal 1<) th.t proportion which Ihe .mounl of .hesum. sceured by Ihis Deed of Trust immedlali~lypriorlothe"dll{e.oL <br />,aking bears '0 the fair _rut va!ue of the !'ropeny iminediatelyprior to the date of taking, withtbe-lmIancc.oftbeproteed$ <br />paid to', BOrrow~r-, _ ' <br />If Ihe Property is .bandoned by Borrower, or if, .fter notice by Lender 10 Borrower tbattbe<;<mdelJ!iIOrolfcrjtP. make' <br />an awaref"or settle. claim for ",,",ages. Borrower fails to _pond. to Lcn<ler wilhin30dllys.flerth.,'dale such'nl)t'(:jlis <br />mailed. Lender i. authori:red to coll""t lUld apply the prO<>>eds, al Lender'. oplion,eitherm restoration of'rep;>ir'of thC: <br />Propen>, or '" the su.... secured by this Deed of Tn,s(, . . . .. ,. ... >,,'.>,' <br />Unbs bInder .nd Borrow.... otherwise agree [" writing. auI' .w;:h appli<:'UioH of procee<i.lopriootpaishall",otex.tenrJe' <br />or pmtpon<l ,he due d.te of tbe mO"lhly in'I.Umems. referred to i" p".ragraphs I and 2 hereof orcbatllJP' rhe,a1llOunr'of <br />,u<:h insltlllments. <br />10. Ilonowfl' Not R.I8MO. Exlensio" of the ti_ iot payment or modificationo! amoniulionoHhe: SUI'II.'*!I~lIi'. <br />by this Deed of Trust granled by Lend""to .ny .uccessor In interes' of Borrower .n.n not oper.te 10 r:elca$ll. i"anYnll\tUlef; <br />the liability of the ongin~d Borrower 2nd Ilorrowu's 'iU\v1:e$$:Ot'S III loteresL Lender $han -not. bc"xc:quitim- - to.:'CilI'l'l.m~~:- <br />pf""c:edings "1I11""l such .....'Ce$Sor or refuse 10 exlend time f<>r payment or otherwise modify amOfli~at;'Jllof.I"'h;UlnlS <br />,eeured by thi, Deed o! Trusl by rcaso" "C any demand made by the originalll<>rrOWlOr and Borrower's .~in inletest, <br />II. F~....,.....e by Lc"der Nol a Waiver. Anv Corbearano: by Lender In ...erei.ins a"yrighlor l'lOlllC<!y IlC....:under, or. <br />,,!herwi<e .fforded by .pplleahle law, .hall not be'a w>lver of or preclude ,he e.ereiseo! any.uchr,htnr'reinel!~; <br />I he pro<:un.ment of ,MUff""'" <'r the p"ymen' o! la"'" or other liens or charges by Lender.hall nOI be ....awer'Of 'tender s <br />~'ighl to aec.clcU:lc the rnaturity \Jt the indeb!e-dnen $Ccu~ed by thi5 I)ecd of .,frU$1. _ _ _ '_'_. <br />12.. Remtdi<< Cumulative. AU r;:;-wi:'(hc:l ptoYldcd In this Deed of .rnu[ .lre OISIHlCl and cumulatlVe to' :my other -nght <br />Of rented}" under tha Deed of Trm-t Of affurdcd by bw Of 'Cf'H!l'Y. and may he ex.ercised concurrenuy. independently -or <br />succewv(':ly. <br />13. S-u<ct'SSOn and ,,-uigns BQuJ\d: Joint a.nd Scv-f'ral Liability: Captions. The i.;OvenanlS and agreements herein <br />I;tmtaUle'C sh3.H bind. 4t1.d the rignu hereunder $haH murt ta. tr-.e fc.spc.ctlVe S;~h.'(:t.:;..sor.s afl:d a,Utgns of Lender and ,Borrower. <br />;.ljn~ to the: provisIons- tl! pauJf:iph i i hereOI- AU ~o\'en3nt'S ~nd ;~greem' "If Borrower shaH be: joint' and $everat, <br />rh~ -:::3p:HOH"i ~'!ld Mlldings Qf :he p..1t::l~raph\ 0'- thh DC<<f of Tru'U ;tre f.;~r ..:onvenience ool)' .:md t}I't: nat 10 he used- to <br />infefpret or d-cltne- the- provwom: hereOf <br />14. ,"utlr:e, t.:J.c.e~ tot aft I' nCflce requned under ~ppb::';lbic :;l\-\,' h) !}r: ~t"c-n in .another manne-r. (a) BOY notkf:; to <br />Borruwer Pl{wiucd to: III tbit Dt:ed oC Tntit shaH be: &tyt:n by ma.!h~!! such notice hy certified mail addrtutd tu Borrower at <br />!h~ i'::,nperty .....dcl-t(":!1;, ,,-r n-t $och ff-th~r ::;rldrC'.lS .is Dv-H~\Wcr mAY de'!1gn:>te h-y notice to l~nde.r as provided herein. and <br />; b l ;4t't"Y" nOll(.'C to Lcnt.1et ~hall t~ giVCtl ;}\ ,;:(,fHtkd m.H~, f~turn re;:c~rt re\1u-c\tctt h1 Lender's address stated herein or to <br />\H~h other ..d-dr(~_'j; ,U L~~r may ,k';i.~n.._tc by not..:e '0- Uvrrowe-r .:1\ rnn:,-dcd herein_ Any notice: provided for- in tms <br />D('cd \).( TrU.ll 5.-tun be- d<<m~,-d W have been ~t'\'c~~ :,) ll-oHOWC[ ,-'f i..l.:ndn wht..'n given H\ the manner dwgnated herein. <br />t5~ UD-ifonn l>ffd o-f 'frust; (;"....urtina. Law; M-y~nhiUt_", Thi~ hH-m ,if dt..--eJ -of !rvM combines umtottn CO'icnaots for <br />;-,~..Hu-na.i lj~ .md il-O'-I't>umfotm ;:,o."(nana, With iH'n)ted V-:tfIJ1rom b} ;u-n~tJicti(jn to ,,:ol1stihJte a unifofm $cc:urity iMtrumcnt <br />('ov-crin~ re::i pr-opc'ft)' Thu t.}.ee-d (;.( Tnl\t sh~H he ~-o...t!:u:-d hy lhe :;!W cf the ~'Unsdicllon in whicb ,he P'roperty is leeated; <br />10 th<' \:;'<('.'111 ;:h.:11 .1ny p; ','V!~g)n vt ,.:l-;J.~n~. I): lh)~ rkcJ ,'<I I ,u~t uf lfl\:, Nf't~ U!fUl1(iS wHh app,habJe tnw, -such cont1ict shall <br />rhH -iltltt:.t vt~t r)t1.Wt-i,~,.):a ,-'If thn Dee": -_~{ -r'm! or [1;,.,;,.; ~';{.te >,vhtd-; ,-~n k ~l\'C'!l dIce! w,thoul the {;:onlltCling provision. <br />.:md h) i~hi cnd- the prGYIi~(;iU ~f :he !Jc-c-J ,A Tn.!.;.t nn-d Ihe _!';~;te .art' usd.:vcd t,l t~ ~vv.hle... <br />H~. lkarNWU':tl Cop" n..n";Y~\'i _,-h~~l he ~~tHw~hcd;; ....-.CJ-n(\,'1HtlCd ',--'pY ft.! H'l-C N~'lte ~nd ot this Deed l,)f Trust at the time <br />,,~ ~\"C:\:uuoo ~f-f 3hcf rt-COfdaHt..'f:1 hct'C-of <br />11. Traada ul the- Pr-opc:'nr. Auu.updon. l! all (~r ;HW ;~.Jrt ~:J( Ih1; Prc-~n" \1f.;.n uuc:n::-lt therein is. Soolo or Ira-nsftrred <br />'))' i!.uUQV'C-f '<\rHh-..,,:; L.t.-r.Jt'r\ pruH ,~;-':!,2:1 CHl-;,~!<L '<:o.>:bdmf;: ~.)} ih-c \ rr,Jl';....l~ lit ~t i;('tl \.}f en(.'Umb-rl-nc-c ~Ui;wfduuue to <br />(hI'!. lx."Cd oi TlU'$t, tb) the O;tatlUn ui.:! ~..,t.H:h~(' jt~-\Jfi(.'V \-;::-:,.;t;:!'d\' Intcrc1f h.t h(unchold J.pphii"-ces.~ i.e. Z1 tnndcr b)' devise. <br />di'-Kr1'l1 (~r h) ~}petMM)n ,4 i:!..... ui.~'"';n l~ "k.~~h n{ ..: ;'-"Hi'! t;;!j.Jl1~ vf \ J) the tt3n, (}f aoy Ici\seho.i-d interest of thre:e )caf'S or tC3S <br />Il.\1t t..:QfH.J.mmg ;'Hi ~1pt..vfi" t(,'i- pvJ~hA-K, t t:~~d<r ~"'HI)', ~~t Lnwcr ~ i,ipP..(M.l, d-C~;~f~.;:tH .-he sum, sei:ured b}r this- Deed <."1 be <br />lltm~-diaJc-;y JUt: .lm! p~"'~i'~~~ L-t!Hiu ~hJ-l, h~\'e w.; 5,t,lt.:h Dp-bo-n :d ;l;':j,;;r;'!t:ate d. pltOr to the ~!e or If"nster. Lender <br />...nd.the pen.{m W whom the l"ro-peny 1l !':'l' ~<-c -<"u1J. 1.3f t;$:Hs.fl"frd ,-'::-~t(h .4.~f~<inem m 'olo'titintt that rhe credit of such pe-tsOO <br />') :\.;ttaL",::ton: ti,';; Le~xk: .;H;,u rh..t !he i:1__fet~~{ p,'ly.t,ft: ,on ,he Ulf~1- s;;._ ;H~J h~ ~tu~ l'k(d ci Trust -shaH be at such rate as <br />L.:ndc:f d\~H :l:q""e~H H L<;._n-dtt f-L'l\ .......It'>'t:',j :he i'f-'\!l.H.,H I>) J;"..('}ct...,.;: f',u\:n.icd m ~Rrt- j\~("~fJtph 17. and it' Borro","~r'.5 s~elSor <br />.n ,Ul('tQ. h~~ C~tcu~.('"d ,~ ,..'il~l:;:n ilt,C"lW1\;\.,r ,'i;,:'~crt('d ,n wI'llng:h-~ L~auCf. Lender ,....h4H t'tieasc 90ff\l-WC-r ftoO\ <br />"-t' ;..h-hi:~tn,h;'l; ';.l~h:::-l f;hlo n;;-{-;.~ d _Hl~l i~ 'l!:.,~-t-c <br />H l_t7.O-dcI O,-t.{U~j. 'l'-1,.H.h h). ~,-,,->.:~~-t&-!.::, l.:::Td.('t ",-h~;il :';1;4';, Bt,~r(;Y,-\'1;:r n(){H':C fIt .t,..:(.CkUH..W in ;lCcofdllrn:e with <br />;'l~r3'l_r-.aph. l ~ :',Cfn~: :)lh:..-'b fWt.H.:C i',U,,-.d'{" .. PC!;~).,j A ,,~,t i>::;.'1 !ha;) _HJ tht~'\ (H)-In lht. "'_-ate the nonce lS mailed wi~hin <br />0\-';,,"':0 Bi>HQW('{ fi.Hl~' p.a~' lht sU;,n~ dcdllf("J: "h..t<'" H fk)fl(."'Cl t.:l!h hi p..\)! '.il.Kh Hum pfiOf t.) the <'-ptntioo of such pC"nod. <br />1 ~ndc:l ma)', w;ln-vW tUftMf j-~t;,,::'C-..H ,k:;i'li;~-J iH~ tkJ'r~r...,f ,1,\',,)\;,( .nn- ;~ltKun:-j, ~"'t;nn,iued by par4&-graph 18 hereot <br /> <br /> <br />~ON,-l}NUOa.M Cf\\'I.~A:",r:-. tk!l~g..~,' 'wd Lcr"l--lk-r It-tl'tnt't ,,(\\.'en~fj: J,!1J. ,-~),:f~ Ol\ !0ii{~ws. <br /> <br />!tL .\.t.'t'~kfatWu.:: Rc-w-MIM... E..JH;'-~pt:.U p-.'()vhH:d ill ;,W'acnapu t? h<<rotut Hpon B6n6WW' breac:b of any t'Qy-enanl or <br />.i:.'\:'~Itt4'H( of BuH~.-C'r in -thb tk-c4 ~\f J f'll'\i. ifl(i~ 'h~ '.:-t),"f'n.A.d~ h~ rla" ,,,1.(",, .t~ any SUI'" .liiC'C'ured by this I)~t'd <br />ul lnr~iI l."eudc:r p-rKu (0 .x\>~k.aHo-tl 1oh4H Ill" au(k'C fH UOHO""'Cf ;t.. !).fu-'t.ded tU pafacntph I'" hereuf spe-clfJ'ina; (1) the <br />btC'"ac.P: (2) tM Klkm f'"ttuinfi t-j). (Un: ~"d, bf'~...h; (.\) :.J d.alr. nof h.~\ l1..u )0 da}.t fn;lH the daft the mJClcc is maikd 10 <br />Bo.rowC'f~ try' .u~b hr-..-lJd, tuw.( m- 1,;.tH't:d; land (4:) tbilt {AWan- to OJft' '.ut:h b<<a("h .on Qf bt-fo<<, the spe-cificd <br />in lbe- notfcc mA)' ruuJt fn 3~:(dUalion uf Uw !,UUk ~1\!'..'ur~J. h} this- B<<d of rf~ and ~4: {tf ~he Property. -fb~ notK-e <br />~ Ittr1hu init..,", llotfO\Jr;Q.f ()f lhe titht tu ah>>&ate 3:h~r ~(o\."~.t-uHon .md 1M riabt (u lJrlna U (ourl iKtion 10 a.ue-rt <br />tlM' fM)n-(-),i,"C'H<'t uf ;J Qf'f.....u M ;li\.1' 'llnu u-dC"1\k ..:f Boncwcr tv u-l."\"duahou 3ud ~al~. If lh~ bn:l4:b is nut c..'u<<d <br />nn 4n bd-o-fC the ~ '"p<C-('thtd in Ill.- (lul)",'. L"flf.t~r at LCa.J\'T" <#l:J-tion tmi)' declatt: -ail of Ihe sunts ~('un:d by !his O~ed <br />tlf"'""'t to Dt' inunCillltlri) dU(' #ft~ p.ll)..itic ~.ihoui ftHihn ,k'~U-ild aHd m..y i~~~~ !h-: ~~-e!:jf :':o~k and l!ny O-tlll~'~ rtDIWics. <br />pt>fUilUd b) ~ic~ l~w. t"e'tUItf ...h..U h< ('j;\liUed IH cN-k-d ~ll ft":awaa-t,t~ \:t)i;U and t3;JWf~ iUt:UUN h~ pUfiuin: Ute- <br />,..med_ pt'Q\ide:d ir:t this par~f1tph t 8. hld",ding, bu. th_4 Hmlt~d fO'. n'a:>ona-bk at1otO:t)-'s fr,~s. <br />If In. puM'C!f uf uk> is in1:~c:dl Tru:wc:i' f.-lnJl r<<:ol'd ... no-tke uf dc-butt it, e>>ch (ount". .fi whkh tbe: PrOfWrty O( i-ome <br />part 'b't'_n-Df Is kK-atflf and dud! rnail (Q,piti. tit ,ucl1 ~(k... in t1M mOOntf pE~ti.brd by appJkabk i.Qw hl Borrower and fo the <br />tlIhl pcDUA-!Ii prn<rihottJ h) .appUcablC' b~.... Aftet the l.ol~ vi' ..uc:h ttUli1' <K mal tte r~ttuhed b)" .applicable: la". Tr-u~;<< "haU <br />lti"~ ~u8I1t: I'WI-kt l1f ~ 'u {he }M.'nQlfi\ :.anti in tbt- I1ti>>1ftC.r pn,"'S{"fi-bed b} .:t~piktihJe law. TfUS't-eC., l:"itboul demand on <br />hno,"i:I'. ~ ~ tM huptrt)' at puhl~ ;:i'X"tkm hJ Ih~ hig:llhl bidder at lbe time JUld pluce .and under tM tt'HtU deMgnal~d <br />.... tht nolke of,. iD O:M 0-1' tnf,)R ~t{'th and in Sl;j.dJ vf~r ;l-t Tm.$I'l't mil} dekfmin~. TfU$:I~e m:l'y pO'ltlpune ~al(' of aU <br />tU" /lAy ,...-cd (If t," Propt-rl) b) l-'tubH'\.- ~nOO'UKC'iUC'nt 3t lilt: lime :m,l pl~u-C' of au) p,~Yiou~y St:'h-C'oukd s.a~. L<'l\u.u Of <br />t.etW-~', dot$"M~ J1'U,1 P'lCth.... th~ ll;rXllWtt," at au) j,~k. <br />tJ~ r~ifip of pa).tlWlllt of the' p.i.'~ bid. Tr-UUet dol_It d-dh-cr 10 th~ puu:h"M't TrUStf'~'i dc..d (oo"'C'}iuj; (be.> Pr6p-lU'ty <br />~d;.. 1~ r.<<itab Ie tkt l"uMff'" 4-i:t'U J.haU ht- ptlcmt bf;fc: ~\'ld..n-n,~ l)f in.- fTU-IO uf the st-atcm('-tlt$ made 'herdn. Tru.'!ocC'c <br />~ apply the ~w. .-,,( th.t-,~ in lhc _ft.tltC> u...c,4cr; (1I), (0, aU <<'lbUi:UIble ('(~' .nd ('~v~n$h 01" fh~ i>allt. indudillt:. hll! <br />... u..u~ to. 1t"",.s Ita of 3Gt 1l\.UE~ Ut.aA '"~,... r~ (.f Hit,' grm$ ule prll:"C. n:,~()J..bht 41HO-tttlt}"1( (~t, ~"-d ('osh: Qf <br />:~Uka<<.; tbl ,......mii SKlU,..d b} fh~ l)ft.d (If Tn~t; :u!-d (<1 the: ~~CU~l if SUl), tu Ibe ~ OJ p-(,f"$OU!!i h~IlItUy 1.'nhtle-d <br /> <br />19. aof'fO*tt'~J RtcIH to R..iAM~-t', ~f;:I~I'h"L:,uHjjtii Lcrn.le-r';" ;l\,~...ckr.l!w" lht~ >,urn!. .,t'~u!t;d lhll. Pet:d ,.;Jf rnl':;'l, <br />tkl'Lr\:l-WCf \-hAH n.'V1i the nah4. to !1..tIll; ;~HY- p-fo(.~..:(.hfl8;'jo b,:gqn ~y Lender L "'1ftln;;c li''lj'~ DJ:1;J l_,f dl,>-\;O,HltwcJ ;1\ <br />'<uti' ~;n~ pni.'l :~ the ,jf',_.uhc:( lo ~<Y-f \'{ ~;1 th~ tlhh ';::).1 b<',h_-"r~, ih" \11;<;: IJI the P(\.'i-,\.~n) p\.t~nbHH It'!> d,i~ F{)"~t vi >:';lk. ,:\lnf.lllwd <br />,n lh~,.lXt.'--J (!-! ! f\i.1.t o( {-'Ill e-"tcl9~ .l }\-1>Jg,in(.rtt t'ntun;mg ,hI'.'. {)co(-"J (If Tn~l.! d Hoq'ow-cr 1 en:l;f,;-f J.ll .'i~HH'" ",hl{.:h \\.i.l\;l;1 <br />;~_ lh(tl- -clv.~ J.H-uk.' f-flq I.x(',(j of .f fH:\.L :h", NtH~ and HoH;-+; ~1..':....;,:~';i1~ FtHvf'i.: J_ny, ~w <br />tb" IkJ:l'!viilfC:f ;.'tftt;$ ~H hr->t~:c,(hu, \ii ,~_!1)' vthtt ~_{>-V~lUN_~ ;H <br />~5) a.:rn'<):'liW(,f f")'l ~n ,'>.\:;t,'Kl-f)"'~' L~f'J--~r <br />nt;'U~'i::--t '>~_~-m;~.-& ;.;,)- !hh t~~H~ Li;'iH~C-f ~ <br />~'I:''t:~~!. .~h~..h(~~. ~l tU'fi~l<tJ h) ~mJ h~,; H~~f;-nw;':j <br />P;;'ij1ftflt, bi. l._',;\J:H~' ~h!it "t~-!'"{";'{ ,fl ;>-),;: <br /> <br /> <br />.;:\ <br />L\~,,';' -;'.-1.;11 .ih'tH}f. .u <br />-;11h;_~ Bur-l \.',nJr',> <br /> <br />t:l:Hd ,,~r..'.:m,,:M" ,-..t <br />'n 1M! ~~;t -i1.plt <br />"~'\r :,",j,\pQ:d_}-1\ <br /> <br />;'()i!;;<l!l\' <br />