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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />83-005644 <br /> <br />UN1FORJw1',COVE-NAtiTS.. BOftOW~r :tnd Lender covenant and agree .as follows: <br /> <br />L 'Paym(!nt of Prinri-pnl and- Intcn."St. 80rrO\\'Cf sh:'!1l promptly pay when due the principal of. _a.nd _inl~Tc_st- o'n' t_~- <br />indebtedncS$ evidenced by the Note, prepayment ;.nd l>llc charges as. provided in the Note, ~ntl the prindpal of anu. -interest <br />DnanYFufu~eAdvancessec:uredb)'fhls-Decdo(Tr_l1st. , ' _,_ _ _, . <br />1. Funds for Taxes Dnd Insurancr, Subjecl 10 applkable law or 10 a wnllcn waiver by Lender.. BOn'owersjlaU,pay <br />to_',.cnder- Of-'l the day mOJlthly_intt-allmcrHs of principal ~md Interest _arc payable unucr _~hc Norc, unttt t~~~ t:'l_<)~e.)S' ~~j~t~i}~~'JuU~'.'~ <br />a smn {h-crei_n ..Pllnds:') equal to one-~twclfih of th~ yearly (axe'$_ :md a5S~SlT1ents-- _w-hi~h _may-_'a,~,t~in.:)').riQthy::--o!~rr~..flis . <br />Deed of Trust. ~nd' ground rents on the PrOPCf't y~ if :1 n Y. plus onc.~t wdfth of yearly pFe,millm, tnsJaUrnCflls, .for ,bt\~.~,.:ip-s.ura~~~-;;, <br /> yearly_ p-remllH'1l im~.ullments (or mort~~gc instJrnnce. .if any, aU as rcasonabf,y escimat-c:d. 'inttianY'Jlnd:'fr,!tm:~~ <br />tim-e' to. .time.. by Lender on' the bnsis- ot a~essm-cn{s MJ-d -lntls. and reasonable estimates. thereof, .'. ", .':' ,~., , .:.-- ",.:~,__',::' ,.i:':~'".~;.-; <br />The Fun<k sh.1l be hetd in .n instilm,,,n tbe dep",its or "ccollnts of which are insurrdor g{'annlecd'bl'::.;:Fe~p<)f;"; <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lender is slIch an ,nstilll!,on). Lender man ~pply the F~nd$ 10 pay " ' , <br />Insura'nee ,,-re-m1ilms and ground rent'", Lender may nOt ch:lfge for SO hold~ng and ~rptyjng' the: Funds:~ <br />or verifying and compiling'said tl,ftSC:($n\-C-n1:<i ;lad biBs, tOlleS!; Lemler pay's: Ilorrower interest on '(he- 'Fn' <br />p-ermlf.$ Lender 10 ffi;1lce. such a ch~\rg.c. Born:nvcr and Lender n1;;IY agree:. In w.riting at the. tiin <br />Deed ot T<<rst that lmcrcst on the Fund.. ~h;all be p:i!U to Borrower, and unkss ~a~ch ;lgree-mctlt is ma~: or it:ppJic~b:1e<law:: <br />requ}res- snch intt-l1:5t to be paid. Lender Sh~iU nut be f-\1ilui-red to pay BOrrower ;lOY mlcrcst Qr earn~np.o~ U)C. :~~~/:,t~n,~~r <br />shall give to RO~tow-er. without {'h~rge-. an annutt.1 a-ccf\l.tnting of the Fundt showing credits. and debit'!. ti.? tJ:t.e:';Fu~d~:.:a'n.~'.t~l; <br />purpose,!or which ..~eh debit 10 the !'o",,, was madr. The f'unu.arr pledge,l as addiliomtlse<:unIYfOrtbe'*"ms.~" <br />hv thl$ Deed of Trust, <br />. If the -:,l-mo-unt of ihc Funds held by Lender, t-ogerhcl" with the fumre monthly installments or- Funds. payable ;.~- to. <br />lhe due dates of axes. :lsseumcnts, insurance pn:miuOls ..lod ground r-cnt~. .,,-haJi exceed the amount .required to pay.said',t-a-xcs. <br />JS$cssments. mSUf.:1nCe prcmium~ and ground H:-nts ..1- th-~y l~:n -uuc-. slIcn l:'.\CC~S shalt be. at Bo-~O-wer~s optio~. eH~c.'- <br />promptly repaid t.:,1 Borro\\-'Cf or credited to Borrower t'fl monthly instalhnems of Funds. If the a.mounr-'of. lhe,. 'Punds <br />heM by Lender 5haH not be ~Hl1k~ent In pay t:\xc~, .u,'OCssmcnls. ifls,ur:'I1Ce premiunlS. :and ground rents as: they' faU' due:; <br />B-otTu'Wer ~h.1U flay 10 Lender any amount ncces.lW.ry w rnakc U;. lhe deficiency within 3-0 days- from the date notice is'.mailed" <br />by Lender fO Borrower re.q-u-cs.ting payment thereoL <br />Upon payment in fuli of:i1l S\m1\ "ecufcd by Ihts Deed .of Trust. Lender shaH prornplty refund to Borrower any Funds <br />!;~td hy Lender. If under p-ara.grap-h i ~ hcrc('if the P'rcpcny t"!; wid or the ftropen.y Jt- nthcrwi!tC acquired by" Lendet~ Lender <br />,hall apptr, no bti:f than imn1eduttctY pnor fa fhe ~>\le ('If the Property or lls acqui";fttOn by Lencler~ .:1ny Funds. held. by <br />Lender at the [jme of application ~:s. a credit against the ~tlms. st.':cured by [hts Deed Df Trust. <br />J. Apptk-admt of Payments,. tJn!~\j. :'rplK:~bte law 0-roVtGCS nthCf"WISe. ail payments rc..;eived by Lender'' the <br />:--:ole and parJ.!(rapht ! .lUU 1. hc-rcof :.:haH t~ apphed by ~l",t in fl~ymcnt at amounts payable 10 Lender hy D-6-rrower <br />~;ndef par__graph :! hereot. then to intcr-c:~t payable on thi:; N01,;.". lhen to the rrincip.J.i of the: Notc~ 30d !h-en to: inte:re-st agd <br />jJf!tlepa; on :1.nv FultJfe Advances. <br />4. ChU1lCS; Uens. florrowcr \haH P:1Y .tit ta:\e--s, il.-.scsSfilCH!'S ;:Jmi ,'th~r t.:h:ugt:!. !1m:~ :Jnd lmpos.itions. ~Hributllble. to <br />lhe Pf{)pen.y which m3.)' ;ut:ltn a r-riont'.. O\,("f 1h~:s Deed {,f' Tr'\)~t, and kasehold p:tyments or ground rents. j( any. in the <br />manner provided under paragnph- 2 hereof or. if not p;tid iT! such n-u.nn:cr, hy UQffOWer makmg pa)'ment. when due. directly <br />({) lhe- pllyce thtre(~t. Borrower ~ha.H pn-'mrJly rmolsh tl,l l. 'CnJrr __Il! nOllc.cs i,)f Jmouol:\ due under thl.'; paragra,ph. and in the <br />,-~'-("nl Oorrower ~h::otl m3kc paym(,.llt ~hnx:n\'. Bonower shall f'Hml-pt!y furmsh to LJ.;ndc-r r~-clpts c\'l\.knt'ing Stu:h payments. <br />Horn:1wt-r .,hall prmnplly ikschuge J.T1Y lit'i1 which ha.. pn<JfW, ,,':vcr this Deed .}f Ti;lS-L prc\'~deJ_ lh; Uf~rrower s.h:aU nftl be <br />requ!r-ed t(1 Jh::h.u"g;f': any ~uch lien ';.,-1- ;i.};T~ ;l\ 130(fOW1;! \!wJl m writing tf~ the- p::!yment of lhe obhg3.tion $ccufc-d by <br />--uch Jl<:ll In:l m.;tnn'Ci 3-:.:ccpt-able It' {_{'n.:h:!-r. '.'W "iuH rn ;:;"pd .,,'()nlt:s-t ";Ud'l hen t-'\', ,;-r dc-fend rnfo-n,:cOlcnt of su-ch lien in. <br />l.:~C'd pro-.:ee4inp v,tud, or"e!"at~ k l',cq'm \"~i.' CtH~'r,;';riH"ll~ :,1' !i:c hen i.'X h~d<;Jtu:t: \.f the Propc-dy or an)' P~u! !hC!1_"OL <br />$. Hamrd In.w.nut(:t^~ H~.l1'~,;w<:r ":11.tH ~~CV the ;mpruv-cmenh \lQW ~"-<;,!m1! ur hcrtJ;f!er en.."tteo tH' lhe Property insured <br />.lg.;UH'\\ l,)S1 b)- fire, h:l::.arJ:<i. wdud:cd wUom the term "ni'~mk.j '- 0Vt.toif::\:"'. ~~nJ :\tH.h {"her h~tlMd5 as Lt'ndcr may I'CllUHi." <br /> Hi ...udl ;::mlOuHt~ -.;nd fnet '!,'lil.:h pCfl01.h .,\ 1 ..::ndc" In.::!'- ,(',~,!'l'.,.. ;~[n~.l;:k"j. fhat t ...hall n('!t requlfI.; thaI the alUtl\Hlt (\( <br />"~K~j ~o\'ela;c t.'\';t"fd ,h>i! ~ml..t\liH L1-f l.-pVef,~r..: tt..q~;!t;;.:d i-l1 ihc :';,_:I'n... ;-i.:,,-Uf-tu !y, Drcd 0'1' ~r;ust <br />rhc in~HLHh.'t' .;;ut1-l:r- iHa\Hlil'\l; ;~k. U~i!H~nO;;:c ,,-haH he ;',y Bnrrvw.:r ;k-UDin.l. In ;:tprlt1\'~d b\' Lender; PHlVldcd. <br />,:Jut 'iut:h approva.i $-lul-i not he- tjnreaH.Ul~hl-y w~thhdJ .\H ~}.n;,nWJH'\~ "lfj imULHH.:~ }.-",,'hCl{:S -<;h:!la he pzuu In the manncr <br />!}HWlde-tl: under p-MaRr~\ph ::. he:rC:Qf -0l, d' HP! p:t~d lH Sii<,:lt ;rhJl>nC-L ~1) HorrewCf '~;<1king p.:t)'Hlt.lll. "..-hen Ju~. dlrcctly to the <br />lfiiuran-ce carner" <br /> <br />~hCli; he ,<> kU}j ~n.~cr,!.1bk h' L;nd~~< ~lnJ ;.h.::J1 indud~ a "-t3ndaru mortgage <br />! ;~,.-:( h..n :~.l\t:' :h: ".;tlt ,~, il~'!d th,.. P~)b('H:'- ,H1tl fCHl"Vo,'.lh thereof. <br />'l'lad BOrH\-.;.-et lsh'-iH pfo1np:!y ''i!L-..~::".,~:,",J ,,':.c;.:,.:,..~';'~,'..P\ ~\. .:~.,~.~.;~.l __ ;".~.",.p-\',',:.J;,'.~~~~ ,~,' n,,~i.,'e!l,~:",'!~.n;":(a'ln,lpO-I~'~,: <br />Dfr-l)\\'Ct ~hal. I;.-t...\.". J'f\'fHr~ nU1KC :~, ,!It: ,n"lif~UI...~ ,.:f:'':;: t ",:..~: :: ~-_, -..;; .,:..-..:; _" ,- _:...,,'. v' ...;; t"'~, , <br />-he\' llo-f rower <br />Unk.i\ f ,end'::l J.nd ih:H hlW":f "Un.:: -'-"1",.... ~j~:l <.'-t::' In ',~ :'ti "l~. ,,:~;jli bi:: .:PfH!1.:-ti W. l\:"ll~t;l.titlll l..f lCP;W \)f <br />d~ i)ropert} J~HH.1.g(d. f'1\'nor.h::J \\.t,dl ,,~...h.~:.l'h"\l Dr r~p"\d ,'> h;:.,,<,l,>i-;; ,HHl i\;'~ ~,-..:,IH!J ',)i thl<i D-:Cll t)f r:U'S1 I\;. <br /> <br />~~~\;I~~~;l~:~}~~~(d~ '~~:~;~ L~ ;l~r;:~~:~~;' ,::~I;\-,~" ::l;(i~:i:l:~~~lt~:~~! ~,~h.'\~l~Ht)~t;~~l~,tl' ~~\~~~: ~~~i~~~~'l~)~~~~~~, ';; '~~~y~~:~:j <br /> <br />1;:) OOrf()\A'S;;-,L 1f the P'n.1fJ.t:ft\- ,~,tb.;'\! h~ 1l,Jft..n...,'r. ,l,- If i.h~;-h'\""-r L,d'i- h' ['C\p1.lnd id ! '..'niJ<:r ""':lhm 30 dJ}"- from tht.: <br />J3.t~ [l(lhce is fiUUK,j b-., I,cmit:f!;.} th~H"--,,..~t tt)~t Ill", 'n'\I.H,.!J".: ~";H<lt:f dlel;, h) ",,-,,Hk a ~i,lnn ri.-'f .n\i!f~l.m.:c he-ndit... Lender <br />'-1;. ~ythOtiUlJ (0 ,,;:(,UCd" :lud .\p-piy tho.: llo.t.lL.ln;~": piu.,,-t:cJ'!. "l l.:.:nutf-"" 'opllPn l,'!~h~f hI f,;,,>,Of<1fH'lH tor repiHr oj lht~ P{opcn:. <br />t>1 hJ lllc -sum.\, s-cc~lr-cd hv ;hl'$. rkt:d ot Tnl",{ <br />Unless Lrr\dtl ,md Umruwet ..:'tthcn\-ise ,!~rec: 1:\ l-\l.t.n~. ail} ~,H..:h ,ippil\'::lll\)H ,:; pf~h"Cl"d:. lp pfHKlpai _~haH 1101 c,\tcud <br />~"r 1'O.itponc {hI,- Ju<: Jatc d the Hk'l..;hl>p, In..f~li;m':-I\h. !\'lcrrt..'~i .0 ,0 p.JI",-~r,q:;h~ ; ;,jp..l :; hCh'{I! ..H ,:i1:Hl&C the: .11l1lHUlI 01 <br />::.w.:h InS(aUOl('llt~, If und~r p.ll-agf~ph it'->- ht:re.,1 fh",,' Pn1i-~n~' .~ .,..:qtUit:J by L\~lIJer. ,.dl ;:;:;rn. 1,11(: ;.wd inter~t of Borrower <br />H\ ~li~1 h~ ::tny i,,~;~.i1f;ln"e t)\J!l\.'~cs ~IiJ ~:1 ..!lJ .;1.1 th:: j1.~".;..",h \lH::I.-'..,1 rt':">l.ilting frnm ti~U~I'I:::'J.;: 1"--.l lb.(: Pt(,p!,;rty pnor t"l :hc ~.~!k <br />d! ,h.::..iU~sltlon )h..JH po.t'-,.'l. ~~} LenJa ILl the C\l;.;nt '..>t the S..HH~ :>~~LHcd. h)-' (hl~ tk~d 0t 1 fml HW/ll.,Jlatc!:. pflor h) juch ~ak PI' <br />~.,~.a:\:iti-Q-n, <br />6.. Pfe$C.t'\allon and Maintenance of ~f'o~ny; Lf;a~chi;ili'b; ('o;-;d~nuui~~; !.h~m!~4 ~,!ntl Denloprnen.s. Borro.......;; <br />...h.aH kc'('p rOt.: l~fHp.crt)' Hl g,tX}J r,.:p;.f,u ~.~Hl ,-h..~H <101 ...i.IIH:';j:l ,""-,l~h: ,..1 pt:fd\i( Hnp,dl hll.:ni ut ..k!Cfh'; ,I~h}n of 1he Prt1pct lY <br />.;:.nJ -sh~H compt)' ~tth the pn.rv1th:Hls- of 31i)-' ieal>c J -ltBS tkc,j of Trn~: 15 ,Hi": h...l:>~hotd, H Iha De-cd (if Trust is on ~\ unllln i\ <br />~ondon-ttnium or ~ "pffi(lJ~~d unit dc\'<:~opnW'm. lli)fTowc:r Sh:l;; ;\.:~"Ofrn ;111 at Borrow\:: S IJhiigatioo,> .:nder the ded:.r.Jti0a <br />l~r c-ovc~":,,ts. ere-atmg or go~el'n~ng the ;;:ondOmtmua1 O~ pbnm;u i.i:ilt cevelopment. ,:ht, by<l:l\.\',;; ~llHl fcguI3hDn5 of the <br />'Qft~uu~wm or pJanned ~H'I;.t Je-\fd-opme1H. .mu t;OnjH.tu';fH. \__k'H.::um~nu.~ . !: .1 .-.."If:JGn:mwtH (,)1 pi;;;.nncl.t u{\l{ d~\'~k.,pm('nl <br />rider l~ c.x'C.;;:uted by BOHOWC( ;~n-d rec(uJc-d lngether )l,lln ;:bL5 D~e-d {.t t rU)it, ~h-c :":i,.l\en;.\ols ~lnd JIF(-(':mcnh f'jf ;:u;;;h flder <br />s..hail be incorporated mto and sh.aH .uncnu anJ; ~llprkmcH~ Ih~ cu\-'eO;.H1b ':H1J ,lgf>:c~n-ent$ ;;.It itw". D-c:~~j oj i rU$f ;1\ if the rider <br />wen::. a pat.! hereof. <br /> <br />Dwj' ~l ~~~..~ ~f~~~n:~~:::lt ~~u~~:~~~C~l t\~o:: '~\~~i~,j~~~:~c~ d \~7~jl.;ih'f~~a~~~~ ~f!~.v~;tl;~~~~ '!~:::~\j~7~st;~i,~~:~{:~~t ~'~~l{~~~~~ r:'~c~Ii~~ <br /> <br />iuc.h,khog~ but t\Qt Hmited to. -cn\in(:n~ dl.~l1'\.);i!l. in'1r.olvc!)\;}, rode ~nforcctncnt, PJ arrOlngc;l1Cnl:'" pfl,)cc-tdiJl~:) inlloivmg .\ <br />~okrup-t.or d~..edent. ~~n lender ~t l'.:'rrrJc~"$ Up~H)n. Upt.l'l'l :lOB'::'; h) BOf~~)WC{, (nay mak-.;; ~Prc,HJJ-j':C~. Jij,hlf:1--': \u~:h <br />'j,~-ms. aJ:l~ UlKt:: )U;h ;lchOn M 1.1 nCC-t'':j.~3r)' It.\. prOllXt I.clhJer's ;mCfc}.t in1..;udiot,. ~,ut {,,,Ii lmHI-(',J Ll. disbtlr\~f\:~ltt (It <br />rcasc.n,.able ~ttotn~ft\ f<<s and cnlry t:pt.H1 the Property ['0 n_I>1k~ rep-;u:-:.. ii t~t:mJ;:r ('c'-icilo:d klHJftg.iBt: ii'~I.XI,lnc;.: ,~~ .l <br />-C-U-nJHi\m of fualJnllM loan $;CC,ureJ by tJnj, Det:-d of Trust, Borrower skill p'ay the prCiHiUm$; requdetl ti> nt.;tI1!(Ili-l 'l-\.Kh <br />H\f,Qr,ancc in ctl<<t until ltueh ti-nl:e as the requtfc.nltllt (-t"iT iudl in::autHuce tCfll~'~,.atc~ III ,\c1;:t)rJ:t-fh..~ WIl" Unn\.w.--er's ;iH\! <br />!....e:~~, wri~kn 3gteen\Cnt Qf avpHcable. t.:tw; flOffO\I,::;:r 5-hnH r~)' th;;;: .iittG(l!Ji -f ,il n\i;Jn!-;agt l-l',-"U,-'llh',t,.' prClliH..\m": ll\ :h;." <br />mAnner f'f-<1vidcd under p~lt'a.&n,ph 2. hcrc(~f, <br />__ . Au)' ~nti di$-bur$Cd by Lendt:-f pt.lf$uQn( iO tllli p~{-J.glaph 1, \\, 1; ;n!eI(~t :hl.::ft';;)j;~ ,h~a hCt..oH\c ,H:lditH):~,d <br />~~dCbtc;dn-e.u of Bu-r.row-er $c-.;-w-ed by tb1.:i Deed vi Tru,)L Lnlo.:;; ftorrows;;l ~HH.l Ll.:.nJcf <lj;tCe :(\ utb.:-{" !.}l paYiH',:Ht, <br />3.Jn<."~,m~ ~baU be j'Nly:a~ u,pon m)lk~ (rom. le.~<kl' h.~ _R.urr,)wer tC4ttcuing rJyml.:r.\ :hefl',)L .lnd sh~ijl intc.n:z,l (f:un' <br />t!at.c n( i.h.bur~mctlt, at. {bi:: paY3lJc from :'Hl;~ to nmc t)ji u\--lul;tndwg pnnnp.r.i l.mJt;':r tht.: NCi~ Hl1kss p.~r; ;.Jf m~ef~:H <br />.-u ~h-..tit~ ..~~ be. contJ1iry IU ~-ppHc.ble !;,I;w, H'I ,.v~ai.'h tV,tal s:u;;h .unOUIlt'i "! IXiif l!1,lcrC.~l m the hIghest '~IC <br />I-~i~~~ utW~r. appb~b1c h,w. NQ.-d.un& conLtln~d 11:} Ih-1~ p~r.:i:s.raph '1 :.;hall n;qu~re b:nde:r ~{l; H1;Ur ,:my exp~me ,,-"'r i:.l..i; <br />""1...t"-'!QMNUti<l<Ir. <br />~, ~.~ U~( nta-;r tnai:~ or .(:<l-lHk'. r(~ {''t' r!1~~~c (-e:.;a--1o-~n-a__bk cl~tn--e.'i vptm Mtd ~n'i.r~dKln.~ of th't: PnW'~rq"" <br />,bAl ~,,-tj~r. :\hadll~~ Borruwcf t~vh'\i~ J'fH,.lf h1 ~iH"'. \ul:.h lOli-,j~~bQt'\ ~~t:,;f)'mg r~~l\<wn<\bk i.':itU1tC ih-;;;n~f~'tf n~bncJ l,,) >;:,fidc-r',\, <br />'~>l "' !n.. "'\ll'Clt.< <br /> <br />