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<br />r <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />83';;;' 005630 <br /> <br />9. C.............. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direcl or consequential, in connection with .anY <br />condemnation or olher taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are l1ereby 8S$igned <br />and shall be paid to Leocler. <br />In lbeevci!toh total taking of lhe Property, lhe proceeds shall be applied 10 Ihe sums secured by this Deed: of Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the evenl of a panial taking of Ibe Property, unless Borrower and J..eIldCJ: <br />otherwise agnoe in writing,.tben! shall he applied 10 the sums secured by Ibis Deed of Trust SUch. p ropo. ,ru. 'o.n.of.the...., .....!.proceed&..... ......'......... <br />as is equa!to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by Ibis Deed of Trust immedilltoIyprior to tbt'dall>.'of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of theproa.edt <br />paid to Borrower. . .. ... .... ....:. , <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice bv Lender 10 Borrower Ihat the condemnorolrer.f~111tlke <br />an awan! or settle a claim for damap. Borrower fail. 10 respool to Lende" within 30 da.Y5 aftel" the.,.. date.'..ucll....JloI;ii;l;. '. ..' ....... .., ....,:.. <br />malIed. Lendct is authorized to collect and apply lhe proceeds, at Lender's option, either to RSloratinnor.1'eplIitcof..the' <br />Property or to the sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust. . . ..... . <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otberwi$e agree in writiog, any such application of proceeds. to principaI.baU not extend <br />or po&tpOOe lhe due date of the monthly installments referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof orcb&nge. the amount pf <br />such inStallments. <br />II, Benower Not R........ Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of thoswnssecunod <br />by this Deed of Trusl granted by Lender to any sua:essor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, inanymaJlDer< <br />the liability of tho original Borrower and Borrower's SU<:Ce$OO~ in interest. Lender shall not be require!!. to co,mmence: <br />proceedings "!'Biust such successor or refuse to extend lime for paYment or otherwise modify arnorti%ation of, I~sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by lbe ongtnal Borrower and Borrowc:'s.uccesson In mteresL <br />II. F.............. by LetMler Not a Waiver, Any forbearance by l_derin exercising any right or remedyM",under.or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exetcise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or lhe payment of taxes or other liens or charges by lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />righl to ao:elerate the maturity of lhe indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trusl. . <br />lJ. R~'e. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trost are diitim:t and cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equily, an<! may be exercised concurrenlly. independently or <br />succasi"CIy. <br />13. s.-..... ........ ......: Joint ..... Sn~'" LIabIIlIy; C.aptioas. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shall bin<!, and the right. hereun<!er shall inure to. the respective successors an<! assigns of Lender aud Borrower. <br />!Iubject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall he joint and several. <br />The captions an<! headings of the paragraphs of Ihis Deed of Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to <br />interpRt or delIne the provisions hereof, <br />,... NotIte. Elcept fo/ any noti"" ""JUlted under applicable law to be, given in another manner, (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for In thIS Deed of Trust .hall be glyen by mallmg such nollce by certdied mall addressed to Borrower al <br />lho Property Address or .1 such other add...... as Borrower may desittnale by notice 10 lender as provided herein. an<! <br />I b I any notice to len<Ier sball be given by certified mail. return r"""ipt requesled. to Lender'. address stated herein or to <br />sucl1 other add...... as Lender may' desiana'" by' now.'C' 10 Borrower a. proyided herein, Any notice provided for in Ibis <br />Deed of Trosl shall be deemed to hav~ been given I" Born,..'u or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />I!. Umr- Oed 01 TlWIl GflH1lllll t.w: Se........wun, TIll. form of deed of Itmt combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-uniform covenants with limit~ \'ariations h)' .lurisdiction 10 constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering real propeny. This Deed of Trusl .hall be governed h, the law of lhe Jurisdiction in which lhe Property is located. <br />In the event thai an)' provl$iOn or -clause (,-t thIS ()coed f'f Tf\I3.t or the Note conftlclS with applicable law. such conflict shall <br />not affect. othn- provlslom (li this Deed of Trust or lM Note wtuch can he given etfet"t without the l.-'Onfiicting provision. <br />and 10 Ih.. end the prov....... 01 the Deed nt' Trust And the Not<' are declared t" be severable. <br />16................. C...,..Borrower shall be lurDl,hed a conformed ""1')' "I the Note and of this Deed of TrUSI al the time <br />of e""cutKtn or after reconlation benoi. <br />t7. Tna.If.. of the ~ ~~ If all f.r an)' paT~ of the Property flr an interest therem is sold or transferred <br />0\' 8orrower- wilbout Lender' poor wNtten COOKnf. t'-\dudmg i a; 1M- ae-aUou of a hen (IT el1(:umbrance su!x-rdinate to <br />this Deed of Trust. (b) the .c.reatioo of a purc:h.ue rno(tC:\- JecUtuy lOre-rest h)r household appliances. (c) a transfer by devise. <br />deIC.'eot or h). operation of law upon the death of 3. )otn{ Ienam or {d) the grant 01 any l~hold interest of three years or less- <br />not contamin, an option h) purchue, Lender m.ay, .11 I ender's opuon, declare an tbe sum1 ~ured by this Deed of Trust to be <br />;rnrnediately due and payabk. l...cnder ~haH have wai-vw luch l1Pht.'"l1l t,--"l ~~-elerate if. prior (0 the sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the penon 10 ...-hom the Property t'l to, be: !.oid .)-f lrandcrrro rea('h agret:tm'nt in writing that the credit of such person <br />rt. satisfactory to Lender and that fhe inte-rest rayabtc- on the ~urm s...."\.-ured DY thts Deed of Trust shall be at s.uch rale as. <br />Lender shaH Teql.lC'St. If l.endcr hu 'karved the "plIO-fi to iH.\.:-c-it'rale proVIded to thij paragraph J 7. and if Borrower's successor <br />In ItUereSt has c-xa-uled oil. _onnen usumptWn alrcemcm 3f.:ccptcd ill wnting hy Lemkr. Lender ~h.ll rele-ase Borrower from <br />all <>bl1ptt<>m under tlm Deed "t T rusl and lhe N,'!e <br />If l.ender exercises such o~ion to 3l:ceitratc. ! cndcr ,h..Jl :nall &rrnwer notice -llf acceleration in accordance with <br />parapph: J4 helllOi. Suc~ notttt ahall pro, a pefl.t1d \~t n\.).t ~ns than .H; daY' from tht date the ~tice j~ mailed within <br />wbkh Borrower m.ay' pa~ thr $U-Il\S declared due. if 8orrnwr-r- t,::uis h' pot; :<.-uch sums poor h) the expiration of such period, <br />l.ender ma)'. without tunhcr fl\"l!lCC (If dema.nd nn 8vrn,'..e-r. lHhlLt' dn\ r-cmedlC\ permitted by paragraph 18 herrof. <br />NnN..LJNtF'OllM COVENAN1'~ 8or-ro...-rr and Lcnc.ier further covenant And f;gr<< a\ follow,' <br />18. .\e<flmltlo8: R~"""" .:.rtpl as ......_ ... _...... 17 _I. u_ Bono..~r'. bft...h 01 any <ov~nanl 0< <br />..__t ul IIom>wn in this Ilftd ufT om, iDCI....... tM ,'o\~naDbl 10 pa~ ..h~n d.... oy au_ !lenrN by Ih.. I>MtI <br />... 1.-. l~_r prio< to .......Iio.. """" mail _k~ h> Ilorro_~r .... pro> id~ in _rapb 14 he<ool 'pl'eif~'I...; (Il Ih. <br />bftada: III tM .._ 'fll1llrM 10 ,'UR .""" bftllcl>: (31 . dat~. not '- than .\0 d.~. lrom lhe dal~ lhe notke .. maiItd In <br />.........fl', .., _hie" ,uch ......,,, m_ ... cu""", a...1 141 I"" IlIll.... '0 ,'OR 'IKh ........" on or bef..... ,h~ d.t~ 'pl'<Ifi~ <br />in .k bOIl<< may ft'\uh in ~ of tilt- SUID\ wc-utTd b." Ihb llftd of 1.nKt and ~e- of lhe Proprn,)'. Tbe nt).ic~ <br />w.u '.rehK iafonn Bono.fl' of the rilbt 10 rrinstaC~ .Iu .'\."'1"-kralion Knd fhe' richt to brina II court action to as.wrt <br />lh noa-eUlil~ 01 . .,-'t tU d\" ~ ddle'aw uf Bon(.\lt~r to lK\.'t'kration and ui~. If the hl"e'-ac:h is nol ('uft'd <br />"" or...._ 1M <Ial~ ....dli~ I. I.... ;...;..... I~"" at I..,....', option ma~ d<.c1.u all of 'M sum. .."uud b~ Ihis t~d <br />... 'hat to """"-dial"y due ..... ,.~... ..1I_t furth..- demand and ma~ in,,>l<. ,he po_r 01 sale and any other r"",~i"" <br />~ by' ~-l=k 1:*~ ~i' ~ b:- ,;;t~ :~ ~~ d! n!:~'a!!'bk l.~h, and rxpr-ft!r:lt!l inc!!~d in punuhta: Ihr <br />~ pI'O,iIktll.. thi> ~ Ill. iaclndi... ..... WIt limlled 10. .ttoTMf. foes. <br />U tIw JtO*ff of die D ja~'oIiecl. Tt1IStft' ~ fff'ord . noti<< of default in ~a~h ,,'ount)' in ".hkh Ihf Pmprrt~- nr \UfUt" <br />.... tIwn9f Is I1oc1lH<I ..... """" mail eopios 01 .uch _Irt in the _r pr...,ribtd by applkalft Ia.. to Borro_or and 10 the <br />ut..... ........... f''-'ribt>ol b~ applIcaWto .....Ut.. tM Iapw "f weh li_ '" ma) be 'flluired by applk.b1~ la... Tr...I'" ,hall <br />pe ,.~IA- ~ of qk to tM pN!iiDDS .... ID the m.fUWI" pffSl'ribrd b~ .pplkabie lllw. Tflt!I;tC'e. ,,-ithout demand CUt <br />Ikwniw~....... wIIlbt ProptftJ at paWic aW1ioa to tM- hittwst bidd<<,t at Ihe link and pta-er and nndr-r Ihf' lrn"~ dhill:nale-d <br />.. tlw .f~f' of 101M .. OM or ~ ~tn'h aad in ""-'ft onIu 8!t Trm;tH nut)' ddt'-~ Trusl<< ma)' JHM-lpC;UH' sale (Jf aU <br />or _ parnf of the """"",,y .., palIIIc: .-e_... 1Il lhe li_ .nd plac. "f ,") pr"'iouol~ "htd.d~. L.lld<.r... <br />I~"r'...........,. ~ I.... Ptopmy at ..~_. <br />l'fII'II r<ftipt ... pay_ ... I'" pri<< bid. Trust... >hall ""Ii..... to 'M pW'>i>ltscr Trust..', """... f"nn)in~ tlw 1'rnP<'<" <br />!iIliIW. TtIe rfldtals 1ft the- T~'~ deed .!Id'taU tw prima facie ,""'~~ l.c lhto truth of tlat- statt'Rlfttb nutde then-iii. I rustC't' <br />.wI apply the JlI'D<ft<k of the ... ... tlk fnllo...... or<kr: tal 10 all .._bit. cool> and uP<'''''''' ..I the ...1.. tndn<!in~. bUI <br />~ u.iIetI t.o-. T~'J. ffa, ur nut IROI'Y UwD \,.-} uf J~\- of the: .g.ruM uk prft'C.'-, rtta'llOOa" "torM~'~ f~ and J.'ll.fd.lil of dtk ~'" id"fH,-e; <br />(l>J..... _ ~ 1>>. _ o...d of T......: ..... Ie. tbe n......, il....~. I" IIw ,.,noo or pl'r..."" k-pih fO,itltd the....t". <br />.9.. ~-.-...............~ Nn'.....Hn\\d1ne Leo-dcr..... acct.'-tNdHtm t'! thl:''\ ~\:ur~d tw !hl~ l"let'd df f f\l~l <br />llenO'llMtf .tWt bav.c the: n,b. '0- ha~ cOIn)' pHxe-e;t,hn"" be,un hy t coder tn t,'nton:e Hu~ lxed Ilt Trm,1"-fllllHII."d ;\1 <br />~IJY time- ptltW 10 ttJe. earhCf io t~~\1! of hj fhe fihh ".hIiY befOf'C the "ale tIt' the Prnreny PUr\\.Ulllt to lh~ 11i1vn:r (It "ale l.;('nt!lIH-l~J <br />~n ttm-tlteduf TU""t t)f hiH:-nt-l'Y\.--;{;,I .Ud~fil: !:nf(:lr-.;:tng thi\ IJc.e-d of Trtt!'4 tf: (nJ 80fftlW-er ,)a-y~ Lender ..U '.Uft", ",,'hh.h ",,-,old <br />he- t~ due hndn- In:.. Deed t'lt ltu,C the Note ;tnd notc", ~~HfHttt Futur" Advall\:c", d ~tn;, had m" \ll"l.:".;/('fiilhm OI..'~mh~U_ <br />(M 1I<trtt~ ~UfC"!l: .u bt~_hM oi .Ut)' t1ther covctlilnH ajtreement'- (\1 >>Offt;n~er (()"tamed In ::U'\ {If.:'-co {It -I rU\t <br />t(;) Ien~ pa\"\. aU f<*" ~'-penu,,, l~urrvd bv l_cl\\kr and -ftust<< In ~flf(~retoJ t~. ...'(n-t.':nant~ J;nd :agll.'t'mcnf'\ .)! <br />~~ ~'Qftt,~ en tb" lle:ed {)f 'Tnn.! Ami III t'ofWl;in)t L-en-der.... ~nd Tw-...t(:("'i fi..~mC'd'e-\ ll:\ pr~n-vjt'd m P;u./tlZt~l-ph Is <br />~t int-bldlftJ~ bm ~ HAbIed \fl', ltl1i.Wnapfe:' iltt-tn-nc,,,>~ tC'l!J, hn KUf-nl"''f:~. t~kei- "..uch ~l'"hi:'\i~ ;;\~' I t.nd("f nM\' rl!,~"'(Hqhh <br />f~U::t~. ff1< .~( 1NU l~ J~n \-., tho ~ of 'f rtf~.. 1 G~r '\ m1!:':'r~1 m !fte 1',~"'Pitr1Y .:<tHJ B{~fto~e,F-''l\ ,~hhgatl\ln h~ 1"\\ <br /> <br />