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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />83~ 005630 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows: <br />.1. Payment of PriadpaI """ ~ Borrowershallpromplly pay when due.lhe principal of andinleresl on lhe <br />indebtedness eVidenced.. .hY the Note. prepaymenl and I.ate cbarges.. Provided.inthe NOIe,.and lhe Prin..cip...a1.. ..Of a...n..d.....i.n.. teres...........1 <br />on any Fulure Advances secured by tbis Deed of T rusl. , <br />1. """filrT_"""~ S~toapplicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender, Borrowershllllpay. <br />10 Lender on the day Il1OIItb!y installmems of principal and inlerest are payable under lhe Note, unlil fuI~ <br />a sum (berein <<Pundsn) equal to one-Iwelfth of Ihe yearly laxes and assessments whichmayaltllin priority o"",~bis' <br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus ODe>lwelflhof y_1y premiUtJ1 installmentsfor.hlm\rd insurance; <br />plus one-rwelfth of ycarlypremium installmenls for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimaledinilially and' from. <br />lime to lime by Lender on the basis of _ents and bills and reasonable eslimales thereof. , <br />The Funds shall he. held in an institulion the deposits or accounts of which are insmed or guaranteed by ./l.Fe<!e.ra1,?r <br />slate agency (including Under if Lender is such an institulion). Lender shall apply th.eFunds to pay Said..taXcs,... '_... .. ..... ..... n~....;.. <br />insurauc:e premium.\ and ground rents. Lender may nol cbarge for so holding and applying the Funds,' aualy%ing.saida.ecount <br />or verifying and compiling said __ts and bills, unlcss.Lender pay. Borrower. interestontbe Pundsand tqtpJicahlejaw <br />pennits Lender 10 mate such. cbaI:ge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing al lhe, lime.ofexeculi!ll).oflit'" <br />Deed of Trust that inlerest on Ihe Funds shall he paid 10 Borrower. and unless such agreement is made <br />requi.... such interest 10 he paid, Lender .hallnot be required to pay Borrower,.ny inlerestor eamin", onthe'Funds.Lendl:r <br />shall give 10 Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of Ihe Funds showing credits .nd deb.tsto the FUndsa!)d.tlje <br />purpoo:e for which eadt debit to the Fonds was made. "The Funds are pledged as adWtioual security for thelwns.secWed <br />by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by. Lender. together with the future monthly installments. of Funds payable prior to <br />the due date! of taxes. assessments, tnsurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay ""i<ttaXes.' <br />_ments. insurance premiums and ground rents as Ihey fall due. such eXcess shall be. at BOrrower'. optlon,. eitller <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. I r the amounl of 1M Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient 10 pay taxes. ....,ssments. insurance premiums and ground rents as. they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any amount necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymenl Ihereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured hy thIS o..,d of Trust. lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Fund. <br />held by Lender. If under par.,raph 18 hereof lhe Property" sold or the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply. no later lban immediately prior to the s.le of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of apelication as I credit against the sums Sttured by this Deed of TrusL <br />3. Applk1Idooo of 1'1IyMettls. Unless applicabie I.... provides otherwise. .11 payments ",ceived by Lender under the <br />NOIe and par.,raphs I and 2 herrol shall be applied by lender firsl In payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2: hereot then tn inte~t payahle on the Note, then f{l the prirn;ipal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. (~LIe~ Borrower ~hall pay a.1t taxes, a~menl" and (.ther charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />lhe Property which may attain a priority O\'er Ihis Deed of Trust. and le;uehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if nol paW in such manner. by Borrower making payment. when due. directly <br />to. the payee thereof. Borrower sha.1l prompfly furnish to Lender all fit-"lt!:ce.. {)f amounts due under this pa~agraph~ and in the <br />event Borrower ,hall make paymen, directly. Borrower shall promptly furDlsh 1(\ Lender "",."pts evidenCing such payments. <br />Borrower a1tall promptly dischar~e ..ny lien wh,ch h.s pno..ty ovcr 'h" Deed of Trust; proVIded. Ihat Borrower shall DOl be <br />rt"qmred to diM:ha.rge any SUl.'11 hen so long -3-\ Borrower \haJl a~ree III wrnmg 10 the payment of the t1bllgalion secured by <br />such hen In a manner- acce.ptablc to l.ender. or shaH In ~,XMJ faith \,'Qnh!'$t ,",Heh lien hy, or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal proceedin,.. which opcralc 10 prevent the enforcement ('If the lien u.r forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />S.. HaanlI......-u. Borrower sha.llleep the: Improvemenh now C,tS,tlOg or hereafter C'Tttlcd on the Property insured <br />against 101$ by fire, hazards included wlthin the lerm "extended l..'ovcral'C". and \Uch other huards as lender may require <br />and In such amounts and for such penock as Lender may rc-quuc; pm."idcd. that Lender \hall not require that the amount of <br />'uch \,.'overa,e eu;ecd that amount at cove-rillC rcqwr.ed tfl pay the 1Ufn.". secured by Ihl~ Deed of TntiL <br />fhe 1l1$urancc catnt'r providing the in"iUTanct: ",hail he ('ho~~ hy i:kJrrow~r ~ub,ect IO approval by '.cnder: provided. <br />that such approv.aJ s.han not be un~uonah1y Withheld ,"ll premIums. on msurancc. pohcies shaH be paid in the manner <br />provided UDder J1a'aarapb 2 hereol or. II nO! paid m .uch m.n""" \>y Ikm-OWM maktng pay""'''''. when due. di""'tly 10 the <br />ll11U.1'aDCe: ~, <br />All insuraD(:C: policies and re-newaJ.i fhereot ,-haft he form acceptable l\~ Lender ;and mall meludc a standard mongage <br /><.~Ia~ in favor ot and in form a.cceptable to Lender _ Lemkr ,hall nave the: nght to hold the poUcit$ -and renewals thereof. <br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish tu 1~1dtt aU rene"'."ll fl,-"ltk,;eS ;ind aU re.::eJptl of -paid premIUms.. In the evem of loss. <br />Borrower sh.U ,tve prompt nQ(1~ 10 [he mJurarK'C- carocr :.nd Lender. Lender ma\ m.le proof of It)$." If not made prl1fl1pdy <br />hv Ilorrower. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower othc:rwr5e agree in ".mIng. J:m,uun..."'t': phxeeds ~hali be apphed !(l resloration or repair of <br />the Property damJtFd. provided. such ~toriltRlf\ Of rep;"f 1:\ ~.i..'''-''OQmi~..lh !Cd\ib1e and the security of thi\ Deed (\f Trust is <br />not: thereby Impaned. If ~uch restOraHon Of I'Cpal!" Iii. fh.}I CCi.:momK.;l.Hy r't'ulble LU If the ~n:un[y of thiS- Deed of Trus.t would <br />be Impaired, the .nsurancc: pro-.."'eCd.s 10a1l be apphcd to the sun)'; sci.:'ured b," lh~ ()reed of frust. With the, e,ens-, if any, paid <br />to Borrower. If ,he Propeny i~ abandoned hy 8orrowt'r. or It Rorn., talh. to respond to Lender with.n 30 days from the <br />date notice is mailed by tender to Bor~'er that the It\$UrllfK~ ;,,:}::,ntt uffer\ to It"ulc a l;hum tor tn\lIrance benefits. Lender <br />i'S authon&ed to collect and apply the msUI"&Q\."e proceeds jl( l..(.'ndc(~ OphOO ellher 10 n:stol1llll)n or repair of the Propeny <br />or to the .urns secured by this Deed 01 Trust. <br />Unlcu Lender and Borrower otherwise a.r<< m wrmng, af\~' ,-U\:h .lppiK'AIIOfl o! proceeds to princ'pal shaH not extend <br />or postpone the due dal-e of the monthl)' insJaUmcnts rd("rred f{\ In P4.ragrapfb 1 and :2 hereof or change. lhe amount of <br />uw;"b installments. jf u.nder ) ~ Mreo-1 tM Propert)' a acquirni hy ~,-"ndC'r. aU right. tjt!e and interesl of Borrower <br />tn and to any Insurance pohoa and In and 10 tRe pr-o-:ecds the:rrot l'OuJung Horn damage to the Propeny prior to 1M sale <br />or acquisition shall pus to Leodct to the eAtent 01' the sums !lCCUrcd b'i this .l)eai 1,)1 Trust immediatelY prior to such sate or <br />acquisilion. . <br />6. .._......... 1\' I 11'.~<<' of Ptvpe<t)'; ~ ('........811'" Ill.: PIaa_ l!1IiC Dnelop8leats. Borro...", <br />shail keep the Propen:y m gLXld repau and shaH not commH ~ .ult." "u peroll! impairment or detenoration of the Property <br />And shall comply with the provO- of .ny lease if th.. Deed of Trust IS on . kuebold. It this Deed 01 Trust .. on a lIni. in a <br />condominium or .. piaDncd unIt "development. Borrower ,ball petform aU of Borrown"s obhganoft5 under the deciar~lion <br />Of c~ crcatin. or go~fnsnl the ~ondornlnium or planned unu development. ~he by-laws and regulations of the <br />condominium or planned unu deve-topI:beftl. and conshtuent documef1b.. If it condominium or p!an~ unll development <br />nder Is executed by Borrower and recorded 10000hcr with thlS IJced. of Trust. tbe covenant!! ,and agree:menu of ~uch ~de:r <br />shall be iucorp;ltated inle .nd shall amend .mI .upplemen. the cov"nants am! agreements 01 th.. Deed "I Trust as .f the ndcr <br />_ a put hereof. <br />7. ~ of ~ Stcarity. If Borrower btls to pel'fonn the ct1venanls and agreements contained in Ihis <br />Deed of TOJSt. or il ...y a<:tion or proceeding" <'Ommeneed wluch malenallv affectl tender. interest in the Propeny. <br />includ:Ul&. but not limited to.. e:mi:ocnt domatn~ insolvC'DC)', \.--ode c-n{orcernc:nt, or arrangemenh or proceedings involving a <br />baDkn:ipI 01' dtcedem.. then Lender at l.ender', opt1on~ upon notiQ: to Borrower. may make such .appearanco, disbur:iOC: ~uch <br />NIDI .and take- lUCb action as is neccssan to protect .Lender\ Interest, inchJdiog. hut not hmited to. di~bursemen(. ~)t <br />rcuonabIe anol'lIe')'" toes and eouy upon< thl: Property to mak.e ~piun, If l.ender req~lJrcd mortgap: IOsurao~c a~ ...1 <br />~ of makin. ~ louo ~ by this Deed of Trust. Borrower shall pay the pr"mlum. reqUIred tl' mamla.n ,uch <br />lA'lUt'aftOt m dfeet until such titnc as the req\Ul'etDent for such tnsuranc:e term~nato in accordance- WIth Borrower'!i and <br />l..eadot. ~....-. or tppIicable law. Bom:>wer shall pay the amount 01 .11 mortpgtO m'urane<! premmm. ill Ih. <br />__ provldIId __ ~ 2 bem>t <br />, ^:z - dltbUnao( by Lender punualll to this parl/lfaplt 1. wllh .ntere$t lhereon. ,hall \>e""",e addi.i,,",,1 <br />.ndclM. _of ......-- by lbio Deled 01 Trust. Uoless ~ ami Lender agree 10 other tern" of paymenl. s"ch <br />_ sIIaIl bl ..~ upon _ice from Lend<i- tn 8orrowlet req.-tn, paymen' thereof. .nd .hlll \>ear mtetellt from the <br />.. of ~ at the rate poy-.ble from time t" ume 00 outstanding pnncipal under the Nme un~ payment "f i",,,,,,.1 <br />at -*' rille woukt be cs:rntraty \0 ..$lPiic-.ble law. in which event .uc.h amount'. shall bear interest al the hilheu r.I" <br />............, applicable 1&.... Notbi", c"ntallled in Ihi> parqrapll 7 ,hall '''''lUre Lender I" IRcur any "'!'COle '" take <br />..,to:;tiGIi~, ,. <br />L ~."d"I~"'~f .t..... t'Ilay make Of' c-aute h) be madc!t reuon.ble t"ftt~ up;:m H.OO 1n~IH:m~ of ~he Pfo~rty, pn:o.. tdcd <br />~ ~......... ~ _~ prior!O .ny such .nopect""" .pe<:,{ylft& rea.onablt "a...., ,ho""'" rdal"'! !n L,'nu"-, <br />._ m tile ........v, <br />