<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 005626
<br />
<br />6, If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rateproviMd
<br />for in the principal indebtedness. .
<br />
<br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental notenr;notes
<br />fnr the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made' at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of !laid pl'emises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere;authorized he.reunder. Said note or notes shall be seeured
<br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in. the notlFftrst
<br />describod above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for intlteprin-
<br />dpal ind('btedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as: may
<br />he agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so udvanced shull be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the .Mortgagee. luno
<br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above,
<br />
<br />8, He hereby assigns, transfers and sets OVer to the Mortgagee, to bo applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and allsull1S secured hereby in cage of a default in the performance of nny of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said not.', all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort-
<br />gaged j",<'mises during such time I\l! the mortgage indebtedness shall r<,main unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />shall have pow..r to appomt any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col-
<br />lecting the rents, rCVenul'S and !neumt', and It ma~' payout of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br />('xp<'n""s mClIlTNi ill rHllillg and mlUlllging th., same and of e"lleding rentals therefl'om; the balance
<br />remallBng, If lmy, to he a1'plt."j toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />
<br />9. He will l'U!\t:iHlousty nuuntain hazard insurance. (If such type or types and amount..~ as ?t-lortgagee
<br />!n;1:." f!'f)m time to nnH"' ::-<'('inn~. on the i-mpr-on~tn(>nts now.or hereaft.t:7l"' no said premises and except ,,"hen
<br />pannt?'nt IIJr .all ~Hrh pr1-nlHH1tS has thf"re-tnfure been nH\d~ undf"l' {a) (~f pal~agraph 2 hereof. win pay
<br />promrtl~' \dH>f} diU' any prprHIUTI1S th~~n~for. f."pOl) d~fH.u)t then'{,f. Mortjlag\~ nU1Y pay the :;;amc. AU
<br />dl.'Hll'anei.' t'hali b(. {.-al ["~,-d ifl ~'nmpanlf'~ appro\""d hy tnt< ;\rnrts;ragl~ and thl_' poht:it's and. r(l'uewsls thereof
<br />:->h:tli fw fii"kl by Hw "fHnrau:l'~' and have attached t.h_er1~t.o h)&~ pay a bl-.:' d:Hl~('$. in favor of and in form
<br />;,tl.:n~pt-abh' ~J.l tht"' .\tnrtf,~A~{-'-f'. In t."\'vnt o-f kISS M~)rtR'a.gor v..'dt gin> nIHlh'diat.. notit'k~ hy mail to the Mort-
<br />g'aff~'('. -,dill !Hay mak~, pnmf df !u~s jf nqt Ulad(1 vromptiy by MOf'tjlaKor. and t'.lch lOsuranl'e ('ornpnny eon.
<br />,-."rn.'d L'" b-'n.h~' i-lutho:nz(.tl :md d,rn,'tt~d 1..'1 lnaki' p.a~<mpnt for sud\ 1",,-,-, ,bred!\' to thr ~JOl'tJ;t1lJCCP instead
<br />lIf t..J {tip :'!ol't~a~vr :dHi (11("'; :.fl_lrtgngc(.~ jomUv. a.nd ttw iH5urann.' pr'_\t',f-,-~is. ur any part thereof.
<br />mw;. L,> apJllh'd by th.. ;'t\Hr~~aj("!;' it!,: dB option {.jUwr tn !!w r.~.fhh.tinn of tilt' lndt:htf'dnt'.:;s ht"lr(>by St"'Cur(~d
<br />..d. td ~Jw n":<-;!'J-n-tUo!i '.'1 '. prlil- "t nt!' pr!lp...rl~' dama){t-'d. In !'\'I'llt of fdrl',_'j.~_...ur,' nr' !hlS mor't){aKt~. or other
<br />~n\ti...;Jf'r ,,~ !n/i> t:~ !!~IO , ,,!.:g~t)l~'d prup,,-.{'ty Hl f-Xt!!ljlll!5bnwf!t "t- i_:";e ',dd.b',lJ~~"-.;._..., "-t>curt'd. hen-by, ali
<br />!'~t-,:i-:L ;itlf> ~nd Hlt'Tl'~~ ,~, ~rn' J\h.rtg(ljlur- in .Hid ~i) an\' 1nsunlHn'l\~}iH'1;':" !!1\ ~'. ~,-;!'n' ~hall pa~s to the
<br />pUl ~.-bls.t~r HJ" ~nUlh'<,-,
<br />
<br />'lu. ,\_s add,:wn;u ". . natd::ti ~...!.. unq.- ~qr ttw I~a\m'.!lt ,'I th,' l:n~l Ii, ,;;,d ail stUlt, to i"-'t'onw
<br />:hl~' HH(h,>r yh;:o; l'!h\j t~._tj,:..-".' -'tt;-n,Va~{n- f;i'I'Fhy ~~';':-<l~!;=-, t,; !~w \h,!-~}!'.a~I". .tit ;i ~~~"" ilt}U~l~('5.> prorit'i. n,'Vf'-
<br />L~t..k~, P)Y.J:,HH~f\, ~ !}!h::o, ; ,,'-1 ,-lhn- ;K-'!wht~ H,l.....-ru:l;jl t" :~;\. .\1"l-tj.!<1jt{!t' un,h'f aU\ ~u:d ;~U lIil ;uHi JlUS !'-'RSl.">S
<br />n!l\~-. nt' dHn!~.J: tr:.,. ' nn'rt}(-;q.tt'. ,.\.I"..Ulnl ~~~t~,; j'I.'_.mb~'S, -.'< !th tho' !';ght ~n !'''~.'S-IY(' arui f('('('!pt
<br />:.pr tho.' :"d,nw ,!ud ;:tp!ii, th.!!! 1. 'C'iti<i [n.JdJt~.dH~'S" ~lS ..li [,.'{>,re ;tS aftl'l "f;j;u~~:!; !lh' f\iHditioHS of this
<br />
<br />;:;:;:,~~~~t~: i~~:~; i 1 ~!~.l:' I~~ ('l,_~~:~~: '-:1 nla~\: I i~:-::~H1:;;1; i~~~::::':~t;j :~:~~:. tt ~ ~:., ;~-~; ;-., ;~tt7~~-n;t,::::i:l :\',;:~t ::~;i<~~~~~) \;: ~:~.t~l'~~:~('
<br /> v:1!::~i t:;-:~~~
<br />
<br />rt'Jdl-"t" \;f this. m:I_,rtJ;t-a.g'!:.
<br />
<br />11 Hi> ",h.;-dl r;ot t"_.It11Hlii p~'J:ml~ 'n,--,,-t;:-; ;wd -"':'_.i.if m~\::;;..,i!i U,(- ~;~-'lf>>'r;.-, :;t ,L-, ~H!\d \.otlllltlOH as at
<br />;lrni-t.~-f1t. H'.;-\S.~IH.ahk t:~l.r :tHd t"ar ~ -',.'~-ptt~d ('p(l(; ,Ui;. ; ,1;!Qf" ~,s m~i!l.Lt; :. .\I~ln,g~I~~'t'. .it lL-; ('ption,
<br />:,):s\" ~<a.U5t. lnUM..Jliai";,, HHUU'T1H~('i: ,~,-,!"k tn f,tO p'I.rtPt'lHi'd ;i~ ~~k ,1l.:-;.t :)lll!"i),raJ.{"'..lt' \ny amounts pard
<br />~!h'rt~tHr !Y.\ Murtllaj.:''\.~ ~it-nii !w,,'f ']th',-i"r;l ~tt tht, ~.;:lk lIrl1\~dt'li ;:i!" :11 l~;\< l':::ll-,pai 'Ld,.btl'dUt'ss. ~;haH
<br />th,.n'Upt'H ~lt,'cntrh' ':t pan \'.~' Uw Wtlt..tttt..'dn'-.-ss ~~_'nln'ti by thts In~tr!lmt,'Ht, t;tt;tJ,l\- ;illd 011 it panty With all
<br />~,tl\1.'r l.mlt'bh'{hlP~~ :,>~'\on-,;i L"l"I'!J\'. ;-md ~haH tit' p,aYHhh' ~h!rt~. l:tl.i) '!ay~ ;(!t"f d\'ow.wl.
<br />
<br />~!O~U:I:~i 1 iu~>h~ :::~~:rjlI111,~:::'., ~ l~'i_,::I:~~'~!:~\~~;.~>,~h: :t~~:!'h_:~'~~ ~ ~~ :~~:::~~l:tl.:::~:i~ \;l:;::.I't\;~~: I::: 1"\';:; : "!i~, : '.:" f' ;::~ i:.::'/~l:!! ~t!,i;.~::~:(i)rlli
<br />' f:::~
<br />
<br />sudl. aCttUL.."tl\JJ'j, t" ~rH' t'\km pi" tht, iuH anwunt nf Ult' ;'dHHdi!Illl urqJ.ud ,rld~'f'lt-d!ws~ ;--;,",.\11',.1\ i;y till~
<br />rn-Ot~t~.a~. dr" h~rd,n' ;l~~i~!h..d tn trw ~tony;a~f'"t_.. ;.nd :,hali !.ol> 1._!aHi ;"II-t!J\\ ~lh ;d ~-.i.ld .\!nrtil.~\;':t.~'. tll ht'
<br />appiu.'\l on at:n,I\1.Ht ,hie' l.~~t n~attH :!llot \i1""'t;dHlh;'f1t~ "t ...,\H:ll llhkott<dHf."i,
<br />
<br />i:~t If the :\ltH\g'a~ur fad~ to m...}.~{, any (l-aynwHt$ wb'n dup, HI' t(,l ~"'nf"nn tu ,and ..'"mph \" ith au\
<br />i:)f th-(~ nHHhth)U", t\l" ,i~n.'t"nwHts L.l!Ht.i.\Hlt"il 1n th.l~ nlurtllaJ[l'. 'It' !h., i;"k~ h:d:;t S'-'C\ll'~.~, ~lH'll th:'
<br />cntlrf>' pnnupal ....um an.\ an't'upd ~ nt,'n.gt ~baU at l_,n~.t !}('(,<I).rlk du~.' and J<a~ ~tb;i'. .I.t !,h. \' h.d ,tin of Hw
<br />~hJrt-J("Jii"l:'~, and u\!~ ih.,l'l)la.)(t' may thF"PU{KHI t!-t. {:}-n",.'hJ~t'd lmnw{hat{;i~- for Hl(' \\ h\iJ~;. uf '-hI.' indt'hlt'\d.
<br />rH:~ her-t'hy ;S.~+nH,'-.d. n..!iidIH~ tht" ,'dst 1:,( .'\h'IHhH),{ Uk ;~l)..~trad ; t)t!t' 1.1;'111 ~.;ll' ';a.t." t.'( !hb mort.
<br />ga}fe' to the tinb' pi Cl_,*Htlt'Hung ~u;..:h ~Ult. a n-'a~uflahit> Htt(!n1t~Y'R (",,, .Hl.i .ii,\ ,un.. p,u./ by (}w \-"'kraH:}
<br />AdlnH'Hfltratiu;n f'H a-,.:,,'l}UtH ~,f thl'::' )!uanui.ly ill' in~unuH t' "-_,!' th't' )nj_ld.tt-dHl';~""'.'" < tll-I,d j,,,, ,..L", .dl ,,( which
<br />-shall be Hkhut.~d in the d":"('n'>j..~ {i.f fnrr'duaur~.
<br />
<br />t", If the in-d~bt(>dn('~ ~(~(~ur;"'(i tlf~~,,:'b)' hf' guanlnh'",d iT fl\::'1-Hf'"d \..';(,kt Tlt1!' ;;,S, f'l,lthl Stat..;" \'~"h',
<br />At.H:h T-it-lfi- Rnd Re)CUI:l\l1rH1S l-;';.;.~,wd dwreund,~r ;\Hd in dft."'('l -tin ihf' d-Jl_b' h~>-I f'll{ ""haB )!HHTn 1 h~' n).:ht~, dut 1\';00,
<br />uA'ltt iiabtlitjV'$ of th{~ Pltl'tit4l h~t't:.t(\ Kitht tit!"y JH'tIVli<iii)h~ uf t!\ifi 'H' (,th\"!' ,q;",tnllTH_"nb t"\.~'i..,tJt.f';li in {'(l-filll'dill!l
<br />w,th ~kt it}rw.'bw.do(i"u whi-dl ~H'tl; iU('t.msisl-\"nt \\lth <"-aid Tltip or r:t.~R'uh~\i~lIl:-: ;in' !lpn-hy i.tnlt~l!d\'ti !\,
<br />'<'>I\(',"11IMlelo,
<br />
<br />Thf> :n"''\'~J1aUb hf"l.l,'~H \'t}ota:J:l1f,,1 ..J-laU },~nd. ,HHl Hw bpnt.'1H~ :-Itld !\<l"'-HH1:t){i',,, "han !(~
<br />