<br />I
<br />
<br />83':;;' 0 (I 5 626
<br />
<br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto tbe Mortgagee, as herein provided, Mortgagor represl.'uts to,
<br />and covenant'.$ with, the Mortgagee, that tbe Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />that they ,;. ~ free from encumbrance, exc"pt as hereinotherwise recited; that the Mortgagor will.warrant
<br />and defend tbe same against the lawful claims of all ,".e!'sons wbomsoever, Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, dther in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-df'~ribed premL<<es.
<br />PRoVIDED ALWAXS. and these presents are eli;ecuted and delivered upon the followingeonditil)n8.'to;
<br />wit:
<br />Mo,'tgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, 01' order', the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the l'llte of n::. and ,,7'); 1000 per centum to. d 7,~) per annum on the unpaid balance until pl\id.
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payablt> at the office of i'm'"r finaucial, Inc.
<br />in .;;."al1;1 ,:,..,'ra8"" , 01' at such other place lIS the holder of the note may degignate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgall'or. in monthly installments of THREE HUNDRED SSVEllTYSE\i'EN and 1
<br />Dollars ($ j n . 1 (, ), n)mmen,';ng on the tl!'>;t day of "ecember, 19 eaand continuing-on
<br />the first day of eac,h month ther""f!er llntil s:\id note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid. the lInal
<br />payment of prindpa! and interest ~h:tlll", due and payable OIl the first day of November, 2013 ; all
<br />according to the tf.'rms o.f a ft'rt.am promi8-sory nott.-' of (~\'en dab: hel'(.'with executed by the said Mortgngol'.
<br />
<br />The Mortll'agol' further agr..,<,s:
<br />
<br />1. He will P~lY lb' lHth.'bh-'dn,,'.s-s, H~ fH"tvtnlH.fort-' proyided< Pl~i\'il(lge is reserved to prepay at an)~
<br />time, WIthout prenlium nl" {('f> , Ow f'ntln' in('h:btt'd.til'.s~ \.It" anr part thereof not Jess than the amount of one
<br />",stallment, or 00" hundn'd dollars ($lGO,,)Q), which.."er is !c'SS. Prepayment in Cull shall be (,redited on
<br />the daw re<.'Clwd, PartIal prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next followlllg instal!m..nt due date or thll'ty days afb~r sueh prepayment. whichever ill earlier.
<br />
<br />2, Togeth.'r with. and in addtlioll to. th., month!)' p"yrnc'llts of !'l'IncipaJ and interest paya.ble under
<br />the lenns uf thf: nute sh'un....d IF'n-by, Mortj((lJ{\Jr wil! pay t.n Mnrtj(ai{n', ~s tfl13t....e. {undt.~.r the terms oi this
<br />trusf all h"remafter SUlte<1l on the first day oi Nlch month untd "alli not.' is fully paid:
<br />(6.) A sunt .,'qual to tilf'llfOund. n'nt~. If nn\', nl'xt dUe, plu~ th(' plvmiunls that will next }x.'Come due
<br />and J}ayahl,> '_'II pPtll'lc~ ni hn' and lllht<r hal....'l.rd insurHw:e {'ow'rinJt the mortgagoo property.
<br />pius taxps ;,n" a:;;,~('.s.~Hwnts !h'xt ~tUi> qf! ! hi' f1ln!'t~a~ni prl'pt.rty (all:\s ('~tinlated by the .Mort-
<br />ila.JlI.~'~ ;,nd ,,:' \\tlli'h th!' ~li.\dM'aj!(lr ',,- t;nl:r~pdJ 1"_,,.::;. ail surns alrt'ady paid tllert"'for divided by
<br />thf"? fturnik.'! "1 mnHt.h;-; I,) ,-i;t.psc h..fnn' l>!n- !;{Pljtt< pn'!l' tn tlh' dnlt' wh(~n such ground rents,
<br />prNllHHI1i', ~~t\t'>... .;nll .L"M'S."'\HWllL..;; \.. dl '-';'1'1)111{' dt'1itiqu,'nt. ~uch tHlOlS to bt\ held by Mortgagt.--e
<br />Hi trust t,'. l....U "'-'011 ur>lHlld ! .-tIt...., 1""-'!nPWI.", t~l'C"';' .i~:d ,,"(weal a.s..sPS3rnpnt.s.
<br />it.) T)w ;qtllrt'~ak "I t!,,- .dj;nunt~ ita) .<Ibh. t,nn"ll<-\Ht tn :...uhp;inlt:raph t_!?) aud those Jla}~able on the
<br />n.,.h' ~.;'~-iJr!'d r,.'l,-j.,.", "'lilt; h~'l"~,,'l :;: ;: "'~!\j.':~;:' p.\! nH--nt '-~ld~ month, hJ b-f' applied to the folio\-\'-
<br />lfl$( ItHl1S HI th~', ,ni,'f ~tah~d ,
<br />t I} KP'HW.f r"~lH, L~x,>:>._ ,(;4.;s-(>;-._'-'-m~'H~.", !q-", <H~d "tfH"r h~lL.'U'-d ltu~urar1t..'t' pt"t.rnltlms;
<br />i_ H J !:~1'r,','-t '_d'l tb!, lidt.' "'..(-un'd !wf'-f,\-, :i!i<i
<br />tlit, .i..Ul",t;;~dt!l'lIJ ;,f !i,l' i'i'~h-\p~d ,~{ ..,,;~Id !l,lt.,
<br />
<br />.-\H\' dd;; .'-f:," ;" !fh ,U:' H' ,;;;\ -'oj' h :{~;.rrql~t.t.- m'lnth~! P2(\'Hwnt ~haU. unIt."" Hladc good
<br />il~ ! b~ :\r.'r~).t:'-tlo:.l.~r pnnf tll th.- dUt' .Lak '>1 ~r';" Ijl'xt ~ud~ r~iym"HL '- !ltl....tltute tin t'vt"nt of (h,.fault
<br />under th;.,;, mortg-a~t"- ,-\~ .\L;i.-t):aj,{u"~ "pu..It'1. ,\l.-'!t~;\llilr "..iH pay a "!att~f~hargef! not eX(:l"(i{j~
<br />:HK four roo:-j' tt-nHU!l ! 1~, , "t ~Hi}' in~LlHm..nt ~\~H-'H p.;ltd mun'than hfh"'t-'-H (1;;) daysaft~rthe
<br />..Iu", Jak t!ll'! nil 1.j <.yH-f titt> ,<~d L\ '<\jJe>.-l,:\,' i~l\ "h ~,d '~i haHdjlll~ /1;'i, nquPflt paynteHl.:i. but such
<br />"hnp .'h;~n,:l . "Ilallllllt ~'(" p.i.,\ .dd. ,;"d ,,( t,;" pt'i,,,,-,..,d.;. I.r" ati~- ~~dt, mad,: t.) sat:sJy tht, IrHh:blt-d-
<br />Ill's..... ~\111n,d rwrd.y, unl.-;>\.:'l- ~Ud-f l'!l~n-,\,L., ~\l't:' :",Wh-l'H'ot !" dlSdjaq.~t' Uw t'lltirt~ indebtt.\dness.and
<br />aU pr-OpojT Cl~s.l~ und t-'\J'k'U:9'", ~t'unHi th~'Jvh~
<br />
<br />:1. IC th.. tOUiI of the lJayml'uu ma,k by tht' lolorl.gag,,/' !lnd,'r (u) "f parllgraph 2 prl',,,.Jing shall
<br />pxca'd th~ aml)Unt ~)f paymenL5 actualb-' Jnadt. by t.he ~tnrt.J(aj(\"". ..4-.~ trush'(~, for l{l'tHJod n'nts, taxt's and
<br />~enla or jr~uranCt. prenuurtls. as thi~ ca..w may ~... s.uch PXl,.'t'.:'k'i :sh,all },K~ (Tf:"dit('1d by tht~ 1\tort-gagl"t'
<br />on 3ubseq\l(mt paym,,'nts to be mad..> by the MortPKur for such It.ems .,r. at Mortgag._",-,,'Jo; option. as trush~~,
<br />llhall be refulld".j to ~lol1&'aaor. If, how,'wl', ~"eh mnnUliy ;~,yn\l'nt$ "hall ""t tH' Buttkient t{l pay Buell
<br />llema when the llamt' shaii bI".~me ,iue and "ayabk,. th"!l th" )!orlgag"r sh"ll pay to thl' M()rtgilK'~" as
<br />trtU~t~~. an,)' ~\nl()unt n't"-'e~ry tn rnakt.' up Uw dt.'fir.i":lH~Y W1UnH thirty, :h1) days anl~l' wntt.('t) nntiee from
<br />the Mort~ stating the amount of the ii~fk'i~'ney. whwh flt)tW.-' m:lY ix' R"tvl:'n by mail. If at any lin'H:
<br />the Mort.c-agor shall tende.r to Um ~tQrtgagee. in ~-i(,tT\wdant:t:' ,"'lth the preViSions of the note St..:'t'uft~d
<br />heNb)'. fuil l"'}'ment of the c'nt,r.. lIld.>bte<\ne88 "'P",'",'nt."l then-by, trIP )lortgall'e.'. '''I trusti".. sha!l.
<br />in computing the amoont of ,"eh lIldc>btoon"M, rrf'<iit tn th,. ,,,,,,ount <Ii thl' :'fortgagor aoy c!'edit bala,,,,,,
<br />ac<:umulated under the prov13iorul oC (il) of ~l&ragraph 2 hl'rL')f. If th"re shall be" def""lt under "ny
<br />01 thl! pl'Oviaiona oC this mortgage resulting in a !,ubltc Nile of th... preml3t.s nlV/'n.J her,'by, or if tl1<'
<br />Mo~ Mquil't!ll tbe property otherwi.... after default, th., )fort~(<'KN" ao< tru5tc"', ~hail apply. at the
<br />Hme I)C the commenCE1l\"Ilt oC SUdl pNc~,<illlgs, or at the tm", th" p"'p<'rty I' otherwil!c' <le'jllin'll, tlw
<br />_ot then remaining to credit the M.ortgagor under (4) of par04graph 2 preel'lhnlC..... a en.Jit on till'
<br />inw.,.,t ....,.,rued and unpaid and the balance to the prlllci~JIll then nmlaillll\l!' unpald on ......1 uot..,
<br />
<br />4~ ~ Hen of thit. ifHitrurnent shaH r~~tniiin Ifl full fof'l'c and t:t1'~~t during .any P(h'\tpum.'tHt;'ot or t'xtenft
<br />_ion of the time vi f....}-u....nt Hi till' iOlkbwdneM or any part Uwn'of "ocllr",! 1ll'l'd)y.
<br />
<br />1\ U.. wtl.1 pay all g1'O\11'11 ""I\IS, taxe;!, a__lwlItA. wat"" !'lI",S. and oUwr J.;owl'lIn\enWi! O!' munlC,.
<br />pal dUl.~, tineA, o{' Ull:pt~itp'IlAt. l~~vH:d upon !\Aid ~u-emiM!.~ and that tw Will IN!} ail t~\"Xt'$ If'viE!d upon thi~
<br />tuur-tcap~ _o.r ~ dt.>i.).t_ J,4"'Ul'l!-a thl!n:by~ tOJ,,;tnt"r With any ('!.tht~r La..xe.s. tlf a.~t~-S$nh'Ht_s \\ hu'h nUl)' lw i\~Vttld
<br />~.U.l~ Ule \Aw.Q-f Ncb-ruka q.a..in..""l tht! Mort.gagt:C. or th(,,- h:>l(td h(Jhh~r or g,g!ll pritH'tpal auU', on an"nunt l)f
<br />t-hl. jw;ittb:t~dt\~~ Nl-Cilpt \\'h~n 1JJ:l.votll.::Ut for aH !Hu..~h ~t-e-In8 hM thl'n:tHf(~.rt;. l.}("(,n H11hk UHth'f ,<:-i) of pn.ra.
<br />It'._ph :t tn'!I~L NJlU he will llt'Onl.pUy fi."'HY~'r th",- nnkitd rr"t..~tpt_$ thftr~(or' h:~ tilt:, '1ortgagFt-'. In df~fnuU.
<br />~,,( U1II M"nP/l'w lUll, P,,), U'" "'l1l1l',
<br />