<br />I
<br />83::... 005583
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<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust, and (cl agrees that Lender' and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to elltend, modify, forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust or the Note, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property.
<br />U. NoiIee. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in . this Deed of Trust shall be given by deliyering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />~ .toBorrower at the Property Address or at such other address as,Borrower may designate by notice to Lender
<br />as proflded betein. and(bl any notice to Lender shall be giYen by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />suchother address as l.ender may desipateby,notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice providedfor in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or l.ender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. G-ma Lawl SetenbUJty. The state and local laws applicahle to this Deed of Trust shall be the la\IBofthe
<br />jurisdiction in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of FederaUaw to
<br />this Deed of Trust. In tbe event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note cont1icu with applicable
<br />law, sueb conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effe;:. without the
<br />conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. As
<br />used herein. "casts", "expenses" and "attorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or
<br />limited herein.
<br />14. Berm_'s Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust a! the
<br />time of execution or after recordation hereof.
<br />15. Rehabilltadoat ~ ~t. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilita-
<br />tion, improvement. repair or other loan agreement which Borrower enters. into with Lender. Lender. at Lender's option,
<br />may require Borrower to execUle and deliver to Lender. in a form acceptable to Lender. an assignment of any rights,
<br />claims or defenses which Borrower may haTe agaillSt parties who supply labor. materials or services in connection with
<br />impl'OYemenU made to the Property.
<br />16. T....... of dla Pmperry; ~ .. I f aU or any part of the property or an intereet
<br />therein ia sold or tranaLured by Borrowsr "itlloqt Lender's pr10r "citten conaent,
<br />esc.ludinq (al the creation at a lien or enc:wabranc:. sllbordinat. to thia Deed of
<br />Truat. (bl the cr..t1on of a pureluae. lIlOOey security int.r..t for household appli";
<br />a_a or (cl . tranater by d<tv1... descent or by operation of 1... lJpon the dMth 01'
<br />a joint tenant, [Ander ...y, !It Lender's opt10n, declare aU t.':I. s~ secured by thia
<br />Deed of TrlJat to be i-.liately due and payable. Lend.r shall have "aived such
<br />option to accelerate if. prior to the saJ.. or transfer. Lender and the parson to
<br />Itbca the Property ia to be sold or tranaterred reach d<;rft_nt in writing that the
<br />ar.lit at such per_ is satisfActory to Lender and t."ar the interesr payable on tha
<br />s_ secured by thu Deed ot Truat shall be ar such rare as Lendar shall reque.t.
<br />It Lender exarci_ such option to aceeloer.te, Lender sl1all _il Bocrowec notice at
<br />aceel.rarton in accordance with paragraph 12 hereof. Such norice shall provide a
<br />period of not lees tban 30 daye trea the date the notice is _iled or d.liv.red
<br />wi thin which Bortover MY pay the s~ declared due. It Bartower ta ila to pay such
<br />s_ prior to the "lCPlration of such period, Lander _y, ",ithour turth.r notlce or
<br />d....nd on Barrower, invoICe any ce_dies per1llitted by paragrapC! 17 her_f.
<br />NQ/;.UNlfOllM COVf_"'AI<TS BorTO...... o.nd Lender further co.enanl and agree "" follows:
<br />11. Acc:e!eradDooI~. Enepl _ pnnlded In paI'lI&f8Pb If) hereof. upon Borro"V" bresd. of uy CO_I
<br />or ..-. 01 ~ lJIIlhlI o..cI ol Trw&.lacl....... Berm_'s fllibve 10 pay. by lbe ead of 10 caleadar days after
<br />lMr ... da, _, s_ MIClIftCi by lhlI o.d of Tnrat. Loader prier 10 accelftatlea shall &I" noUce to Bomo_ _
<br />"","hied III .......... 12 n-f opeclfylal' 0 I the b.....al ill the _tion reqainld to cure sacb bmachl131a dace. aot
<br />... tUa %0 days &0. the dale lhe noUce Is mailed to a..m.-r. by ..hlda lucb bmach mal be euredl ud (41 that
<br />f:t:llue 10 c",", hdl brudI .... or bel.... the dale .peclfied In lhe noUce alaY maUl In acceieratioa of the .u_ secund by
<br />lhlI Deed of, T...... UId sale of the l'ropaty. The nodce sball fvthet- Inform Berm_ of lhe rl&bt 10 reinstate after
<br />~ lUId the rilbllO briac a COIIl't KtionlO _ the ___ of a defa1l1t or allY other del_ of Borro...r
<br />~ __ ... ..... U ... ..... " _ """' _ _ ....... ,,. .... ~ ,... M..... '-"'. ~ .-
<br />opdoa. ..., decIsn all of the ._ secund h, this Deed of T.... 10 be l_:!!==her
<br />~ ..d tIllI)' Uno'" dla po_ of sale aIId ..., other remediea penIIltled b,' " '...... ". .~dtJed
<br />10 ~ all ..........It _lUId ........ i-...d III p....... the ......... ,. .. _ ._ '. I,
<br />lnd..u.u..Ito...l.IIltI..b'.attor'IM1t~r_. ----.".<-- . ^". ~ . "-- , .1';
<br />U ... ....... of .... II lmobd. T,._ sllall reeerd a aodce of defatallln e.ch couaty In whlcb lhe l'ropaty or sOllIe
<br />pIlIC .-...r II ...... aad.-..J aaaII........ of sacO aodce Ie the __ preKribed by appllcahte law 10 Bomt...r ud
<br />10 ........--....-...... by ."Ual.la.. After the Iapoe of.ach ti_ .. ma, he requlnd by appllcsbl. la.,
<br />T~ aW.... paWk: IlOdce ol.... to the ...- aadlJll the __ preKribed by applicable I... Truatee. without
<br />...... ... Borro..... slulIl seD the .........., al plllNk ..... 10 the hlP-t bidder al the time ud place ...d wuler lhe
<br />'- doalc -I>'"" III tbe noUce "'.... IA _ .. _ paeeIa aad In such order as T....._ ....y de_hoe. Trustee ma,
<br />......... .... of ell Of ..., pIIfCd of lhe .........., by paWie _I ... the Iiiiie iiiiil pho... of "'''; jlt'eTlc=!,
<br />~~~* La=l; ~~ =:11 ~ dM~nyat _yule.
<br />U.... recoeItIt '" ~ of the prIea bid. Trwta ,1IaII <Wber 10 lhe put'Cbua frustee's deed coa'.fine the
<br />~ ..... TlIe redtala IA the Trwta's deed shall be prima fade uldet:tee of Ih. lnIlh of I.... .~1II ......
<br />lheIela. Trwta.... appI, the......... of the ....lJIIlbe followia& order. (al to all reuoaable c..... ...d ex...... of lhe
<br />...........,batnotilmiledlo. Truatee's_K1.lIallyiArl1rredofnot........th... ..,.......... "",of the.........
<br />..... ........11 ........,.' f_......,.,... of llde ..........;lbllo eIl_ tec1Uftl hrlb. Deed of T.....t;lUId let the ft-
<br />-.ll..,. .............. ,......IepUJ eatltJed dMreto.
<br />la. s.n-.. RtafH ce ReIeUale. N<kwttMlanding under's ",,,,,,i<crallon of lh. .urns s<<ured by thIS Deed <If
<br />Trust, dllC to Borrower', brach. BOl'I'Uwer shall have I"" righlto have any pn:"..eedtng'$ begun by l.<nder 10 enforce this
<br />Deetluf'TnI5t diJCofttilOU<:d 01 any time prior to I"" earlier to occur "r \i) the fifth day bcf~ the <ale of the Property
<br />~ 10 the power of ",lee o.mtained In Ihis Deed of TrusI Of liilenlry of a Judgment enforcing thlS Deed 01 Trust If:
<br />W JJorrow...- """" I.4nder alllums which wuuJd be Ibm due under this Deed 01 Trust and tM Note had no acccler&l1on
<br />0ClClII1W; (b) ~r cu_ all hretcne,. of any other CO\>ena.nts or Af!ll1!Cment. of Borrower contained tn this Deed of
<br />'trut; Ie) 8orro!rer 1'-'71 all teUOt'l&ble ..pense. incurred by under and Truslee '" enforcing the covenanUl and
<br />.-uof~_tained In lilts {>e..d "fTrult 10<1 tn en/urc.nll under.s and Truslee's remedtrsas provtded in
<br />pv~ If h_f. '''''Indina, bill 1101 IIm.ted to. rellSOltable alto""",,' fl!e$; ,,"d (<II Borrower .akes such "Cltt>n as
<br />{AO.Ildw ma, "'~}' ,.;qui", to _ur. th..t th.. lien 01 IhtS Deed of Tru.L Lender's Illterest In I"" l'mperty and
<br />--....'. ~..at_ to p4l}' the .ums .<'CUred by In... Deed ,,' Tru.1 ;.hall ronlln... \lmmpa"ed VI"'" sucit paym.nt ....d
<br />""'"' 1t1<. ~, !ll" Deed "f Trust and !"" .>l>lilf'ltlem.ecured n<<Tby ,hall ",ma.n 10 full I\m:.. .nd "ffioct "" 11 no
<br />""~.I"'<lIl>al:I",,~.
<br />