<br />I
<br />83-005583
<br />
<br />IfB'orroweq'laysFunds to Lender, th~Funduhall'be held in an,institutlon the deposits or accounts of which a~
<br />insured or guaranteed by a Federal or state agencylincludingLenderif Lender is such an institution). Lender shall appl1
<br />the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, inSurance premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Funds.. analyzing said. account or verifying and compiling said assessments. and bills, unless Lender
<br />pays Borrower int_ on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender
<br />may a~inwritingatthe time of execution ofthisDeed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to BOrrower.
<br />and,uWess.suchagreetDl""t is madeorapplieable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shllllnot be requited
<br />to pay BOrrower any interest or eammp on the FI1nds. Lender shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual
<br />a<<oullting()fdie Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds:wu,
<br />made. The f'unds ate p~ged as additional security fortbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the amount o!the Funds held by Lender. together with tbe future monthly installments ofFl.lnds payableptci
<br />the due dates oftues. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount requiredtopaysliid
<br />taxes. assessnm>ts, insurance premiums and ground rents as they faU due, such excess shall be. at Borrower's option.
<br />either promptly repaid to ilomlwer or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the
<br />Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, asstssments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they-fall
<br />due. Borrowrrshall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments asunder
<br />may require.
<br />Upon payment in tt-J!l of aU sums secw~ by this Deed of Trust. Lender s...~! promptly refund to _Bodu~_ any
<br />Funds held by lender, If under paragraph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Propeny is otherwise acquired by
<br />Lender. Lender shall apply, no lalet' than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by.Lender. any
<br />Funds hdtI by Lender at the time of application as a credit 3{lainst the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />J. AppIbdoa of Pa,..a. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br />the Note and paragraphs I aDd 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by
<br />Borrower under paragnpll 2 hereof. then to Interest payable on the Note. and then to the principal of the Note.
<br />.t. Pdtw III....... _ D-* 01 T.-.; au.q.~ LIeaa. Borrov.'eI' shall perfunn aU of Borrower's obligations
<br />under any mortgage. deed of trust or other s<<urity agreement ..ith a lien which has priority over this Deed of TrdSt.
<br />!Deluding !lottower's covenants to mate pa~ts when due, Borro_r shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes.
<br />~ts and other charges. fines and impoutions attributahk to the Property which may attain a priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust. and lusebold payments or ground rents. if any.
<br />S. a-a r-. Ilorrower shall keep the imprm't'tDenu now eXIsting or hereafter e=ted on the Property
<br />insured apum Iou by Ore. huards included within the term "extended coverag<:". and such other hazards as Lender
<br />may require and in such amountS and tc, such periods as u,nder may require,
<br />The in.urana carrier provtding the msurance ihall be chosen bv Borro"'-er subjeCt to approval by Lender: provided.
<br />that such approval shall not be unre......ably w.thheld. All ,",urance p"11C'~ anrl renewals thereof shall be on a form
<br />acceptable to Lender and ihall .ndude a standard mongage daus. 10 taHlr of and 10 a lorm acceptable to Lender.
<br />Lender shall "....the ngllt 10 hold the pol;<"" and renewal> therrol. subJ<<1 to Ihe Icrms 01 am mongag<:, deed of trust
<br />or other seo:urity ~I ...Ih a hen ...h,ch h.... pnontv ",-er this Deed l>1 Trusl.
<br />In lhel'Vfttt of"'", ~.haI1 gtve prompt nollCe 10 ,he tnsuran"" l'amer and Lender, Lender may make proof
<br />01 loss ,I' no<< made promptly by 80rr0w0er.
<br />If Ihe Property If abandoned bv Borrower. or If Borrowe.. la,l, to """"nd 10 Lender w'thin JO day" from the date
<br />notICe IS m&i&ed by Lender to Borrower thaI the lniurance carner often (0 ~euj~ a ('turn for m~urance benefits. Lender IS
<br />authonzed t.o \.ulcct a.nd appiy the- lfuurancc p.rocft(b at under's op-tlUn ~trh('r to ft..~toration or rep:ur of the
<br />Property or to lhe ,ums secilred by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />~. "-adoe .. ""~h'n_ 01 """""" I L.I., CoedoaalJIi...., PIaaaod linlt [)e.e1opmenta. Bor.
<br />~ sha\! keep lhe Property In !JOCd rq>a<r and ,hall not emnmll .....t. or ,...rmll ,mpalfmeot or delenoranon of the
<br />Property &lid shall COIfIply trith the P""'''tOlU of ""v leiUe ,f lh.. Deed 01 Trust" on a le....hold. It th.. Deed of Tru.t is
<br />011 a untt in a condonunium or a planned umt de'\'''lopm....l. Borrow"r ,haH perlorm all 01 BOlTower\ obligallons under
<br />the deduati<m or covenant. creatln' ''1' governing the ,'OOdonumum or planned unn d",'..lopment, lhe b....,laws and
<br />rqW&tloas ohlle <:ondominium or planned unit d.....,lopment. ind wnstuu.:nt documenrs
<br />1. P-*- of Leedw.. SecwriIJ. I. Borrower fall. to perlorm the eo"enants and agrttmenls contained in this
<br />Deed "fTrusl, I)f ifany &dIOD or Proc:ttdmll" rommem-eQ ,,'hlCh matenally alteets Lender\ Inle......' In lhe Pro,..."y.
<br />lhen lAmclcr. at lAmclcr', optioo, upon no<<itt to Bortt>wer. may make ,u<:h appearance<;. dlSbul"SC slIch sums. including
<br />reaIOItabIe altllmeyS' fees, aIId tab such actton as IS necessary 10 prol<<t Lend"r', .nte......t. HLender requ",:d mon.age
<br />i_u a t:tlftdit_ of nUliJns th..loan secured l>y this Deed of Trusl. !k>tTQV.-er shall pav the p,..,m,ums requn-ed to
<br />mailltaift such i_ in effect uDtilsuch lime IS the requlretnenl lor 'u<:h m,uranl'" term mate. in accordance wnh
<br />lJonowe;-'s and !..ender's wnft.... agreemenl or apphcable law.
<br />A., iUQ()Uftts dlstMlned by Le-nd<< pul'$uant to tnu pAnlgtaph .., with rntcrn't t~reon. at th~ Note rate. shall
<br />~ =dd.~. i~ed~ 01 ~'-_ ~n'd It.... this Deed 01 Trust. Coles, BOlTower and Lender agree 10
<br />other ,_. of paymetlt, such lUDOUllts shall be pay'ab~ upon notice from Lender '0 Bor"",er requ,,"ng P y'ment
<br />tht:ftof, Nothing C<llUained in thlSparagrapb 7 .hall requ.re !..ender to Incur any ..pense or take anv action hereunder,
<br />J.,' i "L IIooot Le10det lIlAY make (M' cause to he made reasonabie entn", upon and Inspections of lhe Property.
<br />PfO"icIed thai Lender sltall give Borrower IIOtltt pnor to aoy such IIlSpectlOll speclt)'ing ",,,,,,nab Ie cause therefor
<br />reItoto4 to l.aIr.ter', imerest in the Propen:y,
<br />9.C' ,'. Tbe prooeeds of lID)' award IX chum lOr damages, direct or consequemlal. In .."nnechon with
<br />lIA}' COllilemeatloti or other taitln"l of tbe Propeny. or pan Ihcn:of. or lor con....eya""" in heu of l'ondemnauon. are
<br />~.&!iSiaDed and shall be paid to Lender. ,ubJecllO the terms of any mongag<:. deed of trust or other ,,,,,umy agree-
<br />mnt with a llCtl..hd has pnurtly o.er Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />I" e--l'IIM ........ r.lI_1lI a, Leedw 1'4... a WtlI_. Enenston of the ume ["0.. pavmem or
<br />mfldif_tloft.ofattl(1f'!iutioo ol"the su_ secured by II". Deed 01 Tru.t wanted lw lender to an' ,ucc~wr In 1TI1efe>1 of
<br />~5hall_GpIQM to flIle.uc. in t.l\)' manner. lhe Iiabtlityof .he '>Tlginal Botro...... and Borrower's suel'nSllt'S In
<br />~ 1.IIIIodtJ.1iIa1i.- be ~ tn _~ prol'Cedtn. &galDsI such SUCl."nSor or refuse ", extend I1me for pay-
<br />_.~11lO41f) ___i<m ot"the._ &eeured by Ihi, Deed 01 Trust hv r....'on ot any demand made by rhe
<br />~,a.n:- atl4 aon-', ~ In IIIW_.. Any fo..bearlltK'e bs Lend<< '" exerc"'"g any' nll"1 <If remedv
<br />~. ot~al'l"iInkO.b1 applicable la.., >ballIWI be a waiver of or precllKk thr e.ere,se (lj all.' "uch ngllt or
<br />.........
<br />U..~ ......... . --.. ~.M4l s....!. ~'l <........... Inr ,'L.,co"",,, and agr""menu
<br />~~ shall ~_ .lhetighb lIetwndcr sltalt mitre ",. Ihr ~u." ..."'",,,,,'" a ".1 <l"'gns ,,' [",oJer and
<br />~, s<lbj<<l It> lhe ~_. "I para.uph l!l h.,...,<>, .i\ II '''''rtlam,.wd ajll'eCmenl\ .,j 8<'ffl"'rr '"i1111". ~""r and
<br />~*i ,- ",,\., ~ W'fte; ~'~:h,.~nJ ~h~ ~ 01 Tn,uf, ~Ul d'l.l(.-\ fun C-!ttut~ 1. ~ N'"M:_'t. Ut ~ '\_ -(t'~'"\;H(n-Ul)T. 1 ht~ t~1 ;\'.1t rru-~(
<br />1:'~fd.~ tu."u-t ~ \..'1:.)fi:~\t:y th*,,~'1I- nUernt h'l t1lt:? Pn"!Pf"t'1'..- ~q f"ru'\t-ec ~Hld~ !l1~ ft.'--tn-tl;: ,;d itH\ th.'t'1J df TrU~L lb, t\
<br />