<br />I
<br />
<br />83~ 005560
<br />
<br />9. Confelna8don.. The proceeds o-f any award or claIm fOf damages. dire~( ~r consequential. ~n connection wjt~ any
<br />condemnation or o~ taking ot tbe Property. or part thereot, or for conveyance to heu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and :;hall be paid 10 Lender. .'
<br />In lhe event of a to,"llaking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thIs Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takin$ of the Property. unless BO':fower and Lender
<br />otherwise aIR" in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured hy thIS Deed of Trust .such P!oporuon of the proceeds
<br />as is. equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secure~ by this Deed of Trust Immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bean '0 the fair marte' value of ,he Property immediately poor to the da'e of taking, with Ihe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Propeny is abandoned hy Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer.; 10 make
<br />an -award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails t() respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice IS
<br />m.aiied. lender is authorized to collect and apply tbe proceeds, al Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Properly or to lhe sunu secured by Ihi. Deed d Trusc . . . . .
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwj"c agree 111 writing. any such application of proceeds to pnnclpaI shall not ex.tend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly inslaHmenl:s reterred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />.sucb iMraUments.
<br />10. Bon-oww Not ReIeasecI. Extension of the orne jor payment ('lr modification of amonization of th~ sums s.ecured
<br />by this Deed of Trust gTaDtuf by Lender TO any ~uc-cessor m 1llteresl 01' Bor~wer 'S.halI not operate to relc3.se. 10 any manner,
<br />(be: (iabiht'l of !he- ongina) Borrower .and Borrower's s.uccesrors. in Intere:${. Lender. shall not be reqUired to commence
<br />proceedings. agaiMt sm:h successor or refuse fn e:nend time h'r paymem or OlnerW"lSe modify amortization of, t~e sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any -demand made tJy the on~,"al Born"lWer ?nd Borrower's successon 10 Interest.
<br />11. F~ by u"" NIJt . \\'ai"fl'. -"-flY fOf~llranc.c by Lender m c'urcts.mg any ~lght or remedy hereunder. or
<br />othcrwiw atfotded by apoti1."able law, Soh'all not he 01 W.U"<'~"f of or preclude the eurcise or any such right or remedy.
<br />The procun:mmt of Huurarn:e or the pd)"ment v( taxes or other hens. nr ..:harges by Lender s.hall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accC:ten:tt the m~tunty (If the mdcb:ooneu 'ecut"C'tl hy r,hr!. De~ ot Trusc , .
<br />12. R~ CVlllalative. to\tl temedleS prn'P'lded, .11 thiS l~rl Of Trusl are thstm~t and cumulative to ..oy (lther fight
<br />tit remedy unde-r this Deed of Trust or afforded hv bw or cqmt\., >.Iud may he e.~erct.sed concurrently. mdependently or
<br />"uccess:ivetv,
<br />I J. S-t'C!lIlIOn: ... "..- Bou-ed;: Join. and ~Y-e-ra1 tJabititl; (:.apfloeL The I.;wvenants and agreement.s hereto
<br />('onlaloed shaH bind. and the nght~ he:reundC"f I,.hatl mUTe h", ihe f('"$pt."-Ch'..e "U~"."5-~()n and a~tgn" nf Lender and 8orrown,
<br />\ubjcct h) the pro-v)1Wm ..11 paraJf'1lp1l 11 nneOf ,'\11 (l""'e--na:nt~ ;.tad .tgreemems. ,')f Rorf('l~ier \h;H he joint and several.
<br />The Uplk"llU and headmp of t~ paragraphs (of Ihls Ik-ed i.f feu,! ;H~ ft)f ,-,,-Hv.-entence (tolv iUW ;He not to he used to
<br />IOler""'t or define rbe prov.llOns hereof
<br />t"'~ ~~~ r~(t,.'~pt tor any notKt' ({''twEcd lloder -1ppht .J;~k ;;,"" tx- gn.-e-fl In .mother manocr- tal any notice to
<br />!lotTo-wer prQvided tor m thu, l)cr<J 01' -l'~Wfif ~hilH kc gWt't1 h m::ui.nj;t '\-:.Kh nottCC br .,,:ertlhed nUll addressed to lk'frower at
<br />the Pr()1Xr-t~ Address flf :tt lur;h ."ther add~ ,)" )kJ.t[\Jwn ,mt\- dfijgnJ.u: f'\\,: notice 1\.J Lender 3'\ proVided herein, and
<br />~ h) .n~- nQtJC~ to I c:ndcr s.haU he gt"'-cn b\ certified milll fC'{Urn a~el;r. r-c\.tIX5:ted. h' r.ender.~ address !totaled herem Or to
<br />"w;n ()the: -.ldJrCl$ .i:i leodrr may \!nt80iU-C !1.\' not!\:r: 10 BOrro'ft('f ;1\ pw,.-ltic-d herein ..\ny notice p-ro\'i~ed tor In t~i\
<br />{')ced of Tr'USl ;;:hAH h~ deemed It,'> h.a""c h<<:n gl\-.C'n k~ ll.qrmwcf ','f Lt"mkr v"Mn ~I""\':'i.l !Ii the manner dcstgnated herem
<br />J5. U..... flno4 01 Tnut: (;0......."-.: 1___: Srn'rabOit~.. p,!, form d' d<<J t'd !ru..t L,,'mbmc1i umform covenants tor
<br />n~JJot\l;l 1,1'j,( and {1<.:m-umft"'1tm -'={)",..-enAnb With J;;1Hted .. ;lfl,lt;'-~fh t'.... ;.un~t..:!!t\':} k' ...'..'O....lltUtC ~ i.HUrt)rm ~.Uf1IV instrument
<br />.:ov-ennJ: rut -pc:t.'pen)' fhnl)eed M lrm.s ~hal! he ~\\'clnt"d h !he !..l"" p! ~h(' jU!tsdlctwn. m whl~h the Proper1\: i\ I{)C~lled
<br />In the event ItUI:l.iln~; pH1Vt"Of't- (\f d-Oluw nllh'l:! t~('d ~1! lru..f lJ.f 1he ~\~tc- .:pnflH,h w,llh ~\p.phcahie law, \uch u~nftK1 shall
<br />I'M'" ;t.". ~t f).thet rr1JYt-lWH1 ,-,t !h;s. I~ of rtU'M Ilf the ~,~!f. ....-hH:h \.4n 1':(" ~IV('" \-t!(';:t w~th.,~Ul the ,,'~mt1H;t1ng provtSlon.
<br />and to fnn end lbe' pruv.s:Ii)ftj fl.' tht- I~ PI f ru.\t .H},j the- ....Ole _1ft jc-d~t("d ~,' he ~t"vC'r..!1!e
<br />J" a.n.Wfl'" (~..,-_ lklffO\\'-c:-r "hid! ~. lunH'\h('d :< ;, \'Jl!ormed '" '-'~~'f ,.j :~(' '~Hc- .'.Inti t'f ft'u\ Ik~l~d lIt I fu,>l at 1M time
<br />(~t c~ftQn ()f .J'tt!:r rw:Of'dah<-m here.of
<br />17. y......... of... ......!: A.......... H ;i;H i't .1fn p....ttl n! H~l~ Ph--;:r"t'H\ "f AO IntC'.t"s~ tnrH:1O l$ s.old Of tr~nsfc:rreJ
<br />hy Bofr:o..-.... without lJ:'od!rt.\ prHH Wf)lh:~n ,nawn! ot'l.;.luthn~ _:i j fhc .'.t';.t\~pn "t ~ i!en ,'r ~n\:umhf'.lnc(' 'i,t,IN.\rdUllil(: 10
<br />lht$ I~ (.f Tunt. d'~} the {,:r-r-.:nu:Wl ~\t): ptJn.:-i"lale !nf~1l(''f 'J.(""unn- ~'\IC-f~1 !,"'r ~h'ltJ'i..('h-t~l:J .tp-p-h<ln;.::n.. i>..~ J .t 1f~ns!ef hy ~te\'j-\e,
<br />\~-C'1l-t ..lr h)' (l~.IKlfl ~,t I.... ur->n the -tk-ath- (...1 d 1"1111 :>:,nanf '.'t ,.. d, lhc ~r..wt \,r ~n\ lc;;t~h,.,j.J lnh:r-e'il llf ,hrC'e \'('an t1f i~:\
<br />not cont.tOm.an OptIOn w purehtK. I cmkf m<l~', .;J' t t'fHk'r ~ ;:'ph.:'!'!, "k;..-L;H<: ,iH the ..um.'>. .........'l.He.J h\- ttH\ l.k-ed of TruM t.,l he
<br />,m~)' due And plt.-bk. l~f ~h..H h~\t" .....;It..ll~.'O ;"u.;,:f1 ;--"~'>,H~ h' ;!,..-,,-ek'!Att~ :to pn-l;'!t !,\ the '\-31e ';It !t:U!5.!er. Lt':ndcf
<br />,:tnC the pefStlfl in \I!o"OOm the Pf\)peuy t\ h' he ~lld nf H.IH\f-cpc-d ft'j.('r. Atf<<nlen~ ':: \\I'Eltlng th3' fhe aedH nf '\u..:h pehll-O
<br />1'1> ~t..fact~). t,,~ lender J:oo lb4t the- ~!Hc(n~ p~\OI~k '!'n ~h-" -'I1J.;:n~ ....;:,qHrd i,~, '-on. nt:'CJ ,'J 'rn.l\.l: ..halt h(' at 1-u-..:-h r.ilc aJ.
<br />l('tKkof '5ohiaU r~ If L~ndet h..... w3iveti the PpuHo t" .l\."d~'I'il!f" f'f(l';f!4Ctl ;{, th~ r.;J'A!lfApn ! 7. 4th.i It 8orwwf-{-\ ,u..:ce\\or
<br />!H mktat ha-:!i e,,-cxuIw,} wnt;__ a.IW.OUffipti.Vl:l ",-~nx'Hl(:n~ .-H...:('~cu ,'\ ""tlhnc t~\ 1l;.<;1dc(_ I,ctl&r 'iOhaH :-de.a3ot' HtJrro'Wer from
<br />illl ohhptWlft-\ und<< th~~ ~ "i Tnnt And t~ ""~)t-C .
<br />if Lc'ndcr el.('f-C~ 1-uch ,:;plii,.fi t...J _K\o.(,!Ci..tf'l" I en-Oc! .,hail "~!~ Bu:-n''*t'"f ~1~_t!!i"C l,j 3tt.'...de-ri\l:tlun H) "(":t~rdan~~ ....,lIh
<br />p.lr&3t-aph. '" hetC'('.t. '\u.:h f~-KC \-hail r!t.>""~ s ~fPll\J pi I''-'! 't'",.. lh...n ;.f J.n.... Un!ll the J.aJt lh<- nHh~(' 1'> f1l4ded within
<br />wftKh lk:JfH}*~.r iftaj -pa) ~hct ~ns. dcd:lfc-d J~~(' l: a..:P.'t"i~c-: 1..1"" :<' f5'> '\.h.h ",unb pi'wr ld the: c'plf~t!HI'1 d \ud't pcnod.
<br />Lender mal. 'ol;ilhout further n.oU-,,-~ ~.; Jemand ,'1' ntl-HnWCf .'~<'''(' an\ 't"(:~n:~ permltlC'd h, ~jr...ttraph 11< h1:~uf
<br />No~.U!'oiUo.'" ('>.)Vt'~."~h lk)fH~""U Hhj L<no(.k'i' hHH)('f \.\''-~n.4O! J'nJ J~ft"C .!~ h,Ho~\
<br />fa. ,4.t"'~ Ih....... t:...r-C'pt... pnn-.... i. par..,.... 11 Mf1'ef. "fNJA Bonv\W-r'. bn-..b ut afty L"(neaant ur
<br />-' '" ........... i. t.... I...... ...1...... .......... 11M .......- '0 pa, .._ d_ _, ....... .~<<,...... b,. th... (}ffd
<br />'" T.... 1_ _.o..._.a.lI...... _~ '" ................ .. "",'Mkd in _...... I~ he..,,1 "J'Kif,lna' (Illh~
<br />_10: (1).... ...Iloa ""f'Iind I" n.... _II .""b: 01 . d_, ..... leu tb.. }O d.). from ."" dat. t"" "otic. is nWI<d to
<br />-...-. by wlti<lI ..-II _It _ "" <<....; _ l4i ..... fllil... '0 ..... _'b bro_ "" ur ""'.... ,b. d,,~ .p<<ifi...!
<br />ia tk _ _ ....... in ..<c....-.- '" the w_ __ b. ..... 1_ <of I rYO< """ WIle <of the Propel'l,. Th. _in
<br />... I........ laI_ ............ <of .... rill'" to n__ afm ............iue _ ,"" rill'" I.. briac " <ouI1 adioft ,.. _I'l
<br />11M __ <of a ...._ '" .... ........ .wkaw "f Iono_r '0 .n<l<<ntiue _....." If ,IN bro""b .. not ..........
<br />... ... -.... .IN _ __ in t'" iooatt. 1_ at 1_', _ ..... d<<1aft all '" .be ....... _........ b, .bili Il<<d
<br />", T... t.... ~ ... _ pa,'" ..il_ hud..., _ ... _, ...,..t.r .ho po..... of '* _ ..., 01"'" ..ftIfliift
<br />..........., ~ law. iAII4tt s&aaJ bit ...arit1e4 '8 ..o8K-t all ,-r~ nJiSb &lid t"llpot>ft!Jn llJ('un'flI h, ounui1ll!' .iNl
<br />........ _... ;.tM -...... ja. ~ boot..... ii.......! ,u, <~ ..........,'. I.... .-
<br />If die- ~ of __ is ia1-~ -r~ ~JlaM fff-orcI it ~ nf ddaal, i-a c-vh ['UtI..t,. in ..-h..~ t~ ~!}. (.."! Mt~
<br />..... - Is _ _ _ ...... <:upIft '" _10 _ .. 11M _< pt""~ by 1IppIic'" law t.. 110<........ .lMf t.. I""
<br />....... -~.., ................ Mln ,"" Iapo '" ___._......, be r....,ue.lby .,..m-_Ia... I......ft.-
<br />............ M>fi<< of...........-- _ ........ _ """",r._ b, .~ Ia... Tn..tft. ..u_ .wm_d ....
<br />a.n-c.. .. ... Itte ,.",.." III puWi<' __ tv ..... ..._ -. at tll<< Ilmt "lMf pi...., .lMf u_r t"" t""" dftianat...!
<br />ia .... M>fi<< of _ ;. _... -.. paulo _ .. _10 .....w.- .. n_ _, ............... T_ _, ............ WIle '" l1li
<br />... ." --' of .... ","-", .., ,.... .....". >(c-...t at tho ti_ _ ........ <of OIl, _'iuuol, "'__.... I.._r or
<br />IAtolIon ......... MalI.......-- .... "-"' at My WIle.
<br />U-..... 01 ,.,_ of, tk pri<< Itl4. 1'_ ...... _.... '0 tbe p""'- Tr..._', _ <o.".yi... tll<< ~,
<br />..... -n.. rodIitIs ;. Itte 1'_" _ ... ... ...- f..... ~._ of t"" .notlo '" t"" __ "'* Ihe",itL T......ft
<br />........, .... -..-. ... Itte .... .. tIN ......._ ....., ,alto all ...........,. <_ _ .._ '" the WIle. i..dudi.... b..,
<br />.............. 1'_'. '-n'" _ _"""'" ..,"1' of 11M II;r_ WIle pric.. r--..tM "'t_,'. f.... _ <_ of
<br />:.:~....w..c..i>>"'._--'" by _ 00M<of 'f...... _1<1_ ..<_If ".).10 11M.............. _Ietall, ...tltMd
<br />I'.. ~ ...... ........... Notwttta-!-ar-Wlntf- Lrflik"', ;,h..-t.:-ek:Uhvn ___'f the "tiUl.... .~,\:j1r("d by till';' O~t-'d ,~I I'rn'>f.
<br />"f~ fohilU M\"'C' lbe. lithl to hAlf-( ~":r pH~<<",hn.s l>C,Ufl h'l< 1 cn\kr h) <:fdt1:n;~ tht.,. L1eni I)f 1"tu...t ,ta.fo.:"m~w.~tc~i al
<br />~.~" ,pr~ tu t.. Qf'tCf'.4 \lC.~ur (tt hi the fif~~ day Nforc th< "..lit of the P'tupen~' PUf'\\i.;a;HI t(\ ~he ptYINcr nf '<tk L~~ntd.IMti
<br />m.th.~i.l<S l~q.r hdl"ftal')"-.{ 'It )u43mCfH ctd("r\..~lflBih-t'\ t~ tl.t rrus.t ti' f-it) ~..tn.'.....'C'f' ra'V"t I ender all SlJ!lh Whh:h .....nul.d
<br />he ~'- -(ivt.l~ th:tw. t.Med of fnK', d"t N\'tl:t' iH-.d n.:O-.tCl W'LHun. Furun: ,,",,hdfKO, d J.n)'. had flO .lH:>.:det..1th1u (.....:\.'l..!HN..I.
<br />~bt "'f(~ i:~ .4fl br~-iKhn. u1 ilfl)' f~dwf uJveft,:anh H:t ,::t't:reflneM\ ,)t lklf"f'O\\->-f'f ....,mUutb:-~ Hl rhn.. Ilt"eG <Ii hu,....c
<br />H;:} ..~ pl.)) ,.~ ft'..~bk \""-.pcftM-\ uv.;~ur~ by t cndt-r .nd- t1m,tee. In ->:t,h\-fi,:mg the- ~'.i'vt:"nant;; ..1.-fhi J.iHettlu:nh H!,
<br />1Jaf~"" (;~~~ 1.0 H'til;\ t~ cl. h~ .uul ~{'j: (;fdorun. L~ndc{~. ittt4 lrtr:\-i~, tt:tn~d!\e' .a.~ pt\n-~..kd m l;'.-u~uph p,:
<br />~,"*M~ bvt tKlt hRn~ ~o. fC'~bk .aumm;y',- f<<\, itM td; Boff-{hitCl Bt..e\ "ueh iloi;'hon a'lt I root'f mn a'~vHuhh:
<br />f""t~d'. ,(i.~ ~. tha.t the- httl (JI' thn. lJeed v.J' -l-t''U\-t I t"nde.f',"" mttrt"'( m the r.lt'('1ope(t~ Af~J n..:'Hn~l'f'.". \~h,afld.n I.' f",~"
<br />