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<br />I <br /> <br />83':;;;"il n 5 r-; f) 0 <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />t. P:or- oIl'r1aclP* ..... Infftost. Borrower shall promplly pay when due lhe principal of and inleresl on the <br />mdebledness evidenced by lhe Note, prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in lhe NOle, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. p... r... T_ ...~. Subject 10 applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender, Borrower sball pay <br />to Lender on Ihe day monthly inslallments of principal and interest are payable under lhe NOle, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a Bum (herein '.Funds") equal to one-twelfth ot the yearly taxes and assessment, which may attain priority over thlS <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one,twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one.lwelfltJ of }'early premium installments for mor".,e insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />lime 10 time by Lender on the of a_55ments and bIlls and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />'l11e Funds shall he held in an institulion the deposils or accounls of which are msured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state aB"""y (including lender if lender is ,uch an instilution). Lender sholl apply lhe Funds 10 pay said 1&)("", assessments. <br />iMurance 'prcmium~ and ground rentj, Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing -said account <br />or verifying and compilingliau.f a...'iSeSlments ilnd bills. unla"i; Lender pays Borrower i-,:,Ierest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permit~ Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wnting at the time of execution' of this <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall he pald to Borrowcr. and unless such agreement IS made or applicable law <br />requires such inlerest to be paid, Lender shan not be -requl~ to pay Borrower any interest or eamincs on the Funds. lender <br />shalf give to Borrower. without c-haf'lc. an annual ac:countmg of the Funds -shOWing credits and debits to tbe Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. 'l11e Funds are pledged as addilional security for the sums secun:d <br />by tlus Deed of Trust. <br />If lhe amounl of tbe Funds held by Lender, togelher with lhe lulUre monlhly installmenls of Funds pay.ble prior 10 <br />the due dalC'$ of fUe!i, aneumt:nB. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />aS$C!5Sft\Cnts. imuraf'k.."""'e pn1nfums. and ground rents 'is they fa,1! due. \uch e.Xl.~ess shall be. at Borrower's orion. either <br />promptfy repaid to 8orrow~r or credited 10 Borrower on monthly installments ~r Funds, If the amount 0 the Funds <br />held by Lender shaH not be i\.rlfic~nt to pay U.lf.e'\. assessment". Hl'5.ut'ance premiums and gruund rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shaH pay to I.ender .lny amoun~ oeccsury ft' make up the deficiency ..vtthin 30 day-\; f::-Ofn the date notice IS mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requestl~ paymenl thereof. <br />Upon payment in futl of aU ~unu "CCured hy thu, DttJ lOt TflhL l.r'nder shaH pnlftlptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />f\ekl by l.ender, Ifutltifi paragraph is hereof Ihe Propr:nv ,\ 'old i,\r the Property IS otherwIse acquired by Lender. Lender <br />\hat! .apply, nO' tUtor than immediatdy pnof to ih~ -\,~de c.t the Pft)fW:TlY Ie"r H~ ;:Jcquii.itlOn hy 1 ender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at tne-.Hme of -appbc.auOtl 115 a .::redj{ aea1mil the "urn-\- ~cured hy thl5 Deed ;.)( Trust. <br />.1, .~ptlk:adota of-Pay___ tJnie,\.lf. ..:applKablc I,tv. r'rtwaj("". i}-tnerwlS<<:'. ail pa.yment:<. (eccwcd by lender under ~he <br />~ote ,and paragr3fM f and '2 hereof sh.sH he -ilpphed hI, lender tlf"\t i1'1 pi1\'mr.:nf .)f ilffiounU payable to Lender hy Borrower <br />under para.graph .... hereof. then tQ ml-Cf(':<it pa)'i.blc on !he ~,,)tr, then :i.~ ihe pnnopal t~f the Nmc-, and then to intcrest and <br />princ.pal on any Futuf't ..-\dvaocu <br />4, ~: ,..... Borrower ,naU p4\i ;:tll t.1\.(",\. ..,\;J<t:Utllen!';. and (>thN .:harge"i, fine.. and ;mpt.'lSHions aHnbutabk hl <br />the Pro~ny which may Allam i. PffO(lty ov~r Thl'~ De-ed or Trmt, ~tnd poymc-nts or ,round rents. if any, in the <br />ntaDOltt p-rO\'1dcd under paraanph 2 ht:f~.ot de. It !lI..'\f ltl .'iu..:h l'n.af1OCf. hv Borm'4cr makmg pay-mem. when due, dl~lfy <br />to tnc payee t~reot BO:lro\lliCf \hall pr()mptl<y fHflH~h t;l f endc.f .-.B aohcc\ l)f amillt;n!\ dtl~ under thiS paragraph. and in the- <br />('\';ent Borrower ih.!1 mak.e paymenT ..hrt"Ctly. &H(H....C'f ~haU prl'fllpl1y !uf",~h to receIpts ('vu..ien-clng such payments, <br />BoHiJW~f ~aJl ')tt.~mpll)' dn(;"h~rlt:(' any hen \IlohJl.:h n;u. ptJunt: ,H.'e! Hl1\ l.)e-.(-d ", fruu, pflH.'lded. (hat ~)rr~l"'er \hall not he <br />reqUIted In dndu,rg<e' Jiny \u..:-h hen \-tl tong 4'" ..halt .i~rt't" In ... fi~lfi~ h) the f'.1~'ment nt' the nbh~afu.)n s('(,,'ured by <br />\och lien in.a manner loh,:[.'cptaNc ?' f coder. ,.{ ,h~li ill J..lQ\1 Luth d.,nte<f.! ..I,Kh lu~n h\', ,)f "kfcnJ ("n(l'1n:cfltent \)f \lh,:h llt:o Ill. <br />kS.' pn~Ii wtu(;n OpefatC' tQ pft'vent !he ('nf(>t~c-tTl<'111 ,II tht- ;.t~n PC t.:..rh:lhm: pi lhe Pro-pc:n)' or iln)' pari thereoL <br />.~t l~. It<) ,,-haJJ ).,e<p lhe Impf'l.wcf'1lC!1h no" (',\,,,t'"~ llf he,.e..h~r c:r,<<,ted ,\n lhe Pr\'tpeny Insured <br />at.IMt iou -b-v n~, hill..ud\ Hh:h.tded wllhm !hC turn "~\tt'l1dc-d ",)Vt:"f.t..'"C ;m"f '~A.h ~ithc-r hUArd.. .Ii- 1 coder mal reqUIre <br />and !O such a.mountJ. .1nd f,,'>r '\U(.'h ~f~" .t'l. I t," mo};). 'lNmtc. rto\'Hkd. that lender ...naB nol reqUIre that thr amount of <br />1itK"h \:-o,,-v-ace ~1,ttd t~l ~'Unt (~f \.tlV-t':f;lgc rC~H!ft"ct !p p,;:n tht" \um\ ..el.:ured t'ov lh~\ Oe~d nr rrH~1 <br />TM ltUOr-.n<t' \.'~rncr J'f{whilnf: ltte tYl'MH-i:f!{:{' ""',JJI he ..h...~t1 h,.- f-ttlrfly""cr ..uhlC'd t<, ..ppr'Y"'-.J1 b\. ! ender: rHwrdcl..l <br />t.bat such approv..i shan nOf be unra!t'..maNy ""-lthhdd Ail premIum" Oft Hl~ur;ln;,;(' ~lit->:lC\ "h,,1i he pard in the manner <br />Pf'OVlded W1der pa.racrapb .2 N:not Of, d not paId In "loch mannef, h\- 1Ji)(1't"Wcr n-~~kml pa)'nl('or. when due. dU'CClty to the <br />lDi:lUfaJl<< c&n'1et'. <br />AU imura.tKe pohun. .tW renewalti thcreo! :l.t~H ~ HI lfti'm .i......q'''faC'l-te t" i .:nd\7f ..lnd ..h..dl Ifl'i,.'jw.k :.t \tand~rd mortgage <br /> Ht tavm of and m form o1t.:c-cpta.N-c In. i cndt't I l'm.k! -"!HtH h.:t,.t' rh1.~ ;\ght II.' twld the: p'\Jh~te.. .tnd renew-a!'" ,hcr~oL <br />.;jInd BonC*C'f "han pu~mpd)' (urn!'!h !;:. i ~ttlkt 4lf ;l'H~.....i 'HNh.;C-. .JerRi dB !('..c,pt.. ,)t r-;;H': pn:mlUm~. In the: ~\'('ot I"f 10'\\, <br />8orro*-cr maU ll\c'C pti."ft11pt tK."'tKC H,"> th< '~UllfOli!h:l." ~.tn1r; .tll.! i I enJcr Hl.l) nulc proc.A of h~'\ d n'o.f made rfomplh <br />~. Ilorrowcr <br />Urdr;s.t. Lender .00 Bt.'ifn,,,"cf ~.!h<-rwl\(, a~P:'~ m ;,o,qfi'ljC ,ral:;LJJ~d' i'r'l.'d,7clh ...h.-li t"t." .ippheo It, ...',{OfaHoH or re-palr of <br />;he Property dAmaaed. Pft..tVhicd '\t.l>\;h f-t"'m,H,;h~'I} i.. l~p4;t ,'. .....\.npml'-~!l\' 1t:',t\thle ,.ad ~h<, ~l!nt't ~,j trll' DceJ ,If Trll~t I" <br />no-l tbcf~ .mpaJfN If \u\,h r\":~tUI.atH.m ~}r !(tp-il,f 1<; iHlf t:,,~"'nonHl..Iih I::"~lhlc Ii! d !n.c- <"r,,,:urtt,,.- oi thl" [ked ~\f I fll\.~ \\-ould <br />~ Impaired. tht- ll'lutUmc pn:)("r~h ..h:aH ~ .-pph-c-d 1,- 'he ',Hl}.. '\,("\'\Ift:'d r..'\ du,,> t~~-d 01 ftllM, '.i.lth the- ('h'C'\'. d an~. p3UJ <br />tu 8onu-*-er If {he Pf\~rt')' t'i- .:tb.n4l~..i f>.";, lk'thl'A't't dl If n.\H...........~f "Hi-. h' f("t.}k--'nd h\ j .l,.-lidct ,-",lhm .\0 da't'!o from the' <br />date nobt.."e h m.aik.J hy I endcr Il,l R..'lrrO\A.ef !h~t !he ,a~UI"H"C \..1H1't"f I'ih-:.. !u- ~cl1k a ...!,Jlm h!t ;fhiiran"e hcnehh. L~ndc, <br />i\ autht.."'uud to ;.:t~tt\..t MId .apply IN- lO\Uf.~e PfV',':'C'fih ...t 1 t'nder ). ,-'pIK'lO t'l1t\<-f t(l lc\'!l.J{J:tl,,'Jf' t)f fepall' lit the Propen, <br />Hf to the ,~ W>l:uTed hy tnn Deed of fnh,l <br />lJn~ l.-:ndcf abU 8orrowef l)tht!t"'j~ .gr<< Ht "lltlnl., .m\ '\..l..J~ "'prh~..Ht.\n t\t p'lU4':~\ tn jlflflclpaf ,halt not c'ternJ <br />\)f ~tponc the d-ur: d~lC (It (be m()nlht~ Ili\.talirrwnh ft"(eu("{,l "" Ifl p'ata~raph\ 1 .Hld ;, llert(Jf \H change: the .,unounl of <br />~b IMtaUmcttl'li. If \.lOde. pala..raph 1 S ncfCt.f HX' Pn..'\,pt:'fl\. " a...~Ultcd t'1" I "ndc.r. .111 fight. htle\d ,nrefc~t 4.lf R.nrrn~('r <br />10 and to ..oy ImUrllrk.-e prt-i~~:t..And in J,fl,j hi ~M pr1..w"c<"I.h lhe-ft:l\f f~'\uhlntlln.'\-m \b,m.age h1 lh< Pn'pt'tt)' prlot to the \.dc <br />lir &(;:quwtwn "hall ".u lH LcndC'f h.l the n.ltnt ,It lhe ",um" ~..:urcJ. ~, lhi'\ l~"; \}t I rust iHHllCdl;.std)' pntH It) ~Ui;h \..ak ~Ir <br />~Kioo. <br />6. rr-............ ~~ 0>1 """"""); I.~~ C_"",-: l'Iaa..d Ca.. INnaop-..u. 8..."".<, <br />"naH \.<<p-!hc Prope~t'! 10 g.~l>.~t ,(""..tii ..mi "h..H It"',)l'1->l .......'!o.;c ,'! pt"fnHl Hl'tp.mmt'n! .'1 ..kt~1H,r.!thlll "t lOt" f)rop('rn <br />~Rd shall compl)' ......uh the: pt'\)'lil't-Km'\ (it .:m~' leaK Jf lhI\ I'lctxi d fru).! \,\ un ,1 iea~<h{.~ld fl ttllS I>ec-d l': Tnnll~ pn a urut In ,l <br />l,:Gudonumwn n( ;J pi.ntled utnt d~"'eJ{)pntent. B.,'lnt,,>v.c::r "h.a!: ~:;:'Qfm ..tll "I 80(n:.llA-Ct... ll-ohg:aliVn\ ul"tdcr t~ dCt.:l..H.:tIH.'O <br />i.lf co\"ena.nn 1.:<<allOg >.')If goyeru.tng the: ..\It\OOmtfllUm .r pi-inned Iml! ;:k....dopmenl. the h"'.!;HH. .nW fC'~ul:a:Hm... \.f !he <br />..:ondom.uuum or planed unH Je~"CloprncfH, ;jn(j --.:(....o~hhJefll do\:umeoh If it l.,:Pfl<!\)ffilOtUm t.ll pbnnc-d UOII dCHlllpnll.'l\1 <br />ftder l~ C:~Uled by Bon-owcf and :ecCfdN 1~lneJ 'oItHh thl' ()coc-t..i <..'1 frlhi,:he ...(WemuU~ .md 4-itr<<tHenl~ L\t "'tKh nder <br />~haU ~ uK.."{.)fporaIN u,t<l ami ~haU amend.aneJ ,"uppkmenl lhc i.:~)\en.ulh dIN .tgr<<mt:'ob of thIS Deed l'l "rU~f .1',. sf the fHJer <br />_r~ .. put hereot <br />~. ~.o( l..etMter's Sec:writy, It BoUQ'tll.C-f fouls {u pertt"J-m ~hC' t.:o....enanh ilnJ agree-menl... ,,',:ntameJ 1ft inl.. <br />IJreod ~' Tnat. Of jf ~.n)' action Of pfoc<<(hn, j-~ >;\)!tU1l:(:&;M Whh:h r'f'ultcnaHy J:tf<<'b Lendcr\ irHt:'re!tt in Ihe Property. <br />md~.. but not hnu.ted to, emuw:nl doroam. Hlk..~vcnq. .:Lxic entor\;'eme-nt, Of arran~mena. or fH',-k.:cetim,?:'S ,nv(lh',"~ ,j <br />Mnkrupt i,,'lf decedent. 1he11 l.cndcr ill L~ndc:f'5 \:'Ptfi.-'\(1. u",,~n IK'){J~t' tu H(\rt\.VNe,f. rna) mot"'c ~\h:h ;tppc.tralh,:e-5., ",1l"h~H,e '1lT;,:h <br />lUtM lUId tale Mk-h ,a<<lOfl ti l$ t~"'eUJlr,. h~ protect Lemkr's It)ter~t, ,odudmg. t>ut ftt."it lalliit'd tn, Jr"hup.erncnt \)! <br />r~ aHonley"' tea.- 3nd entf)' UJX-~ tbe P~rty kl lll...~e f't'(\litf~ It l.,cnJcf reqUffW m()ftg"~ Hl\Uf;~.fh.:c ~h ,\ <br />~ of mU.lnt ~ loan \OCUfcd ~)'- thu ()eN \){ frlbl. 8orti;twer ~haH p.ay the premiUH:l\ fe~uH't;\-J {\' m~1tl[.Hn ~Ud1 <br />1~ in dlKt Wlltl ,~--b tunc- ." lhe ~UJfC'mcnt !t'H 'loud; Hl:,.ur~rKe teHnH'UltC':\ m ol(~urdan~e \\'lth l'kJHl'wcl\ ,il\U <br />l.cadc:f'" .riU;C'", .,:cemcat t~ .applil..-:aNc ia.. Bo-cH)-!Io'e-r "han pay lhe aO'IDunt ..1 aU mortgage tn'iUfancC' f'f\'mIUn1~ Hl !ht-:' <br />-- po'O';ldcd..... I""rava;>/> 2 herllof. <br />" An)'.-mouou d~ by, l.t' ,pursuant to th.~ pa,.,f.-ph 7, ~Ith Hlit-rUt f~n';.'HL ...hall hr:"(,:nm(' ,'Iddtllllnit\ <br />.~ f>f &o:.rro.:e:r tct:und b). lh.., Deed of TrU$-t t nfeM Bonowet and t coder .\fIlet' It> -fl.t~r term~ l\' P't\T1U;!Ht. ,\1-\:11 <br />~ JhU be 1*'1." upon notK.C frwn Lendet 10 lkltro.-Cf r~tlll' payment IMfWL ~tt"j ,hall heM Internl I rnil1 lht:- <br />date,o( ditIbol~ At the rate" p&)1abltt. frOlft t-it'IK In tinN:. on l)UUl,iuldmg pnn.;;.pat undt.t the- No,.e H-OiC'i\ paYfllfllt 01 tfltt're'u <br />.at -..;:h,'. ~ be: (\1ftIUty to -w'te.atHe l.a__. in ""tH~-h r:'4ftnt "'l~'h anlOUJ'tf.\. shall ~r ;nfCf'('M at th~ hl;tht'."ll rate' <br />~ WfidIt ~.hie- l.w. Nodunl (;~lQtal~ If) tlns P3ra.,..pb '7 \-h3H r~uife Lende-t. 10 m<:Uf -an, cl.pcme or lakt <br />..., - ......., <br />... ~ t.... -Ala)' m&k1: ~ l.:aUiC.IQ be made re.~ ~.n.f1:'t$ \;p:~n and l~tt()ta of the PtT'iloertr. pfP\'lJed <br />that t~~ -IbaU ,..,.. lkar~ ",,)h~,,< pnut to -iin~ ,-U(::n mlpectMJt\ ~p.t(:tlyU1.' ft:4.$lm*hk ,;...u~ t~rdv" rchHt'\J t..~ I ('luICr', <br />'-...n ,... ~ <br />