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<br />r <br /> <br />831T05539 <br /> <br />9~ Condemnation. The proceed'i of ~IllY ;i\'~;ard .'r claim f<)f damages. direct or consequential. in c0nncction with any <br />(,;ondemnatlo-n Qr other taking of the Pro~rty. Of parr thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hcrchy assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender, <br />In the event of a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of J. partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and "Lender <br />otherwise ags:ce _i_o writing. there ~haH be .applied to the sums secured hy this Deed of Trust such proportion of the -_procee~ <br />.is is equal to that proportion whkh the amount. . .,le sums sc\;ured by this Deed of Trust immediately p.rior to the-date .Qt <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propeny Immediately prior to the dale of laking, with the balance of tbeproceeds <br />paid to Borro"'er. , <br />Jf tbe Property is- ahandoned by Borrower. or if. after notk:e by Lender tl) Borrower that the condemnor offers lo:make <br />an award M .seute-.<I c1afm tor i.lamages-, BorrClwCf falb to respond 10 Lender within 30 days after the date 'such 'notice...-is. <br />mailed. Le:nckr is authorized to coUect and apply the prl:X-""CcdsT at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair' of.the <br />Property or to the ~ums, secured by fhis. ncC'd of TnlSt. <br />Unlet$. Lender and Borrower otherwi.~"C ~lgree If} WtHllig, an~' such ;lpphc.ation of proc,eeds,to principal shall.not :e:den~ <br />or poitpone the due date o-t lhe !11l1ftthly mst.aUmems rcterred to l!1 paragraphs i and 2 hereof or change the amount .of <br />,uch inst.1l1menl>, <br />Ut Bornn\'f'I' Nm Released. E\Iens.lI..m f',j' .he time hH' payment llr mo...hfkalion of amortization of the sums, secured <br />hy this Deed of g.ranted hy Lc'nder in <in\' "ucc('..s~!,)f itl intcrc.'it ot Borrower shaH not operate to reJease. in any manner. <br />the liabIlity ot the ,'InginaJ Borri."Wef and SiHTov.,',er's ",w,.:ces:rors m mterest, l.ender s.hall not be required .to commence <br />proc.eeding.s. .agaln'il ~uch Of rclu~e {{} c:\tend time h.;f p..1~'ment or l)!herwf5c mooify amonizalion of the .sums <br />:<.ecured bv this; D<<d of Trus.t hv reasorl of ..H1l,: dcrnand made h\' the uri~mal Borrower .und Bt"lrrower's successors in interest. <br />11. 'Forbellnmt.t by l.-t:'mter No; a \\'ai~~r. An\' t'i.~fbearancc hy l..e:nucr Hl c"\crcismg an}' right or remedy hereunder.. or <br />otherwise- afforded 11)" applicable law, "haH fHlt he :.i W;llVcr ~'l.f llr predude the exercise ot any suth right or' remedy, <br />The prOCUteme-nl of ms.\.mmcc or the pt.tymcnl nt t;;l.\CS n( ~)thcr hens. \)r (harge.~ by l.~nder shall not be a \lo'aive:r of Lender's <br />fight to ~"'CteraJ(, the matunp,. d the indebtedncss ~c-.:i,trcJ b\-' rh.\.\ DCt~-d of Trust. _ <br />12~ RelRf!'dies CtJmuta'hr. AU rernNhcs prHvHh:d In I1w.. Peed (If Tm"i afe Ji")lmd anti ctlmutuu\'c to any other right <br />nr remedy under truio Deed iJf Trust 01' :ITlordeu t>y b\\ In' f..'quit\, .md ma,. he e,~erCl~ "~tJncurrently> inde~de[1tJy or <br />\ucl-'C'tiivdv <br />13. Su(,<<'S0f5 ami "'"tens .8o"Dd~ Jtlinl and s.r-"'N:tI I i-a.bitHy; Cap.iom. The I,:~nienants and agreements. herein <br />:;....ontaincd iOhali hmd. and the fls:hi~ hcn::nu-def \.hall nHlrt 1-' :ht n.,,\~(..t:\.t '>tK...:i.:".....(1f~ .tnd ';:l"\.SIi!llS of Lender and Borrower, <br />';,ubjcct to the rW\'Is:~nn'" nt If3~a~taph '; b:-ft:,.'): An ~','\en~Hli,; ;i~i.l ;.q:n.:'i..'mt.'nh (~f HWH"l\\;r .;;,hall he joint :md several. <br />rhe ~aplj(Ht:'i and hcadiflg\ "....t tht: p'i.H.t~tr,ph" <'1 liP" nted ,"~ '1 nl"{ ,it"C fDf '-'('In'~'l1ll..~I1';C ~\nl~ ;md .arc fh)f to be u~ to <br />lotNp-tet ur ddiru: {he: pl'l\\'!~}(Hh herc\:H. . , . <br />14. 'lotk,.. F\ccp' tor ~l.r'j'" noIlU,' Ir:4o'n:d ;;1~\\.'f .lrpi;;.:,:!\ic ,,{"" tc) h.. ~j\'.cn In .iumher manner. la) an~' notice to <br />UOH(YW.t:f P"Hw.tded tOt ltl du.. l)c('d d I rtlSI "b.~ll h...~ i!:Yt'n f;.\ ';udin;it '>\KI1 fH}fh.."-C hy .:erHtlcd maii ~ddressed [0 BorrC\wer at <br />[he .-n--PCrEY r-\dOI'CS-\ or .it <;u,'h ~)!her :"...hjr~"\." "... H,Hft'<A.t'f P!~\ dC~I~ilJ'l..' h n,}!,ce h' i ~'nder. ':l~ pto\-'tdcJ herein. and <br />\tJ) .un !H,lth..'e 1[\ I en\.k:r "hall t:.-: ~1l"ef1 h\ \.n!~ht-d n!,.i.:, r;:!urn ICd'Ir"1 It'~HC\1Ci..,L It' I t."11der ~ u;Jdress stated herein or to <br />\.uch p.[ber ::c.Jdrcs:\ .:il.,. Le.nt.U:I In;l\" d~l~n..j}k "", n.:ti:!l...(: /t.; H,1rf.,j\I.t', _i'~ ~~[,~i, ll..h:d iH:rt'm -\n; n~~tlcc p.roviJed for in thi, <br />[>ced <\t Tnlit ~hilH t~ dct:'m("~.l ii' 1-1..1'''(" t'~:t:n ~,\'i;n ,,:. B~)il"'V'('f -'{ i l:rHlt..'1 \~hcn l,~l'<-cn :n !he rnanner designated hCTC.'in <br />IS:. [;oifona llH-d: of lruli-t; (;OYNratftc la"; '~'rnabiUh. \ $,,~ l.>!m ,,~ ,kl.."; ,'I ;1u-"': ,-',\mhmc.. untI(lml'~'\.lVenan['!; for <br />lldtH..lflal u'tc Jmt n~1I1'Ul)!:i)r01 ~;~\"('jltsnH~ With ",,)1.:<1 r,\\;,'-l"'" \'.\ iifi..~h",H,':" iI' ...<I!hl,lutc .I \1n:h'lrm \ccunt\" Instrument <br />...-(n."c-nn~ pHlpci1\' nUt. Iked nl Tn!'>! \:1..;;, ~'f,~ ;;".",\-",t'd h :h,' ."..... ,'i :tw :n ...h:~h the Pn'pcrty i~ !l)(;"lted, <br />In tfw ('\~fH th~j.l ~H\ pft1\J\.n\H d \;.tU\t;" ;\1 :L,,, IJ..:.....t "~ Ill:...! Ir;t: 'I'~ \\:1;' ,;Pt)i~Llhk !:tw. ~UL"'h ..:nnflict ':oh..1I <br />lh~l afft"".:~ ,(,100 rr'.)\~~H~n"- p! th:, ih.......j 'i ! '\~\, ,r .....,h' ,~h.~r: ;.,,;fn ;'!!~',:: o'.llht"'i.ll ':':\.' ~,}n,h,,:tlflg: rrn\'l~it.m. <br />.H\O h~ thn. ("nd' t'rO~'i~alH:\ o\l \h-t." fkl'd ,.) i -,p,-{ ,j,"\ ...... 'h' "i.' ,:t.''-.LlTt.'d h' ..t..\'t'r;~i~lt. <br />16, 8orTo.f'r'!(~up,_ tJ\'HPa,:f 'iI;' >"hc.J ,";j' ~}~~'U '~'\ .....,.1.1.: HHJ. ,I: rin' D-r.:cd pi' Tnt....! ;tl Ihe timt.- <br />.'1 ('\.e<:U~H'J<n -or ~t'fet rt"...:nr~atwn het1..'t-'! <br />17. fratd't"r uf rtH- Pntpt-tt~: A~u"'ptio"Q. ;" <br />h, UoHP\\.C'f Wllhou! L":ih.lcr'" Pf10t ...\1;1:,." ,',;''':01 <br />J.tns I~ "..,( Tru~H, ! 1"1 the t.H.';t'hPH ,',I" .'(;'h:h,:\.( <br />,lc.Kent ('1' hy ope-fatH.m i..d !.l:\% upon 1!1~ th::....: h d ,1 <br /> <br />lrn~i1~eiVR~t~"\l:~ P;i\'Ji'tL. tt.'f'Hk~ :',:~;~.f ' <br /> <br />.!lid the pc~-s.-l}n \<' ~'h~\in inc Ph'i-t~n...' n. [,' t~ -""'1,1 <br />,~"\\' h\ I -':'Hi~!" -in.lJ rh.1J ihc .'11(':"..,[ .1 <br />t endcr \.h~.ti! ft'\lU(!);i It 1 >::l....h~f ;>,n, ''"' J!\~',! H,~" <br />Hl m{er~t h.a.:., t~'('".i.:"Ule-;J .1 'A~il~rH _;"HHa~".;'ti ..,~~..~...'~".:;,: <br />.u! ohh~a..u\Hu "-HIder !~is l.keJ i'~ 1 ,:,,1'01. ",~-'"J t:',' "'.;tr: <br />It Lend':f (\e'ru~ ,"u-(11 ;>P!ll'>" :' 1 .-~~~:U <br />txiraJ;:fllph I ~ h<oltr'! 'Udl lwlH,-e \(i.l;j rr~~.., !~~': i......f;~..,~ <br />Whh.:h lk1!filWCr :')";.J:\ ;~\ ~.11: 'hI''',\. ,_h:~"Hl...'" ,lot.: H"' <br />Lender rn,l\', W.ilhollt fHflher Pl~l\':l::;" ,kn:..t".,l f'i",l,--,.;,,'< <br /> <br />i:ld~ <br /> <br />"~~' ,'j,"' ,n UH1::C"-l !ht'l\:"JlI:\ ,,\..\hi or nansterrr:u <br />. ,'.... , ; ,~.;): \ '1 ~'ll,,;\ :o,ub\ndlOah,~ tv <br />:,"Jt'..: . .; t;"';I"1-"!h"d ,lprkHh:C", ,,! J. tr~m~icr n~: dC\'lse. <br />:- f Lr' i' ~ ",l..rlJ j 'L <br />,i,-'~'Li"C ,~n ~ht' ,>um... ",~,~tuc.;:l h\ l}-W" n~-cJ .}l >rrH~t to be <br />\' .....,~'(",L't.J.:~ : ....flpr :\' {nl.." .....,ill:' ,If if,up,fer. l coder <br />-;~ r, .;....r~',' ...nOHe that ;:nc dnii! ,It ,-uch pen(ln <br />"~<,~' :1";., i )c.;:--Jj ,~'l ! ru"-t '>h.til hi..' ;~t ">H-ch fate .... <br />,ie.: _" :~.;:r !J.;t.i.I'h ":'. "nJ l! HOHn\.\:~r\ "-Ul....ccs.sor <br />\';"; , '. I ~ndn ",!-\;1;; ;.-.:h,,-.t....c BQHnW~r ir0IH <br /> <br />\.:"u: <br /> <br />un; <br /> <br />(l <.H_h:f ' <br /> <br />..',i '-"",1' <br /> <br />:~- . 1. ".' ';'Lu.: "! .l...';.t.'leU!H.Ht jtl d..."'T.:f,lrd:tn~ w.ith <br />tfH,' ~bh:'" (he nnllc-..:- i\ malicd...widun <br />.d~11 "'"it\., ['i\,'; :... rht" (''-r'H.1th1.~n l~f ~~h period.. <br />~'j"\,:,l;~'., ;,.t:,H~:~;,: "\ 1',~r.n::r;I1"'h :~ h('rcot' <br /> <br />'\iO!'ti.t't (,,\'i-~~~l' H~~([,.w(; ,'j.; l,',',J.:, ' "",~,. <br /> <br />I!~:,,-"e ..1~ :~~L,H\" <br /> <br />I'. --\'n'C"kralioR: ih.m~. ..:\,('cpf 01" pro......d III ~fq:'" 17 h~H'"UI. upon 8orroVtu'''i hrrad.. of Jln~ ('o\:t'Ranf or <br />.~.t uf' Bono...n III th.b Ik:ot'"d nt till,t, int'htd....g ,ht' IU\I.'nanb tll p;,n \f\,h<<-n dur .aU~ ~um, 'iltnlfC'd h~' Ihi\ IHflI <br />01 "TnatII.. t4!'....,. pt'tur In lKt~.'loh !lItlaU nlJ'~ #o(ao' hi BtIH{l\H't li..' pun .d...1 in patqfapb I ~ he-nuf \pedf~ina: (I) 'he <br />bntK..; (2) tbe octioa flt"qwf"t'd to t.'urr !olUi:h hNittb~ I.H ill d.ut. not it.,.. Ih.alt .\0 da~, .rom the- d~it' lht' rttUke i", nlaUed to <br />Bono-,.~,. b)' ","'hklt '41th bt1:'.'h mltlil he- ttufli: :md !..I) ItUll hilun hl lUff' ..udt hrtach nn or hdof~ tht" datr ~pt'("ififd <br />i. tIR IIUIin may rn:uk in iK"...eRf.t_ of tfit. \-u,""" ~nu~ b, thi-. U~~d oj f UN and ~tf:" uf the Prn-pert", rhl' notice <br />~... fUJ"th<< worm BOt'FO..t'-T llf i'_ rit:.tu tH rd",h~"~ "t-c', ~n~k-fa'iun .\lnd fb~ l~hl fll briDe: ill drurt ac:tion to Wi.Wrt <br />.'he ........df4ett<<'" ut a dellWlf n-r an" othu ddl'~ llt Bo..!'"H~('r tv au;t'"~nnittn and~. If tht" hTt'1K"h h nOf cuRd <br />OR or Wen' I:N dat~ ~pt'cifi."' tR tM OOtit't'. i ~after at i ('"neier", option Dun (j;\~...Liic ~n t~t lh~ ....iiiii, "'i'i.:'_nrli hj-' thi; H:-:-rl <br />o.f T..... ta hritlU!M'CliMrh dur and pJI)abk "",.bout tQftbrt deinand and nun lftutJ..e rht' po~~r of ~al(' I1nd aft\ other rrmedin <br />~ lty >>pptic..... ht..-. (,...,,*, ~aU be- t.'"rtlldfll to nJ3toct aU feih,oA.bie 1,'()II.i, and uJu'~ in punu,.. lh~ <br />~ ~.. .Ilis P*'CrapA J8~ indu4ine. but nOf limttrd Ill, ff"aMtnabt.. auornr.\\, ff'e~. <br />tf tbe pollt<<" of.... i:s ia\'MM. Ttu~ ~haU ft'cmd a uoU....r ot lh.bult in ~ll-ch (uunt~ in ~'hi('h 'he PrOf)C'fI~. of sotnt <br />part ......., is Io(-aftd aad .!iribd _ail ~ tJ ..oct. ~(' in itw malUM'r pr\"""~d b~' $fpplK1lbk hi"". tu Bo.-crn'A"n and '0 .he <br />UII.twr peAI8lM prbCritted: "_" appIk.... bVl'; \ht'" tbe' lap!r;C' of !tltlC' a<o ItUl~ be- ft"qulnd b) appikabk btw. TrU!i..t~e ~hatl <br />&::..!'~ lIIIOdct M .. 10 the- ~ .ilM in lb. ntalUW"f pi'~ribrd h\ apptirahlt- 1-11.". rnt.dH'. "",i.boul demand on <br />. ... .. thr Proprrty ... psblk atK'tHm hi the htc~" bidou ., fhe- ,iftH' .nd pf-*-"t' and under the t-ermli d"icnat~ <br />.. eM....... of.. .. UM ut' fftOf'e patn"'1:"b aDd in ~ud, urdM ~ rrn...ln m.~ determme, Tru.~", ma". postpone uk of atl <br />M ., pMftI of the Propen} by publk ~~iftfld at tbe tiftit' ami -pla<~ HI all~ vrt'\"tOtKl,. 'o('ht"dukd safe.. Lender or <br />Lrader'. ....... _,. ..- dw """"'"' at ...., ",,", <br />1'- -.. '" ,.,.- of'loe pr;n. lJld. fr_ ....... _ur '0 1M pu....hawr hus....', _ ,...~..,i"ll 'M Pro,...., <br />..... n.redlaIIltl..... T_'. ..... ...... Iw primlo flOtw .._""~ or 1M lrutb of 'b. ".,....- tn""" 'M~i., T......"" <br />.........., ..... ~ "'..... .. Ia 'M f......~ unior: ,allo all ..._ <_ .ed ......_ or lb. w... i..dudb.. b,,' <br />_........... 1'_'. r_.... _ -... ......1/.. of .l. c; ,tf..... !Crow'" pric.~...-w., .11.......". f.... ..d ""ou 0' <br />=-.~ iltlle aM _ ...........,., Itrio Dee<f.... r......: aed 1<1 1M .....51. if an). 10 II.. ""non '" 1'fl"OIl81ep11, ~..lltled <br /> <br />'9. ~....... to ~..._ 'nt'A~'!h'\ti;uh,hn1( LI,'lHkc... ~Kcei('f,'ltwn ...~t it}\,; ~,-Hn' "t,.....tucJ h\ lOt" ()~"'.t'U ,-,I T!ll."! <br />BO:I'n~r ,ha.u h.-.~ the- ngh-t h) h-4t\."(' ~H'"jY pr(~-~"(:dm1!.'" hq!:lH"t h. t. endi."r 1(\ I,:nh'" ,ht". L~,t'd d I fn"lr JC\,'l.lsltH1w.'d :d <br />~Y' hnw pr""'f ,h_t the- t<lrlie:f tfl f;w.:U.!f oi in (tit;' fifth lb)- hl"h'h~ ih~ '>J.k of lhe 1', f\pt:"rt\ Ptlf"\.tI,UU :j,', fht~ Pi'.... n ,-,t ".de ... {1[\t;tHH'd <br />Ht tt..Kt~-o! fntlot l.:lt Ell) entf~' nf.',it; {udjftl.('rrt t'ntHr...U1~ Hit"'" fkt'lJ ~Jl rrH~t 1t. f,li H1W'"1i\~et l'I~i\"''' ll,'ftdl,'t ,\jj ,\un.. \\t,Kh '-\\\uh,i <br />~ t~ JiJ(' iHukt tRJ:<lo l~d.d l'l,~-\!. lh", '-i1te ....ltJ r.~HI.~' ~i.\.jr'!lj;t .i:>\.lt:un.: ,'\d"'-,lncl'~ ,! ,-11,,\ t~;hi !,,\ ,t<.....\.t~r:llh.,ll 1><.,';';\Hf~~J, <br /> <br /> <br />~gBi~;:t;1j:;::f~:~;~ lih~:~~::;i~::::{:~~~i;X0~;;~r ,T~i~'~:;~;f:~::,j::~'~:~:T::~,:,;:~;:":::,:~:::,:i~:j;:~~~::;:)~:;A~\:i~<,~~ <br /> <br />n~~u-f"f tn ~1i.~H.' tNJ$:' H~~ iH.:-n 'L{ fh.'!. P.K1o.l ~,i I p"q I ,rih~r{''''~ d,;(" j'~"!'<f1~ ,11HJ ~\;'P,'....~q', ,..~h~A!t.'n \;, 1'''(\ <br /> <br />