<br />r
<br />I
<br />
<br />83''''''005539
<br />
<br />UNIFORM. COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcnder covenant and agree a~ follows:
<br />
<br />1. Paym~nl of Pri....ipal and Interesl. norrower ,h"t1 promptly pay when due lhe principal of and interest on the
<br />indchtcdnc","-"i eVidenced by the Note, prepayment and hue charge:;. as provldelJ in the Note. and the princ-ipal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by Ihi'\ Deed of T flI~L
<br />1. F..... f.... Tn... and I_e~, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower sballpay
<br />to Lender ~)n the day monthly ins.tallment.... of prmclpd..lllud interest are payable uuder the No'c. until-the. ~ote__is,paid:in-.fult
<br />a sum ~heretn "'FuntW'} equal to (lne~twclfth of Ihe ycurJy taxes and assessments -which may attain priority '-over' -.this
<br />l)eed of Trust,_ and ground rent~ on ~hc Property,.if any_.-pius ,"'nt.:Awelhh of yearly premium ins-taUm~nts for haza~'in.:mrancej
<br />plus .onC:~,lWcJtth of yearly premwm tnstallments for Olort~a.ge in:\iuranC'c. jf any. ;'ill as. reasonably-estImated initially and from
<br />time to t-lmc by Lender on- the- ba,is of a\iC'~'iSmenls and b:!li'i and reason-able es.timates thereof.
<br />Tbe Funds ~haU be, held fn an instirution the deposits or accounts of -which- are insured Of guarant-eed by n Federal-or
<br />'\1ate agency (jncluding 1,ender if Lender i... ,uch an instituuooJ, _ l~nder shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessnientS~
<br />,"...urd~CC premiums and gn)und rents. Lender ma>' not charge for so hotdlllg and applying the Fnnds~ analY-li~g_said_,_~t.-_
<br />Of "c.-n[-ying and c-omplftng s.aid a"ieS5ments and !>-ilts, unlcs.s Lender pays Borrower interest -on the Funds and applicableJaw
<br />pcrm1l5 Lender 10 make- ~uch ;~ chaf~e. Bc.:;,rr("lwer Jnd l.ender may agree Ul wdting at the time- of execution_. of this
<br />Deed I'll Tru\!;l th.~t imcfe:\t on rhe FunJ-.~ ...hall he p:~ud 10 BOrrtlwer. and unless: such agrecmeOl is- made or applicable-,law
<br />require... such interest h:'!- fK:: p~id. Lender shaH n~}l be f(~-qulre:d to PitY Bt)rro~er .any inter~f or earnin~ on the Funds.. Len~r
<br />~haH givt:' to Borrm1(cr. wHho--ut .;:harg-e, an ~nnual a..:countItlg of the Frlnds ...howmg -credllS and debits 10 the Funds and_- the
<br />purpooe for wblch each debt; '" the Fund, wa' ma,k, The Fund. are pledged as addit.ional security for the sums secured
<br />hv this Dt:ed of THat
<br />if the amount nf the Fund... held 0\ Lender, tf}gelher v.tlh tht hnure monthly ins:talinlCnts of Fund.. payable prior:, to
<br />the Ju(' da.-h~'\ 01 ta,e". ~nllc\"..menh. inSurance p-f1:nuum.. ;:mJ ground re-nts, ~hiiH e\-c~etl the amount requir~ to pay said Ui."I:CS.
<br />,i_\SCSSments. ins.uram:'t.~ pfcmlun~ ,md gn.tmd n.~m' ~!-. Ih;:~ kl! dul;', "'\..l~h C-\~<l~~ ...hali he, at lk"'l1'rower's option. either
<br />promptl)' repaid ;0 Bormwa llf ~rcdil:~d 1<-" Bj)fft.1W~~r Ml nwnthlv Illstallment'\. nf Fund'!-. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd by l.tnt.kr ..h..it no! be ~\lHkt~lH h~ pay j;i-';.-.;'\, ~H-"'C:-.'\.mcnIS. m,ur~m~e premiums: and grQund rents as they faU due.
<br />Borww-er "h.1I1 pay h~ l.ender dfH- am..-mat fl{.....-e\'iuf) l{l nu.lc ;IP ih~~ ddl,,-'~enC\' \Adthm .'0 d<!\''I) from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lenckr to Horr(n\-'Cr requestmg paymem ihcrcot
<br />CPt)" p.a:Vrm.'nt in luU of aU :\urn<: "t'l.:mc-d h thiS Dt,\....l ~)t I'rll-q. I ...ndt~r :-.h,lli pr'Jmpflv rdund to Borrov.'Cr any Funds
<br />held ~y 1 c-mkr It llOOer para~f.trh j;-l hnn~f !h\~ Prnpt'fH " ,,-(lid d th..' Pwpcrl\ !"o ~lthCn\'I"C Ill.'quircd by Lender. Lender
<br />sh;aH :.pph. nCl taler than nnmedlatCl\ rH~;-! to' 1i~,,' 'uk' O! dli:' Pw~w:ny \If Ib ~ldp!i"'IH\J1I j-\y I.cndcr. any Funds held by
<br />L(,flder- at tht' tint(: i.l{ app1katuyn .:!& Ll ;:r<,dt! ag;nnst :n!' "unh ,,~...:ur...'d h fh!~ lx.'oe-.i ~)f rrUSL
<br />J. i\JItIIIk.tiaa of P.~'mrnR~ t:nk~"" ,lpph":'<.lr1k :.,'.\, rrt'l\,llk'< :'th~f\~;~{," .lll payment" rc..:ci\'cd by Lender under the
<br />'ole ;tnd p.u;jguph, I ,Hid': rh..t<:\..,i ...h~ili t-e :Jppht'tl f'\ i l'fhi'l'f n:-",( in f'3',,-fll<.:T\l ill :Hll{'lUi:!.!I- ~1Jyabie 1<,1- Lender by Borrower
<br />under par.!graph ~ het~lt. then h'l lflt~fl,.""~ p,j\abic- ..)-n lh~. :"q-,;t~ :ilcn \_, lhi.: pI:l1l.:lp.J1 n! ih~ ~(He. and !hen 10 interest and
<br />pnm::lpal on aH~- Future ,Advan\."O
<br />.t. (.~-: I.klD. B..rtU"'H'r ..t':ii; ;;...1\ !j"C", .\~_",~""nh.'111... .Hh1 ,;Ihn ..narg~"-_ tine.. ;:nl.llmf'\~lth.--'n-s ;ltttibutahle to
<br />the Propcf1)' whiCh mOl; ;dll1lU ;t prIOr-It., ;,-.,'(; thrOl, ()..;.'("-d II! I :ust, :lnd j'_'.n,e!1..lld payments ~')r ground rents, if any. in the
<br />manner pnntKkU ufllkr para~H~ph .:: b:rCOf .,1"_ it lWf r.;thi 1'1 "-lh..h .H,Hiner. r.'; R.1.f:"\l.....t.r m.d,lOg p>tymenL when due. directly
<br />It' the p:;t~'ce IMre..t H-..)!mwJ:~ "h"Jj f':i(;-mpd\ 1H!,H-.11 1.1 I ~'nJ\'! ,Ill :'~~!H'~.'-., d ..mpunh title under (hi" paragraph. and in the
<br />\:'\'(':ot BOffO~"-er shaH m~\.e P-,t}tlH'nl dH('~lh, Bdlfl~\H<! '-.tuil 11;,)mrth i:~rn!\.h I;' I <':-lh.kr It'(,(:I{lilli !,~vht~n(mg sHch p"yment~,
<br />>>Of.?(lWcr '!IhaH pr{'l-mpn~ d~\i:h:lr~~ an.. ill':l li\. hi,.-!; j, ,... pi ,\~! ,t., i h:er..i ,>1 11 ;l,*-!. f'.,l\ !dl::d. :h:.tt Rorrllwer '\hall not he
<br />rc,,~' rr-d fp ~~l~'~!;{r~(' ,H~\ "dh'h \.:.-)\ h~n!<~ .t-- R,l.;"",-...'f \h.lP ,~,,';\:": :'~ ,\ilh:1L: ,,-. th{' p.l;-uh.'nl ,.t the ,'hilgJtlf..\O s-t!curcd by
<br />....ii(:h lie-n W d ma.nuef ~..c:cf'tat..l-t' t;, j ~'r;dct .h,d] ,I; ~,-_,(,d ;,i ~~; ._,'n:~ '-1 i';;i; h... "I ,h..tend !'~HI1'r..<:rncnf I,lf 'HKh hen In,
<br />
<br />!("gat fr~1i:::r,=:;peu:~~ r~~~ ~'/:;-I{:!\l ~{'e~\:~l~:":~:'~~\ll::~:'nH'l:/~\' ''A'~ ~ ~':,,/.~:~I~:: t~,~'r l:~t !~;c ~..!::~;~l :'~l :'~t: ~'~;~l:::;l~o \~~:~~~
<br />
<br />;l~illn...t lp\~ h\ hre fut_Jt\h ~~:,,~;ilkJ ~jlt;~o n.' !,,'H~i ':\l,-',!ik~! ,-,'H'f.',,"'t: :h,t: ,1!h;;! tUi_Mlh ;$' ll:n\kr ma~' fe-quire
<br />.tlKi.n 'ltu-ch Ul\Otlfih .:.nd t{H \c;-..:.h i-"c';~<C'" ,,'.!' '1St'; .'!, ."h~,} '~',i! 1","f~J"1 ,tuH nof requlft.' that the nnlouot (\,
<br />,"~h -;':~__'1vc-ra~N' C\...--ccJ tt-;,\t !!l-rh-"\HP \tt c1''.~r,t!";,: '-",'",~:d..:C 'I' ;',j\ ~-..' "..'~~'. ...,,-,:;~~~l j,< no-\. n;:(~t (\( lr,I<;'1
<br />1nt' ins~lr:an-.;:.;' ...:.nf1er pl(';-\,hnt' th.:: Ii!"Jd...n,,~' ".!;~H hi' ,,~"'v..T h_. lk'~f,'''''\'! ~;~h~~''-.; k 4PP""'.I1 h\' {l.'HUC( pHwideJ.
<br />that 'toUCh .PPfO\'-a! $ball fll,lt ~, tmre.H~q"H\ \~ :thttl::l~~ \., ;~j'cn<; r~'- ,)1) ,1~"U!,J<!d' p..\il~li:'\ ,hail h-.... pauJ Il1 tn..... manner
<br />p1'o\'tdcd unde:- p;lI&Jfil-ptl : hClc\',t.H j~ ;",~ r~j,j .1' ~1h.h .t;,lnn-t"f k-1.'t!~''''''!.'f ','.u..m!( p.;1~lne-!H, ,,:,'hen due. directly to the
<br />I fiUjram.~ c-.arner
<br />AU fn5Uf#OCC fX,b.;IC~ Mui f(:nO;;....~l'l'i. t,,-cn:.,: ,,-h~;i r~-,
<br />..t~UK In ~.3\'{lf of and In ~;"nll k" ! ,,', '.h::-
<br />;"nd 8or-r-(1~-c-r \haU p-hJmp.O~ :.' i .;-n,k; n:
<br />Sorto-'Ao'el' shalj ~,\'(' pr_:nnp-t n-;,Y,;':,~ ~" U', -!~'H_'" ~;:.:.,,-' ,
<br />by lkirtt'J\t..-e:t
<br />Cnki.'\ Lt'-n.:k-. ~n-ti B<~f~'\\c""~ ,,!he:~"'\~ -ii~;~'''' 1'0 ;,.~;Ot _'_.:{:.i.. ',.!;.~L tx. ,,-Vpbl:J !,. rJ;'Iht-r~ttpn (II repair of
<br />the Pt\.~rty damJ.g~\t Ptl:.~"ht{'d ~u\.-~' ;e"""i'fo,l~l'" j " ,~,,f,;,- "d !~,-: "~...11;H',, U! tt'!!., {)",~d lIt lrwa ,"-
<br />n01 thcR-b)' lnlpiilre\l. }~ "-U..f-l !'t'""tnr:tI;i.H\ '~:~'vl-,; ," ;1..t ~:;. h_,j.\jt..h.." ,ie..' ",~~lH,n .11 H'n, n~'1.-'-d ~~f Inti! '\\-,,:mid
<br />tlC tmpatr-e-d, i_t'te m",uc;.t!i...-c p"....C1."U.. ..Il.(ll 1'" .1:;~li,~,.; ;.' + , ,1;,",1 1'. ~~ I ),__cd ,'1 t :u,t. "''''w th..' I,.'\"e-,'I. d "/1:~-. p.ud
<br />ro llorf'o\\'cf If lht" Pn"-pefi~ 10. ,1t--..ll.J"n-ttJ hi a<.'fl~,~{'r l! li"::",,~<r !. ,':\ ;;' :,..~rh'i;d ". l ~l\Jer "'\llh-m _HI d,lV-. from thi:
<br />date tK.'ltu.:c 1~ nlallt:..i tn' LL'ndct h~ (k'Hu\oO.t'! \;'.11 :ht' ,i;"l~.~"-..C: ,.l!;iOCf ,,1'0" !..-' \!;'lll.; " ,uml 1,'1' Ir."\H~nl.C' ht~ncfih. (codcr
<br />pj. autht),flLl"d t('1 (:t'!l~' ..:Hid ",ppi)' the If'\tlljn,~'t' ;";'''-t,'.-:..i~ .;1 I ~!.,lti." \ ,';)1'-"11 ,'1!:tCf ," ',>!i'f,I!I\'H .'f ~cp.ajr I\t thc J)ropcn\
<br />(,r 10 (be lum~ !r\:urt':d h\' fhl~ lkc,d ,.f J n.ht
<br />Unltst Lc:ndc.r and BOfr{~wef n!he~~IM' ..~fC-C 1 Yo'd,lill .Ii'\ ",h h .JppJIl._.1t"ln .,' jlfl.~,-",'''',.h h' pnn...:lpa! \kdl not l'\,tC'no
<br />,,)1' ~tpone .he ,illC'. d.oale oJ! the fn"mlhh Hh!al!rnl.:'lll_\; !C~;':l,t',~ :,' ,~., r.u.1pafln' j ,jJ\\.! ~ hac\'''l ,.f .:hange the _amount ,'I
<br />~UiCh tnstaUmt'nts, U under f'ar-411aph i'" h<'ft'~'! Ihc t}!~,pt.ft\ ,.~\.~UlfCd t'>\ Il..'nl!t>f. ,di rl~h{ 11th: ~nd lnlerlt'lot ot &"'lrrowrr
<br />tI\ and 10 an" Ifi,.utan..~ p..1-bi,:j~ .imt ,t) ,i'-;'.J. k' !hl..' .'t,>-,;t:eJ.~ In\''fl.'.,: ;-hultmg !tc'n! uam;j~'(' !{\ lhe I>:nr,,:rt\ pnnr It' the ~dc
<br />l1f M:ifiiii-ffiv-., ~";-.;H r..a"" h-; !'!;!~j~f h~ !~~ n l('l1t ,,1 H1-'." ~\HH'I ...,:-...Utcu h lh-;:'i. lA."\:'u...H I ru<,.t umncdt..ttci\' pnor If' ..uch """,it ~H
<br />acquisitIOn.
<br />... ~~___ iiii4 :-:.:.=-._.. ;::! !'~}~ t--!'~~_ ~~: (--nndo__WIIb-: Plan.Drd l-att I~TrioptMoltb. BorwwC'f
<br />..hlUl keep lhe Prt-'PCft'\' m i')(.~ repal( .;jl'l-U shah n<.'~ ,,"'f'fHHit '" .Hi..' ~'~-' p'~-f~H>1 lrnp~:H fl1t':iI! l'l ._klCI ;PC;;!hH! nt the rr(;pcrh
<br />4M ihaU comply with the prt.lljq~,n.\fb 01 clfi)' k.nc :f th~s. [)ced ,.t r i uC\.r ,.... "Hl 4 iCii:'loehotJ 111hl;.. Deed ..'\( rfH~t 1'" !.'H1 a UOtl III ;:l
<br />coftdorninium or ll_planned unit de....C~(lr~'l1CtH, Ek'lrn'.'("t o;.n-3lt pred":>Pli ,1H {If Borrnwcf s nhhgahoo\ und('r It.c d~darafi('ln
<br />{.'tf ~ -en'aun. Of tL-~mn, [be ;.:orM.:k"nlD1Um 1..";" p!..ttt~ LHHt de"..etoprne-ol, the: h:---iaw\ ..oJ re~ul:ttl(ln~ (ll .he
<br />C~1ftttun Of ~ umt de-\-"ek~. and ,.~nn~-Htuent ~h:~uU\(:nh, , H ,t ~:l"'IHklfnHlHJm ~Il r-(annt'd !JOH d>:~'(I\lpmcnl
<br />rider t5 nocuted h," ~--er "Nt r('~cnkd to-lJ:C'lher ..'nh 1hi~ ~ci ~tt Ifu~t, the t:,""CfMnb Mid .U!.feemefH~ {If !ouch rider
<br />!hall be ~~ IDt9 And "halt a~ and suPf'4--r-mcnt fhe c\.'.\-~niHH" ,mJ agr<<ments 'It thrs Deed ;:\1 rni'!-f as. If th.! nder
<br />wen> a put bomlof.
<br />1.. '~ef t~ Senn1ty. If Born'Jlo'c-f !ail!, {", ~'lo(:rk'rm Hit" ':~.}\-i:'nanl$ ~ntl a~rcemenh I..'t.-,--ntatn-cd in fhi\
<br />~ of Trust.. 01 it' auy KllOfl. or pn'lCredm! t~ ~ummCf'k,:ed \ionk.':h rH_:Hcnalh' :dkct\ Lender'" iotCTC"'it I.H the Pn.'\pert't..,
<br />JKt.-udint. hut nul timillct 1(1. t:mment dotn41O. H\JCtl\'etR:}. eNle e-ninn,-rmetH, (\f arnna<'ment\ Hf pt'(,cff(ttnlt'- H'IvohHng a
<br />baAknIpt or Gecedeat. then leAd<< at l.ender') OplK'!fi. UfX.~ nt.ltl\:e h.'1 lk\ft(tWcr. ma)' male: ~uch a.PP'C'afan\.'\t\. dl'\\'HU~ Mh,:h
<br />sums &ad take tUd1 adroo a$- l5c ~ \0 prmecl l.t::.ndcr" lnterot, tocludmg. hut nl"!l hm\ted h~, ..hd'ur""('H\Cnt (,t
<br />~ &tlomCy'i fea. and entry upon the Property hl fn.;lKC rt'paif~ If Lender reqUlr'ed m4,"Irtg-3Kt: m'.turam.:e ;.1"- a
<br />cnoditioft of nakiq the' loaA ,K-cu.red b\ tho" l)ced of T nl:$L 1:K'lfT~"er \haH ray the- ptcfmum"\ <<:4utrf"d 10 nHutt1Am ~uch
<br />~ m eio;;t I,tOUl tudl tm. ." the roqul.~meni tor :!loch i!lWUlh:;c tct1nlfi/.1,lo. j{\ .\':-I.'oru,;UK'-e wan 8ofTu'ol.'cr\ iol0d
<br />t~. wnuco.'. . a":.=i<ab!e la,. Il<>rr""et shall. pta) the anKlUi1.t oi d!l a'X'lftgage tn"unu.k:'c pi(,fl\mOl\ .:n rtlt:.
<br />_~...... 2~
<br />AIn amcatIIb - by 1.eDdC't' purtUllnt to thl' paUlttf3pft 7, ~ .th mt('fa.l tMreon, ",hail hc<\)n'~ adduh.mai
<br />U'1.....~ 01 ~ ~ ~\. t~i4 Deed (....1 lrw.L Cnleu BOfttlWCf' and l.ender .a.t:ree lO othc-r,h:rnl'$. of payment. ~~h
<br />~... __ paY\1ble tlpOfl notp;e trlmt LJtmier h' &",n,,'n:r tt'J.tuC'\11ng pA~tncnl !h-c~."\L J.t10 ,naB rx-iH HHer~( fr\"lfl\ lht
<br />""* tiC.. !~ at the ta. p:;.yable.- hma t~. h) time ('In oUhtitmhnll pnfh.-'p-ai I.mdc:-t tn,; S~"!e UOtci! pa)'fm:-nt o! illtcre\t
<br />., ~__'* ~ be ~.ty t{l ~aNe Itl_, m wth'dl event 'tu<:h amount'\. ~hAH ~-M mtt'~t at i~ tu,he$t rAte
<br />~ UItdu-~ UtW, Not-IDnt c;imta'm.:.d trJ: t.htS- ~1agtj\ph. 1 "h.;\li 'i'qm,c- l.cndcf' to IfH..i,JT an~ ~~\pt'nM or Ulke
<br />""'~~,
<br />I.- ~_ t fAdef- m." matt t1f' i;'~Htwt tf\ ~'m,* !'t'.-..n-ahk f:l'lttte'\ HJ'l()..n ~H1d :;1l....i\lt('tl4:W1~ (.t .h~ Pt-n~rtv_ prnvi..h;d
<br />~~~~~~t'r~Ct' ntlt,W:cr ptH_W to any 'VKD l1"".$pt'tt_tll\tf1 !\;~~(hHl~ rt':t.\-(~nahk ;.~au'J..C l!ic1el.H H'i;ltt'd h\ 1 <:fH,kr',!>
<br />
<br />,,'_J~,
<br />
<br />l '.-,-- d....f ,.n.,S "h.d. ,n.. \;;dt' .J. ~t,1n-Jard mongage
<br />,.- "",~: (,-- h','l..! ~h~' {Whd~" .tnd rcncw,ii, thereof.
<br />i" ~nwim" In the: t:vcnt tlt" 10..,..
<br />~"..'\~"i 111 !~~-V\ .; n...: rnade promptly
<br />
<br />"'<"i';d!""::
<br />
<br />
<br />