<br />r
<br />I
<br />
<br />83-::~' 005522
<br />
<br />19. Acceleration; Foredosure; Other Reruedies, Ex.eept as provided in paragraph,25 (Transfer of the Property;
<br />AS6umption)~ up_on BOr'.fower's breach of- any covenant or agreement of Borrower in this Deed of Trust, or upon,any
<br />d-elault in a pdor: Hen upon the' ProJW!rty, at I...ender's option.-all of the sums secured b~' this_ Deed of'Trus-t shall,he
<br />im-mediately- due and payab~e-(Aecei"0r03tion). To-exercise this option~ Lender m.ay.invoke the power of sale and .any
<br />Qt-her remedies permitted b)-'" Jaw. L~nder tihaU be entitled to.coHeet aU reasonahle costs. and _expenses in~uri'ed in
<br />
<br />puri~t~:::ri~~:~~~~h~o;~~~~ ~f ~~i:~t:~d~trzh~ii'~h~~A~f~~~~~i~~ It~~e:si~~~f~::~e.::~~~~~T~~:f:::h81l giv~
<br />5ueh notiCe to -Borrower of BQrrowel"g ri~htN as is pl't>vided by law. Tru-stee shan reeord s copy- of suC!h -notice as
<br />t'~uired by law, Trustee shall advertise thl~ time and place of the sale of the Pro~rty.-fol" not less than-fmil" weeks-in'a-
<br />newspaper of general circulation in t'-aeh ('ou-nty in whjt~h th~ Propt.'l-rty-is situated. and shall mail copies of such notice-'
<br />o! sale tu- Borrower and other penons- as pre~cribed by law. Aft-er the lapse of such time as may be requ.il"ed- by-JA.wj.
<br />Trustee. without demand on 8orrower, shaH ~eU th(' Pro,pel'ty at public auction to-the- highest- bidder fot' cash at the.
<br />time- .and-plat@ (which may he on .the P-r-oJ>erty or any part tlurreof Q:R per,mittM bS taw) in one'or more parcels as
<br />'lrustee ma~-" t-hink bes.t and in such (trder as 'Trustee may detl'rmine. Lende_r or Lender!s design-ee may purchase-the
<br />.Ptopertji at any sale. It 8haH- not b.e obli~tQry upon the purchas:er at. an)' ~uch sale to see to the application of the
<br />purchase- mone}~<
<br />Tru5tee- shall apply the procet.>ds of the sale in the following order: (a) to- aU reasonable costs- and expenses of the
<br />"al~. including, hut not limited to, reaso-nabltl< Trust-t'ie'~ and aUorney's fees and co~ts or title evidence: (b) to- aU sums
<br />.secured by this Deed of Trust:; and (dthe l~xceS5, if an;.. to t.he peraon Qr persons leg.ally entitled thereto_.
<br />20. BorrowPT''$ Right to f'ur(' IJt>.fa;uiL Whent'ver f-l.lr-edosurt.\ i~ ("omh1t*nr-ed for nonpayment of n.n)~ sums due
<br />herf'under, the nwne-rg {of the Pr()perty or rHlrtit's habit'" hen~on shall be (-'ntitled to ('ur~ sltid defaults by paying all
<br />de-linquent pnnclpal and interest IHl~mt.mt-t\ due as of the dat~ of I.'un:,~ ('oSL... expen:oes.. late charges. attorney's fees
<br />and other- fE'e-s all in tht! manner-proVided by iRW. (.:I-,on such payment. this Deed of TY\1$t and the.ohHgations secured
<br />hel'eb~" ~haU r-emam in full fof'f.'t"_ and i~ff-f...(.t as though no A('('t"iel'ation had oeeurred. and the foredosul"e proceedings
<br />s.haH he diR..:'on-tinu(-Id.
<br />2t. A~~lgrunE"nt of Rf'nbl: Ap-pointme-tlt (If Rt"t'ci-vt'r; Le-nd~r in Possession. As additinnal security hereunder,
<br />BorrtlVo!t'-r tWTC'hy :ts~ign:'l; 10 L",nder dw l'tmts of t tH~ Prnp._'rty; h~~we\"e.r. BOrr(lW~l' :'thall. prior to Aeceleration under
<br />par-a$trnp-h IH tA('.:+eleratton; ftrn'('losuTt>: Otht.f' Reme-di"'~1 or litaantJonmt'nt M tht:' Properly, have the right to collect
<br />and Te>.tai-n such r~nts as lhfl'\' ht'l'Omt' dut." Hnd o3.vablt..
<br />L~md~f' I)r the h~ldt~r of ill(" -rnlsl~.t"~ t't'rtin;nt~ ot pun'hai<i! ~hftU bt' t-'nttl1t.u t\) ~ rt'I;"t"I\'t'!' [{lor the PTo-pert~.. after
<br />'~{'("t>I(>fation under p-lfraRrn,h 19 \Al'c-e1f"rutum: Fllrt'el\)~:--tre-: Ot her Rt'!nedie..." and shall n150 be so ~ntitle-d during the
<br />tlm.~ t.'o\"t-.rf-rl by fm't<do:!lur... pr()C'et:'dw~~ and th...~ f)t"rHk-i (If rl.'dNnptton, If an:y-: and $haU be l?ntitJed. thereto a@lanratter
<br />uf n~ht without r~Jorlird t,) th~ ~'I!Vt'lh'Y ,it' In~{)IY('n("y ~tf Ht-,rr(lw~r nr "i th", ttH.'n OWnE'T of the Pr-operty. a_nd without
<br />n~~ard to tfw '.-'!;'hh1 thi"rt'of. Sud. n'('1'l'\-t'r nUl)' be apptHllh-d hy uny '-.......un "f ('mnpt:>tPllt jurisdiclion upon ex parte
<br />aPPui;'titlon and Wlt hvut notH'\." niltl~'e be-i'Hr hPTf.'hy i'xpTt'~!\ly wiUved,
<br />['l'l;Jrl At'dt'r~tion ander para~ru.ph ift !Ae('{'l.t'~~nwn; r\H'e-dttsuft~; Ottwr Rt'medie~~ t>r abandonment of_ the
<br />f'r.}p.t'rty. Lt'ud--..r, HI pt-.rst'lO. l.lY u~~~nt or hy JiHiH'HlUy-atJPOH'ltt'll .f'i't'iver.. :ihail b~ pnut!c..d to enter upon. ta~e-
<br />p.,H"IH~~,.h'" Hi and nH\na~t! ttw PT!~r-li~rlY Hnd to I.'nilt'd tht-' rf'nts of th~.. Pr,)pt'rty .nduJmR those pa$t due. An r~nts
<br />('(lih'~'h.d hy Lt>nd.',. Hr tta' r'P('t'IH'r ~huH tw appht>d. fn.~L 10 fH:lymt'flt ._H the- ('o:(t~ of prt"~t':f"auOn and mi\nl;l,gement of
<br />:~!l~~ ~}h:r~-"~c~:~.;~~!;~:~i ;>~ Fi:bh:t't~t:{.1:~:~!~~J::~t:11;'1r;,~Tt ~~~:;~:.~~ls ~~~~;il~~~~;r:\\?:'d.~~'('ur{>d by thu, D~d (jf Trul't. Lender
<br />
<br />:,;......;. !It.Jt.ll,...... t 'pHtI pavm~nt. l!r ~~H !oUln!'i ._~t';:-!lr(,d hy t !11;; Pl'>.'d of Tru:-:.l. L~'nder ~htt.!l nl.ll~t. lru!lte-e to relt"usp this
<br />Ih,.-(>(i nf Tnat UJlll ::;haiJ prHdU1..,t._ f~'r Tfii!'l.tt'e t;w :\ot't:'< Horrnw..r .:-;hali JUt)' alll'uM,(ol (.f ft'l"l..lrdatwn .Rnd, "hall pay the
<br />-"taLuhH"1.' T'rtl~t..~':o, fl'-t>-~. if LtHII1er ~haH flllt prudUl't' triP ~nt-t. a~ :ift,n"Hud. tht'll Lt.ndcr, upon tlotH-"(o.ln Cll'C'ortlarlce
<br />with JUi.}"~tot'r:1ph }i; 'Xutln'! fr._.m Hnt rli-Wt~r h. Ll.tHtt>~\ -,,,hall ..hlaHl at I~,.tHh>r'.., t'~p{'ns.t.. and filt'. uny !u~t in1l.f.rUOlt'nt
<br />
<br />b"f1{~:~~~!~r~~t;;fT~:~::.l;~~)~'\~I;:~~' t n:~.;'~/~~.~:~~':.::'~~:~~:~.l'~~;~,t._:~\:\[t;.t::h;' l~,tf t :~\t~~:,~7:!;:r ~)~l~t~llr pt lwr ..xemptwn in t.h~
<br />P:'ulwrt\, -"Hlrl~t ,.t~h' vr f.>-d,'rO\! laW lil't.:o.C'!lUy c'Hsllt-..-:: 0: lwrt'rtftt'r ,'nal'lt,ti
<br />:!t, j.:~~-:-rt)w FUfais f..r Ta'tC";o;. It'l.' ttnlunUl-(.~. Th-i,,- Jllu'ul'ruJ1h:!--i l~ !hH ,'iJlplw<'hlt' If FundI" :,~ tlt"flllt."d hi~lfl"" un-
<br />f>t'HIK' pliJd pur"u:.nl t-o i\ prm-t' "'rH:tin1hrann~_ ~HhJt>-t't 1" ilppJh~nhl.v law. H-nrrHWt'r ~tHdi pay tu Lt;ll.t1t'f tm t'ai.~h dny
<br />1 nstalhm.nh- of prirlt:lpat 11 tHt !I\h'~t.~! an' pa~' ill'll.' und~>f t tw ~.~h'. dntll t hi' \ott. l~ Italti HI fuii. 4 ;.:um d\t'F't.'ln rl;'ft'rred
<br />:u as .. f'ond~"~ t-quai l,p r:, :-1 .,j f lit, YPi1t!\~ tint'''' and ti~"';f''''l''mt>nt~ whlt'h m~lY at t.un prIority UYt"r
<br />1 hl;J!, l~d of Tru~t. piu!' ~1 "f 'd'ady pf,'mHI.[fi 'f:"t~tim't'nLf' f(,t' l'r"l','rl" f 11:,<\lratwt.'. all u,,, n'n.
<br />..uru..hh F"urn:t.t,-'\i :tHtlaih ;:"Hi (r-OIH t'm..' 1" '~tJi!' ki. !.\"Hl,.I- ":: ; hI' l':J:'"I,,- 'If ll.:'<"~:-"I!h'fll~ and hdls lllH1 n.a:;:OfHlhlt!
<br />~'~!lma'tt.'-~ tht'i'~'{,,{, takulJo( ~'nll-' ;:,c{'uunt ~Hi\" ~'X('''':'l.t'\ F~HHi,,, lwt u:s,~d ilr ~hort~J('i1'~
<br />nw pnnclp.al HI ~h~ F~tnd:" shaH hI' ht:id -Tn ... ~t'varaH' ;ii.t.....-.;mnl hy rht." L~ni,tt'r t.n 1nl:o;t f<:'f th... ht"nt'flt Hf t.he
<br />l!tH"rPWPr- and dt>po~t.,oJ m an Hl~tltutlU" tht~ .1"'lltii<-lt~ n! .u'\.'onnt:i pI' Whlf'h :lh' lHSUTi'd nI" 1:U3.1'UOtt'..J hy u f~dp-rai or
<br />.;thH€ :t-Jn!'HC}', L~nd.~t ~ball ap:.f.;::r th~ Fun~h-.'-.. pay ~nl-a t:l'l:t:":", .t":o<~'1",,,mt>llb iill.\i H1~Ur-ZofH'(.~ pr-t"mium~. Lt"nder mHY l\l.Jt
<br />2h.s.fie't.' fur sv huhhng and &pp-lYH1~ 1 Ht> F<ltl<.1lL _a.nalY!:lnJo;:' ~atd .....:..j>U!it ,,1' "i'nfY:TiJ;:' U.HI! {'unlpdu}1t ~~ud Jis"...""smeIHs. and
<br />i>rUl'. LI:~fjde-t' ,.hall !H.t Lot' !'>\JUln.d to ]14;" HO,"f"llw.<r ~n\' ,nh'rt.",t "t V-arr:H1k"" !l~, tht, Ftlnd:i<, L~.t1dC:c'r !-lhall ~i\.,. t\)
<br />Hur-ro\\'f>r. \n{h~'Ul d'Hl-l"!zr_. .:t.H JdHHHj,j a\t:I.'HHUn!{;,;1 ,!,-,~. F,lIHb ~hO""-H'M ~r.:.tiHs ,HId d.'hits h. tht, Fund:- and 1he
<br />p-Ufl-.kH~t" for whi('h t_'~t'h <lt~t..;t !" th,~ F'IfHit. wa", ~'utdt.' Tht, F\"rgi.... hl"\' plt:',i~t:";j it;'; ~.\.:iditlltnni ~'-,,,::urlty fur tilt. ~um~
<br />"'f"('Hr....d hy ttU-l' l)..~-<i >Ji Tnn<t
<br />if t hit' anwur;l. nf ~ hi." FIUld" f;~.~tl t',,' I .t-'n.i"f' "fl~H tl,}l h~ ~lffTCH~-flt h, L'~~ ~ ,u,.e::> , ~s:';'t.'~'!nlt:'nts and I.n~UrUH~~'-'
<br />l'n..!tHuln~ a~ tht"'y taU du~. Bnftnw,'r !"hali l~ll>' !'f I_!.:!;.d\-r ;tll\- UlllHunt f~t',-'t'",...a!'~ i.. !llijkt-' up {hp IteiH~H-+IH,'Y wlthln ;~O
<br />.-tlty~ (nHn tht" .hlh' nt~Un' I.~ C',"l-l'H i'; :;-<'-~'..rd"IHT ~\\t!; 1,...r~J{raph 1'., ":'\"u,^t" ~,\' 1,""lHipf in B"t'rtlw~r n'q~h~l<tlnlr
<br />pl!t)'nlt'llt th...n-f.f.
<br />epun f'~)'mt'llt In fulJ Hf ~Ji "":HH!>- M'nlrt-'-t.1t.~ rh,>;. P.~t'.i A Tf'u:-t. L~'lHk" :'IH~li sHuuitalii-:UU,o;;ir n'lund h. Burrowt"t'
<br />:tn)' Fund.s odd b~' Lt.'lItii:t_ jj :lthh-l' !IUl'rt-gnq.'!, E~{A'''n'll'!'t41h'f\, F"tt'("J.~'""un', Uttli.~r Hrmt..ht~~l tbt, Propt>rty l'i :iulti.;;r
<br />~ht. Prol~rt)' t~ utht'f'W1St. Knlt:!,.,..'j h~ L.'mh'f. Lt;ui'h'r ..hall ~ppl), n" :att't' than lmnH'ihittd,\' tJn"r to: hi' ~ll.l~ or ttH>
<br />~';~J:r~~~:~~;~~h~(~..U~:~~'::,~;~,!:ttl.l~j~~~'i.~i~:~:;f~rT;-~1t~~~irs i:r~t. tIny Fmt.h ia-"iti toy Lt'fhh'r MI I rw Urn,. vI' "Pl,i1('~lt\Hl MS a
<br />~s,. "randt'r..t ~h~ Prt}J>t'rtr; .\..~umpthili Thi:' f,'llt'\'-llll€ t'\~'nt_,,- "l..tll ht' r\.f~'l'rt'Ij t.., Ilt'ft>lll as a "Tnillsf~ri': ..\
<br />:l~~;~:~:~' r\t;'~~~:l'~'l.:~~~~;',(~~l~~~;~;\ '::1:' ~: ~~i:nit~:.:;~o~t:t \:~:.~:lf~~..;t~~~~.:';t ::~~~ ~,~l~~.'t ';I~J \.l\~i('!"~'~:~)::l~~ J;t';;t :::~\' t rl:~~.(~rlli~:~~~ ::;:
<br />
<br />l"Quitabl~lln th__ f'ru~rty fur afl~' plln th"ft'Ht ,.f lnh'H'..t tlit'h'UP,..r ;Hl a!(Tt't'rHt"llt ~nu;tulJC ~ pU~St'!;sor...' rl)lhllH
<br />the P'fupeort)' (ur ._n)' portlon t ht'rt:'t..fl, In \'xrt..~:!o t)f t hrt:t" i,;ii yi'ars" ~ut to {... ~lldtJdt'd a_"'-!i TnH!sft'l" .i.n' I i! t ht.. t'f('ItC-WIl
<br />t)( It b,m or t'fl{'umbnUIl'l." 1'tUOOnhnah' to th~'i- lft~i \;f Tru:o<L "111 tfw ,"l't"tttu:_>n of a l'ur:.:ha~t:' lIWllt:.y ;"P('lHHy lfllt.'n.~t f!\r
<br />}w\uwhok} a_l,phalu't"'~._\.r I,Hi} ,it ll'ftn:!l,f~r"hr dt;'YI~~, dl"~!:l't:'nt nr hy <lpt'r<Hwn of t lw law up.r)t\ tilt.' dea.th of k Juint h'nant,
<br />ilt th~ @lecUQf1 of t~elld~r to t ht." t'v~nt vI t'v."n And ,."'__n' Tr:tHsf",r:
<br />ell} RQTn.<wer "hail. uJNn LN1.i..r'~ H,.\tlh;'t>L ,;'I.d'fmt ;nf\<rm~\a'n It'qUltl;,.i !.! t>-rl.d..ltf Lt:'ruft-.r i" ,'\-aluatt' till:'
<br />-i."rt"~lt~"V~thm~,~s HI t!:.......l:"t'!\o;. j"TraH:'>f~'ft.-t'..! :,~h~) '.:'. ,~>~_:~ h~ i~. ~ ~t" ~t"'t'lp,h'n~ t,!. a. Trati~f(-r:..l*~ If it 1It.':,,: loti.fl wt'tt' h.('l~lJ!
<br />
<br />~~=bt~d~~='::;:t~~ii ~,/ ;Oll~~f~:~~ ~~ h~:;:r~:;:~ ~~~~~tl~~d:~H~'; n~~TI)~ ':~;tr tl;"~;l-t\:~~~fll~1 ~tl,'~~- l~ ~:::t~t~~t;I:'lt:H~klll~~1~1~ ~~
<br />
<br />."n -f'i"al i?a;..te H. t h~ "'."~ \,.. O'i-imih;i'" ...",,;;i'i::;~_..~;;. th;:.n ;i.!! ;-;~;m", !i.~...'Un"..1 b_':,' : hi;; ~~~'-i:-ij ..,f 'fr;.i.:'t, at LChllt."i-'::;' optIOn.
<br />mil)' b\.....'Um~ ,tUm~dH'i.H..ly dt1\.l anti $at.y.bl.. t ,. .\i'ce.l"-"rlltHll\ "I.
<br />ib) If lA!ful-vt' t"x~rriM!'li '!oUt'f! '''fltil.H~ tn .-\n't<i...n!llt". L",ndt"t ...ho.l! ~\Vl' rh_,o'pwt-r n",li."I..' .,1 .\u'-~'i".ratlun III lh'.:nnhtfl\.'-t.
<br />With Vafl\.ltrttph 16 iSotH':'t'L Th... nutln~ ~fhiH Inform Burr-nWf.'f 01 tht:' PI!-ht t.. a:Ol'..n III th~ r"H'd.-.:Hlt"l' J-'rvn.'"\'dlt1J:: th~
<br />nt'~;Jiste~ of it. J....t.uh \Jf an)' t.tht>f dd,nu.... 1...1 RHtl.~lWt"f' t.u "-\"t'~ierH\lOn a~d .:<.ai\:'. :o.:udl. n.}lw\.' .,hall lib\... ptu\.'hit:'>>
<br />pet'tud of nvl t~s-" than to. da}'.;l fl'vm thi' ,_h~h' dw nuHt'lo." l!'- ){.V('n ~,lthm whtd} J:h.H'n..'W-I:'J' nln.}' pay Iht:" sums ..l-t~dhr-""I..J
<br />Jue. If llorrow1tr f8lh~. hi vay "!-u-ch sum~ prior In the t<<f'U"8.tiun uf l'lUdl ptoC'lVt,L LelHh-~-r may. without fun h~r rwtlt~l' Ht
<br />d<<,m.and on Bunow,"r~ WH:okt>- iUl~. ft:'m~\ht"~ ~wrlliitt..e~i b}' paragnlph t ~i I.AtTeh:'Yiltion; Fvndoj<,ur-I': Ottwr Ht:'m't'(hl'~ I
<br />
<br />~:::~:;:;l.~:~f~~~ i:~' :~~~~r~~~~~~~h;~~;~~~i:p~1 i ~ t\~~ ~~t~~~)~ ~ ~::~~:;-'~~~: ii'~:~~:~: ftt:~;:I::' i;~l~l~; :1) ,~l:,:~~~i:~~l:':~;;~
<br />
<br />wlltUft !H!ch thirty i3.)~ day.!!'. th~fl L,"n~Jti'r "lli h....... nv further nght to slJt'h .-\{"t't'h~rilUUll.
<br />~(') H * Tr.Mf~-f "i~~Ull and ~h-O-lI:ld L<l'IHi~t not ~J;t'rl'l:!'~ lA'nu~r'~ 'optlOn pursuaHt t-u thu: ptHMlCraph :.!0 t._;
<br />A('t.~i.,'Nn...~ Tra.ntJJ('"hw .tthail t"", ..u.~Q:a:'d to hlS.Yf: auuult>d aU of the 9hH~.th)(l~ <.!" BtirrUWcl undt'f' t hl.~ Ih>t!tl <,.f Tnl..t
<br />~~judntC:..U 1;Um$ \!.fl.~ut~ h-tH"t:>hy wh...t.ht'f ,.,!" hi,t \hr ifl1'ltniftlt'ni (.1vtdent:'itl)!.' ~ll,h n~nn'~M,nl''''''. t'.,lntrad ,.\I' ~f,"llt
<br />
<br />;~~nfur;'fh~i~,~~ ~:;;'~~\~=:~ort~~~~ :~~ ~'h;~~)~;.~=~:J<t>:j~"I~th"-Tr~ill~~' ~!:'~~ ~i;ir~'h'" i4 ~~dn:~:!~;lc~ n t!\t; ~,i ~:~,~\ i,l~ It)l:
<br />HIHf'p'W't!Ir-WHh r-'C':fC'!'r._'~. it) u.id :iliumllt m<:Juding lh~ P&YUlt'Ulor \"tl"uit to Tl'h.n",ft>rt:~ ..f lJndl~bufJl;.~d n~~<r'rn' Futl\l:l t.t!
<br />~:t';::~~:~;~t:~, ~~;~~_. w-u.bt.~1:.it in &-n)' 'i*'liy aht'tttljf Qt dl!tchti-ritfu.r th... H'~n~,'i\'t~r'!< ll1;\bdit~ !-;t'fl't}J1t!l'r {nt- tilt'
<br />!o) S~ld ~.1-df'r lWt-tt,!t>'Ct {9 ^~.'''''f''~-''.h!' UVUll th~'M.'t'urrt'n!.'~'-u( l"uc,h Tr.n~.f.~r tlwu, :'<uhJn:t tUlhl ilb.w~'. Un. IIU"h'
<br />lltet uf . l~ of hlYM:' -lit t~ iH.'t:'etll,.:th'.... of fHlym~nt l'<ut~\.I~nl tt~ tiny ,..f "th~h P\'t:'-nt5. '^ heUwl' "" nOl L(~n-d"r l!.f~d
<br />~tu.i (>>" ~t.tu~U\'. ntJt,..~.Q/ _u(:h fi-.n1J(.,.r-. "'.ulll flo.t ~ Il..u\-ed u \It'~\I~r -of L",n.hn-'" n~ht t" milk.. ~Hf'h .'h_>(.ttNI
<br />~::;~:: l\:.::~= t~;ih:t:~l~~:h~~f~~': ~\: :~~~V:f;!t~t:ch:~i ~t~i':tl~:::r~~'s~~ !t;:~}::t~f!~::!tl~~; :.t:~;~~'l~;f::\~:}~ ;,1 ~~ ::I~; ~ :1:~:~\:
<br />....n'.. t:lt "_.~-il.-v~l uf t~"d.t;* ..~d tt.k\!l
<br />
<br />~ ol)"'~ utl f-v-."J"'JI:P '!lit.,
<br />