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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />83:::';'005522 <br /> <br />C---'--~li <br />l! <br />tl <br />6.- _Prior. Mortgages' and Deeds of 'ft:ust..Charge-13; _Liens~ Borrower !h~U-perfol,'Jn'aU of-Borrower's C?bUg~ti.o~ n <br />tl_Jldet any-prior deed. vol trust- an. d- any oth(u PM. .,01' He.n$.. Borrower shall pay all-taxes. assess.ments and o.ther._~h~rg~8i :: 1,:. <br />fines and impofi-itions attributable to the,,_,Property which may have 'Or attain. ft priority aver t~is Deed_ of.-Tf:us-t1__.a1'1_0, <br />!@:aseho.Jd paymE'_nts or grQund_rents. if any. in the manner set out -in paragraph 24 ~Escrow ,Funds Jor_Taxes. alul: it <br />Insurance) o-r~ ifn-ot-requiTed. t-o be paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment w-hen due. direetl)'" to the- payee 'i <br />thereof. ,D~spite the foregoing, Borrower shall not- be required -to make payments otherwise- required' by: this -'p_ara-~ f' <br />~pb if Borro\V~r. after notice' to. Lender. s.hall in good Caith -contest -such obligation by-~ or defe:nd.enfo:reeJDent o{-$~C'h ; 1 <br />Qbligati-on i~ legal proceedings which operat,e to prevent the' enforcement of the' ohligation or forfeiture- 0.(- the H <br />PrC)'ir;::;.:~~~~ ~~rs~~~~I.'~~f- BorrO-wer shaH ket>p the improvements now existing. .or hereaftef': erected on. the l! <br />Pro-pt"rty jn~ur~ against los-~ .by fire or haz:ards .included '\Ilo1thin th(~ term Hext~~<!ed coverage" in an amount at least I: <br />~~l;i ~~~~"::~;~lP~~~~;~~~~~b~~;~~b;:~':e~ ~~)f~~l~;~;;;:~~ ~ll~t~1~UI:~~I;~\~~ th:llt~ ~~~~:~~~:~;; H <br />In.surs,nre''_ <br />The In.!luranct'' carrier pro\'idintir the iJ1lSUI't\nCe- shaH be qualified to write- Pro.pertY'lnsuranee-',in Colorado 'and :1 <br />shaH be Ch03e'U h)r~ B(lrnl~---er subjert t.o Lend-er's right to T€'jee-t the (~hosen carrier for- reasonable cause. All insuran,ce d <br />policies and. Yf"m.-.wnt.s thereof ~haU include tl .!lotandard murtgage clause in fs.yOI' of Lender, and shaU provide that the (; <br />insuran~ carNer shaH n(ltify Lftnd-er at 1(' ten (10) daY-J5 hefo-r~ ('anreHation-. terminati{Jon.or anl;' material changeoo-f <br />coverage. In~urance polieie.s ~han he fUT_nlshe-d t.o Lendtn. at I}r b~fufe do-siug_ Lender shan have the right- to hold the <br />po-Hcies and rene-waif< thereof. <br />In the event of lo~s. Bor-rQwel" shall $rlvt'- prompt notkt' t() t.he In.surance carrier and Lender, .Lender may make. <br />proof of lQM if not made promptly b~' Borrower, <br />Insurall<'i'" pr~$ ~h-aJlhe applied to re-gt4JTstiun or repair oithe Property damaged. provided sueh restoration <br />or rep-air i!t eeonoMlcaHy ft-iUuhle and the .!!4eeurity of thl!" UE't.~d of Trust i5 nut thereby impaired, H sueh restoration or <br />repair i~ no-I t'\....~mnmit.llUy fi'ilsiltle or if tht>- se-cUftty of ttu:s ne~ti of Trust would h4?' impaired. the insurance proceeds <br />*h..1J h(!- apvli~d to the ~unur; st'it'ul'ed h)" thi~ Deed of With the t"xt'ess. jf any. paid to Borrower_ if the Property is: <br />abandoned by Borrower, or If R-ot'l'tlW~r fails tn n'~p()nd to LeHcl~r within ;{O days from the date notice is-lit"i-ven in <br />~(,-f'-Ordan('e with p:uagraph _H! {Not'h,",:,,' hv I.NIHi(H' to Hlinow~r that the- in~uranee- carrier offers to 8ettle a claim for <br />ms-uran~e ht!'~fih, L~nde.t' 1$ authonzett to coll~.t-t lH)d apply the in-:tur-ance proi':t.~ds. nt Lender's option.. either to <br />rt1"$wrnUOf\ in" -r-.p-aH" oftht> Prt,)perty or to thv ~ttm:i "tH,'ul'l"d by this [)(<eti of Trust. <br />r~fe::::;j ~~~~ ~:~~~-::~t~ ~fir~~~~:~~ {:f ~~~:~~~~~~lj ~~:~:~l~n~;~~~:~,t:.I~~ ~~ lE:~~~~.eF~::d:hf:r ~a;:~~fa~tI:l~~~~~r:~~~ <br /> <br />dutntte tht- -iittlount of !'-eu,en In~taUml?nts, ~()tw'th:'<tatl.iln~ any,hlt1jl herf>lfl In thl~ contrary. if under flnTaJl;faph 19 <br />IA'---Cl"h'f"-lltll,"~ .Fj"rf'dl}~ur\"'. Other Ht:'mt~dit'$l thi.' PropO;'rts !"'- acqwn,,-d hy Lendeor. uH ri~ht, title and interest of <br /> <br />~~:~o;:7~ ~~ ::tt~'~~~~~~:~I~~~~r~~~\:ll\{'lt::~~n~~~l1~_::~:;! ~~~t t~~~':.~t;~~: :~_~.r~h~ r~~~~~il:~:~~:' ti~:-~l~~ tl~~:; ~~O-h~~; <br /> <br />l!nn'lt'diata.~ir priur tl,) ;;\~dl "ah' ()-r 9.1'QuI1i'iitinn, <br />AU uf tht" rt~hb of Rorrow~r a.nd Lt>ndt.'l' h.'rvlmdt'f' with n':-<lk~\qt ~~) immran\~,", ('arrj~Ts. insurant"e polities and <br />msuran~t: vrr~-edl!4 art' ~ubjt'-(-t hJ t h!:' rl~ht'jll tli I1r1Y h-uhh-,. uf it pnnr dN.d of trust wah tP~ped to said insurl.lnt'c <br />.nlf'ri('N. ptlhi"lt'J.'l. and l't(K,"ced.s, <br />S. Prt''Ht"~'''-AH(j-n and Maintt'YUUH"{' {.f Pr-npf:'r-t~ H(lt'n,w':'f' ",!udl kH~p 1 ht, l'rn!lt.'nr III CLlU~j rt'IHUf ;uHf ~hR-llllllt <br />Nunmit IAo'aste- Or' fM*tllllt lmpaum~nt df .i~h~rwr:atwn (.f t ht' l~rHI~rt)' and :-o,hali {'omplY ,"'it h t tw JWovj~lon~ of any ltc'RHt" <br />if ttH~ Vtl-..-d vI' 'll-UJOt I,. 4,lfi fl h'a-:lH.'f\iJld. Burrnwt'r "'.nail l>4:"rfnl'"tJl Hi! ~yf Hon'ow,'!"'" ..,hhJ!aot,n~ Utl.1t"-t' any dt'cdaraliuns. <br />,',':-\'f'UBnt!<!" by. law",-. nll"'$, .,.j- '.It IWf do.'um'-'flt}! ~n'.rnllfi~ l tw U;':'~', "..nH'y...hip ul" '.'\'\'UlHHh'Y ,:If t he Prup\,.rty. <br />i~. f'''rvH''C'twn fit Li.:>!1th'f"" .~t~,-!1r1h' I ( Rurt-(''>\~'r 1-1HI:< i., P"T(~\rlli ! hi' n,"'t'H1:1t1!," ,'Hit. al-~T'l~f'UH'nt1'\ i~I.Hllnint.d in lhi~ <br />Pl.~J Hi l~l'USt. <.'f If Ii <:idaaH on-ur-:<o In II pllnr \l.:t\, ~tr d :.11'. <"',UI.lI ,or pr"':t,,';ht1~ '''- t'ommt.'th,"l.;j Whit'll, mutt'rlftlly <br />afft"{,"h 1..4:"-n-dt-r'jj; H1t-t.'r'f'!l.t In t tw r'fH~rty, t hl-O Ll'n.!t'r, .~t Lt:nlWf "optj(>fL .nth t~t.t!1.';.' t(l Bl'lrn,wto-r \f n~qU1rt"d iJy law. <br />ma'lt l"-uIC'h apfWel-nr.nn....., dlJlbut':<f'" o\Udi ,,,UfHS ;'Hli! tak{. "iu(-h ..dlllH ;-~~ I;. fH.Ct.~~ary ~o l,rnt,-"'t L~ndt'r's lntf'n'st. <br />IndudinJ[, hut nut hmltl:'ii fu, '.illob1H_M.nH-'Ht ,){ n'al'lonahlt., t\~h"l-nt'Y :< ft~~ atHI t'ntrr tl~l(.n t tw Pn'fW'ny h. muke rt.'palrii. <br />Burrowf<'r ht"n-by lil-A$j"f1~ tf' L~nd{~r i\ny rlJ('ht Htl-t'r'Jw~-r mOlY hu\"~ b.\ n'~;:",Hl- ,,1 HH'f pn'.r I'nt..'unthr"nc~~ on the <br />Pf'opt'-tt)' or by lAW ~,t (It hcrw.'i>-t" ll' ~.Yn:' IUl)t dt!fault unt..h.r "l:lu! pnnr l'fH,'umbru.nt"\" <br />\ny aJTnlunhi dl!'iht1rJ',~d t.y Lt:Jld",r pUT~uanl hl'tlu."1- parai:'r~ph l( '.-nth :nh'fl;'st tht'H'vn. ~haH he-t'(H1H': udditlonal <br />q!Jj~htt'ili\"'1"5 HI Bfil'-rnWi.'r' '<.(<CtIH,-.i hr ttll~ i.-(.vd (,fT!"l~t ;--:.\kh ,~n"Hlflt,,: shaH b.- pleva!;\(. OIHlti llotH.... frum L(>ndt>r to <br /> <br />?~~f:d r ~;'~~!~;:~~~jl;\;~}~~~lt~t~;~~~'h::/tr;;~i ;~~~~~~ ~n~~~'~;i:'::~~ ~t<:~ ~ :~';':,1::~;~ ~:~:~,\r :~\I.I~it~\~" ~:~;~t;:,~ll:"fl~~'ll !ll~~i! t::~t~~i;; <br /> <br />L,'nd~'r tu H'tcur any f>XJ.l{'fl!!-~ {'f' ud"," any ~u-thHI jH'I-~L;tJ'h'r <br />Ht in~tH.HL L,'nrl~T n~ft.}' tnak~ n.f '~a\J;.~ h. ~'.. n';juj",. !,._eOt:,>,-,tl-.H-'~"" ~~nt!"H;:-'" upvn .;lnil 'fl=-S~,~-tion vf tht' PnJpt~rlv. <br />pnntdM1 th.t Lendt'r ;<h",U ~\'(~ HotPJwt;'t f1Htln" pnn" ~n tin'\. :'<\h'h ;n.Ji.j~'\-tt'.m 'ip...qf"lni.:' r"n~Hllahle ,'aust:' Ul('r(>I01- <br />.r-*"iat~d t(J l.l'trdt<r'", mtt'l:'f'!.!1\ in t.he Pt-r:<p.t"rt)- <br />1 J Cund-t'-m,nau-c-l~, 'fhi." f~"-o,:'~Jl' ~f ,un)' &.\\ u'l,tj "I 'd..~!l; f:,,' ,la!1laK~''', ,i:rr,-:t ,,~' t'i'n,,"t~lltll'Hllal. In n.nflt"-t'linn with <br />any I.'Hudt'UltHl1-HH. ";1' .;-,th\"'t- tilkuli: ...f U;a- Ft'<.)flot..t:>, ,-,f part UH'r-t'Hf. ,'.1' Jur ,."nVt'}'.Uh:''t;" Hl 111'U Hf ,-ondt.'lHIHtUun. are <br />lwr'l"b,- as"lflftt'U <Hl.a :<hllH 1''1:'' fJJi1.d t., l~~n;ft"t <ie h~:f""H' V,,~-,..-~,-h"d Hvw~\'",f. ~dJ~.f !iw ntrhtfl ,A l:i-ofrowt"t' and I.tendt;'r <br />h~t"('unti..r wH.h rt>Jli:p""('! td ","u,-?h IJH,cl....~i-" i\n~ :--HhJ~'t t." ~ ht:. nJ(ht!' ;of ~H''- hHith'f tlI a pfHll' ,h..".J uf trust. <br />In thlb~ ~'v~nt 03f 1\ total I. llkl nv- .d \h,~ Prnpt"ri.)', tht" pH>i'~~i~ "hllll t>t' i~ppih'd hI thl' su1n~ 1;~'\"'.Jt{!d hy tht~ Dt"t'd of <br /> <br />t;t~~~dw:~~ ~~;~r~\~~)~ ~;;:~:~ ~~::;:~~~ {l~~:;;:~l':;:~:~ ~,li ~;~~e~ ~~~';')t ~t.t::~t" :t~a[.l~ ~:\ t ~ ~;r~~'~: f;\lt~~1:) ;\~..jl{hJ~.t )i{::'\~{)~~~:~:~:l,i~I;;'::: l;:~ <br /> <br />fl:diu li~ the tI( th.. ."um.s y.1~cur't"l l,~' till:" fk....t .-f Tru....t lrntnt."ti1:H,t~h' fl-rH,lr tll tht, tiltb" "I' tnkHlt: t.,-1\rs to <br />thtrTnwer'~ t.'~lHt\' ln lh(. Pf<'.l-!l-t'r't\ 'mftll."til~hd,' prll'l' 10 ttW ,1~tt,..d th)"fI'l~, Bt,r'n.Wjn':" t"qULty Illt"Un~ tht' fAit' mUl'kt.t <br /> <br />\"aiul~ ~~~ ~,~~;;~~~~tll~t ~:}:~3~",;:::n:~,\'~,:~\~:~~t,-~.t '~l:~l.):;~:.~'l n~.:t"tl~~ ~~.h: "~~~X~~:I~~ll~~'tf!ll~r\:~'~~~~~I;~ \t~~:~' n)nd~lllHl\f' or(~n tu <br />lUiik4'- an AWilrtt (.r H,tth' M ~'hum for!lI-. Bnff'"w..-r t'~uls t~, ~ t-~tk-'I1J tl> l.~"hh'r WlthUI ;;fj d~~;,,, ilfh'l' tlH' llate ll.W'l\ <br />jH.ltk~ IS I{l\'~n. Lt:"IHit"r l~ ltuthonu~d h. \,...ltto..-t ~l1d :lVI,l)' the pt'm't'--t~,-h. t.t L,'!ldt'f'.o; \.pHi.Jt1. ~..itwr ~Il n'~lunttltm ol" <br />t'-"p4ILU 1,tftht! Prupt+rt)' nt. tn tilt< ~lUll.~ .iloN'l,lH'.j hy tin.. U~t'd qf l'ru!'lt. <br />An)' t'l\H'h ~pph~lu.wn \).t' pt'vn'~dt'> tt' pnIH'~I~.1 '1'-nitH t,ut t'.lh.'IHi Ii!' tW:S1J.lUfl" tht~ \JUt' datt:'. .A tht, IHstaUnwnL" <br />r-e-f(-'r-rt-d to m IH\f.&jtr-aphl!: " ,p~}Cm,"nt vt "nnetJHii ~nd Itlt17n.,.,t i alHJ :;-11 ~:"""J"uw Fuud;, t\lr Taxf:'1O and In,;uraw:t., ll(lr <br />eh.~ the.'> amount. .If ;.Iltll..h m"hdlm~nl.s <br />12, BOrrnWt1f Svt Rd"'l\s~J. Jo:~t-"II"'\UH of Hw {illot' f"lt ;.'ti~dnt'Ht "f' n:u(iliit'allUll ni ~mortlZatlOn \If tht:" ,<!>ums <br />~ftO-r-~ {I)' thu t~ ~l(Tt"u$t ltratH~i by Ll..tHh'r lX- any ~U~.:fi~~1i'\if III Hlt(:'r~~t of Bnrruwt't' :-1hall rwt upt:'-ratt:- lH n'l~ll~t', <br />in .1Il0Y rnantu."t_ th~ h.lnhty ,,1" th... onxlnn; g,.nr.)""t-f. 1;,'T H-urrnwt<r's ;o,Ul"\'(';;.ii>Qr'l'lll. lntt:'r~~t. frMT< tht.> \>r-iJOllltl t.l'rms of <br />tfir$. r~ l~iTl"ulf.t, Ltol'Hler ~hllH n-ut h~ rt"q~IITt"ti: lv nH'nHH~'nl.-t:' pnl-C''t"1:''liiH~ oX'l:uu~t :o...h".ii ,;jjn"'",~,"-ui' ..r ,.~di.l."t- t., t';:~i';;'~ <br />tUhe .for paytn<t>ut {,~r f)ttwf'\\<l~ mo,(h(y ~tlwrBt.Atu~n hi ~h,,-, ~~'euted ~-".. tru1i D~t;',t (.f Tru;lt. b\- n'il~Hm of HIH <br />d~nulnd m.d~ 0)' the t.!ngHtl\i Bottu....."'i _lOr UM"r.:,...-t'.''''' ,,\.h-.:-....:i',;vl'.. in ;nti:-i'E'.:"t: ,- <br />U, F-'orbe-~tt\f)<tlt". L-1' L~tHi.e-t I'ol a W~\'t.'r, Any fort..-eiittnlun.' by Lt,.wit>r!O ,>xt:'I"CIi'illK; lUl\' rl)fht ..-r l'Nulttiy hen~.un- <br />d~f'. -U1" Qth*'T-''1''!te a.t:tQt'ded h}- it'lw~ sh_U nut ~ Ii- wa.}\,e.r or llr~dud-i' tIlt" t:'x~rC'l$e uf MIl}' ~uch tt~ht l)t' t'",-,:mt"dy, <br />14. -Rem~t'he1l Cumuta,tn'~, EM,:n rl"'m~tiy tJ-!'u\:Hj-"'~l \f\ Hw ~1.l-tt" lintl tht~ n.,.,.d ..if Tnht 1", ..-jl~tlnt'r it'lIln H.lld <br />nU'Dul.tlVt' 00*11 ot.,h~f' t"1..ttt~v-r rl,'Il\\~~h{f~ unlit'%' l!W_Xot.< ~trai ihiJ.. Dl'hi ,it Tn-1.:'t \If .dfur-df>.ll;y lu.w 'l-r t';Iulty, nllti ma\ <br />"'~~n:::t~("tlf-l-t"Urr-"'n\lr, !n~Jwnd~ntiy ,'f ....,ln~~$.~l\'t!'ly . , <br />in, S~U'"",(,(!,S1WJ".1l anti A"lKt~. Hound; J~Hnt and s.:...--t't"1l1 LiiltJlht v; \. 'aptHH1~_ Th", ~""\',<r,,"n,,~ and fHn"'1.4t'ment:o; hen'lH <br />it'ontailWKi ~haJ:l bu"d. and thtt- nghh h~.rt:'und",r shilH Blurt' hl_ t ~;t.' r.p1'r~dln" $lJ,-'\"e!'>-t>Ol"~ ano -al!:~Hin:!l; of Lc-ndL'f' "oJ <br />8b-r-tQ~. '@.u~j'l"(:\ t.u the .lrOV)8<iOn~ (~f paraj!'{apn ~5 t'l'r-au~ft:'-r uf tht.>- Prop".'t'I.Y: ,'\!<MlmpUnoJ, ,\H .~H\lerl.anl~ und <br /> !,.t BOrf''t~wlu' ~hall b..- )\.mt .wi ~~"'1i'rRl, Th~ t'lIptlunx .wl twad!n~ of t h\:' ll---l't.rllKrllph~ In thIs [It.'eJ IATrH~t <br />a:",(~~'i'OI1~,@nMtfK'tje oni)T lmd Me lll)t w b€- u~ t\llntef'pt'~t tJr tief~t\e tilt' J)rtH'i~hm.~ herl")( <br />t,i. Sm.\<<>-, E~.."t"l'n f-or a;n)' fwhc'l1' nt"tl\Ur(>~ hy l.lw to tw )tn',:" HI ,l1twthpr m-anHt!r, fal un)' !whee to Horn>wf't <br />~vldeci~6r-)n tJ-Uf, ~ of Tt\ut i'-haJi bt-.- u\ wntinJ[ lilnd $h;sU ht' Cl-"~:n i!liod h~:' ('fft'-c-tt\'t' uuon, t ~ dt"}i,\,t'i)' to Bllrrt\Wt'f <br />(.,. {,t} maiUng l'~h ~tce ~)-" <t.rufi~ nuui. r-e:l-Uf n rh'*,,~pt rl:'qU-e~~t:>d. tuldX"~"l'wJ h) Bnrr~)w..r ~H B~)rt'uweT"~ aJul't'l\~ <br />-A&~h"'ein:.'Qr.t,:At~h.Mhff .ddl"*u.~ Butn~wp.f' fillil)' -d"""ljff'Ultt' by ftulle-t:" h~ Li:'tHh,'f as flf'lt\'td".tl ;wrt'in.lll'ld thlnll\' <br />~ t4l4n~...ha11 ~.Ul writ1~ an~i.8\U"t~. _",veri and lw v-ffil'<'U\'t." 1.1;)t)J~ \)j dl.{1\-t'~Y t-t,\ L~ndt'l- Hr' 121 ~HIUhnJ.f ~I.H.-h <br />~ ~.~,,*rh~ t'tlfU-l. f't(!tUl'ft ~'~}Pl r~u"'"d, h1. Llt'nd....r'j;!; adJ-r~~]; lOt-litH htlreltl tof lH ~'H::h otht."f liddrt"s,", M.!oi <br />1...~ m~ a.lMfP\.t~_,h1 tl(.t.t<<', h.. l:h.-r,fl)'W(i-'l' U VT\l\'ldP.d ht.n,"I,fl, ~~hY uuI1,,'e pr"l\"ltj"d fnr In ttu~ t.k>tl'11 tlfT)'u~t 1\-htill he <br />~'\$ttfl\<lIt.Menf(.l~fll to 8~r,F~w~r'M' l,,*,~mN'whti'n~v+:n m an1' nH"wt:'r'~lt'l'IlKIll\h-'d fWft'~~~, <br />b_ (~"*Una l.lI.. s..~:t'f.J.tht,y, Th4.! XoLf' And tht:!l- t1et"d ~.! Tl"tHlt s.haH bf!' w.,n'r!!~(.ll\y ! ht. lotw uf t.'\'lh-rl1~ju. In <br />t~..v.m l-h.~t _uS' p:r-u"9\!Hut\ ur- d.u~ vf thill l~~ ufl'ntl'\l to.. ~ute- ~'(~n,-(li:ch' wilh th~ lawo lOtH'h i::lJldlii'l",hf\H out <br />....:.~,l1l'~'13.~\~. u..,t.J~ q(Tru.t- ve l.h.. N. ',l)tC" Whle-h ('an b\" glVt'itl t't'.r"".t wtth.l,ut th,~ 1:..H.ntdu3K IH'(f"'l~lOll, <br />~ to t.~'""'1'\.d U~ Pffl1t1.k>>~vrth~ I~4 u-fTrH~t ahd Sut-~ .tv J,,"diU't',d to l.K' __vf>r-Abh~' <br />l1i:,~' Ikttff..r'~.(~.o~y, 8nrl"u'W.T'kC-lu'ti-..i~ ,r~'.tp1 tJf -!l N)VY i.}f t.h.. ~...,t... tmd l\l UU~ l)~t'fi l,f Tt"H~t_ <br />