<br />r
<br />I
<br />, ~M_'.' Th< ,-"" .., ,.'m', ..... ,,' ""~. ~:::=,~,~"5~"W~'_ ,., r~"1
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance In lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned !'
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender. . '
<br />In the evenl of a total taking of the Property, lhe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trusl,
<br />with the excess, if any. paid 10 Borrower. In the event of a partial laking of Ihe Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />olbctwisc agree in writing, there shall be applied to ,he sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust such proportion of the,proceeds
<br />a. is equal 10 that proportion which ,he amount of ,he sums secured by thi. Deed of Trust immediately prior 10 the date 01
<br />talting bears 10 the fair market value of lhe Properly immediately prior to Ihe date of laking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to -Borrower.
<br />If the Property i. abandoned by Borrower. or if. after nOlice by Lender '0 Borrower Ihat the condemnor olIers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond lU Lender within 30 days after the date such noticc- is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of. the
<br />Property or '0 ,he sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless- Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing. any such application of proceeds to prillcipal shall not exJend
<br />or postJ'Xl"ne the due date of the monthly installmcnrs ref~rred to in paragraphs I a.nd 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments,
<br />10. Borrow~r Not Rf'teased. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums. secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to anv succes.sor in mterest of Borrower shall not operate to release~ in any ma:nner~
<br />lhe liabihlY of the orig;lnaI Borrower and Borrower-'s <;uccc~sors in interest. Lender shaH not be _ required to commence
<br />proceed-i~lgs against such successor or rcfu$-c to extend time f~)r payment or otherwise modify amortttation of the sums
<br />~el."Ured by this Deed of Trus.t by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interes.t,
<br />t 1. Forbe-2l'2Me by I~Dder No-t :l \Vaiver. Any forbearance by Lender m exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br /><JtncfWise afforded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />loe: pro<;:un:ment of ins-urance or the payment ()f taxes or other liens or cna.rges by Lender shan not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the mawnty Df the indebtedne5s' secured hy this Deed o{ Trust.
<br />12~ Remt'dift Cumulative. All r~mcdlcs pri)vidi:d l!1 thiS Deed of Trust ~re disl1nct 3nd cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under thIs. Deed oi TnJSI or :dlorded by bw or e'~'.1it)'. and may be ex.crc~sed concurrently, independently or
<br />\UCCeslJve!y.
<br />13. SlKcesson and ;\uigllS Round; Joint and Sr"eral Uability~ Captions.. Tne covenants and agreements herein
<br />-.:.ontained shall hind. a.nd the rights hereund-t::r shall .nure to, Ihe rcspecuve Sth.'Ct:5sors :tnd assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />"ubJecl 11) the provl$ions of paragraph 17 hereof All -.:o\'efizmts anti a~reemems of Borrower shaH be joint and several.
<br />i he capt1QfU and heading:\. of the parag;raph~ l..'! thl.~ Dc-ed tH Tru:'!.t are f~)r u':wcme-nce only and are not to be used to
<br />'lltC!rpn:t or define fhe provtSions hereot.
<br />14. _,",'n.fiee, Ex..:ept f<Jr any oath;;:: reqUlr~d ~Jnt.f-cj i.lpplu;ab!c i..i\\ f"'C' fl\-cn ){1 another manner, {a.) any notice to
<br />[~orr.~weT ~rov_i~c~ l(ir In this ~eJ ~1t Tn~s: '!.hall hc~Clven by maJlin~ su.::hnt)!icc b~._~er:ifi~d m~il add~_~. t~ ~~r?wer _u1
<br />toe rnlPf"HY _-"'D(}reU or at sucn orner ;H1-ar~,;s.. ..'Ii uorr{ lw-er In;!',' 1..1cs-q,matc ~v nonce to Lenoer as pmVluca m:f'Clfi. anu
<br />t ~ I any nollet: Iil Lender ':.n.aU be ,!.;l',:en hy ;':l,':rtdied mall. re-turn rC\,'Clpt r("qucst~d, t,-l Lender's. 3ddre."is stated herein or to
<br />such t,rher adJfe~\ <i:'i LA::nder 1\1:1\-- Je!it-R,n:ste hy nO[I<.:e ID Borrower ,\~ p-n~""ldt.'J herem Any notice provided for in this
<br />Dee-d of Tn.....: ~halj PI: dec:med to h:tvC' been ~jvcn !;, B~}rrr>wef ~n I coder when ~l.."en H'l the fHiumer designated herein,
<br />]5~ Uniform lktd uf Trust; (;o\'erninc: t'.:aw; St"f'r1Ibilit~,. nw.; :<"rm "f dceJ \,{ tftl'lo[ \.:\~mbInes untform covenants for
<br />l'.ttlOt1a;! U".C :and non. unIform C~)"t'nant$ with Li1HH\.~J \<tn,.i!l(1r;, i'\ li.ltlsdu:ll(\-n to (.:mstitute: a untform security Instrument
<br />~:uvcnng real propcny 'nIl;\, Deco or Tru\t .,h...di he gd\'t'r!H,:d tn, the-taw (~l the lllflSUh::UOn in whi-ch the Property is. located
<br />In !hc C".Ctlt th.H ~dl". PW"-!'l.!un ...'t ':..b_w,c d lb... 1 h:C\l ,,: !";ll;.t n :hc ~\'l<.' ,--,!lrll;.i~ \\.l!h ~prh;.:-able law, :mch conflict ,halt
<br />(\\'1 ..He...:! .:;thcr rr~l"<l'!\HW.1, ;;)f l~U~ [}ecd ,,( 11u!>1 'If ,ti;;" '.;\liC V.hl(h ~J.n ;"~ ,-:,'>Cll L'!f<<-t Wlfhout the ~':inft!(;ting provision,
<br />.-Inti h) thl\ end rh~ rru\'t'iWRi ("I r!1C D::-eJ \'t rldJ,! .tud Ihe ",lIt" .H'C Jccl..1fed h' h~ ~evcn.ble.
<br />16, B-orro"luoc'" Cop). I.hJ[t(~....'~r \;l:~ii t,,, :-_H:v,hcd ~l ,-,1l\1.'rm~d I.'-)Py 01 th~ ~,,)I:e Oind of this Oe~J ot rrU..l.:H the time
<br />.,r e:\ccutwn ,-If ;:d{e! ftl;OrdallO-ll hcre.o!
<br />17. Tram(n of rhe Pro-,wnl-: At.'iumpdon. li :\:1 _,t Am f':HI (l1' t!-;t: PHlp-e<t\ ,'f ,Ill tOf{"fe-~l thcrem i\ s.otd or Ir.anslcrrC'l!
<br />h\ B..-Hfo\t;t"r wlfn,)ut l.e[ukr.s prnH \. ~::kn t ."hl.'DC .-h\t!d~IH: ~., ,! !':e ...Je,l;'_'!) "j ,1 h:n ~'r encumhrance ...ubt.'fljinau~ tt~
<br />,hI' tk~d ,~': TrU"'I, in} the ....(calron (l! ,; ;.o;';l;;::-;.J'-<- j~j,.H1C\ ,.:, wil\ ,'t!er.:;''>.! h,. hou\-t-h,-,!d :it1p!tan.,;es, l (" l J lr:msfcr h;. deVise.
<br />de\cent ,-'f h!. \-JperatH)n df law upon lilt: dC3lh i'l .1 , 'l?' k:un: ,'1 t J t :hc t:! ;tnt i'; any !c:neho:d !ntcrc'\t \-."1! three .~ t:"Olrs Of less.
<br />'wI ;';:{'iHal:1log;Jn opl:c.n.('; P,"i.;..:h3SC. i_ClH..kr :,~~i\, ..it t C!1f.kr, '.';-_\(:i~n. ,J-i:d.~tc ~l;j 1:rtJ: \um~~ecuied ~'V thl.slkeJ ,)f TrUs.1 to h~
<br />i:Hn:le\hatd~ due: -Oirn:l pa...;shjt" I en-ocr s.h..l~ rL'''.t. w.;t,\("d 'iud, ,'ptH}!l ;.\ ,i~~-<..~,~Ltle;' prtur 10 the .s....ie pf tf:.\rn-fcr, Lendci
<br />.tild the ;:'eU.,.)-t1 !e '..,:hf.""!;m ttit:' Pt1..'p<::ft')'!'J. be ~,'iJ ", :,.'~\<d~'~'..:J :<.-.L.i; ;jt:f>;-e,11-t'";~' en wfltmg that the credit of such pe:r"on
<br />
<br />!'~~~~~t ~~:~~ ~_,~il~~~~:l~~: i '~:~:~:~'~,!~~[: .1:/:~~: ~~~ ~:;~~:: "~('~:,~-~~~~~~c:~;:..j~~~;:~ ~~~~~ .~;\ !f~;:l~o.::,~~a~ T;~~~J~:i~o~o~t:~~~\;~~~~;
<br />n lnlen:~t h~~ <:~('cwc,j.! \...r::tcn .:l~~umt't:~'n ,~~Ic('mcnt :l_i.:;:,plt"1.i )'1 -....!:::!l;,: ~'\ I (,'nde!. lender "hat! rt"l~a1e Borrower from
<br />
<br />.1H "'-.'~~l~a~i;l~~rl:~:~:~:~~~~ "r;~df'~.'~'~~~u~:~ ~:~(";t:,-t'J.:~;'ie~':1,Je ~;-'1: 'Ud r",;!;'"",n l;,~::...:c :'t .h:.:cier~HH_'ll :1\ ,l<.,-'{~rdan~e wilh
<br />j-1.l.ra,uph i4 hcn.'t)f ')u~h nvth:C ~h~h ;HH\.:JC _i ,., ,'\~ Wx' "; ,:.-1\'\ !;.-':1\. the ,j..lr: !ht~ f~o(u;e .s mailed Within
<br />whKh Bt"\.frowcr m;n pay (he s:..Hm. Jed.:ttci.! ...h.lC Bt1rf\'\.\t'~ L;ds :,~ r;~" \Udl ..urn.., prior (1,) the c,ptratwll of such pcrwJ,
<br />Li."Hdcr may. WHh..")ut further ih.HH;C i..." ;.tc-;n~!!J I.;,' bpu!.>"..~t ",~t: ,HI\ 'C!ln:lC~ pot."HHlllCU be\ paragraph !-H here-ot
<br />
<br />NnN-Li~thU.M (.U".t:SANI!> BOth-we1 ,lod l..:n~cr t';.;ltht'r ,y,cn..ln: "lJhl .:'I):rcc ~\ !\'liiow..
<br />
<br />Hi. .-\cCtkl'>>Hon; RC'tuedih. EJ.-c~pt b proudfli in p.uacraph 17 h~rt'of. Upoll l1onuwcr', breacb uf any co\'enanl Of
<br />altff'lftt"nt ur BurruwC'r in Iht. HC'C'd of TfU'iI~ in..ludiAJ- chf' un ('''anl.\ tu p;li~ "hC'n due >>n) \unu, t.t'l.'ufC'd b}' thi...; Ut':ed
<br />01 'lnn1. Ltntkt prtor to Ml'deraHon !>ohaU ",''''' nolKC' In Buuu..n ~ pru"ide-d in p~..-~r.ph 14 hut'oi s~df)ing: (J) the
<br />br<<acb; (2) tM a.:dou f~Uirt'd to 4:Ufi:' 'Jou,'b bf~.{:h; ,Jl a tbte'. It-of h~~ than JO d.~~ frUnt th~ dat" th~ .udiee- is maikd to
<br />80fru"'~1',h~ 't\bk'b \ouch bffach mUM b<- ,,-ut'~d: .oct t41 thai faih.l.U' fo ..ur~ ,t&ch hrt'au'h un ur berore Ihe thlle ~pedtiN
<br />In the nolkT may ""wi in acn:ko,..tion of I~ '-UOb lo<<'uu:d b, th" ll<<d ot l rl"1 .and ,,:tic of tilt' Property. fbe nutke
<br />...hatl furtbu inform 8ofTo'WC'1' of the filM In rrtn'\l.ale- _fler ltn't'kral$oo ~ftd Ihe right to brina 11 ,,'ourt action 10 ~r1
<br />the non~t'lli:Mf'lK"e of a defeu.lt Uf an:- tot her dele-RM' ur Bouowt'r to a..::'-"t'knlliofl and "ale. If the bR'ac:h i.. not iured
<br />on ~r bdo.... the d.at-: :t.pcoci6t'd in the nutit.:t'. l.('odu at Lt'nd("f" u-ption ma) dttlarc- aU of tla ~um.s !oC'("urnt by- this need
<br />of trusl 10 be- h"mni.at~iy dUC' ana p.,aDit" ,.,iihoui lU-r,m-1 ~i-rn..m: _n~ iii.y.- ;:;~cl:.~ :~;: ;;u-~"i' uf i.k .iiiid _uJ ffih~. ..~;:;;~~H~
<br />PUnt.Ued b) applicable- '~Vt, I.,("ttdn ,hall M ('uti.kti to '.01\<<-(( ;dl ("zonablf" ('o.\b and t,pe~ ;ucuned in IllJBUinc .he
<br />rrmeOm pnnidltd in Ih. pat1lCrapb 18. inelud'na:. but not limitC'Ci io. r~nuna-~ aiiorpC'\"s 'n-i,
<br />Ir 1M ~"'C"f of n1l' ~ ifno.kC'd~ Tf&bt~ 'loball rt:--.:~d :A noIM'C' o. dd..ult in t"ou'b t>Qunt)' in 1'-hich tht' JJroperll or "Olne
<br />pat1 tttP-reof K kM:.~ an4 shalf mail ,'..:.,m of such noh<< in lhe- Mattl..r pnuribrd by applicable hi'" 10 Bonower and to <<he:
<br />t11bt-r pt'nom pnscnMd b, applkabk- la., Aftff Ihl:' ja~ of ~uch limt" ~~ ma) .be r<'quirt'd b)" appUcabk- law, rrustef' shall
<br />ril'e puWK notict' of WIf' to the pr-nun\ and in the manllt"t. prnt..ribcd by appli~...blt' luVl', Tra..ttc~ ""ithout demand un
<br />Borr-o.er. ~ wU lbe- Pl'O-fM't1, .at pu-blit; aU4:tlon tu lhe bight\t bidder .t the time- and phle\" and undn th~ (('rIllS de~i-gnilted
<br />.n t~ f-wtKt' t~f ... in t)ftC or more J):lfl.'eb. and in ~ucb or"" a\ -lnKtff Ala) dt"(Ofm~. TfU~1<< m.,.. pu\tpone ~ale of aU
<br />..-' au) paKri uf tM Pmptt1} by publk llfU'lOUIK~UM1t1 at tbt' timt' and p-t_ct' of any prt'\'iou'\r.h ~dlr-dulcd~. Lender or
<br />t _e'fMicor'. dnic:Oft may pUKbaei.e tiliP l)r'OpC"ft~ at >>0.) ~, .
<br />tl~ r<<-etpt of p.'.Mc'ftt of .tw prke bid. TrlKt<<- "hall dc-liHr to Ih~ purcnaur rrmtee's dc-<<I fotl'\'e)-in~ the '-rop<<'r1~
<br />..6W~ 'hl! t~itah. in 1M Trtssh:'c-'!j dud ~ha.U be- prim>> tacH- t'\itknt'"r of Iht' lruth of Ib-r ..taletne-nis Ill.dr th~n~in, Trust<<
<br />~ appt,- I!tt pl"OH'c:tb of th~ ,. in 1M- fnHo~-i,,<< qri,lc-r-: tal to aU r(,~\ablt' (-O"ol'li and e-l:~n.~ ur the "3le~ indudiftJ:~ but
<br />nM limited to~ If'WMt''. 1ft!, of DOt UlO-tC' Utlm i'~. ,-;- (if the- gr~ ~le price. If'aMlftlilh-llt!' ailofn~''-'" ff-~ .nd (o~ls of
<br />:=~; (b. to all iUms l'f"cund b~ ttah 1><<4 uf frm.t; llnd (d fhe- uceu. if an), f() Iht pt'f'SOn or pt.'';''m~ I("gall)- l~nCitl('d
<br />
<br />i9. BorJ'(Wt-~l Ria"t to Il.iauat.e. ~":t'~w!th..t;tndlf1.p;. 11.,th}C'r'" ,.h,:dcr~h ,. .) 1!~(" ",'nl~ ";..'..:ur~:D !,,~ lh,'-.. l)'_:<.'d ul 1 i\:'~
<br />Ron~7'wct 'ioh.aH n..y\: {hit n;ht I,' lu"'(" !i\\ r-ro'l':cct.lm~" i.....;~\/I\ t-\- I elltl\:'l '1'1/.'1"\.':(' lhh nt'..::d;11 I r-,,\: '.\I~,;,-'!l!I!HJni ,11
<br />im'_f: P;lPf' hl ~he e.arlJer h) (><:...u! \.i '" 1h.' tihh ..Lt\- h'IPII.' lhot -..fit: 'II~ Ir,;: I'). ,'01\ rlJr'~J,;~\1 \" ita" {'..".'o\'r ,,! ,;,!~" ,J,':ll:in<I'd
<br />[).cel! ;.',t r HI"a ,-'r \n.t:n!!,' ,,1' cI tllf.11 ~-m~ 1111\ i k'C'd I.'I -i; ",t ,r Ht"rt\h~~'r :',1\ -, i 1..'fH_k:f ,t:m... .... hlVh \\ ,~:dl:
<br />,~~ {hen d~l< tHhi.er lhl\ rh.~t:d~,f T~il'f "'_~!I:' ,lau Wlt~~ ,,:...;:IHlg rHluro:..' >\,i\,HK~", J ,.\... l~,td :,., ,1'-'L.t'in':t:,,111 l'<,.".:llrrni
<br />,t,) ih-'ud~~r 'If.,' ,;11 hf('.;f.dnc" ",j ; th"f i.dvt'l\>1nh ',': ""~{t:'nn\~nh. ,,: n,>I','.,"C'f ,,'ni.Hnl~U :11\"-. I.k(.J .,>f T [1:\,
<br />~ j~;:_"fI'_:O-W(,:f ~~,t'f"i- ;a:j ~l,'.t...-on,.hl~ ,'-;:~:uH,,<d I (.Ju.h:-r Srld 1 rw,;C<' ,'\ '.l~' ';;H.'I~_;~:r.. ..;,;J ,,_.;:n.nH'l'!h
<br />
<br />:~,,;:~.;:~~;;:~;ti:~~~~dH:i,,::';:n:,:;:;f t,' :-.::~:~~.:1:~~ ::L,>,~tfl\~~ - ~ i ,.~,; ,.]: ;:::: Hr,:;::~~ '.~\~\'.'\ .,'~~:';;l<~: 1 '~-_:';1 ;;\f~";" ~~::~,~:~; ':1' ~\~~lr ;::~:~-:~:;\
<br /> d \
<br />'>;'"'4<'~cr~ 31U\Ji<;: \i~.Jt ~'r'"i' f)'it'd! I i ~r'iler'. "tt:f".'d: ',< f': 'f",,'ri\ Fhl i'L'fr\"~"1
<br />
<br />