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<br />I <br /> <br />83_\)05515 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. Payment of Principal and Inlerest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and lale charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances sccured by this Deed of Trust. <br />2. Fmodo for Tues and 1_"". Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, &rrower shall pay <br />10 Lender On the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, unlil the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one~twejfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority - over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, jf :my, plus one~twelfth of yearly premium installments for -hazard insuranee~ <br />plus one.twefith of yearly premium instaItments fr:T mortgage insurance. if any. aU as reasonably estimated initially and -from <br />lime (0 time by l.ender on the basis of as.sessmenls and hills and reasonable e~timah.~ thereot <br />The Fuods shaH be held in an institution the depo!tlts or accounts of whIch are insuri.;d or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender i-s. such an Institution), Lender shall apply lhe-Funds to pay said taxes, assessmentS. <br />Insurance premiums and ground rent~. Lender may not charge for Si) holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said asse.uments and bills. unless Lender p,ays. Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable_law <br />pc:rmits Lender to make such a ch3rge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time (If execulion- of this <br />Deed of Trusf. th~t interes.t fin the Fund~ ~haH be paid to Borro","'Cr, and unless sl~ch ;Jgrccment is made or applicabJe law <br />reqUJtc5 such mtcrcst to ~ Lender shafl no-r be rcqUl~cd 10,,1- pay Borrower any mtercst or carninfls on the Funds. -Lender <br />shaH give to 'Borrower. Without charge, an annual accounting of the Fund$ credits and debrts to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each deb-it to the- Funds wa~ made. The Funds are pledged as add~tionai security ror the sums secured <br />by th~s Deed of Trust. <br />If the ~~m{\l1n( of rh.: Funds held by Lender, t().gC[ht'f with Ih~ future monthly inslaltments. (If Funds p-ayable prior to <br />!h~ due dales of :30.\1:'<;. a~:ses"mcnt", insurance premium" ;mJ ground fl.'nr"" "hall c'\cecd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />,assessments, im:urancc rremlUm~ and ~wund rent,> ;),> lhe..- L-ll! due, ..u...:-h c\CCS~ shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />pmmptly rep;J,fd to 8o-rr(lwcr or ,:redited tn Uorrow~r dB n1LlHthly in~t.1l1ments (Jf Funds Jf the amo~mt of the Funds <br />held by Lender "hall not he SHmCH,,~nt hi p:IY 1:l\(""', "S:\6;;.mcnts, insHrance premium'!> and ground rents as they (all due. <br />Borrower ...ha.1l pay 10 Ler\der :my amount r;cd~'50'3ry t,:~ rnake up {he d('fkiencv "VJrhln 30 days (rc.m the date notice is mailed <br />by lender To Borrf1wc-r requesting p~lyme-nt !hereof. <br />Upon p-aymC"l1f in full 01 all SHm~ "\-cCUft'd tn-' thIs. Dt:"C"d 01 I ru!-.!. l.ender "! pr\\l11plly refund to Bor-rower any Funds <br />held hy L-ender If under paragraph !~ ht"r~(\-f the Property;... sold (.r !n..: Prf\pt:rty j5,Olhcn\i\~ -acquired by Lender. Lendc:'" <br />..hail a.pply< no later th:tn IInm~di~tely prior !n the ~-~l!c (;t ;he- ProperlY Of liS ;1...:qtll\IIl;.1n hy Lender. any Fund~ held hy <br />J _cnder at the (:me of app:lJc,;uKlo a~ a crcdit ag;,.ilflSl lhe ~UHb ..ecured h,. thiS Deed of Trus.t. <br />3. Application nf Pa~-meftl~. Cnle".. appllt.::lh!c Li\\ rn)vH.k... ,~thef\l,.-:"'c, aii pJyrncnt<: rc-ccl":ed by Lender under the <br />'\;o~e and p:Ha~raph~ I ~n-d :. hen'oj ,h;d! he 3-pphed b\. Il'nda t~,'-,[ ;n ra:ownf (...f ~lnHHmh payahle to Lender by Borrower <br />under pa.ragraph :. hereof, then !(l mt('te~! p~\..lhk (In the ~\)~c. ~hC-ll t(~ the r'nncip~i (,t !hc !\JOlt:', and then to inferest and <br />I'rmnpal on allY FUlure .-"\dvitnccs <br />.... Chafin; (JtM. BOfto\'Cr shail ~;l\ an t,ne...., ~,...;\.('...~m~r,r"\ ,lnr: ,\lh~r ..-har~c\, tine.... Jnd lmposi!iom: anriblltabJe to <br />the Pft.~~rty which may aHa10 J; pnoflt"ii (Wcr thIS Lxcd C'f TrH~t, and kasch{ljd payments or ground rcnts, If any. in the <br />manne-r prOVided under 2 hereof PL If no! r;!id ifl SU( h nuonc-c by B<lff(lWn makmg payment. when duc. directly <br />!n the payee therc<-''- Ul\fr0WC'f ~h:lH prom!"fly furni\.h h' I cnd{,f all lhltK't'''\ i"'{ ,1nh'lunts due under thlS paragraph, and in the <br />event BorwwN ~halt mal.e payment dlfCdl\'. BUflC~W-Cf 'l::h,ljj pr0Inptly fm01~h h) L.:nder receIpts cVh.lcncm~ such payments. <br />B('lrr'--'w~r <;ha-'l promptt;.- tl\'\('hAr~e 3n~. lien" hh.:n ha\ prh1flt\. \Yd,'f Itw. Dc("d ,l! I fU~C pn\\'u.kJ, Ih;.lt Sf'Hower ,,!laB not I:x- <br />:.C'qum:d 1<\ dl-l"...:h:lrgc ;my !It:;.:h hen '\0 Jon,,: ,i\ iltnftH,.\--l"r .h;tl! :;.gree 111 )\ft!lll!; L'" the paymenl ,,-,t the (\hll~illl(ln secured by <br />"'i.n:h hen m ;'\ In.a,onec 31:ct::ruhlc III l .:nder. <'I ,hilll !!1 h\.h:,d LId!! corl!e..! :.a>:'h Len t'Y, ill lk.ft-nd <,;nf\"'n.:~.'mCl1t of such hen In, <br />tegal pnxcw!n8-''h operale c' ;~re\-Cnl !tIC ("ll!pr~'emc-nl ",r :hl' hen i'r hldcHlll~ ,'! the Property \'If any part thereof. <br />S. llaurd IlIAIraIKt'. fkJ;ro~'er \hall keep the ImrhlVcmclll"\ iiI'\-" ~""'!'n~ (If he-reafler erl'cted ;1-$1 the l'n'pcny insured <br />agam\l lnu b\- fire. haurd,. IlKli.ldt-d wuhm the lnm -'(,,\"fcnded ,.--.ver;lgc , Jnd S-lll.:h doer balMt1+" ;1.\ I cndL'r ma)' rcqwrc <br />and In ~u-ch ;:uni'tmts :1nd tor \uen re-tl<~,h ,1\ I ~'ll.l;-,:f mii'" It'ilo'f-C, l'rl\\-.J(:d !fLil l enlh"~r ,,-h~lll :wt r(,~;!Hfl." lh~( the amount (..r <br />\,1\.:0 ..:t.\\'('r;t~e e\..:ecu ~h;lt .HlWIH1\ \11' to....e!.l~l." r<"'IHif.-:-d It} p..n ltlt' :'oWl1-- 'i,\'Ulretf t--\ :h~.-, Deed llf -J rt'~i <br />T"he- lfi\Ur;lnc.(' (",rrt<r IH(....\",hng: tn(" in'!.ufdil"i." ,hall l'.t(.. l.h,~",..:n ~\ H.vft)\,J,cr "'\I~j{.'Ll I,' .lppn".,!! t.\, 1 endet; prOVIded <br />tlu.l such approval \haH not t'<: Ilnre;Jsonahly ,",'lthhdtJ .\Ii prenlltlfrl\ t1n Jm,Uf,HH.'i' ;,.(.l:~H..:s. ,haH be p;lId In the manner <br />provult:d under pa.ragi3pb 2 herwt or, :t 1\;)1 p;u..i lH :.u..:-h nUi1neL h\ BnrrC1wer r11atwg ra)m~n!" \..hen due, Jlft~ctty to {he <br />lDS-Uf&n1".'e camer. <br />AH IMufiHKC pohd(':1. ;jud rene\-\-'1l\ !hC-f~o! ",h.:tH r.-<.. 0, 1." m ;h...;,rlo"lh;~ L' Lend,,. MhJ \h.ll: l>\i.'!udc a 'S.!<lnd.ard mort~agr <br />dolUse Hl [a'for 01 and in f.'fm ;;...'\"C'P!:Jhlc :'_1 l Cr.tit'f I {"tHief ~ll,)ii h,n.:' lht.~ f;ghl ,,--' huh! (h!.~ P(>lll.'lL~ ;md rcncw;tls [hereof, <br />:\nd Ro{f[~""-t:( :iohaH pt~-mptjy iV-ffll1-.Q 1" i t;n-d~r i-di ;;:!lc.....t:t "t\fk~\ ...nd ~H {.;"i..'f"lrl~ ,'4',-~ ;':'CfilWnl"> In !he I'Yent e( 10""', <br />B-orrowcr shall gP;(' pn'nlf.'H nuti.:!;': h) me ,n~ULHh.C .....t'f!{"f ..J.n! (c;nJc' I eml::r m.H- nui.c r;~'"'--t 01 h':'l.'> ;t nOl lllad~ pHlmptl\' <br />by norro'Wer <br />Un":$.;; I ertdcr ~nd Rorrn,",-('r \}!hCl~\;'-C a~;1.'\~ l!l ~'1lf;n~, _1:<"\lI,::h.-C r't~',-=l"l,h, .,h.l~' h~ .lprhed :;' r'.'",""'r~twn or lcpall 1'1 <br />lhe PH'penv d-;un~gcd, prt"ndeJ '-u<:h ),("!.'l.rl!"l'; \\f lep.iH "~'-i.'rh'tl\-"di\ !Ci.',.:r.k .;nd ,.\~ ~L;':Uf:l'I, ;'1 lh,.., D~'~d d! TrllSI !'\ <br />not IMrehy !mr~ur~d.. If \Ui.:h ffSI(1fJ1,h.lfl ~'.- l::ra,; ';. ~~,!j "-.,,-'lh'!l1r:.-_,,H\- f~';I\!b:t'" \': ': the '.~,--:::lt\ ,"; tlw'i. Dct'd t~t .fltl\1 \~ould <br /> <br />~ ~~~~:;~" t~ !'~I~~~r~rt~~~~~:U~~~~~c~.e~~P~:~~I'~,<:~:.!~t~~:.,~1/1n~~,~~';'-, ~~~:~~ !h\,::~:~ :~~:~!;~; ,:,rl!:\~l~~'!I'!:\ ::lt~!l~x~i~~~~~'!' ~f:~l'nl"~~~~ <br /> <br />daft n(~ttC( is maiied t~v J coder to I}Pt!(I\\(:r l:';,H 1~:{" ,d'\Ot,Hl,,( ....;.~:t't .")\'r\ :;' \\.'t!L...' .1 __ :,lJrH f,'f .jh\if,Hh':C h('IH:lil<';, I ellder <br />,\ ilulh-on::ed to ...-,)!l<<t :And itpph fL.: lilMH.i:\",--' P!"d.~t'''j., .;1 I ~l1li:..'r" 'T,ll':\ ~.1ihn- [,1 ~"'''h\r:lili'n ,if lL'r~l!r pI lht" PrPI'I,.'rf\. <br />III h) Ihe- sum~ secured h. thl'\ lh-~-d \.~f Tr~l-.t <br />{~niC'$.s I_end~r 3ttd 8ofrt.wcr ~'Hhen),!j.-C ,L:rt'C lH .'\tll~!l~, -tll\ .,U-..:h .iprl:I.:.;:'l':; ,,; i~rl',,{'ed\ to rnnl,"lr~li ..hall ,lil! c\lend <br />,.If rnstfl(.'me the due of the r'w..:hh ,n...~.I~imC'{lh ~I.-,ic!rc,d '\1 ::: J',H.l~f.q'h~ ;Uld.~ hcn:nt ,)f ..:hang.( the: ,lmounl ;)j <br />:\lh:h installments If under r.u;a~raph i l' he-lell: !~lt' Pf\\;<oefh ~.. "~~Ulr(',,t 1'. t \';'dt:r. .10 ::cht Idle .Hld ;nlerC'\l l~f Rorr(1w~y <br />HI and h1ltny ltIStu-altCC po!h:'l~ ,l!Hi :!\ ,lflJ ;" !ht" pr......,cJ. then:.-! fl,-..ntl:ng [!l~1\1 dJm.lgc tt, the Plt'pt'rlY pl'lnr ;,) the ....lIt' <br />\.,~ ;:U:'-IUl$.ltlon \hall pa\... In Lender ld the:" c\km ,_\1 !he': \t1m~ .,<'dUc-ti t,\ :tw, l~e'tll.': 1 ,u'it ,nfHCulatcIy P[1(l1 :0 ",uch 'all.' ('r <br />;lcqunJ:tlen <br />6. Pfft<<--"..tlon and MaiateoaDcC' of Pro~rt); l>-C'~ho-td\.: ('ondumlnium\; .llanll~d t'nit ()evelupmC'nb_ Uorr'\''"-er <br />"hJ:H _lccp lOt: Propeny III g.(~},,j f".f'.Hr ,_:ll..1 ~:!~\;i ',,'l ,,-11H\\,; ,"-<1\".' ;:-",:1;H~1 :Ji1p~IIfHKlll \.'1 l.i,--;Uh'l.JiJL."1l ~,j ;};,;: p;,~p,'n'., <br />~~J !!u!H (~\.mp1y "\Ir,lth t~ ~h~"tS.l(}IH, o! -I.n\ !c.iK;f ]h:~ D..:e-d ,.f -J !ll~: ;., lH1... :t:.l';.c:wiJ If !tw. Dcc-d ,.: Trust 1\ ,," a unit in a <br />condonunu.un N .;I: plAnned unit d-c\elopmc:1!. tlt~nl'WCf 5h~tH lX~d('f~l~ ,,': B01'r""-\\,\,[,, \)hhg.J1wn,> ,;ndcr the dC\.-LH.lirt>:1 <br />ur co\'Cna~!:5 {,.."reattng {~r {:o"\'"ernmg the Ltmd0t1H;lmm \'If r:.wned ':!1!! de'e!oplTlent, the fw.l:tw_" ;!nJ rC1;!\lj;lIIPO\ \\( the <br />condomimum or planned HnJt devek'!pmcnt. ;md <,'\.ms!lluem d...I\:\.H1~cnts 1:;l ...ondommium- or planned \l'nJt dc\.ci;,'pmcnl <br />f~ 1S ex<<uted nv Borrower ;tnd recorJed h'~~ther "'11th Itm, Deed .'j 1 fU':' the l...oVt:'rlant", ;.ind .1~:~C-il1efll~ ~1{ ~llf.:h ra_kr <br />shan be inrorporat-ed infO and s.haH an\-t'nd and .\upple-mcm the c...l\"('n~lll!s and ;'i~ret'mena of itns Deed {\of i'rU\l ;j.., If the llder <br />wore a part her<<>f <br />7. Protuttoe of I..rDCler'J: Set:aftly. 1 t B-nr:t.HA'er f .1::'5. to rer ft"rm tr.~ ;.'Q\'enants Jnd ;:Jt:n~cmt"nt<; ('l"'nlalnl'J in thi, <br />[ked o.f TnuL or ~t' an\' ~clion (If rrocttt_hn!: J',- .....mvllen...'C'tl \-\-h:{,.-h iHdlert,tlh- ~ff<<h- i enoc~\ Intcrnt m the PJ"'{'i~rt'J <br />Ind~iin,. but not limned 10, e-nunc-nt d\"')mam, lmi\l"'cnn,, ....ode enf,-~fccmem, !..'r a'r:tnJ!ement~ llr pn:'\ceel.hnp ,i <br />~kfUP( or ~L ~hen Ltnder at tenders ...~ptH.."'n. upon m:H:":'c to H-m;owef. may m3l~ 'men 2Prc;~f;.U1;';;~: d!~b\H't' \\......-h <br />S-unts and take such a.chon <is a neceuar) h' protet..t Lender $ 101erC-:i(. 'll\.'IUiJmi::, hut th)~ imlllcd w. dl\OUO,emcnl d <br />~ucmabll: auorney'-~ f~ and entry upo~ the Proper!)' hl male repa:f\ It !....erlJer ;{"litHn:d mongag\.' !f\:\ur,HK"c .\1. ,I <br />c-oad-luon <?f m&k.m-g tfi:e 10:lln ~rN b~. ttus [)coed of "ru~u, Borrower shall p,w the prcrnmm!.- reqUired h' m:tnlt~lf~ \lldl <br />l~ncc: m ~n"t unlit l-taclt tune a"\ 1M reqUtrem.enl for such m!>W'anCl; termmatc" In ,1cc.ordancC" wHh Horwwer\ :lnd <br />LCJlder's- written ~!.fftmC1lt Of applicable- Ja.w B0fH-moe: shall pa~< the ;tml~unt (1! ~,tl !lwnga~e m~urancc prC01HJOl'). ]11 tht.' <br />man...r proVIded under 2 h",.,,,! <br />."-1 a-JftOUnts dilbuned b}' Lcntkf punU4_nt w :hn- pan,r.tpfl 7. ""lih Illt~r'e::U fhct'Cllll_ ,hail het:,;;mlc ;Hjdlllnn~l <br />H'Kleb-tt,dneu_ pf borro-wet secun:d l't\' t111"1 [~d \,)t TIU!tol t 'nla'\. '''nuowei ,HH.1 1 ("!lUU .lgre-e 10 other tcons 1.\1 P:1Y11lcot. \uch <br />J.mtWntt: ~haU he pa)ltble upon nohce from Litudcr t,) 80ff(~wr-r H."q~tII1R p;lYfnenl !ht'fcoL ;,lnd ~ha!! hC;lf 11"lC.;'f('M It''r:' rhr' <br />-d... oJ disbtJftcn.Mat -I.t ~he nle p.yaht~ fn>>n time 10 Hm~ ('on {lUf\Urn:hng pmK')p;}l under 1~~C Note unlc\~ p.\)Tflt'nl l!~lert'1'it <br />l.t ~.h, tak ,,'wW ~_ ~(ICUl.f)' to aooh-cablt" lav,. In WhH;h ~\l'e:nt ",ll\;h amn\H'H.. "h:ill h,"llr ,!\(t'r-ru ;'1: ~h... h...h",l:.t .'_"1.' <br />_pu-m....hIe: under ~ophe.bie h.... N~~tf'l~ ,-'vn~~11rn:d III lhr~ paragraph .., ~tMtl- r~ulfc iXf'1ti~;- to l~f.-~r' ~I;i\' ~~p~:~~;~'~:; ;.~k:' <br />"'11 .,;1_ l><tt.tU>dot <br /> <br />I. .........4 t ,end<< fuay ~a~<e (Jf. UU~ W hie mnde f'!:.!i:~nahk Cl\t.f!t"1> t!pt:m ,;lnd In'q:~{'<,tJ\.H1,!; nf lhc Pr,'p:::-ny <br />~:::t~^~~~~I~~')f-'~f JlO(JCt, fUHH 10 ~:ml sO{;:h n1'\f)E<:lHilln 'pet.::Jt\I;-\~ reaHlflable- ,,_,!U\C fh~rt;h'r rei"tC'li ~.;~ ("'th~f '> <br /> <br />