<br />r
<br />
<br />83..... 005496
<br />
<br />LcncIe<'s wri<<en ~t or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of.aIl~ insurance pmm~'..ilrtl!e
<br />m.aIUlerproYided. under parqrapb 2. he>;eof;
<br />An} a!llOOOta disbursed hy Lender pursuant ll> Ihis. paragraph 7, with inter$ >thereon, shaJlc be<:ome addi~
<br />lndebtecl_ o{Borrower. SOCUft!d.l>y this Mortgll.ll'" . Unless .Borro\r.........d. Lender apecloolher_of'pa~li!such
<br />lIIl10UDls shall be payalll4 llpO"llOlicecirom Lender ll> Borrower .requesting paymenl thereof. alld shalt beal'i~,~rtbe
<br />dale. ofdisb~. at lbe.!'ale payable..from..time. to time .on. outstanding .ptincipJl.under, the NOte'..lItIleac.pa.ymeilt,qf
<br />Interest at sooh rat&wouldbe contrary ll> applicable law. inwhichevenl such amounta shall bear;n(ereSt'althed'iil!l,est;rale
<br />permiaible under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall requm Lender to 1_ aD)"~ OI't.
<br />any action l1ereunder.
<br />.. I~ Lender may malteor cause to be made reasonable enlries upon alld inspecliOi1S'of the Property,provided
<br />that.LcncIe< shall give Borrower notice prior to atlysuch inspection specifyingreasonahle cause therefortdaledtoI.eailds
<br />in_in the Property.
<br />9. . eo.Isaa....... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or COIIICqUeI1tial, in cot1tIIlCriorrwith.atlY
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu <>f cODdmnnation. arehenoby'lSSi/lDed
<br />alldsballbe paid to Lender.
<br />In the e_t of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortsage,
<br />with the e.ceu, if any, paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unleas BO<roweralldLender
<br />~ a,pee in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmportion of the proceeds
<br />u .. equal. to that proportion wbich tbe amount of the sums secured hy this Mortgage immediately priot' to. the date of
<br />tokine bean to tbe fairmartet value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the babmce .of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property i.. ahandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice hv Lender to Borrower that the coademnorolfers 10 mate
<br />an aWtid or settle a claim for damagm. Borrower hils 10 ''''pond to Lend.... within 30 days after the dale such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender i. authorized to collect and apply the proc:eeds. at lender's option. either to restoration or repair of lhe
<br />Property or to the turn. secured hy this Monll8ee.
<br />Unleas Lender and BoI'TDWer !>the....;.., a~ '" writing, any .neh application of proceeds to principal shall not nlend
<br />Of pootpone the due date of the monlhlv i....tallmen.. referred to in paragraph. 1 and 2 hereof or change the amounlof
<br />such Installments,
<br />tl. JIonow.cor Not RdeMed. Extension 0f lhe rime for payment (If modification Df amortintion of the sums secured
<br />by this Mong.. granted h~' Lender (Q any suc(,'CSSOr in inEere~t (\f &rrower shan not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borr-o\\'et and Bo-rrower'~ successors In interest. Lender .;haH not be required to commence
<br />proceedings. against such lUt-"Ceuor or refu~ ti'\ e'(le:nd time for pa~'mt:nt Of C1the,"",i~ mtxlify amortization of the sums
<br />~ured hy rh~ Monpge by .rc:uon of ,~ny demand made hy the origmal Borro\lo"er and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. F~ by l~ Net. W.....f1'~ -<\".. fi')rbearartCc h\' 1-ender in t''<trcising am.. right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />i'lthcrwue afforded hV applicable law, ",halt not he .;! waiver ('I ,.-,r pr<<:tudc lhe c-:(e-rclsc of a.ny s.uch right or remedy.
<br />The- procuff!nH'nt of in.uranu or the p.aymenl of tax~ or ctther iien$ or (ha~,"~ t\\' Lender "haH not he a Wl1iwr of Lende-r~s
<br />richt 10 acuJer8te the maturity of !ht" mdcbtedne~!\ ;;ccun--d bv tn;"" MortgaR{'
<br />12.. ...... C........... AU remedie~ prondcd jn thi.. ~1(1tfg.nge arc \.huinct and cumulative h.l any other right or
<br />~y under rhis MOt"tgagc. or afforded h\' tl)W l'r equuy. .md may he nt"fc\t."d \.:-t")tlcurrentlv. mdependently or slJccessively.
<br />13. s.c.-... AIslps _....: Joiat ... M..ra1 1,;abilIty: ('aptioM. Th. ,'ov<nanl. and .g",em<nts h<rein
<br />coofamed \hall hind. and the rlghl$ hereunder ,.haU Inure 111, the re'l.pect!Yc 'llh.:ceot,~")rs. and u.\i!ln'5 \"If I cnder and Borrower.
<br />i-Ubjec11o !he provKiont (if pa.rqrnph ! 7 hereor A.U c-""'~nanll and .d~~ements ~"lf lk"1trl)'M'('r shall be !(litH and 'S.~eraL
<br />The caplions anti hcadmp .ot' the para.uph" I)f Ihis Mt,nga#;e .ire f."'f ~.{"nvc-mence (,"i\' ~lMd .m.~ not It) he used to
<br />Interpret Of' ddine t~ provuiwm hc-reot.
<br />..... NetJc.t. f-xcepc for any nOUtt required under ..sp-ptN:able la'>' {D be gn'en In anolher manner, (a) In}' notice to
<br />Borrower pro\'u:kd for in Ihis Mof13aJC' YtaH he gv.eTI tw m;;uiing \u,h \'H)HCt~ bv ;,:crtified m:,ul .tddressed l(~ Borrowe-r at
<br />the Prope't't}' Add~ (1f at ~u~;h ()[her ,:u.idreu ~s B-ot'l"1:")w-:-1' n'l.;tV (k~i!gna.~e h-v notj~c to Lender as provided herein, ~lnd
<br />(b} .any not.k:c Ii) Lender shail be glve-n by \.---e-rufk,.1 m,uL retilm t~.'t"!pt r-cqi1~-$fed. 1'_' 1 ender-\; addreu .stared herein ('( to
<br />s.uch frtMI' 3~ ~s Lender may ~ignatc n\- n.;;HH.'t: 1,\ 8~nn.'\l.~r ;u prt~"-'lded tte-.re-m .\on\" notice J'n.wided for In till'
<br />Man,. shaU be deemed to have: heen gl'tlf'n w BorrftWCf ,>r ! tmkr -,..hen ~:...-~n in the ma.nner de1ign.1ted herein.
<br />15. Vtdfotoaa M~ C:tGYflIIiIIc ("._~ Sn-f'rablJity. !hi' ti"lrm (\t mf'H1:age ("(~mbines uniform (o"'cnant~ for nation;,l
<br />use an.J non,unlform i.'(tvcnants \i,.j.th limited VanaU{)f'll$ f',y ]'~Hl~dn.:t:n" h} (muhttlt~ a uniform ~UtllY instrument t:o...--ering
<br />reaJ propert\' This Mortgqft '-~aH be governcd f-,.y ,he Lt\&- i'l !he iitn'"-b..:oon Hi ""hich !t:e Property j... loc3.ted_ In thl"
<br />event that any pro\'I'lOn or dauSot' of 1hh. MC\nitiilC ,)1- Int' ',He -":t.Hlfh~,t\ ... uh .':pplkable fay,'. su..:h l.:onfticl ,hall not affect
<br />Other pn:wlsion, \"If th.'<l M"n,xac 1..1f In(' ;..l(~~e v.r'HL:h ..'.<In he ~:\"t:n ttf("\:{ wnh(l\lt lhe cont1H..~ttn~ rrovidon. .and to 1hi!
<br />end. ttlt provision!; ,,'if :he Mortgage: ,:t.nd the 'ole :ir-(' dtt!.;m:d !,> ~ ...t':"enbh.~'
<br />16. .IeJotoWft", Cop,. Borrowu ~haH t"le fUfnl'-Mt! .'1 '-l~nh'mletl ~.,~ry N The- SOle ;uHi of tOI". !\fortg.ajle at the time
<br />of CJ;e:cutlon I,)r ..hn l"<<ordatit'l'n herrof.
<br />11. TraaIfer of'" Pruperty; .~~. If..ii nr .0\0\ p..t!l or tht" Pn'~r{v ~lr ;An mtc:rt:'{ thel.C'ln j" !\.old i.lf trans.ferred
<br />by Borrower WtlOOur Lender', pnor wdltef1 ......'nK-ot. t"\dudwl !.Il the d'c3tlun of <1 hen ~'T encumbrance subonlinate to
<br />this Mort.... 1M the crt.tion fl( a pun;hasc moM''f ,,<."\.:Uflt' !l)ttft"\t i\_~r hi";useh(1ld ;,ppha.nces. IC) ;~ tran5fer by devise,
<br />descent {l.r by ()pennlon l"ff law upon the death ~lt ,) 1I.1Int tenilnl Of 'f .1.. 11 r' t ~.. l T If' -I . f 1Lrll ~ rrFl ur ltu
<br />- .' J r ~ l' 11 r L l.endtr ma\', .H I.ender'" t'pHorc Je-d.ln" aU the ~ums secured tw tnis Mortgage to he
<br />Immediately due and payable, 1.ender 'in.1I ha..-e ....u\'ed \tH.J~ (~ptH)n hl aL'Cdeutc If, prior 10 the "Jolt: ~)r transfer. Lender
<br />and the penon to whom the Property ts. to he ).('tiJ t.j transferred re.a\:h agrecm~n1 In ..... fltlf!g that tne credit of such pen('n
<br />is -.atisfKfOO' to tlZnde.r and that the tote-fe-U payab-k on ~h<: 'tlm" \Ci;ured h rhi~ \1ortg-dgC shiJJl t'te at :such rate as Lender
<br />diaD roquesto if Lender ftu wuvea the o{Klon w a.cccie-nm: pnn aiw ;n tr1<) pill-sgeoIIX'} i '7. o.liid. d BOITOwcf'3 iiiC'n~.f in
<br />i_ has ......."'led a w,,!ten _pt"", ...m:menl """"Pled in wr"lng by Lender, Lemler shall relea", Borrower from .11
<br />obIipliom unde~ this Mona.... alld the Note,
<br />If t.ender ex.erdses Neh option In &C\.'de-r:ate. Lender ..hall mail Borrower notIce l'f a..::celention in accrmtancc with
<br />pafaJl1l.pb 14 he~. Such notice- d..lJ pro"i-tdc- a pt:nOO {")f O{\-t leu than ::to dJlY~ from the date the nolk-e is mailed wlthin
<br />wh.fcb Borf\'t"'-C:f ma}' rat tbe 1;l.Ifl'tS declared doc_ If 80rrnwcr bills !"" pa\' s.uch ,Hm, pnor tI, the ('\f'iratton (\f ~uch penod.
<br />l..ender BU.)'. ~'lthout futthcr notK"c: or demand on BotfOYoier, :nvoie an) remediei. pcrmftted hy paragraph IS he-reof.
<br />
<br />NoN'-Ufitfi'l'*M COVfHAS"ts, ~ and L~ndef further c{J'fenaOI and agr<<: as follows:
<br />It. Ac~........ Es...,. .. .......w..t In --... 17 Ioenof, _ ............. breKh of .ay ......_ o.
<br />.......... '" ........ In llIlo Mortpea. ~ tlw w_ to pay w.... d_ MY _ ......red by IbIo M.........
<br />............. to _ InBl-.............. to IIon:own.. _vw..t I.. ~ 14......... specify...: (l) tilt breach:
<br />m...............___..... (3). "-.....lea _ J(I days f...... tlw 01*. ,"" -'rt '" I1IIIlhcIlo ...........
<br />..,. ...... ....... .... toe e..... ... l.t) tW ,....... to ........ _ lorueh oa .... baf.... tloa dak .~ In I"" -'rt
<br />..,....... .1 ......"'...._ ___.., llIlo ~ r_ hy jtIlIidal pro<eadIna......... of lite Pruperty.
<br />'hot.................. ..... __ '" tlw rftllot to .- __ a<<ate...... ...... tilt ..lit to _n itJ tlw f_
<br />........... _ .' . . '" . ......... ... _ othet ..... .., ........... to ............... .... ,_. If tbt lorueh
<br />-_~ .. .. ....... ... ..... ....... \to "... -'ct. leHH at l.e....... ....... may dedan all of lilt ._ .....u.... hy
<br />.. M!!4~ '" "'" . - .~...... ~ ...... ........ ...... _ ...., r.......- .., ju4lclal ,--u.c. lADder
<br />............ Ie........ \to __....... all .._ at f___. ............ "'" ... IlalitH '''. <OlD o. liont-..r,
<br />........... _1IIlt .......
<br />It .~................. Not..:it~:'i.ndtnl Lcndef'5 aC4.:r.f(-f.a1JOO ~-..-f the s,.um~ M!t.X!fC'Q t'1v Ihe:'! MQftlla~.
<br />~ ~ ~. .be rilJ.tt to _ba~ Ui)' f1h~n~ he-fU-n bv f ,t:~f h) Cllf\"f\,'C IfH\ MQflgage- ....hJ.\.~QnfmH<'d ,'H IU1\" tim('
<br />