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<br />83':'" \Ju5496 <br /> <br />UNIFOllM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenanland alitee a.follows: <br />1, PaYJllCl't of PriDdplIIllIIlI IDmat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due Ibe principal of and interest ol'l .~ <br />indebu-'aeos evidenced bylhe Note, prepaymenl and lale charges as provided in Ihe Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on ey t'U1ure Advances secured by Ihis Mortgage. <br />%. F'1mds for T..... llIIlI......,.,. Subjecl to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by LendeJ;,Bqrtq"ret'_~lpar <br />to Lender onlbe day monlhly installments of principal and inlerest are payable under lhe Not\', uolll the Note lSpilid:in ful~; <br />a lUll! (herein ''PUIl<!sc'') equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which- may attllinprii:lliiy;'O\(C!r>lbi$ <br />Mortpge, and ground rents 00 ~ Property, ifey, plus <>ne-twelfth.of ~arly premium installments.f9l' ./laZItrd- >~ <br />plus one-twelfth .of Yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably CStinlated initillllYllJli!,J(Otn <br />time 10 time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates the_f, .. _..;'.).;, <br />The Funds sball"" held in an institution lhe deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed bya.l'e4linil-or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such.n institution)_ Lender shall apply IheFunds to pay said taXes,ll5iessIl1eiIts; <br />i""ul'lUlCe premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said ~.. <br />or verifYing and compiling said assessments and bills, unl_ Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds.ahd'llpplicllbfeJaw <br />permits Lender 10 .nake such a charge_ Borrower and Lender may agree in writing al the time of executinnof !bis <br />MOrIPJe thaI ilJlel'C$t on the FUllds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless sucb agreement is made or applicable'Ja"" <br />requirrs such intcrcstto be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earuinaa~n theFunds.,l.cndei' <br />shall give to Borrower, witbont charge, an annual accounling of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fundsahdtbe <br />purpose for wbi<:h each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this MongallC_ <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, ",sur"",,e premJUms and ground rents. shall ex"""" the amount required to pay said taXes, <br />asseuments. mmr.nce premiums and ground rents as they rail due. such exec", shall be, at Borrower's option,eitbet' <br />promprly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. II the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender .hall not be .ufIici..... to pay taxes. .-ssmems, insurance premIUms and ground rents aa they fan due, <br />Borrower sball pay to Lender any .moUllt nece..ary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date nOlice i$lnailed <br />by Lender to Borrower reques/lDg payment therrof. <br />Upon payment 10 full of aU sums .lecured hy t01'; Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender_ If under paragraph 19 hereof lhe Propertv " ,old or Ihe Property" otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply. no later than immediately prior fO the :-;..a1e ;Jf the Property Of its Jcquisition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Ltmder a! the t!me nt applk.1t.1on as o! ..:redl! against th~ :sum-I! ~'t,.~t!re.d by thiS Mortgage. <br />3. AppIicatioe 01 ~ts. Unless apphcable lit" pr1..1\"lJcs \HherwIse, all pa}tment.!i reCel\'ed by Lender under the <br />Note.and paragraphs. i and 2 hereOf s.halt be applied by tender tiNt In pa}meot l,1{ amounts payable to L~nder by Borrower <br />under paraaraph .2 hereof. then to 1Iltere!it payabje on the !\l\\IC. [hen l"O the pnnclpal of the: Note. and then to and <br />pone-Ipa) -on Any Future Advances. <br />4. CIIaraa; IJeas. Born.-,.wtf "hail p.J'i .J1l"_ h_"C,",mcnt.. .lnJ i'th('r ,,:h;Hgl;.'~. fine,," MH.i Impo~illons aitributabJe to <br />the Pto~"y which may attain a. pnorll~' over t~li.!> Mortgag~,;, ,md It,~a.,cih'hI payment:;. or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />pro\'tded under p~ugraph 1. hcrwf PC d not paid In '\u..:h manna. D\ H(',nmer mit~lng paynWOL when due. dlTCctly to the <br />p~y<< thereof- Borrower sh.lI promptly furms.!! h} 1 entic:r aH H\ltll..C~ ,\1 -1mounh JlJC uoder thl~ paragraph, in the event <br />Borrower shall ma.kt p.aymcnl dJr(,~-~:th> B\'rH)~-\."r ~halJ prompt!\' !urt1hh t.) Lcn"kr r~\.\,'lpt\ C'vid~n;.:mg such payments. <br />Borrower shaH promptly du.chalgc any ilCll ....hll.:t, lid.:.'> (}[t,,-'lit..- "\t"1 !hl.. M;Htgage. i'r"\'ldc:u. [ 8,,'rn.lw.:r ..hall not be <br />requlred h1 di.scharge any i.u(h hen -..0 kint: ,l.'o H~)rrIH\C"r ..h..iJ! .tgrcc ill .,rH:!1';: 11.' 1hl.' p,l\mcnt nt the obhgali\\(\ '!.ccured by <br />such hen II) a manDer ai;"(,:eptable IIJ l.ender, ,11'" ..hJ.lI Hl g(),t"td i.Ufh ;.-,)nti......l \tl,;h hen two ,1f' \kfend ent...)rc\."fHcnt oj s.lll.:h lien in, <br />icgitl pro'i.:eed!ng) WhlCh operate It; prc\-cnr the 1.:"nf~'n,:cmem lIt I h.' hell _>f torlc!turt: of the Pr0pc:=ny ,)f ~ny part th<reof. <br />5. Hazard 1.......<<. .&-mo-y.-er "hail k~p lhe ;mpn~\l:me-nh fh'" 1."\htHl~ ,If hert.:;lr'ter ~rc~lcd ...10 the Pr\)p<:rty m~ured <br />agaUtil h}M, h\" fire, nazard.\ Hldudt"d ~l{hm the term i..'\h:-nut'd ,Y'q'!.Jge' .l!hi ..lh:n dhct hJ.zard~ 3.'\ lender may ;~qUlre <br />and In such -amount! and f(.)f ~lJ.,:h ['Cfl'L-.d'J. .-.(\ I cndcr nld~ rC4<J't1..~_ ~'r,'\ IdCtt l!Ul t J;!hkr \f1aii nN ITquire that the anlt.Hult I)t <br />such (,'0'o' e:t;,;e-t'd th-at .'i.mnunt \li (\.).\et3~C requn~d !,~ pJ.'i.. It)~ cAIn. \-t:..lHt:d hv lht:l. M..'ngage <br />The iMurance ~arner rr(n...i:rlm~ the Ul~U;.uh._C ,h...1J I:e ..hth~'n h..- Horn""", \:ubjcct h._~ ;-tppflJ':al h:-. Lender; proVided. <br />that :such appro\-'al ~halJ not he unrc.a.sonah!v v.-nhhdd ,\il pfl."mWl1b .'f! t!P.l!i<.i,h';': P,,-\IKiC\ ,h...H bl: paid HI lhe manner <br />pn.")Vlded under pi4ragnph 2 here-of 01- it nut p,:wj in 'Hh':t'. nl4nnC! P\'rh!~Cr pa\'menL \l, h~n due. Jlrect)y to the <br />Insurance c-arner. <br />AU msuran...-.: pUilCle:.\ and rem:"'Ah th-ct;:",;" ..h~H h~ Hi ~,'f-:1i ,..:,,:cflubil.' ft.'l t ("(hIt"! ,H)il ".h;dl ,~l\.'!\ldc .\. ...t.lnd;lrd mUrfgilgc <br />dause In fa""..,,,, d' ~nd Il1 form a..:..:epl;J;ok I,I I CHdcJ i J..'fll.k: ',~..\n h..\.'o": :';}<: fight h' rhlld tht, pnb..'l("'> ...nd l~nl'\\dl" there\lL <br />;ind Borrower ~haH prompd}' turm"h h' Lender ,la fCUl'''..: n)ft~l:" ..:1m! .l..d r~',-'clph .J! p.ud rrcm.Hlln... In lhe \'\cnt of Jo~.,., <br />~"T~er ~b.aH gl\"t~ prompt nOH(l;" It) the !n~W,..Hh.C ....J!:;u ,twJ 1 cn~h'~ I end..'; t~l-l' ~;~.I~'" PW,'1 ,'i ll\~~ If g\\{ nnJ.... prl.'mplij <br />by Borrower < <br />Untea I.ender ~nJ Bortl.~weJ l'thcf\IIl"C "!ffC\,.' In ... fJtiflg. 1!l...i.ll.lfh.C r""...CC~h :!.h.lil Ix .tpplu:cJ h.' tl....l\iration ",f repair nf <br />the Property Jamaeed. pnwfdcd :\u~h !C'''-h.l;al:d) n: tcp.w ;" ""~'..'n,'mJ,,:,d\" :.....I..lhk. .Iod tne- "C":lll'II\ \It thl" MortgJ.!ll~ h <br />not fhereby impaired It 'tltl..'h rc",lt'rat!('Ifl i.)f !Cp..ur h fh'l ,....l'IH'nll....l.lh .': ,: the St.'i.:tHll\ l'l lhl\. \-fnrtgd~c w,HIlt.! <br />be impaired, tbe Jnnuauce PhX;eaj:-, ..hail b-c: <.pphcu t,~ lhl,: "um:;. "t.";,,'l.rt:\l h\ thl'> ;\hmgagc. \, ilh !h~ t:'-"'-C'S. !t ,l.ny. paliJ <br />to 8orn.'\Wcr, it the Proptf1\ ~x dN&l\di.t\e~ h ikH(,l....l.'l ,'I !i,')fr,i'oo\l.'f fJlh 1,' ;1.':\ptHlJ h' I coder \Nfth!ll 30 da~~ tWnl the <br />date notlCC IS fnalled bv Lender hI tlotr.HA;("! !h..:.: the tll~Urijlh.l'. ....--If!;Cf ....!fct\ t;. ...t'llk ...I ~i<li!Tl hJf li':....\lfanLl: hclletlt!-, lender <br />i... il.uthorit:.ed to collect and -ippt~ the lH~tlnHh':<' J'ro,..:<<,J!lr, ,It I'f ., dpthHl either h\ re!l.h1r,ilhHi ,l( rep.J.Jf ot the Propcn) <br />or to (hi! 5.Wlb. ~ured ~\\' thu. Mortll'aQc <br />Unless Lcndc-r and ikmower \~th;NI"C .lgft.'l: <l~ '.-\litmg> ,-:.!1\ "Lh;h ,rppl:l.:~dh)n ,}f ph\.,,;ccth 1\, l~nnClpdl ...h,dl nol l.'_\tend <br />Of F-viij)Ufte ihe vue date 01 ihc. t1iv-iuhh- ifl~i..i;i1".Kfd'" i"-'":h;-iT€-a ;:;, ;;, p...;a;;,r.aph; ..:;J:: ht"red ~"'"f ",'h~!'!g~ !h~ ~f!h\tm! ~)! <br />such ulStallroe-nu.. h ul1der pan,graph IS hcreot the Pn!~ny ,,,> aC'iutfe-d h~ Lenot':f. .JU fjght. mle and liHere.'\! ot BorrO\, er <br />In and to any )murtlfk.~ POhC1eS and in olrni 1(\ fhe pri.-xeeJ~ thereo: rl.~tllllO~ Tr,'rn d.lmagc h) 1he Propcn~ prIOr to lhe sale <br />or acqws..tion t.h:aU pa$1i to Lender tt) the t'\lent pi Ihe HI:1lS "t:--.:ur\.."Ii h?- ihl') \L'flgagl' LnlmCdlatcl) pnol' L~ ,>uch ..ale Of <br />&eq\llailion_ <br />6.. Pnwuvat.iae: aM ~r- 0-' PI'OpC't1:~; Le&!iirtwlds:; ('oudominium~; Manned lnit Jh"elupmcn~. HorrO\\'f..'r <br />Iball t.eep 1be Pro-pert). in -Jood repair and s.hall not C-Olllmu v.aste ,H permIt llnp~irment or detenoraUuH ot the Property <br />aJld. $bail 'amply with the pro~u.'ltl5 of any icil!tC It thl~ Mt.'rtg4~ I... on ;1 k.~sdwtd. If :ill" \-1ongag~ j\ t'n .1 Ulllt 111 ..I <br />\::ODdoJn1ntUm or a -phmncd unu d(""elopmem. Bt'tffOVlct ~hajj pertwm >fH ..H HOHI)\\Cr"S \'hhgatu)os under !he dedd.ralli!I'1 <br />Of ccveoanu Cf\:At!U& l.1f ~i)vemIOS the \,.'-t.>rw.k)mmlt.lnl \1r piann-ed \HH( de\>eh.1pnwnL the bv-ta.w\' and: regulaw...'-oC'o (.f rhe <br />~Oftdom,a.mum cr pb.nned unit dc:\'eiopme'm, lum,tltucnt Jl..lI.:urncnt"". It d ,.:(1f\d0tll,mium N rl;.nfl~d UOlt .!c\clopn'lt:nt <br />rtGer u CUlCIfUM1 by Bor-rowcr a:Qd rcc,)fded h,-~ttwf \\tth (hiS ~hnIgag(:, the I,:o\"(n~m.s .inJ ,tgrcemcnh ill '<lIdt ndi;'f <br />.w be ~poqtod into iU1d maU iIJl'J-efid ilnd \uppicme:nl the I,.'O"Ciianl-\ ",od agn~(:me-nh ot !h;s Mortgage ~t-'\ Ii the rIder <br />.._ a put hereof. <br />1. ~ of I~~..- If Ror-r-l.1\\'e:r fall, {Cl pert\'l-rm the ~oVen3nt$. anlj ~tgre('mc-ttU- ,,'\,mtameu In thIS <br />~. Of if an)' :iC;-tton 01' pr~D5 I\; ;;otnmem.-eU whi-ch m3.teriaUv ~dfei;ts l.ende-.(~ li1terest in (he Prnpcrn', <br />~i~ ~ _ nut. h~u~ t?T ~~. ~t~" ~~1klh"ern::\~'~ c:~~:n~~~l~:~~~. O~T*~:~_~!:~~~::~' (:r_~~~.&~~~~~l.~nv'-'I,~U\1t , a <br />ncu.fUpt Of U~q.fU. tMn l,COQCT IU J...~" "'fX1\.'n,, Uf..~1n nvn..." n. ........1'-'....... n''',~ .,,""..'" .H.t...; ...F'..............."'..... ......~!!'!t. ~~h.h <br />.... A04 t'-_ aw.b ktton H U ~ h:) prot<<! Le:uk:t". mterest, il1duOlng. ~ut not hnnted fl.). dlS.buf'!i(1l1Cnl llf <br />~ auonwry''S feet and tAtry' l.O-pQn the f)rnpert}' lO mil~t' repairs it Ll:.tlder fc"\.{uircu rnortga.g~ in50Uran,;( ,1' ,t <br />,~ ot .tl.laklni the mn iku{N try thu, Mo-ttpge. Btl<rrft\Jier _dud! pay trw: rn::mn.H'n!. reqntn.":d h\ maiftu.II1 \tu::h <br />iuw...... in t<<act Wlttt Mi(:h ti_ -u lMt r-eq-ujnm'lt:nl tOt 'Hen l.n!fi;uu.nce f::::rmu'lidC'"\ In .,l',,~" "' Hh 8i1rT\'\Wcr\, an,t <br /> <br />