<br />83....005491
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />9. C........"adon. The proceeds ot any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection wit~ any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part tbereof, or tor conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby asslsned
<br />and shall ""paid to Lender.
<br />In lheevent of a lotallaking ot lhe Property, lhe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with ..ce excess, it any, paid to Borrower. in Ihe event ot a partial taking ot tbe Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of Ihe;prOceolds
<br />as is equal to that proportion wbich lhe amounl of Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed ot Trust immediatelyprwr to the d.ate of.
<br />rakiot bears 10 the tair martet value of tbe Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the bala"".. of the proceeds'
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If lhe Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor otfcn to'make
<br />an award ot settle a claim for daw_"tges. Borrower faUs to r~pond to Lender within 30 days after. tht:- -dat~: such notice-: is
<br />mailed, Lender is aulhorized 10 collect and apply lhe proceed., al Lender's option. eilber 10 restoration or repair of th..
<br />Property or to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in wri.ing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall nou~J(tend
<br />or postpone lhe due dale of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the anmutltof
<br />,uch install_nlS,
<br />to.. Bono...,. Not Released. Extension ('If the urne fOT payment or modification of amortization of tl.i: sums secured
<br />hy this Deed of Trust gnt:nted by Lender to any ...ucc-ess.or m interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manncr~
<br />the liability of the original Borrower :md Borrower's succes!>ors in interest. Lender ~han not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or retuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization- of the_ sums
<br />s.ecured by this Deed of Trutt hy reason of any demand made hy the onginal Borrower and Borrower's successors- in- interest~
<br />11. Forbearaace by l,.ende-r Not -a WaiVff. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or-
<br />otherwise afforded by apptieal:'tle law. shall not be ;1. w31ver t~f or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tbe procurement of Insurance or the payment of taxes or orher liens or charges: by Lender- shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the matnri[\, of the indehtedne~>'i s.C'cured h\-' this. Deed of Trust.
<br />11. Rem-edies Cumulati~'e. All remedies prOVIded in thls Deed Hf Trust are dis.ttnct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed tit Tn.st o1r afforded by law or eqUity, and may be exercised concurrentlj, independently or-
<br />soccesslvelv.
<br />13. Succeuon and Assqns Bound; Join( and SM;t'nll Liability; CaprioM. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shaH b-md. ,md the- righl$ hereunder '\h~lI inure H~. The rcspt!'':!lv~ successors and assigns of lender and Borrower.
<br />'iub~ect to the provisions of paragraph ! 7 hereo-I AU ti..wenant\ and agreements ('If Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The eaptions and headmgs. of the paragfaph.1,; of thi.. Deed (If Tru!'t Me f0r ;.'onvenience ()nly and arc not to he used to
<br />1 nterpret or define the provlsions hereoi.
<br />14~ ~~, ExceJH for any notice reqUired under appht.:al'lle 1:l\\'- Ii! Oc, gIven In another ,manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower pl'-Ov.ded for m this Deed of Trust shall be gl'o"cn hv n1.uhng such n(ltlc,e hy certJtied mali addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property AddfCS$. or at !iiuch Olbc-r address ;1;'\ BQrwwer may aes:gnatc hv nohce to Lender as prm1ided herein. and
<br />(b) any notice 10 Lc:ndt.r !!obaH be gwen hy l..'erutied m::u!. return :receipt requested. ({l L-ender\ address stated herein or to
<br />such: mher addr-en a~ Lender may daign:atc by noH{;-c :d Ik!HIlwC'r il~ pnWj-dL--d herem. An)' ..o-ace pTi'.wided for in this
<br />[k"ed of Tont shall be deemed to have been ~lven !\) Horn'\\-t:f ,.f Lender when gf\'C'n in the manner designated herein.
<br />15-. Uniform 0efl:I of Tmst: ('",-G"tom.. I.aw: Sto:n'nl.bilit~._ rhl). form of deed nt HUS.t ..:omhmes umform covenants for
<br />natIOnal use ~nd non-umform cO\;enants with llnlllCd '" anMlun... by jUnsdH:ta'n ',-~ ..:onsmU!c a uniform s,C\.:unty instrumenr
<br />("t.wenng rnJ propcny Tht~ Deed or Tru\t ..hall r-e l--~lvt"rn('d hv the law o! lhe ;ml!'oJic!lon In whIch the Property is k\Cafw.
<br />in l~ event that anv pcovuaon pr clause nt lh:~ Deed ,-'1 -1 fH~1 ~)r ihc ~oic ,:t'o:b..:b ~llh ;;pplicabic law. such conflict shall
<br />n<'1 affect olha pnY'y'ISJOm 1.)1 this Dec:d of Tnnl (jf the- ;";:ott' WhiCh ~.<ln he ~:!\ c-n ert"C"',;t wlthout the l'\)nn'Ctlll~ provision,
<br />.l.nd to tnl1t. end the nrovlSlons {'1'1 the Deai {Ii 1 !U\{ Jnu lhe 'nh: .1ft.' dt:CIa,Cd :,' f'C 't::vcrahk.
<br />16-. Botrowe1'~; CopJ~ Borrower shall tit' ;!;flll..hed ;, ~\mtiHmcd ~-;:;r\" .-,' lrw :"-i~\ll,' .mo ~'1 lht\ Deed I.H Trust ~\l the time'
<br />.~r ('Xet--utlOfl or alter rec.ordauon hereo.t
<br />17. 'f'1'1lOifft'" of the Proput,,~ A5Umprion~ ii ~Ill ," ,jl'1\' P:Ht pi the Pn'p<!!\ ~H ,Ht mterest therem lS sold or Transferred
<br />hy Horrowcr wnhQut Lender's pnor wrn;t'o ,,;,!,,'olell!_ 1.'..;..;uJm~ ~'[h(' -\..-rC~!I,~!l ,'l ;1 ilC"!1 l': l..~I)(,:umhran<:c \ulx)rdmate- to
<br />,hts. lke1.i of TrmL ! b) the cn:atlt1H t1l ~~ p{)fch,J~t~ nHHl~" "e\..lI!l;\ ,qlef""..,.l :,\( h,-"uM.'h..,iJ arpilafJi,:c~, \~., ii trans.ter tw devi.),e.
<br />J-csc::eUf or flY operation nt htw ujXm the {fe-tIlr, ,}f .1 ,,'tOl tCft.lnl ~lr . ,.l; ~h~~ .'! .lIn }e.1'1-C'iIO:z~ ;illtfnt I.H three n',us or Jes!-o
<br />not cont.:tmmg.itn option tn pUfch.l~. i cHth:: :~1,n .~; ~ cnder '" dPt'.'n 1i: :ht" ..,urn.. "l;-..;ur..d tw thl,) Deed 01 Trust to be
<br />.n-mt(':dI3leiy due ~nd pavahle, 1. coller ~h~H h..j\~ ..o\;ll,~{l :'!u.:h Pj1H'H ~,' .h...C..:-f;}t(" ;1. pnUf ',..1 lh~ sale ..)r trall~tcL Lcndel
<br />.J.nd the per'Ml[l to whom the Prn~HY is h,t he \\.H;J ,'r lf2f1"krrt"d ,...-;:n'h .i.;r-':t.:~l~t"n! .:1 wntm~ that the ~fe-dit of stich person
<br />;~ -..ahsfactoTY lP Leotlt."1" ;,sod fh,u the mreft.'"'!.t r-J'...~t>k ,;.n nlt: ,um-., -.,,,^,:mCd :hL'l- Deed \'1 Tnt\t ...hall be at ~tll,.:h rate a~
<br />i.Cnd,('f shall r~unt lll..-cneet" h-:;.-s Wiil\>Clj the- t}pllOf1 1.' .K,-ett:t.Ui: f'ro\;iJrd in It':!.. f'':H.t~raph ! -', .~nd d. BD-(fc,wcr':-. .,>u-.;..:essor
<br />n .ntercs! has. C,'IOet.'uted;t ~';lrten .l,>>umptlOH J-ttrn:nlt~n! <.,:...c;:Hed .j~ '<-",',rtH\" hV i.cnu.:r I ~rh_IC( ...haB rdca-';,c Borrower from
<br />..iH 0bligahOO'!!. under ~hn. [')eeu {.f Trm: ~~nt1 the ~fl\C
<br />if under exetCl~ ..u.ch ()p~H~n 1('1 .h":l.:dt'r,i{C_ ; J:;!hler ,.11..1,1 'n;l!l l-k<ff\.\...:=r ~li.H!~t' ,-'1 ,h_'(cterOltlon III ;jc("(ln.iam:c wilt!
<br />;::r.uagraph 1.. h~reo! Sm.:h notice \haH pnp.H..h: ;;1 pcrl{>t.l ,'f .'0'[ <"... ;l1_~!! da~;,. !,,'m iM tL,Ul" the nOl!Cl; f\ mailed within
<br />'"l,.hft:h Borrower ma.. P,J;\. !he ~unh JC{:!.t!l;-j dut: i: lliHf'_'\<O'=~ t,j ;, <.I'. '.!t~il ~~;nh rOOf ~'..' Iht'- t''\.pir;iIll,m (It )uch periri1.l.
<br />Lender l'1Hl)', WtlhOtil rl.li1ner notu.:-c ,o'e J-CW.~:1J . 'o! H.ll't,'......U .... .<'''~ --,B'\, .. t:'1~1;.J~'-'.. ';lot"fmHte-<.1 "\ p-dragraph I R herco-t
<br />NON-L~,HOltM ( \1'.1,.....\"" ,.. B\'If~_"""':l ~H\j i Cllltc ',trth\.~r ,-,.,en.Hj; .Fl...! ,l~!!:C" .,,, f,'llt....."
<br />121. .-e\"Trilt>'a-ttoR: M:t'mt'dtn. ".~n..pI~' pt'tntdt-d in p-__",ph J1' ht."ft'oi. "POft 8urru~t"r'\. hrt'Kh of all\ l'u\"f'n>>nl or
<br />acrft'..~nt uf Bonnw....- In tb. IH-rd nf I l",t, itli:htdin<<- the' n)\~f1itPb en PVI,\ ""'h-t-h dM din 'tuuu. \oe"\-uf"t'-d b\ this l>m
<br />of TnbI. I.-t"ndrr ~f tn at:\'ek-ratiou ...baU_ llt&tU ftu'k.~ lu .BOfru~('r ~ p-nlHdtd In I"'r~rapQ I ~ h~-rcuf ",~\'U~'jne: (1) Ih~
<br />bnatk; (2~ tM actl<Nl ,-rquarni to \YUft." ....m.b bw-ltdt; ell a tlMl~. ,WI. .~~ lh.n ,\{} d.,-~ (rum I h.' datt: the nolke l\ mailed Co
<br />BorfO...r. b, "-"md, \,udt bn:at.~h mU!Jiia i>t- to ur't'd; and t.al lb.. faihur in l utv ..uell' hreadt un nf bf'-forc- tht- date sprcitled
<br />in tlM:' nutK'l' uta) ftiWI in i!n$....t()ft.o-t 1M w,,", 'KHIf'C"d b\ lith l~ri ui 'r~ ;utd ~ l1f Ihe- Pro-pe-rt~, "'flit" notice
<br />~haII furf.., .fttOfm Ilono~u'f ni tbt" n<t 10 fll'uhllll.. .hc-f aH.'rl~nahutl ;.Iud thco I~h' hI IUUlf: a n.mrt 3t'don to a.sse-rt
<br />1M htt&o<<~~'t' \IJ it ,,~htv'c ur :4"' UdlC" tko.-..u."" it' BOffo""-rr lu ..n -:-jt-nuHtn and 'i.ilif'. If thC' bn-lKh i, not ~:un-d
<br />.",ur Watt 1M: date- ..pn"difli in 1M Q(tt.....~. l c:->>Ckr al l.xmkr' UpU-Otl _f-lIt\ ,ied..re aU (.1 tht" "'lltn"!l ,(',:ured b.\ Ihi.\ I),,"
<br />of hUM to br imflM:'diatt"h dIM' ",ud P-lt,-abW ....unm.. f"MlM'r demand lIlnd m~l\o _.nul",: !ht' pt.","cor Ht ."aJt" and an' ..thu retn~ib
<br />permitted by applk-abk taw, t...Rtkf -'ili.ajt bf' ("Dt-ide-d to nl-iic',. aU f"~"lu;'bie nJ:\b and t."l.IM'R!ot'~ ilKulTt'tf" in pUDuina. lhe
<br />f~ pI'O\'flHd in tbh- panlf.tr=-pb I K. indudjRC. b-m not limtlf'd lv, rt"M!io(UUlblr atlof'nt't', tr't"oI-,
<br />If tbe ~wf'f- of ~ ~ ie,~cG~ T'nw_ff ,hall rt'~:ntd ~ not"'!: u' detault in ellKD UHlDt) in ....'tudl the PrQ~rty tJr ~OIM
<br />put r,",.reef IS kH.~ and.~ 1DU ~ of ukh nUlH.'t'" In f~ ma.-un p-re-'M:nbed b\ applkablr ia~ 10 Borrow..., and to tbt'-
<br />O!heJ pet"'!tO-U!lo p~.rilMod b) appikaWt' ia__. ,\ft~r tht:- lapw uf ,Udl Unk" ;t\- ftUt)- t)(' rt'quirflS b~ avP"iotbk U1\"'. -rrm"tee ,hall
<br />-:!~~ ~ ~ uf ~ :i;P :hi' pi:.~" ..u.d m ihe matlDt'1 pf"nt.~I'lbt-G OV ..ppi....>>Oi~ I.". I fll'll<<-. without dt"mand on
<br />Bano.er~ ..... sdl the- Pm-put)' at puba" ,uM:lIun to t~ hi<<tM.'~. blddt'f ...' the htnt' ..rid phu't' aud under thf- 1um~ d~l!nalt'd
<br />i" :~ nv:k~ u~ ~ in ~ tiT ntmlf' pllu.-v~ .ntU ill ..Ui:h Htdn .... I nhol<<- Ill"" ddt:'f-mtntt. J rm.,h.~\' nun pnJatpoftt" ..ale ui 1\11
<br />(},f'" PJlA'd...f tIK ~1'1)- by publk ~nttOU"~:'tmt"1d at' tilt' {im~ and phlt"~ of ,HI} pft'\'ioUsl~ .,.t:m-duled \at't~ Lendt't or
<br />t_., dftIc- ....) 1"'""- ,.... P"'P""'). at "n) ",.,
<br />Upua f1't.'flpt of p&}>flWfti of tbe ptk~ bid. hmle-t' ,hall \tt"tJ\~r- '0 t~ vur\'h~f lrw.-l~'... tlud cOIl,,€'\'hlJ,t the PrOjH!ft\
<br />'iQId~ l1w t~:d" ift thi- TntSltt.... d~d ~b:dI M ,rima Ikte e\:idr-nu Hf tht- uuth of the "iate-menu uUlde'th.erein. TnfilN'
<br />......., flw pt"fK~ of the .-..ail' in ihe t,4to~~ 2;fde-r: {:lit tt) all rt"~ba ('v"!o. anti: t''\~n'l<<"~ of tbt" ~-e, indudifllt. bul
<br />~ ~ to. rtlblt<<'i- ft'n ul ~ ilWn." than > l. ~,) . '-:;. uf tb.: ~r~ .....u; ltCiu,', f\"li5,(Ht.Dhk aHunw-~ \ f'-6 and ('O-sb; nt"
<br />:~~~~ dJi to Ml "tiJ'Ib iin:Uft-d h)' thi;. lltfli o.f -f nbl; ;.utd tel the' t:U't'\-1o. If <in)-. to- tb~ fJer...nn or JK'NUfi'" k-uaJ:l)- t'ntitk-d
<br />
<br />
<br />~~~~~0~~~~~i~;~~~!~~(~I:~~~F:::,~;:~~,;til:j;:f:t;l:;~~~:'0:~~'
<br />
<br />
<br />!liHf\t~_l ll;l jt-m, tlttc"\.4 i ~',.ll),l ,~11.... ," .-,;~\h*..al~ ! ,:I'Jro.:r ~ ~~nd ,.~ '\"'..~~(,~:!1{~\,~~n"i ':~::;.:';~\~:~:~
<br />~rto. >u. ,,,,'!-t ~'i1:<hH;d ;;\ t"v .ilhi 1";' h.,'rrn....'.-; '1),~'"'-- ..h,~i "" {.,,;J(';
<br />f~~4vjr~ h-_I' ;:!-,~_,H~- r'~iIl' ; nt..' "f ;~ i <:11"-$<_" " qth;n'>:.l ~:'.1 <',,,-,', ,~iI~:<~!(,',j,
<br />