<br />83':"" 005491
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follow.:
<br />J. ""'_01 ~ .... 1..-. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and intere.t on the
<br />Indebtedness evidem:ed by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of andintetlOU
<br />on .any F ~~!Uf.e- Adnnccs secured -by this Deed of T TlI~.
<br />2. .~ for T_.... 1-. Subject to applicable ~'" or to a written waiver by .Lender, . Borrowuaball ~)'
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interesl are payable under the Note, until the Note i.paid in filii;.
<br />a .um (herein"Punds") equal to o_twelfth of the yearly lax"", and aS$CSSments which may attain priorit)' over t/li.
<br />Deal ofTIUS!. and groundrenu on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premiummstallments forhazardinsuran~.
<br />p!usone.twelfihof yearly ptemium installments for mortgage imurnDCe. if any. alia. reasonably estimated initially andfMn
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asseamentsandbillsand r=l".able estimates thereof.
<br />The Punds shall he held in an imtituti<m the deposits or accounts of which a.re insured or guaranteed by a Pederal. (lj'.
<br />Slate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender .hall applYlhe Funds to pay .aidt"",,", assessme. .uts;
<br />IRsurance premiumt and ground rent.. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Punds, analyzing said accllutlt
<br />or verifying and compiling saId assessmenls and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Punds andllPl!licablellllV
<br />pennlts Lender 10 make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wriling at the timeofexecutlOll of t/li.
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borro........ aud unless such agreement is made or ~pli<:able I":w
<br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not he required to pay Borrower any interest'or eami'.'4S on the P~ ~
<br />shall give to Borrower. wrt!iolJt charge, anannnal accounting of the Funds showmg credits and debIts to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additionalsecurlty fur the sums secured
<br />bv Ihi. Deed of Trust.
<br />, If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with Ihe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior I(}
<br />the due dates of laxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rent.. ,hall ex~-eed the amounl required to pay said tax"'-
<br />~nt!. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. ..uch e:tces.s :d\all be. at Borrower's. optioot- eithtr
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly instaUments of Funds. If the amount of Ih"Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be suffic,enl to pay tax",- a.."""menls. insurance premiums and ground tents as they fall d1J<O;
<br />Borrower shaU pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up lhe deficiency wilhin 30 days from the date nOllee is mailed
<br />by Lender to Bo.....,..-er req_tiJOg payment thereof.
<br />Upon pa~'ment in (ull o( all sums secured by Ih.. Deed 01 T.....t. l.ender shall promplly refund to Borrower any Fund..
<br />held by LCndeL It under paragraph t R herrol the Property IS sold or the Property IS olherwise a~'quired by tender. Lender
<br />maU apply. no Ia.ler than immediately pnor to the ...ale (It lhe Propeny ~)r Its acquisItion by Lender. any FundI held ny
<br />Lender.at the ume of application as a credit against the ~ums secured hy thiS Deed of TrusL
<br />3.. Applintioa of P.~Ib"" Unles.s apphcable !a.\.Io proVfdeS (\lnerwlse. aU payments rece:ved by lender under the
<br />Note and pa-u.gr.sphs ! :md 2 hefeof \haH be iipptted t'ly Lender tint m payment of amounts payable w Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragl-aph ~ hereof. then to interes.t payable on the Note, lhen to the prmclpal 1.1f the Note. and then to inlerest and
<br />princIpal on any Future .'\d\o-'Ances,
<br />4. <'''bti'lft'; 1Jens.. Borrowt'r shali pay all ta\c.... ~'!iC\$OlCn'\ and lI(her charges. fines. ant..! ~mptJ'ioi(ions atlributabJe to
<br />the Propeny which may anwn -Ii prIority o.ver !hi$ ~ ~,f Trust. and leasehold payments oar !!found rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 he-rrot ilr. .f nor paid In ~lIc-h manocr. c,y HOHllwer makmg payment. when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereoL 8orrowt'f shaH promptly hlfnt~h in t.~nder ,tll notICe\. nf amounts. due under this paragraph. and in the
<br />eVent Borf'O\ii!'er shall make pJ;}-'ment directly, Borrower ..hall promptly hUnlUt to Lender receJptl ~vj\k.;ncln& such payme-nu..
<br />Borrovr-er shall promptly dlKha~ an" Hen .-.\-hKh ha~ prron(y l'''.('f thl''i. l~ ".t Trust: prlw1ded. that Borrower shaH nOI he
<br />reqUired to diKh:afJc any !uJch Hen 'o{l long a.. Borrower ...hail agree l!l \o\;rulIlll Ill- the payment \'if the obllga(lt.m s.e~ured by
<br />'Such h<<-n In li rn.anner a.cceptable 1n Lender. He ~haJl III good L.l.uh come-st ~uch lien by. or defend c-nfon:ement of such tien if\.
<br />!egal proceedings- whkh opemc to prc:'vent the t'nioTccmcol \,j !hc- lien Of kll"lciture l,l-[ tnc Property Of an\< part thereaf.
<br />5. ....... 11IJIII'aa('t. Borrower ,hall keep lhe Impfo...cmeflh n.....w It''I~t1ng ,,-lr hcn:aftcr erected '1-)0 the Propert)' insured
<br />a,a1f\5t Iou by fire, h.aunb included within t~ term "C"tcnded t:nVt'n.lgeU ilmi \.tk':h nther hazards .U Lcnder may r~Ulte
<br />and lfl ~uch amounts .and for such penods .t\ I coder Ola) fcqum:; pro\'l\kd_ th~t I.emkr ,hall nnt r-equJre loat tnt' amount Of
<br />touch fi.~overalC Cl.ceed tha.t a.mount of (o....cri11tC fCqlilfcd h' p;.t\- the ~um'\ 's<t:urcd h\- fhlli. Dew of T fU'l
<br />The iruuranct' caffie-r- prm'tding the in\UfilU(.C ...hall h: .:hC"'ten hv B\")fT('w('r $.uo)Ct't to apJ'w,.....i hy Lenda, provldet.!.
<br />that such approval shall not be unreut.uu,bty \4'fthhdd, All p~mlUms t'fl If\S.Uf;tOi:C fX)h('ies ~haU he paId in the rna.nner
<br />pnr~ under puaarapb 2 hereof (l-f. it not. paid Hl 'lKh In-anoc:r. tw lk'lfT()WC-f makmg pavmenL w~n due. 1.1JrectlV 10 the:
<br />JIISUJ"aDCC: c.amer.
<br />AU ins.-urancc pohcles ..nd renewals lhcft'ot ,hail he In l(trrn a....'\.cpfabic ,.-' I cnJcr and ~haH .ndude a sland-ard mortgage
<br />dause Ifl favor of and in form .at.:-cept.,h-k t.l- 1 coder Lemkf ..h..dl h.'tvc The fight to twtJ. the robc~c.. ;Jnd renewal! thereof,
<br />and Bt.-~fowC'-f shaJJ promptly furm.ih to Le~f .iH rc:W\A.'a! notKt:\ and .;Ill ~i:~e-tPb \)f p,;utJ premlum\. in the event of k)S~.
<br />8orro-.er shaH JIve prompt IlOflCC to the m~uunt..:c ",,3tfJt'1 ~Hld I.:-n-dtn I c-micf ffia\" mille rn:",f at h,)s~ II nut made promptl\-
<br />b,' BolfC'l"Cf
<br />. Unlea..\ Lender and BOrfil'ker (1thc--rwrsc Il&f<;e In \-ltfl!lng. 10_\-Uf.:m..c rro.,.-~ ..halt be ,)PVhed h' rc\(uratJon or repair of
<br />t~ Propeny damaged, P{(l"'~ i'-och res:1onUlou \~f rep"ur l' ~l.:(~I1\)-nm:allv !(..l"l-,hlt: .Ind Th~ ~4:tH1ty I" tht~ l~u (If -TrtI!St 1\
<br />riM lRen:b)-' impatfN. If ~uch rn-t-onlhOO t~r fep.:!.}!" ?" rw! >(-...-,J-fwmicaih tt'-a-"'lhk \"t !I the: ~~urHY oi !ht'!. lked of t flI~! wout(j
<br />bt: tmpatRd. the ImUUfK-C proc-eais \halt be <tppheJ H' the ",::.Inn \e-~,:{jfet..l hv tnt' [~~d ot rruu. with {h~ e\.~eS\. If any, pallt
<br />to Borrower_ If the Propen). I!. ~b~d b,' 811fw-wer. .'f II Htlrro\l;er i~\lh lo rn-pond h' l~nJcf 'A"lhm 30 dOl)' froln the-
<br />-d&tc- nol~~ l:'i ma.lled. by L-enO.tr to Bouo~cr that lOe !flSUrmo," ...lHICf ~l-tjth h) \CtUe: a daml tor !o'j.lIran\:c henefi", LcmJer
<br />1:\ authorized hl l,:'uUe..,:t and apply the IOSUUJk;\": pn.:loo,__eeri-',. ..d Lender'\, ,'ption t.~lther to re\lofdtu:m or repiiM of the Prop.:rt~
<br />C :0 I"" .urns _ured by lit" Deed of Tnnt,
<br />Unleta Lender and Borrower otherwlW ~@;fee- In lAIflt1ng. an~ \u..:h ..tp.pln.~aO(m pI rr\x~ee<b hl pnru.:lpal \hall not e,~ler1U
<br />or JlO:'Ip'-.rtC the due dale of the .-nonlhl)' IlblaJll'lle-nh retcrred J~' III p-;u-agtaphs 1 .tI'ki ~ here-ot (If l,;h~,"ge the amount (It
<br />S-\k"-h Inslallments. If under pataa-rapb IX nefC\.l1 the PWpt"fl\ l' ,1';~Uffed h\ Il,.'nder..lll flghl, 1111e amJ 'f1tef~t..H 8orruwC:f
<br />It't ilnd 10 ~n)' In,-urancc pol.clO and. m ..nd In the pfll\:ttth, thcrl~l~f r'buLtmg trom J.4tmagc: lu the Propenv prior 10 the ~.:tlt
<br />l)( ~UlilhOl't ~haJl pIWi. lvlent.1et It,l (he t'::\(em '1,,'\1 the sum~ ~~:ureU ~~" In., lked Ht 1"nnt ImnKd..31d~ pTlM M !ouch \.lle t',
<br />;tcq\UlJhun,
<br />6. ~... n" l.r ~""e of hoprt1y; tA'~ Coado...~ PIaMted Vail lkV~S, Borrower
<br />..h.H kec_p the Propel't) !o good repaH ._m-a '\hall il\-ll ;..l'mnllt ""-a\le ll! JX"frlllt lfnr~IHm('nt ~., d\.'"lcrHlfalh)11 (l( the PrOJ'('ft)
<br />Olnd shall compiy WIth the P'fOVtIWflS of an)' Ictic If thl1- !.ked of r ru.st l'!o lm ;i ie~hold If ton r~ ()f Trust f'\ ~m a unit III a
<br />~ondomimum Of a planned UfUt development, tk"'lHtl..er ~h-.1H pedQrm .1H of 8orrow!:(~ ~)bligallon\- under the dcdarah"fl
<br />Of cOVCt1ants i".'reatin, or go-~ertunl the \..'ond.,--unuHum ~Ir- planne-d Brllt dc\-'eiopment. [he by.j:...w,," ,100 regulalloo\ \,t tt1t'
<br />.:ondominlum or plaaoed urol dc-"<::~nL and tOfi'StltUC'ot dt."'L:umwh If;l \.-()fltiommium l..1f -r!anne-d unit de\-'el'l~nnefH
<br />nder ts. C-Aet.-utcd by Borrower 400 recorded. h..lgdher Wllh th:'\ l>ecd (--.f ht,",t. the I:o\-'('nanb and agreemeOl~ t.l S.udl fld~t
<br />ihall be incvt'J)Ofatcd mid and shall amend. and s.uDDicment. t~ ..'\.l"n=-nanl~ :.and aJlrttfl~nt~ '" Ihls Dot("tj <.\f rru:\:! ~~ If the n:jer
<br />_ a pan hio:Hot. ' . -
<br />7. ~ Gf ~.~. If IklrT(t."~f h!~~ ~~l ~rtorm ~~ i..:o\ie~:!!!t~ 2.nJ 2g:eem-enh ,,-.:;~;,;~::;;;;.:d ~;; i.h"i,\
<br />Deed. ~ Trust. Of' ~f any action .or proceedmg lS c\Jm~nccd \ll;,t1i~h malcf1iill) affects Lendef'~ U1terC)t IIi the Prnpcrt"",
<br />InchldiAa. but 1\01 hmllcd (6. t:JNne1l-1 -donlaln~ HlSOtvCll('\~ ..:-ode enHl-n...'"emefU. .or ;Hungcmcnh ('Ir ph.xeeOIOt-\ lnw~h'Jflg il
<br />banktupt or decedoDt. then Lender.at Lendet's optlt,ll\. upon not~~C' ttl Bo-uower. !fla) make ~uch ap.~aran...-e"'. dt!ohur:>;c ...q,h
<br />SUPb and take -sudt ~tOn as IS necc:s&ar)' l~, pfo4cct Lender ~ Inlt'-f'"e)1. IJk:ludmg. hUl J'\Q( ltmlteo W, i_hSlmJl\Cment (II
<br />~bJe at~'s eft'll and entry upon the PfOpeny to male rep.ur). If l~endcr rettum:::J Olortgage l!'lsuratl\.'~ J:\ "
<br />~ ~ makma t~ loan iO.~ted b)' thIS Dtcd of Trust. Botro,JOker \h-all pay the prcnHufH:\ re-qUlred {(l lH:;unf.uo "'u~h
<br />IftlUr'a.tKe in dfeet untd such ume- al IRe requltemC-rH for '>\Kh msunUK<c te:rmlllate3 In aCi.:"orda",c wuh lk).rr~)wcr\ ,1(1\1
<br />l~', wnueo ~ or appl-icabk I....... 8orrowe:f shaH pa} the artl\nuU of all mQrtgage lO~urance prenHUm'i H1 tm-
<br />"'*"'- ~ ......... !>Ulljf"pb 2 he<euf,
<br />"'''J- a-mowtta disbunod by leudcr punwmt to lbu par-acuph 7, with mleres! lneft'On. 'ihaU hei.'fHtlC' ad-dltH\flal
<br />~ of Botr~r secured by thiS. Deed ol Tn8i~, Un~ Bon('tWer and Lemle-r a'fee! tl) othe.. ler01!i ot plJ,,'ment ..U(i)
<br />~ dalt be payabie upon DOtfc;e ff()m temktr to lkt.Hl"WCf reqUOlun. paynlftnt ther~of. and ",h:iill betlr mlerest fw-;n n~
<br />diMe of ~.t the rate payable from llaw '(1 ,htAc (\11 \''lUtiUl.rnJio, prinefpat under the Note unlcu pa.ymwf \)f intet'\!lll
<br />. ~. rate -would be_ ~ootruy to appI~,.blc. 1..... In WhKc:tt e~fU ~\l\:h "1l'K-~nt!io shail heal' mtere-sl at ftw hlgh~' r4tt'
<br />ptf.....~~!!tt.~~- taw. NOi:hinc.: ~ont.tMd to thn. par.."'" i \hail n.~U-Ht Lender t.o i1l\,'Ur an)" e\pe-nw or tl~~
<br />~'~~,
<br />... ~ tenckt may make t)f t:.use to be made fftUOfUthif> Clltf1t:1l tipot~ ..nd l~lHm' of tne Pr(~H\-.< pfll~".k-d
<br />~'hat t~ &baA lft'e Borrow_ ,notk."<'< pnot ~) ao)' MlCb tit!i~Uf,.1t't tope:<:tfYln--8 ~._"\3n.b!e ';<'''J1>(' therdt:}l !"('f.lIed h-' I ("(l{h:t'"
<br />_jftt"'~.
<br />