<br />pnor to ,entf)' of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: {a) Bo-rrower pays. lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />thi. Mortgage. !l1< NOle and notes s",unngFul"re Advances, if any. had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cuteiFall
<br />breaches of any other covenant. or agreements of Borrower contained in Ihis Mortgage; (c) IIorrower pays a1P~
<br />cxpellSl:$incurred by lender in enforcing lhe covenams.and.agreements ofllorrowerconlalned intllis Mortgap,.llltin.
<br />enforeinglender', remedies a. prov.ded In .pal'll8raph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, r....,llableattomey'd:~I'ai!d.
<br />(d)llotrowertakes .ucbaction as Lend.... may reasonablyrequirlOo _ure that the lien of thisMongalletl.cnder'f~"
<br />lR the Property and Borrower'. obligation 10 pay the .ums seeured by this Mortgage.hallcontln.... uniJllllaired;.upcnt';~..
<br />paytmmt and cute by Borrower. .hi1 Mortgage and the obligatIOn. _U",dhereby.balt remalalnfuDfon:ean4deCt,',..]f'
<br />no acceletation had <lCC\lm'd. . .. .. . .
<br />%8. A........- of Roms; AppoltJtmqt ofReeelYer.UmdeI' In........... As additional seeurityft~iJli);.~,;'.
<br />hen:by auigns '" Lender the renlS of the Property. provided Ihat Borroww shall.. prior 10 ~bonuJldelr:~"I~,
<br />he.....t <: abandonment of the Property. have lhe right to collect andrelainsuch renlS .11$. tileybecolil!:'duI>,:an4)lllf~>.
<br />U!"'n ",,,,,!eralion under paragraph 18 hereof or .bandonment of IIn< Property, lender,in~Pl;V~!~Qll".l)j0
<br />iudicullly .p!"'mted "",elver. ,ball he enlllled 10 enter upon. take ~on of and m.....ge tM Property...cMIt~;the
<br />rents of the Property, mciuding those paudue, Alllents collected by Lender or lhereceiver shall beappliedfir.t'ltt,~
<br />of tin< ""'" ot managemenl ot the Proper!}' and coll...ti"" of rents. ",duding, but not limiled to; re<:eiver's fees;~'OII"
<br />receiver', bonds and reasonable attorney', fees. and lhen to I.tle sums ,,",ured by this Mortg...., l..ender,,,nd ,tlft:,~.,
<br />,hall he liable 10 ""COUlJt only for Ih_ rems acluallY recel.ed. ,. ..,
<br />n. F_ AIl_ .Upon request of llorro~.,.., Lender. al Le.nder's optl<>o priar 10 rm-ol thiaM~'~'
<br />make Future Adv;\QCeS to Borrower. Such Future Advance>, Wilh mte.tUt lheteotl, shall he securectbythkMtlrrpaet.wlwz!,
<br />..>denced by prorrussory nOles "aung thal...d notes are """""'" hereby. AI 110 li_ shall tlv>prittcipalamouat.gf,tJtt"
<br />mdebledna. .e<:Uled by Ih.. Mortgsse, not mcluding ,ums .dvo""ed in accordance herewilh 10 procecttbe~,oflbli;
<br />Mortgage. exceed the original amounl ot the N~ p!.... USS. 5.00"0.0",,. ...
<br />%%.RfteMe. Upon paymenl of .il ,,",,,,,,,,,,red by Ihis MortPl", lender shall dischalJC Ibis Mortgap wltllQul
<br />...:hargc to Borf'O\lfer, BorrO'Ao"'e"t .shall nav aU CO$l~ of r~uon, ~f .oy,
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