<br />83-005483
<br />
<br />'\:lid..:l'~ \\'lll.~l_l .I~r~i.:men.! \,'1 <lpplk-'Iblc law. 110rn'\'\,....( 'iih.aH IltiY the itffimml of all mort!!agc in,uranl.'c rfcmittm-~ II' the
<br />lll.mnt..'r phl\'ldl.."d ulldc-r paragraph 2. fllJfC'Of.
<br />"-ny amOUlUS disb-urse-d hy l...clH.ler p'llfSH,mt (0 ,his paritgraph 7. wilh interest thc-reon.- ~haH- bc\:omcr addi'tl<irtiil
<br />aHlcOI~dn~'" "r B(lrr()\\-l'r ~clfred or !hi:-. Mon~~ge. 1 !nte'lis Bbrro"-"er and tender' agree to other 1d'n~ i)(p;rym.en~-~-'s~~
<br />;Hllount.. I->haH ht' pa\',lhk' Hpon notice from Lender tn Bnrn")wcr rcq-ue-s.ting llO.ym~'nt thereof. and s.haH be,ar. int~r~t_f~m:.;~he
<br />dale of dfstlHr'en~nI at the nUe payable from tim~ fl. lime on out~Utnding principal under the _NOte:' unl7ss_ ~Y-J!i_~_--~t
<br />Interest ~t sw;h r.;l-t~ would he- ((I-filrarv to -:tpptit:ablc taw, If) which event :o;u\:h amounfS -shan be3r,interest at the-.higb~.:ra:te;
<br />permis~ihk und~'r ,~prlic"hlc law_ No-thing contained in lhis p:tragraph 7 ~haH require Lender to in.cur'any--e:<-pense-or:-::tak-e.'
<br />;Inv action hc-reunder.
<br />- 8. In~c'_ion~ l.ender- may make- or cau~ tt~ he made rea~(lnahle ~ntrie.. upon and inspet..'11ons of t~:-Prope~/l'~d:
<br />th;-jt L(1)f~'~;' '.,}lotH gi"iC BNTowcr notice prfnf h) ;l.ny ..;u....h in"-pcetlon ..pecifyiog reasonable cau~c therefor' reJatCtl t9' l.e~'$
<br />inlCrC"l;t In the- Pmperty. ,_ _' _ , _ _;_
<br />9. Condemnation. The prl\\:ced, {\f i.H1Y ~w~rd or- claim f{'-r damages. direct or cODs;-eque-mia1. in connection 'W1_(b;:.:a.~,Y-'
<br />'<.-~)mlctHl\a,ioll i'l" other t,akt"~ of the Pto(JCrty..'tf part thereof, nr fpr c-on'...eyam:-c in lieu flf condemnation. are' he-reh}f--a.siig~
<br />,ill,l -..haH h~ p~ti~! to I endc,L
<br />In lITe 'c.'yent ('jf ;J. !-nliii Liking of rhe Prnperty. 1h1.' pr.n...'-:t:'ds ..hail t:c appJic-d tn fhe- s.ums -~cured:':bY-'lhis M()~~--
<br />-" ilf! tnt.> 'f _iii\:, p."u ;,'. Rnril'wCr h fhe ,'\"1-.'01 ,1t ;l pi-trtlal ukm:!! l'{ the Prope-r1\', unfesl:O llOTTOwer and-"l.endtr-
<br />,'!hl~r'Ah\;' 'tHr\.~i." in \\Tlljn~. rhNi' "h.'::~ f\('" ,lpJ"-li-ed h\ !!",(. ..un:'! ~ec\'f(,..;J hv Ihi" Monga,~e <;.uch prOportion 6fthe'---~
<br />.J~ i\ "-'(pu! -to lh;'d Nt,p4..minn \\h;;h th(' ~rrnounl nt fhe ....um.. {,t'(ured r.v !h~." Mprt~-age immediately prior- to- rhe-:d~te-:of
<br />ukm~, he,,-!"" If> 1h,,' faIr 1nar~e[ ...1!H..:' l,t file P:I)pef!\ irHHtedi.)tdv pric.{"!("! the d:th: nJ !3ki1ig, \"ith the balance of the-pt()C~
<br />rqid If' fk~rr;:~'I$.-~,
<br />If ;h(~ }lr.ireU.,- ;" "hand,~n\,',i t<'. B\'!'r~\wel'. ,'r d' ;,ft~r nf)-tic.:.." ~v f ;.:nder t,\ R0fmwer rh-at the condemnor off~ to mate
<br />:/; ,,-'.\'~'if!i ',;f \("Hk:< ,~Iamj ii'!' Hnm}\H', fi~d, !.;, rc-'rtHHl t\:l t ~nd('r wi!htn '\0 -day, after rhe date MJi:11- -notice is
<br />'HJ:kd. I_cn,_t..r h ",,!tbPfll,:d in ,..od .,,,pi\ l!W rr(l-,:('-~dol). af r cnder\ l"trtion, either t;;"\ n.~torati(m or repair of ^the:
<br />Pri'p.:n~, ,'f ~i' :nc -tl11H. ,.t',.;lf1.'(! }.\ ,hl'. '-1n!!.:."\ts:
<br />t--ilk"-, I '.'1dCf .!fld BN,\'\U:f ,-,~hlT.\"....' <l::'::f::'t'!n \~rit;n:: ,in-\, "ad) ,1rrll,,-':nif~n llf rrr\C\.'"Cds to principal shan not extend
<br />~';.' dn~ d,ll;' .~I ,!k' ;nOOlhh' '~1..!;dfm::[lh f,,'IJ.:-rn:J !O In i';rra~f:'iPh.. ! ,;P,-d ~ nc-re<'tf nr chang~ the amount -of
<br />f1~,1,:dlH!;:.'J1t,
<br />10, Bot-rO"t'f 'ut RrKuwd. l-:\!('n"-J.~n ;-t lrw ~,nJ.(' 1t1' l~J\m('nt (~:' t)lc.difh,:~itllm {1f Jmorttz:Uton (\f the "nm~ secured
<br />hv ~h~'. \1," h'.l:~~~ \'r:lfllt'd ;..\ I j,.>!di,~-[ };' ::n\. .;'U,--,X'';'_'! ;" ",1, ,~c,t <'I H,'rrO'At'f \h;d! rH~-!. operate H-'\ rete-aU'. in any manner~
<br />II....: !,.;h;!!l\ .,1 ;1\\, ,,-ri-t!\I~..d n{'f~,","'cr tiH.l fJ,)rfi~\'''t'l'' ~':'--~'''''-''''l~'[' HI 1fJ!ef('"t i ,:nJer ..hall no! t.e rl"quired to commence
<br />i\;"'~-t~,!itl~" ~~..ijn~: h ,-~',>-,,'I', 'i~fH'A.' ',' ('\It'f d >n:h' r,,~ ~~"\\m('1lT ,'i IHf:C'\\I-"\' fnt"iiiiy ilmnnitation {)f the sums
<br />"v,! ~" !nh \L'11..:Jjll~ h, ',~~"..,,:\ ,k:i:,H)'_; I;UJC h\ 'i,~. .Hi;,';n;j,; It.lp''1\~,=, .Hh! H.nno'W-cf's '\HCCes..\OTS in intere!t.
<br />II. FnrlK-anm.(' b~ I.rl-ldf'r ,.., a "'ah-t"1 \"\ ','fi'..":'~'t!J" ,; ~'\ f cni.kr ;r~ -;:'\c-rC;"ln~ ..ll\' rli:!ht 0f r~mc-dy hereunder. or
<br />'lnC'n\-'!~,- ,'f,'rd~'...t "." :pr;, .It'L h Y ~,l'\,n .'; ,If ;,r~...wde rl1e l'\t;rCl'\-C l't ~n'-' ,u;:h rillht nr remedy.
<br />'il,,!~r.1n,. ''',t', ~."\ ,'f ,h,.!f',',,'\ ~.\ t enJi:.'r .,~,.lil not b~:-1 \\.H\'Cr nf Lender's
<br />
<br />'!i.d''l'
<br />
<br />
<br />'-,'.1:":;'
<br />
<br />
<br />;\'!.t;,'-;!',
<br />
<br />12. RcnU"di,", CI'H'uula-th ,.
<br />".Il!C." ".d,' \i"t-'-~;
<br />13. Su-n-t-",.\.ilf,\ ,utd \~ft.. huumt:
<br />
<br />loult .lUff "" n;tl t l;dnlit\:
<br />
<br />.it.! . ~;1n"i~lr","C !c. .In,. ",her right or
<br />";d"I~,""!~knfh \" 'illct::e".$lvelv
<br />..d .,!::jt'~menr~ heresn
<br />! '..'fhk, :nHlllorrower.
<br />~'\.. ,,'~tfl .lnd ,e\!er..},
<br />-!f\' p."! 1,> r.e H\ed to
<br />
<br />, ,'nrjd\('
<br />
<br />.1" ~'llid d;J ;~~.
<br />
<br />';",1;C~ ~
<br />
<br />nil.. "i!,t
<br />
<br />.;1' .'....~'li~'PC~
<br />
<br />r,'~:t!'n'l
<br />
<br />~ ,;~.h
<br />\t"i1~:.Li.'.~~ '<h;~, ~',: d<~' ,'-,:,t ~'\ .
<br />J5. t.nUuun \lnrtl:~i"; (~II\r-ffHtlt I...",; ....t'\1'r<lhHih,
<br />
<br />:n,UH~...>t ',if ~ln\' noU('C: to
<br />d(h~<...<.<.";.! III Rf'rrO\>d:r at
<br />,\ U,'\ h.kd her-etr\T and
<br />hLi~~'"" "';lInt !-:'Crt'l!1 tH fo
<br />..l....,. !~~\,\-,d('d fd! in ~hh
<br />'1";,,- ''1;;;''1'~: J"""llth.;l!CJ ~'!"f....il1
<br />,(:!?'p '1'?,~'r'_i ,-'''(';;,Hlh f,'l n..!tJ<Hl:l1
<br />
<br />,',.,
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<br />:'\.t ,il,~! ll"n
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<br />..~, n~;" \if)fl!tii~,"' .Ii the lIme
<br />
<br />';.'-;tl p~,',"'~( ~\
<br />
<br />" ..frUiH;.'1H -.:o\'enng
<br />p.r"f'l."'n\ ,,,,--,:It...d In the
<br />l ,-'n;1k r ,hat! fi,-.r ..ffe",-t
<br />,.". ,..~: rri'-"h1,':! ,HHi!o this
<br />
<br />(;;,:[>! "'1,'; .J:''>
<br />
<br />,1!hct ~'1" ""f\'''''-
<br />
<br />t'nd tht r"",",;-..h'
<br />16~ Bc.:UTH"("f.' (.f.)P~' Bn,
<br />"l t'\t.'-l..\.tl,~l! <', ,djt.'r ,."\.,,,alai\; n \'~>:~.. !
<br />11, I'ra-'t-r of tk Pro~,'h~ \."...urnphon.
<br />I", R,,'~r.I";,4\,:' .,'lih"~ir I \:hJ!."I" pt',.; '.~;;ir~.
<br />rh" \tt-'rt;::_-.lf.!t.' ,h; 'he, !t'.;!!,:,' ";:." .P'1
<br />I..ie.....'t,.nt ('of h, ,'p-cf.,dlfH1 ,~l :.,'... ,;r,'" !~~. ,i<.uh , .
<br />, f': "".... f' r 1 I r l~'~hkt :1':<~\
<br />,fl\fflel..k.it.:'h- t.!H~' ~-.pJ fa\ .It...!\, ! ,- mk! ~'1,\n '-, l,~' .- . '. ,',1
<br />3.nd ItK' ~r'ir<.ln i.' '.~!~"Hi !h~ Pr"~"'-'Jl\- :~ :l~ ~"t' \\_~~.'
<br />,\ "a;tl,fiol,.:ton t ~:n~k; .inJ lh-,: +,-{" lj~l(it'~_f. ;".l;\
<br />_dl.l!H te,"!w:>>t H I cn-Jcf hit;.. 'o\-iv,cd :h,' ;1!" ;.c;...' 11< ;'
<br />;ntcff:)! hi.l,~ C\CIo.:Pt<:-d a wflHen ,l}.....U:'!:1f"l~...") <1~1,--\..-I~~c!'t .i..:...:et'h:d
<br />l.:-bhJ~lH~n-S -i.m<-k1 fhJ.." M~"'n)t~gt' ;1nJ In:x 'nte
<br />If 1 ;:.~. .r..Cf.."i~" ---'...,J; .'t;,,,-<-<; ;,.' .i...::.;-;:k:",,,,;; ! ':, "-..,
<br />
<br />'......,
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<br />[~ .! :'
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<br />!!tt;,~~1 q,e'H:,-in i.. l;",ld 01' fran..fl.?rred
<br />'f ';:Ih.-'tmbf~tfl(~ \tlht~fdin;!t( tl\
<br />..Ppil,lt'~<.''''' ~'l ~l tf:in....ft:t h\-' deVise,
<br />t 1 J l t l" J JJ " III ' !If *'*
<br />"'lHn, ~;;-I.-l~fl-J n'; th,\ \h'rt~a~~ {(l ~
<br />";"';h'n '11.-,.::;;rJh: d ;-"n.'; !,., !hi: ,k .'f 1r;:tfisft'f. I t'nJer
<br />'\'d '<..'.:,ic ;.U('t'I!!~'P; !~.j ....r:!'q:.;. that ,',_'j;! ;,( ;"u..-h per){'ln
<br />.. ... "'~", ,',:d C". ,,~,," \.tl"ft~.l~~' ,h,\1! '- ;,!tt:' .1\ I <..'n-der
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<br />'ht~ i"ILl.)p..q,,'h :-... ,;:':.;1
<br />I t'nd-cr. 1 \~nd~! "h,d;
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<br />B.':rd....~.; " 'u~:\:t'.....(~r 11'1
<br />';:u~,~.....: Ril, ,-\,..~ t'f f root ;,11
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<br />~nb.!h.'.:' \A ~!h
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<br />Be'
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<br />pa.!~t4ph 1 J he-re,.'t S,~,,:h h~*~(' ;,b4\~ }"j('", ,,j,,,-->
<br />'lIo-hh::h 8on.,twC-t m",)- POl) th-o: 'dft~.. ,je-c'L1H'~,1 ~b...:- knn'".,
<br />l.e-fHJcf tn4}, "",tn-out fUl1hcr n-"-1'\K<: ,-'I ,-kmiUl..J ,n BO:'T <""'-(1
<br />
<br />"-,, \~,l.: ,n ,-L,\'>. ';,-rlj .t',~,: ~;"ih: : hI.' 11"'h,(' I, 111~\ikd ,-"tihm
<br />." jit'. ,,:,~h - 'If';'\ ['f'"" !c-, PH,"' Cl;plf.:l:,'O p!- ..u\,_h f"t.'noa
<br />',.<;h~ ,.:v, !~"n't'Jg:,,,, ;'><;~H!L{1-:",1 0\ j'.H,~gr.tph ~... nJ:h"l.,t
<br />
<br />~Q~~U~U'QR"" ("{""fS,,:o-.h- lkur,_'..e. .~nJ i e\).,.kr lmlfle, :.-,'''t<iH'~! .',n..1 -.'l~fcC ,t.... ;,)ih,w).
<br />,I.. ~.\,<<~.~ FAC~"''' pro1ided ia patentplt 17 h..,-c-u1, npon Sorro..-n'J, brc-ac:-h uf an)' ('{)'u,!nanl Of
<br />...... M ....fOWfi 1ft .... M~...... iftdudiRt .ht ,-u\C''''oh 10 pi) ""hfA dUt' -a-ft~ ~un~ Iofi.'un-Q b)' lbu .\foJ1t:lII.e.
<br />....... priIlt Ie _.................. _it. 10 B.......... ... I"'o,idnl in P",...nq>h 14 h.,..,/ 'p<<il,ine: tll ''''' brnth:
<br />Ul *..... ....... le.lOft wdo bIudo, .J; a Ok. "'.. IN. ,""" Jll <lay' fr..... t"" dat~ tb. ""tk. i. m.w..d ,,, Jkn"'.....
<br />l!r ..~ __ ""*" ...... he <UR<t; """ .4, ,Ioat laibon ,,, ,.... _10 hn:""h n.. .... Wun tlk date 'I"'<ill<<! I" the _i<<
<br />..., """'" lot -*''''''"' 01 'Ik _ _..,<<11>. ,iii> '10"''''''', I....d"...... It, indkUol pn,,'.winc and -..1. of I'" """"'l1y.
<br />~ra......... ...twt..... 1Af__ ~ff id the lic;b.f to wtw.~. uhf .('~''t!"wradotu, and ttte rllh. to _wf't in t~ fORdo:!'-u",
<br />............. .... _"'...... of a <Icobouh ... ....y ....., ""I..... "f 1I<trr<..... 10 ..,<I<,at;.,o lUId I."<<k........ "the hn:,,'b
<br />It; _........... at W..... ,........ _iic<l On 'M _.. L.wk, at 1......-. opt..... ,..ay d<<lat.:oII "f Ih. ,....... ""und h,
<br />~ ~~ m ~ ~~~...., ~ ....: pa,.. .....iilmai ;UF,ii<< wft'UuMi -.mi JQ~ i'Ot.fl.'~ in' juci.tC:J4J p.nk~i..~ L~ucWf
<br />...... .r-*W .. c~t "' 'ltCb p.tOl-l'flI... aU f'tpr-~ 01 futedWiUft-. b.,du..... lust IMN limk"d tn. lilM., uf dtK"u.ncnt.f~
<br />.........~. ......... """ litl< ,_,...
<br />1'> ~~_~d/'~ kitbt to Jt~.tr, '\i~}f""fth-\:i"~l""''''li I <,n~k{ '>. ..\~d':!.H,;'n ." lfl_(' 'l!m~ V"Ht~"-J ~,\, \l(';,!'t~.I~:f
<br />a.)ft~"'a-;;"l ~hillB h.)it~e, r~, tt,ht '" J-;,h(: ,l-,,!- i',f~~,-{:~'dl'n~, i~~~\;.l; 1 ~'~'ld-';:f !,. \,..! " , ~r.,,~ \lFt!~;lit~: ;1;",",'ni,n:,,,--.j .d .t~i\ !"!H'
<br />
<br />