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<br />r <br /> <br />83- 005203 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender\ wntl~n ~igreement or appJkablc law. Borrower shall pay the amount of an rnot1gage insurance premiums in -the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aoy amounts dishursed by Lemfer punmani to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtednc!>-~ of Borrower secured by this Mort~agc, lJnlesl'l Borrower and Lender agree to other- terms of payment.- Such <br />amounts !l:halJ he, '-payable Bpon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall" bear intereu fTrim,lhe. <br />date of ..Hshur~ement at the rate payable from time to lime on outstanding: principal unde-r the-- Note>unless_ 'payment -bf <br />interest at such' rate woultf be contrary to-applicable law. in which eVent such amoUnts shall beaT 'interest at the- higbest"ra"te <br />permissible- unda applicable law. Nothing contained in this- paragraph 7 shall Lender to .incur any expense- rir:'take <br />Ilnyaetionl1creuooer, <br />8. _ (n$pection.., Lender may make or cause t<, be made reasonable entries upon and inspections' of the 'Property~ ptovir;le(i <br />that tender s-hal1 give:Borrower notice prior to ;:toy such in~pect:ion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to--L~nder"s <br />interest in:the ,Property. <br />9. Condemnafion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />l'()ndemnatirlO o(-other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or fnf conveyance in Hen of condemnation, are hereby-as3igned <br />"n" .l1aU bc paid to Lendcr. <br />In the' event of a'tNal taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thi~ Mortgage;' <br />with the excc"~. if any, paid If) Bnrwwer. In the ~vent of a p-:lftial taking l,f the Property, unl~!;; Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agrcc in writing, there shaH he applied to the slims icclIred by this Mortgage such proportion- of "the proceeds <br />as, i~ equal to that proportion which thl~ amount ()( the slim\!- ~ecHfed by lhis ~1ortgage immediately prior to the date'.of <br />t.lking bean; to the- fair market value of the Property immediately prior [0 the date of taking. wilh the balance of-the proceeds- <br />paid'io Borrower. <br />If the pf()perty I'; aband<,ncd hy Borrower. or if. after notice hy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle .a daim for dIimage.'i:, Borrower fails to rcs{X'lnd to Lender within 30 days after the date stJch,'nodce js <br />mailed. I.cnder i~ authorized to collect and apply rhc proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or-tepair of ---the <br />Property or to the sums secured hv this MnrtgHge <br />Uillcs~ Lender and Borrower otheTwise agre(~ in writing. anv ~uch rlppltcatinn of proceeds to principal shan not extend <br />Or postpone the due date of thl.! monthly installments r,,'ferred to in pnragraphf. 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />~ttch installmeng, <br />10. Borro",'-f't No~ Released. Exten<;jon of the [ime for pavmcnt ('Ir modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted hy Lender h. any \Ucccssor in interest of Borrower ~hnlJ not operate to release. in any manner, <br />the 1iabifitv (If the original Borrower and Borrower's SllCce-S~(lrs in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />proceedings against sll'Ch "Iucce-..sor fIr refose 10 extend lime for payment l)r otherwi,c modify iimonization of the sums <br />~ecurcd hy this Mnrtgage- OV reason ot :lny demand made by fhe original Horrower and Borrower's SHccessors in interest. <br />11. Forbearan~e by [.euder Not a Wah'er. Any forbearance hy Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise afforded hy applicable law, "hail Tiot be a waiver tif or preclude the exercise of any s.uch right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance ,Jr the pavm:cn! of t~l\C'i nr (lther liens nf char~c" hy l.ender shan nm he a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accdcrate the maturity \)f the indehtcdnc..:.;, "l'cure-u hy Ihi:. M~)n~age, <br />12. Remedies CunlUlatln. All remedies rn1\-'-,dcd in Ihi.. ~:f{}rtgagc are dis{in<.-t and (:umulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage Of afforded hy law or ('quitv. ;UH.I may be l'\acis\.~d ..:onctlrrcnlly. independently or successively, <br />13. Successors and .-\s.siRns Bound: Joint :..nd Senral Uahilit).; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />conlained shall hind. and lhc rights hereunder ~haJ1 inure w. the re<.;pc-.:tive SlICcc",S~lrs and as~igns of Lender and Borrower. <br />\ubje<:t to the provi:-.ions of pamgraph 17 hereof. All l'()Venants .and agreements- of Borrower shall be joint ,!Od several. <br />The captions .md headings of the p;tragraph.. of thb Mortgage <:in.' for I.'onvcnience only and arc not to be used to <br />interpret or defin~ the p-rovisi('n.... hereof. <br />14. Notice~ EXi:ept f(lr any notice rC4iijn~d under applic-ilhlL' 1:1\\ 10 he given in Ulh)lher manner, (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage ..hall he g:iv..:n bv n1<lilin~ <"lKh notice hy .:ertified m~lil ;lddrcsscd to Borrower at <br />the Propel't)' Addres.'\ Of at 'iuch other :lddr~~:'-" ;\$ nOI r,'\"'cr 111<\\- dc,agnate hy nOlicc to Lender as proviJed herein. and <br />(b) any rn.'1tic~ TO Lender sh:dl he given hy (;~rritlfd 111,uL r~IHrn H:Cl."If'i requested, 10 Lender'., address Slated herein Of to <br />s.uch other address as i.c-ndt:r m.w de<;;ignatc hy fl\'-ti...:l'" f>' Hornl\\t'r ,IS. rW\'ld~J herein. '\nr notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shaH be deemed to have ~ccn gi.....en 10 Born.lw~r or Ixnd~r when p:lven in the manner designated he-rein. <br />tS. Uniform Mol1gaac; G(n'emin~ Luw; SeU"rabUit),. This tNm f,f mortgage (ombines uniform covenants for national <br />use and non.ulliform covenants \\ith limited \"MiatlOn:'\ hy juri<.,dH::lipl1 ti,) ~~()nstitutc a uniform sCl,;urilY instrument covering <br />real property. This Mortga~e ~h-al! he governed hy the l;wo" nf the luri,JictiQfl in which the Property I;;; located, In the <br />event that any provision ('iT dau\e ~l( thi..; \1ong;!ge {~r {h~ \i,~l(' c~lnnict" \\-ith .applicahlc law. such conflicl shall not affect <br />other provisions of this Morlgnge or Ihl' ~ntc v..tu\.:h ,:,tn h!.' !-~w~n !;.'lf~ct without the conflicting provision, and to this <br />end the provis.ions (If the Mf\l'tgagc- and the ','Ie ;1fC ,iecl.tred ft.' be \tt\-'crable. <br />16. Borrowers- Cop)". Borw\.\-er ~hal1 ~c fllflli"hc(.l ;.t cpnfl1rmcd r.:0py of the Note an4,of this .Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or aft-e.r rc(;ordation hereof. <br />11. Tnuasfft' of the- Property: Assumption. If all (1f any pan of the Propcny or an.iqt~fe.6ttheretn is sold "or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lcnde,r's prior written COfI;..cnl. e\\..~luding {:II the cr~atiOJ1 ,--Qf a 1i~:lJ_ ,OI:_ -~ncumQ.ral1ce- .su.bordinate to <br />this Mortgage. {b} the creation {If a purchase flll,mcy \t:curiIY mlc:fcst for housebold appliances~ (C) a transfer by devise, <br />d~scent or by operation of h1W Up\')O the death of a joint tlJni.1nt Of LJ. tJ:::iJ gfOll' gf an:.!trcuuJtuhi iAtBnlit gf l!;uua ~aarB sr htllS <br />~O't fI'1f11rlRiRj, 1M iTl'iill1 (If Y lnkflli'J Lender milY. ~lt Lender's optiun. dc-dare all the sums secured by this. Mortgage to be <br />immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived sitch option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the pe-r50n to whom the- Property is 10 be s-old or lram.:krred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory to l.ender and that the interc~t payable Oil the sums secured hy this Mortgage shall be at such rate as Lender <br />shall request. if Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17. and if Borrower's successor in <br />interest has execuled a written assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender. Lenuer shall release Borrower from all <br />obligations under tl1is Mortgage and the Note. <br />If Lender- CXercl1e:S such option to accelerate. L-eodcf shall mail Borrower no(j~c of acceleration in <lccordancc with <br />paragraph 14 he,reof. Such ootice shaH provide a period of nOt leSs. ihan JO It:.y-S from lhe: date the notice is mailed within <br />which '8orrower may pay the sums. declared due. If Borrower fails 10 pay SlIl.:h <.,urns prior to the expiration of such period. <br />~z: ~ay, without furtm:.r notice- or demand on jk,rrower. invoke ::HlY remedies permitted by paragraph I g hereof. <br /> <br />~ON..tJWJJ'O"~ COVENANTS. ,md I.cnder further covenant and agree a5 follows; <br />. l~_-:A~_n;-Renaedkl!ii. Except as provided in panlgraph .7 hereof. upon's breach of amy covenant or <br />""~ el ~nw...... '" lhis. Morl&age, Induding lhe c'>tenants to pay when due any SUla' secured by lhis Mortgage. <br />~_ fcj .,",,,leratloa sIWl maIJ!lOlice to Borrower.. provided In paragraph 14 hereoF specifying: III the breacb; <br />"t>> _ " .. . ~;e...... such ~h; (lj . dote. !lOt j_ thau 30 d.ys from the date the notice L. mRiled to Borrower. <br />"b,y .. . . . ...,10.... he ....redJ ...d (4j Ib.t fRiIt"e to cure such breach on ur hefore lhe dale specifi.d in lb. noliee <br />"lIlY ..iUG ~hm of lhe .urm"",ure<J by tlm Mortxage, foreclosure hy judicial proceeding and s.le of the ProperlY. <br />... ~~ .t!irttlerlellltm Bonower of lite right to rel_o .fter .ccel.ratl"n .nd ,he rl&l1t to _ In tho foreclosure <br />l'Q!iI'~llif ~_ of .. ".nlt or .BY other tkof._ of Il<mower In acc.lenrtinn and (..redoonre. If tb. br_h <br />If,'!G4 elln\il.OIl l1F~orethe dlde .pe.lAed in the nol.lce.Lender at l.ouder'. ..ptlon m.y all o( Iho.wns secured by' <br />fI!!i! ~ to he ~dy <I.. and ,,"y.blo ..!lltout further de_nd .nd m.y F..rec~ by jndlclal prueeedlng. Lender <br />.....lo!!.1IitBJe41o c....,t '" .nelt p_...dlag oil ..""...... of F..,.,..I.......,.. 1""ludl"j;. bUI "01 limited tn. .""Is ..F d...u....nt.ry <br />..~.~-'tilk"'....m. <br />11... ~.,.-s R,~ to_Il~.',,-, N()rwit~'l\'t~nc.hftg t..~ndef's ;t-e-~dt'tati:iln (Ii Ihe ,>umo, se\.:ured hy this M(Htg->:lgC, <br />:~-tuwc.'t ~lt -n.W the riah' t\.l hii'ole- ;:;.ny pr(X:\'".'l;dmg~ heguo by l..('!j-,kr ff) l.'Bfnl'':(: lIt'-'" MonG.ii~-c- di!1-..:~'ntltHlcd ~It ;:lny lime <br /> <br />