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<br />I <br /> <br />83..... u05203 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UsrFORM COVf'!'HN1~. Horrower and Lender I.:twcnant and :lgree as follows: <br /> <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interesl. Bc.1rrowcr shaH promptly pay when due lhc princip.d of and interest 011 the <br />jndcbtednc~s evidenced by the Note. prepayment and l;'lte charge~ as provided in the Note, and th~ principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage_ <br />2. Funds for Ta:res and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wriucn waiver by Lender. Borrower shal~ ,pay <br />to Lender on the d:JY monthly ins.tallments of principal and interest arc payahle under the Note, until the 'No,tc---is pai~ in full, <br />a sum (herein '>Funds"} equal 'to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may atta-in priqrity-' o-vet- this <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the'PropertY. if any. pillS one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard -jnsurance~ <br />plus one..t~e'fth of yearly premium installments for rnortgage insurance. if any. aU as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />~ime-to time by Lender on the basi$ of assessments and hills and rea':tonablc estimates [hereof. <br />The Funds shall be heJd in ;)n institution the dCIXJsits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Feder~_1 :_or <br />~tate agency (including Lender if Lender i~ stich :10 instituticlI1 L Lender shall apply the Funds to. pay said taxes~ assessments, <br />msurance premiums and ground l't"nts. Lender llJay Ot1( charge fDr:-,{) holding and applying the Funds,_ analyzin~ said acco"U~t. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bins, unless Lender p..'\ys Borrowe-r interest on the FlInds-and~-app1icab)e law <br />permits Lender to make srn::h il \:hargc. Borrower and Lender may ;.lgrec in writing at the time of execution- of---this <br />Mortgage [hat interest on the Funds ~hall be paid to Borrower, i:lnd unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such tnterest to he p.rid, Lender shalt not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnhlgs on the Funds. Lem,ier <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an anm.l;ll accollnling of the Funds showing credit's and debit'i to th~ Fu-nds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 !he Funds was made The Funds an: pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lcndc-r, tugeIher v.ith the fwure monthly installments of Funds payable .prior to <br />[he due dates of taxes, as:'Jcssments, in'i.urance pr('miums. and ground rents, shall exceed the amOunt required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rent", as they fall due, !l.uch excess $hall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid -to Borrower or credilc,d h') Borrower on monthly insutllments of Funds. [f the amount of the -Fonds <br />held by Lender shaH not he sufficient to pay lines, ai.'Sessments, in_,,>ur.lncc premiums and ground rents as they fall dtle, <br />Borrowe-r shaH pay to Lender ;;1O~' amount flC".:::cssury to make up the deficiency within 30 days trom the date notice is mailed <br />hy Lender 1.0 Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment In full of all sums secured by thiS ~\-'fongage. Lender :ihall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender~ If under paragraph J S hereot tilt; Property !S .;.old (II" the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shaH :lpply. no latcr than immediately prior to !ht.' :--alc l\f the Property or its acquisition hy Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the lime oj application ;:IS i.i .:reJit agaInst the sum~ ~ccurcLi by tlw; Mortgage, <br />3. Applicatkm of Payments. Unles.s apphcable law provides olhcrwi"t', all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs! and 2 hereof shall be applied by Leoda tirsl lfl P;)~ mcnt (If amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. the_I) to mtcn:"it payable on the !\.:Olt'. th~n Ii' th~ princlpai of the Note. and then to interest and <br />prlOcipal on any Future Advances, <br />4. Charges: Uens. H(,rro\\cr ',hall l);l~ ,;it (,\:>'1.''''_ .l:\:-cs~rlh:llis "nJ lHhi.'1 ,,:hargcs. fiflC~ allJ lmp(l:sitlons attributable to <br />the Property which may aHain a rnllrtty over rhl" \lo(t!;a~('. and lcil'idllllJ r~lymcnls or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provid~d under paragraph .2 11l'fcof or. Jl not p~Hd Hl ..ud, munnl~f. b~ Borrov..-(.'i' making payment. when due~ directly to -the <br />payee thereof. Borrower ~haH promptly IllHmh tt) i ellJer doH lI\jIKC~ 01 ~H110unts due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment JHC';;ll~, U~1rrmh'1 \h.tiJ prompt!} ! llrl\i~h h' l.!tnder receipts evidencing ~lIch payments, <br />Horrower shaH promplly l.h~chafge ilny In.'11 \l hh:h h;l.'; rra\nl\' ,h-C( InL' ~'h)flg,lgc: provIded, that Borrower shall not be <br />required to JI~haIge any ,'ouch lien \0 l;.Ing ,i', lk'f! owe! ~h~llJ ;:~r~c in \\firing: in the payment of the obligalllHl secured by <br />!>uch hen in a manner ac-ceptabk tn Lender. ,'j ~h<1H in ~\l\.,;J I;lllh ,--,-,nh.:'...t _'i\J1.:h 11~1l by. (11' defenJ cnl1.Hc-cmem of such lien in, <br />legal prrn.~djngs which operate hJ prevent HlI.: l,~nhlr;.:cment l)l the l!t:ll ,If h)rfeltur~ l)f the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Hazard Inmrance. Horrowt:r :-hall\ Ih\: ,mpr;)~'..:nh:llh lith\ \.-'\l"ling IH hcrt:;tltcr \.'Tcdeu on the ProperlY insured <br />aguinsllo~ by fir~, hUlarJs indLHkd \"Hhm .IH: !crlll ',.'\!{'THJ..:d '-"\,j._H~::u. ;inJ i,lll.;h other h;izards as l.ender may require <br />and in su..:-h anlOlHltS .JJ1U t'!.n su..-h pt'fu1ds.n I I.'Hal-'f !l1d'; n.'4\lH\:-~ pnl\jd":lL lh,ll Lt-'ll\_kr ,hail fWI reqllire that the amuunt of <br />such coverage exct't"d that Jll1uul1l \\1" c;.l\t:r,j~1.: fl:'iu:r::J hi pa\ 1ft..:- 'oum.. '~('lir~d hy lIw.. ::'\--lortg~lgc. <br />The lI}SUnmce ;.;arner prOViding lhe HhUf~H\U: "hall bt: ..:ho.,I:1l b~ l-h~fw\-\-cr _,,-ubjec! [f' ;.;pprov<lI by Lender; provided, <br />that such approval shaH OfH bt.' !lnreaSIHl'lbly ,\-uhht,'ld, '\H P,';"flllunp, on Hl'>W.W.;t: ppli':ICi'o shall be- paid ill lhe manner <br />provided under paragr.iph :! hereOf (11'. Ii ~dld III .;\".;h m:Jl1n~i'. h-- j-k'rn.Wl-~r m~tklllg payment. wh,cn due, dIrectly to the <br />Insurance carner. <br />AU instiranc\;,' pl111cie,\ and rCrlcw.-lls !ll('(t;dl ,h~in h: H1 hlfln ,h.:"'i.:!"Lihk iO Len,kr ,md ..hall mdudc it 'It<1IlJard mortgage <br />cJau8e in favor nt llnd Hl form Oi\:cepiJbk II' l.t'nJ..:r. I t.'Hl.-kr "h;d; 1I.J\i.: tllt:- ill hl)ld Itw pulidcs ,lfh.l r0newab thereof. <br />~n-d Borrower shaH prDmptly furnish tl) l..tTld..-r all f~nt:I,\,i1 11.)U';:C" Jud ~tll rC":l.:lpb ot {l<tid rrcmium.., III the event of loss, <br />Borwwcr shaH give prompt IlIJtil.:C iu the H1.sUf,tll(:C ":<A-fnt;;:f <-illJ Lt-'JlJl'f. ! cmh.'[ Hlu.) lllilKC prl\or of loss if not made promptly <br />by Borrower, <br />Unless Lender and Borll)\!' ~I" l..'lthCf\lol:tC iigrct: In v. nilllg, lH,>UIIHh.:L: pro.:ccJ:- :;hall be applied 10 restoration or repair of <br />the Property damag~d. pr<..)vid-:tI ~u~h rC~hJrath'n ,-"fr r~p;jlr h c;.;~,lmHni..:-.til! ft~aSlblc alld the ...c~unty of thi:-. Mortgage is <br />not thereby impaired, Ii su~h rc:.wratlPI1 01 n:palf IS lwr C>':i..'ll,lmj(j.dl) fca~lhh:- or If lh~ ~l;.~~unty of this Mongage would <br />be imp.ajred, the insuran,::e pnli;t.--eus :'thiiU be ;)pplieJ to th;;: ~et:urc\j tl~- (hi:.. MOftgilgc, \\-"lih the c:\cc~s. if any, paid <br />tQ Borrower. If the Property is abanJ.{ll1ed by Borrower, or i.! BOHt)WCr l~iib II) rc~po{lJ to L~lldt:r within 30 Jays from the <br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borwwcr thai the iwmranl.:c ':Mfl~r ot1en. w ~t:llk i:t dairn for insurance benefits, LenJer <br />is. authorized to coHe.;t and apply the mSllranc:: proceed:.: .,it Lender\ upUllH elth~r to rcsloration Of repair of the Property <br />Qr to, the sums se-cured by ihis Mortgage, <br />Unless Lender and BOfnJWCr t.nhcNisc jgJ'i.."C HI \\-'flIlOg. ,in!" -s-u..:h dppJic;Ation of prol.:-ceds 10 pno\:ipal s.hall not extend <br />or postpone the due date {If the monthly itl~talhnl:nts referred Ii\ in paragraphs 1 aull. 2 herenf or ~hilllge the amuunt of <br />such installments. If under paragraph i 8 hereof the Property b 1.H;-l.}wrcJ {IY Lemke illl fight, tltie and interest of Borrower <br />in and to any insurance policies and in anu h) the pruceeds the-reot re,~ullmg rrtHl1 damage 10 lhe Property prior to the sale <br />Of acquisition shaH pass to Lender 10 t~- e\.tc:Ul of the :o:Wll,l) ~ecUl~J bI th!~ ~1llrtgagc immcdialcly pnor to such s:iic or <br />acqui1ition. <br /> <br />6~ Pn::len'.doa aad "taiatetUUlce of Property; Leawbulds; Condominiums; Planned Linit De-\'I;~lopments. Borrower <br />shall,keep the- Property in goOd repair and shaH not commit waste or permit impairment. or deterioration of the Property <br />.00 .shall. comply witb the .vrovi~io:m of any lease it lhl~ MOrlgagc I-S on .1 Ica:;.chold. If lhi", !\hntgagc is on J. unit in a <br />condominiu_ni or a planned unit d-evck'pment, Borrow~r s.haH perivrm ill! (.,;-f BOHI.1'.>.,'/tr's t~hhgati(lOi) under the declaration <br />or rovCQants creatin. Qr governing fhe condornmium or plomncd lInn development. the hy-laws and regulations of the <br />condominium or planned unit de...-elopment. and constitUem docurn~nts, If a ,,'onJwninium or planned unit devcI()pOIent <br />rid4;r il, by _ 8ou-OVr'Uf_ And, r<<:orded, togcthel' w1th lhis- MortB-_ag.e, the ~o"'cnanUi and agreements of such rider <br />5h4U-J. i~~a3d int9 and sbaU_ amend and :!i,upplemcnt the ~ovcl\anb and a.gleel'l1~nts (.~f thIS Mortgage as if the riuer <br />WCf1lJl~~. <br />1. _,~.....; Of ,l~~. Se<:uriq.. If "Bofro'wer faih; to perform _the co....enants and agreement); contained In thi~ <br />Mj)f~ or if -any' ~u;-tion Of proce-eding: IS comD1~nt;..-ed whkh m-ateti-aHy aff~ts Lender's inteft.~t in the Property, <br />1-nc;t_udt~&-, but not tinUt-ed 1,t'), cm.IDtot -dOmaio... ins()h.~ncY; code tnWrcement, or arrange-ments or p:rocet..-dingli involving: a <br />~rupt_or ~~t~-.tbt.n _t~flder at l--endet's o-ptH~n, UfXHI HOW,:C: In BOfIOWt;:r. mOl) make _\Ul.:-h appcaunc!.":\, du.bursc ~u\::h <br />~ ~ t. ~':_AttiQc- M. lJ.,nectiiAlJ t,o pf(.l;te..;;t u.m.:k::r"j ~nt-cu;,,;~'Jl~, lndut.!, Oui not lil'mted to. dll:~bufs-~lCnt 01 <br />~,~_ iJtu-~:Y~J}~ _ and- entry u.PUll ~ J)ropcr1)'__ to fllcdkc _ ft::p.lHr'io. f r I -end'Cf re-qui!eJ rn\)t'~gc- imuf-'/;lIcc <l"\ .\ <br />,~t~, oJ ntAktfil tt-ft- k~r-;: ~~ur4XJ_ h)' ti1l!~ Mm1&~e. _Qt)fH!",>:'C $.-haH pay the pttnHIJfU;;. l\Ciltilf-Cd to I'n~-hH.un Sti(.~h <br />1tlJV(~-e- ift -ftf..:-\ \I-Mll .'~U-\1b ti.ttu; -in: the rm.lul~t'-rn:e?t f()f :such 'fKUf3nCt 1'ennitl.l.tli'_'> ill ~Kcnfdancl.' "With Bnlf'Pwer\ ~lttd <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />