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<br />9. Condtomnadon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, dm:CI or t.:onsequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation Of other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid (0 Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if .any, paid to Borrower. In the event of 4l parfial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there Sh:lll he :IPp!icd 10 the .slims <;('cured hy this Dc-cd of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as IS equal to that proportion which the amount of the .sums ~ccured hy Ihis Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />laking bears to the fair market v:lIuc ~)f the Pwpen)' immediately prior tn the 1I3te of tnking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property IS abandoned by Borrower, or if. after omice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />3n award or settle a daim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to l..:ollcct ;lOd ;.\pply the proceeds, ,J! Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trusf
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree III writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />Of postpone the due date of the monthly installmenr.') referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such instllIlments.
<br />10. Borrower Not R~It'asl'd. Extension (If the lime f\)r payment or modification of amortization of lht? sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to ;wy successor in intcr~st of Borrower shall not operate to release. In any manner,
<br />Ihe Iiahility of lhe original Borrower and Borrower's successors in inlCrcsl I.ender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such succes.sor or :efuse to c-..:tcnd time fur payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of ,lny demand made by the original Borrower and Horrower's successors in interest.
<br />It. Forbt-aranu. by Lf'nd~r No~ a Waiver. An\' forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />()therwise Jlforded by ;)pplicable law, sh:.dl not he. J. waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Joe procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or Olher liens or l.:harges hy Lender shall nm be a waiver of Lender's
<br />fight to accelerate the maturity of the md(,'hfCdnt~s.s secured by this. Deed of Trust
<br />12. Rem('di~s Cumulative'. All rcmcdic'\ prOVIded in this Deed of Trust ilfC distinel and cumulative 10 any other right
<br />or remedy under this Dt:ed of Trust or afforded by law or equity. anJ may be exercised concurrently. independently or
<br />~llccessivelv .
<br />13. Successors and Assi2BS Bound; Joint and Sf!"e-ral Liability; Caption... The covenants and ::tgrecmenrs herein
<br />i.:ontained shall DlOd, and the rights hereunder shall inure In, the respective successors and assigns of lender and Borrower,
<br />..ubjec:t to lhe provisions of paragraph ] 7 hereof All ~:\wenarHS ,md agreements of Borrower shall be joint and severa.l.
<br />The captions and headings of the: paragraphs ~lf this Deed of Trust ~I'e for cnnvcnicnce only and are not tt) he used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Nonce. Except ror any notice reqUIred under ;.ipphc..Ible j.j,\\" 10 be given In another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided [or in this Deed 0/ Trus.t 'ihaH be given hy ITlaliing 5lH.:h notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or al such other :!.ddres.s ,rS Borrower !"nay deslgn:.lie hy notlce to Lender as provided herein. <J,nd
<br />i b) any notice to Lender :.\hall he giv("o hy ("crnneJ mati. return receipt requested, 10 Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />wch other addres.s as Lender may deSIgnate h.- notIce to Borrower .is proVided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shaH be deemed to have been g.l\'cn In iJorrower or I eOlier when given in the manner designated herein,
<br />IS. Uniform Deed of Tru$t; Co\'nning Law; Sncf3b.iJj~)'. I hl'i form of deed of !rust combines uOIform covcnimts fur
<br />national use ond non~uniform ....,)Vcnanls with I!mlicd varIations by iunsdiclion to com-litute a uniform secunty ltlstrument
<br />covering rcal property. This Deed 01 Trust :-.hZlH he governed by the I:tw 01 the jurisdiction in which the Property is located.
<br />In the event that a.ny prOVIsion or \;b.mc of lim Deed (11 Tru';,t or the NOlC rl1nll1cts. with upplicablc law, such conlliet shall
<br />not :.l.lfec:t other provisions of lnrs DecJ pI' TfU~l pr Ihe Note \...'hICh (,In h~ ~~lvcn el1ect without lhe l.;onllictlng provision,
<br />,lIld to {his cnd the provlsl\)ns of lhe Deed of Trw,{ anJ the Note <lIe Jccl:ucJ li~ he severable.
<br />16, Borrower's Copy. Borrower $h;~Jl ht,' (urlll~hed ;1 <';lmtorm~J t::opy 01 the Note and of this Dccu of Trmt al the time
<br />.J! execution or after rc::cordallon hereof
<br />t 7. Transfn of the Property; As.s,umpt1on. I (' ~ll Pf .iflY P;lf i f'f lh\' Propel/)' or un interest therl'in is s()ld or transferred
<br />hy Borrower without Lender's prior wntten C,llL\CIH, neludlng: (,I! llje nt:all~Hl of 3 ii~n or encumbraoL:c subordinate w
<br />Inn; DeeJ L1f Tru~t, (b) the <.:reation tJt ;1 purcha~"" /;h~IH.':'i SCi.:lHlty lI11ea;..t II,)r housch\Jld appliances. (c) a transfer by deVise.
<br />J('sl.,'em or h-)' operation .)t- law upon lhl: death of a J',)1111 ter\.ifH or \ d} the grant \)f allY lease-hold interest of three years or Ic:-;s
<br />not (:ont~lInlllg an nptll)O (\) plln:h~lfl.e, l.elIdel nl.J-y' ;Jt I l'lll"kr's optIon, ded;H~ .dl the ~Hfn.S secured by this Deed of TruM to he
<br />Immelhardy due ,tnJ p.i.l.yabie. I,t"ndcf sh:ill have '>\,il\I:J ';,Udl optIOn h.-' a;.,:.;clt...ratc Ii. prior II..) the s.ale or lran~fcr, Le.nder
<br />dnd the peuvn Iv whom lhe Pr;.;pelly I" h) be ...okl or ir;.lIl~fcnC'u redd} dgreement m writing thai the credit of slIi.:h person
<br />IS s..ilisfactofY tu Lender :.wd that the IOIeIC!,{ p,l)<tbk ;')11 the sums ~.:<.:ur~t.i hy fhi~ Deed or Trust shall hi.~ at .such rule as
<br />Lender shall re'~uc.;.t. Ii Ixn~t"r ha~ \l.al~.eJ the \..lpliull h.l d.:.,:der;lll' pruvldcd. 1I11hlS paf<lgraph 17. and if Borrower's sllccessor
<br />In iI1lc:rCSI has c.xc;;;i.Jteu a wnHen ,:.i.s-5umphon agreemcnt a..;ccpt..-,.1 In wfltlllg by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from
<br />.Il! obligatH.)lls under lnls Dec\l 01 rni~t 4l11J 1he NUIC.
<br />H Lender exen:iscs '>u<.:h OpiH..n 10 .J.~..:ckr,tt~, I cnuer ~hal: ilIall H('f!"wwer notice (If HCl:cler<l.linfl Hl ilc<,;ordancc with
<br />parag.raph 14 here,>!. Such i1-utICC s.hali pn.'....jdc a pen,'i.l .,f lIot k~::. lh;llI Jll da)~ lrom the date the notice 15 mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pd.]' the .sums ,icdart:J Ju~. If Bor/'ower LuIs tu pay ~lI..:h S.~lI1h prior to the expiration of such periotl,
<br />h'nder may. wilhout further notICe or dcmaod Oil Bo. my, Cl, lnvuke nny !CmcJI~s pt:rmit:cd hy paragraph lli: hereof.
<br />
<br />NON~U~i:FORM CO~cNM":TS, BOHG'.tICr and Lender IUlthcI ....ovCn;JIlt .mJ agr~c"~ follows;
<br />
<br />IS, An:elcr-aiion; Rtmedi~ t:XCe.pl as provided in paragrilpb 17 ht'rt:of. upon Borrower's breach of any co'.cnant or
<br />af.:,I'UmtRI or Borru"'C( in tllb Deed of Trwot, induding the- ('o\'cnanLot to pay when due any ,liUlns ~c,"u(cil by Ihis need
<br />of Trusl, (-<uder prior to ;It:....elendion ~haH muilllolic!C (0 8orrower 3!,. pro\'ided in par~graph 14 hereof !rlpedfJing: (1) the
<br />b.-each; (2) Ibe- .action foctiuirc:d to ,ure such brea(h; ()) a dale. nut less than 30 da)s from the dait: the notice i.. mailed 10
<br />Rurrowe-r. b) which ,ul,:h bre4u:h must bt: curcd; and (4) thai failure to cure ~uth breach on or before the dale specified
<br />in th( nulice Rlal res.ult in ;1ccetf'ratiun of the ~UII\S Sot'cured h)' thi:-. J)t.o.ed of Trust and sale of the Property. 'nlC notice
<br />shall further inforln Burrower uf the righl 10 rdnstate after .ac('eleuJion aud the right 10 bring 1I court actiou to assert
<br />the non~u.isle.nce of a defauU or anl vlhtr defense or Borrower 20 acceleration and sale. If the breach b not cured
<br />on or before the- date !'opct<:ifi-ed iu the notice, Lender at Lendcr'~ option ma.. dedare aU of the sums ~ccurcd b'\i OiL>S Deed
<br />of Trust to- be immediately due and flOl)':.lble Without further demand and rua) 'in\-"oke the power of sale and an) other remedies
<br />permitted b). applKabk lai'". Lend,,'r shall bt: entitled to ...olltet aU reasonable ('o~1.s aod t''-pen.)cs im::ulrl'd in puC'SuinJ,: the
<br />feme-diM provided in this para~rd.ph IS. indudint.:. hut not limited 10. u'3..'H.lI.laole attorney's fees.
<br />If tbe power of MUC is iru oked, Tru~tee shall record 11 notin~ of ddault in e-ach county in which the Property or ~Olllc
<br />pan Ihneof is locate:d and lOhaJl maif (,'ol)ics: of SUt:h nofice in the manm'r prcsaibt-d h)' 3pplkable law to Borro\,.er and to the
<br />other per!l.ons presnibed b) ~lppliGtblc b~. ,\it~f the- lap~e of 'HH:h tirue ;1.. mOl) be required b\" arpli.t'Bhl~ law. Tru:\fee l>lmll
<br />~i\'(' puNic notice of ~ale to the vcrson~ aud in the manner prcsnibcd h}" applicable la". . Trustee. \'\-ithout demund on
<br />Bono'l'rer. ~haB sell the Propcrt) at public audiofl 10 the hi:thest bidder at the time ami placlt and under (he term:, d{'~ign:J.tcd
<br />in the nolKt' o.f salt:" in one or more par-ccls and in ...u~h order a"!l TrwHce rn~)' dCH.'rminc_ Trustee ma)' postpone ~~Ie or all
<br />0(" an} pared of the Proptrt)' by puhliC' :JUIiOUflcement at tht' lime and plan.' of anJ prc\'iou...l) ~('hedulcd ~.jle. Lt'udcl' ur
<br />L.("udn's de:!lia:ure- may pun;hasc the- !'rOp!;rl)' at an). sale,
<br />Upon rt:~:t'ipt of p-a)'"nH:nr of the poce bid. Trustee ..haU delh~r- tt) fhe pun:ha..cr Trustee's deed ("oO\'cyiu~ the l~ropcr1)
<br />..,;010. Tht redfals in tbe Tru.,tce.~ dud shaU be prima facie ("\ iden(l~ ftf th~ truth of th~ stah.'menb rnade lherein. Trustee
<br />~b,an.1it~pl)" lilt ~rof:e-(,~!I of the ~ale in {he foHowUll\ order: ta>,'o llll rC~L'ifHll.Ible ("(1"~ ulld expcn~'i of the ~ale. including, bul,
<br />not Junited to. 1 r\lstet' s fns or not mOlt? than ;\i.f\ ~, (If Ulr-gro...... :\aJc- prKt:, rea:o.onabJe .attornc) s fc~~ ",mJ co~ts of
<br />::~~~d\fnee;. (b) to all >tuns .~l~ufed by this D(:cd t.If TnL~l; ;lJld Ie) Ihe \"'"'(ress, if uny, fu the pC~Ofl Qr person,,, leg.dl~ entitled
<br />
<br />19. B'H~U'l'\'~r',. Ri2.ht to Rtinst:;j:tt'. N;..'l;.\!lh~lan.jlllg l....lluer.s ;'h..,:dl'I;llh'; I th". 'ill:!", ....\;",.\;rt;J by (i".., l)(...'d \,/ rit!>!
<br />a'NriY'41~[ ~h:lll hoPI>:; ~h-c. nght IEJ hol\"C pfo.;c<c,iili~;<; ~C&UI\ 1:>) l.;.:ndcr r, \.flhf.:~ Ihi" Deed \!r Tnl\; ,\l
<br />il1\Y lime Pfj('f ~\, the 'C",ul1a to <"1<;...',1{ .of (0 fillh ~bi' hdl)re fhe ~ille of 10'; Prup>:rt) pl,r~ual'~ ll' the Pl.'\\\:f ,.11 '"""llt.il:lI.:J
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