<br />I
<br />83:;'" 1\ U 51 82
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree <.IS follows:
<br />
<br />L Payment of Principal an.d Intere-'it. Borrower shall promptly pay wh,en due the principal o,r 3;nd interest .on the
<br />mdebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges all provided In the Note, and the pnnclpal of and mtcrcst
<br />on any Future Advar.ces secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. FUDds lor Taxes and (nsunner. Subject to applicable Jawor 10 a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the !'Jote. until th~ NOI~ i~ paid in ful~.
<br />a slim (herein "Fund5~'} equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tax:cs and assessments which may attain prlonty over this
<br />Deed of Trus.t, and ground rents on the Property. if any. pills one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one.twelfth of yearly premium in~tallmcnts [r.:- mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bilfs and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />fhe Funds shaH be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which ,ue insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including lend<:r if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay said taxes. assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground renK Lender may no! charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said asses.smenls and bills, unles.s Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trust that intere~t on the Funds ~ha!l be paid fo Borrower, and Ilnless slIch agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest [0 be paid. Lender shilll not be required to pay Borrower any inrcres.r or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower. withotJt charge. an annual .Kcounting of the Fund~ <;howing credits ;)nd debits to the Fonds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Fund,s wa~ madc, The Funds ;arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by thIS Deed of Trust.
<br />If the :lmount of the Funds held hy Lender. together wirh the furure monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due- dates of taxes, a~sc..sments. insurance premiums 3nd ground rent", shall e:t;cecd the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premIum" :lnG ground rent~ ;JS they t'all duc. 'iU(,.'h c.xcess Sh31! be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held hy Lender shall not be suHkicnr It1 ray taxes, assessments, insurance premi~Jms and ground renr~ as th.ey .fall ~ue.
<br />Borrower shaH pa)' to Lender any amounr ncccs~3ry 10 make lip the deficiency wlrhm 30 days from the date notice JS mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesring paymcnl thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full ,}f all sums sccun::d ov dw; De-cd l.,f Trust. Lender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender, It under paragraph lS here-of lhe Property 1<; sold or the Property IS.l..".lhcrwlsc acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />.shalt apply. no later than immediately pr10r 10 !he ...ale pf the Property or ItS ;\cqw'ltlon hy Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application ~t.s a credit agaInst the sums secured by thl$ Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Application of P3).menls. Unle-<;s ;lppli(-;lblc J;I\\' prcfvidc\ <.IIherwise. :1H payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall he applied bv Lender fir~! in payment d amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. lhen to inrerest pavable (H1 Ihe \iole, [hen !l1 the rrinCllJal of the Note, and then 10 inlerest and
<br />prindp<tJ on any Future Advances.
<br />4. Chal'Jtes: Uens. Borrower ..hall pay all t;I\C\_ ,1"ScSSmCI11"- ;lf1J ,'Iher (harges. tines and Impositions auributablc to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over (hiS Det~d of Trust, ;100 leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereclf {Jr, If Hot paid in SUdl manner, hy Borrower makIng payment. when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower "hall promptiy furnish t<) I ender :Ill noW::c\ of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower 'l.haU make payment directly. Borrower ~h~1i promptly fmnrsh to Lender receipts evidencmg such payments.
<br />Ilorrowcr shaH promptly di"char~e any lien which h3S pnom}' nwr H1J'> Deed flf TrwH: prOVIded. that Borrower shall not be
<br />reqUired to dhc.hargc any <;.uch hen so kUlg ;1\ BorH'wt.'r <;hali ~1.~rec III wfltmJ; to the payment of the obhg.uwn ~ecu~cd ~y
<br />~uch hen !O a m;mncr :H..c-ep[abl-c In l.ender, or ',halt Hi Rood 1:lllh conlest stich hen by. or defend enforcement of such lien In.
<br />legal proceeding, whICh operate to pn:ven: the t'nft}rccmr.::nt d !hc In,'n 0r forfeiture nf the Property or any part thereof
<br />S. Hazard Insurance. Borrower ...hal! "~C'p lhe !mpru\'~m!:nt~ now t:\IStlng or hereafter erected on lht' Property insured
<br />against loss by fire, hazards included wIthin lht: ll.:rrn "e'lcndcd coverage". and ~t1ch other hazan.ls as Lender may requIre
<br />~nd In such amounts nnd for ~lli:h periods a.,. Li:lldcr may rt:qo!H:; provl~icd. that Lcnd~r ~hall not require thai the amount ()f
<br />'Sllch -coverage exceed that amount d \:overagc n:qiJlrcd hl P;l\' the :.UOl\ sc~urcd h~,' Ihn.. Deed of Trust
<br />The imurant:e carrier pro\'H.hng the JnSUf;W(;C "hall be ..:ho\cn 1-0\ Borrower ;>'UhlCl:t (,} ,tpprov;d Dj' Lender: pnwllled.
<br />that such approval shall nO{ he unreasonably withheld :\Il premium~ 00 insurnn~c policies sh~lI be raid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof Of. d nul pOliO. III :<,ulh fHunner, by Borrower making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />Insurance carrier.
<br />AU lUsuralh.:e poJictes ,'nd rene....Jlo. lhcn:ll{ \h:\i! he III hmn ;:1L..:....ptablc t,\ Lender and ~haiJ indudc ;J standard Illorlgagc
<br />clause in favor of and in form ;H.;\:CPI;lhk 10 I.cndl'f h'l1tkr ~.haillHl"e !he fight to hold lhe pnlicil.:s and renewals lhereof.
<br />and Borrower ~hall promptly fumis.h tu I.cnda ;ili n."ru,:wat nolKC'i anJ llll rt:...:cip(~ of p.ml pfCflllums, In the event of loss,
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to the !nsur~n't' l:.-f1ler alld l.emlcr. lender Ill.")' make proof of loss If nol nMdc prumptly
<br />by Borrower_
<br />. Unl~ss Lender and Borrower l.llhcr\\-lse Jgr\.."c ill Wflll:1g, 111';ur~101.:t.~ I-Ho\:~cd!: shall be applied t0 rc~toralioll or repair of
<br />lhe Pro~rty damaged, provided su.;h fe~I0I.I.tl<)n 01 r~r;tlr h t:ll1nOflllo.:.lily IC;ISiblc ;lnd the sCl.:urilY of th,... Dcc-J of Trust j<;
<br />not thereby impali.cu_ 1f ~uch reSIOfaUOH 01 fe-patl' b n.)l l''';(Jl1limicalty fellslblt: or d Ihe ..ei:urity ot this Deed of 1rllsl \"'ould
<br />be Impaired. the msurance pfi-lf.:eeds shaH bt: appilcd w th~ sunh sCl.:urcd by this L~cd ~\f Trust, with Ihe c:~xe"'s, if any, p:m!
<br />to Borrower, If the Property is .lbandnncd by llorrowt.'L \)f' if B"'ll/wcr fad!". In rc\pond 10 Lcndi:r \.....ithin 30 days from the
<br />date noti(,'e i'S. IU:iiled by Lender {I,) Borrower Ih.lt the qlSllL;llh.:C ...:.Irrll'r tlffer~ 10 settle il !.-'lilllH for insurani..:t: benefits, Lender
<br />IS authorized 10 c\)l!cc[ and ;.~pply the insuran(c Pli.Jl..'ccJ., ~l l.ender's option ~l{her lo lcslorutHlIl \,Ir repaIr of the Property
<br />or to the sums s-~l..:Ufed by Ih\s Deed of Tru\t.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherWIse i\gn.'~ .11 \l,'rtlmg. allY :<ou(h applte;.11l0n (11 proceeds to prin<.:ipaJ shall not c,\tenJ
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly in~li.dlmcnb rderred II) in paragrilphs 1 and 2. hereof or \~hange the amount of
<br />s-uch installments. If under paragraph 1 S hcrct.lt ine Pf0p~rty l$ -iH.:qUlred by Lender, ~dl right. title and ilHercst ot Borrower
<br />in and to an)' insurance policies and Hl ;.\nJ 10 the pro..;-ced~ there!,)l res-uiling from damage 10 the Propl:rly rrior 1\1 Ihe S<llc-
<br />or acquisition shaH pa~ 10 Lender to the 01cnt d the S.UillS ",ecurc,J by Ihis Dc-eJ of T rusl immediately pnor to ::.uch Sille or
<br />acquisition_
<br />6. Prestonalion and Mainte-nance of Ilroperty: LcalteboJd!i. Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. BOrrO\l,:cr
<br />..h.tlt keep the Prupen) ill good n::p:.Hr ..lnd ...h<iJl lWl: (~'jIlHl\tl \~.hlr.: ,If P":rfllli llnp"'iflHt:n! nf ddcnof;ltion l'( the Property
<br />~lrHj shall ('oropl}. with the provisi00S of any kaM: if this Deeu (If Trust 1\ 0n J Ica.scholJ. If lhis Deed of Trust is 011 ~l una in ~l
<br />condominmm or 3 planned unit development, Borrow~r $hall pcrJofln .ill 01' Borrower's obligations under lhe declaration
<br />ur covenants crc.:iting or governing the ((lodvminlUrn or plJ.nncd unil development, the by~laws <lnd regulations of the
<br />condominium or planned unit de"'clopmenl. ,ll1d ((HlStllut;nl uOl.:-Umcob. If a l..:omJominillIn or planned unIt development
<br />ride-of IS ~x.ecLJt-ed by Borrower ;:md record!.'d wgethcr with this Deed .of Trust, the COVl:-n.lnt;5 .and ilgrccmcnls ()f ~uch rider
<br />shaH be lOool'porated inlo and shall amend and ~upplcmcnt the- ~oVl.'nanb and agreements of thiS Deed ()f Trll~t ;IS- If the ridcr
<br />WC're :.i part hereof-
<br />7. Protection of Lende(~s Security. Jf Burro....-cr fads to perform the i.:ovt:nant~ and agn.'cmcnh i.:(lntaim:d in this
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any action .or proceeding 1'1 ~omrncn~eJ whil:r nlntcnally affccls Lender's fnlcrc~t I." the Properly.
<br />inciudi-ng. but not limited to.. emment domaIn, ins.olvcflq. \.'(~e enforcement, or arrangements or prol.."CCdlOg$ InvolvlOg ';1
<br />mtnkrupt or dec-edent~ Ihen Lender at Lender's option. Op\l11 notice [(l Borruwer, may n1J,ke such ~lppcafanCt:S. dislwrse SItch
<br />SUfn$ and t~ke such action 3.5 is nece~sary to protect Lt;!H.ier':i inlcic'),l, im:!uJing, hu[ not limited 10. dl~our.'i-emcl1i nf
<br />r-e.uonable attorn~y's fees and entry upon the Property 10 ma\..c rcp;iir;;., If l,cndcr T'cY~lired nwngage lfl\urUncc ;1\ :J
<br />\:"ondHion of m.akmg the foan secured by thiS Dee\! of TruM. Borrower shall pay the pren1llJlllS- rC,-!Ulrcd to rnamtain ~\H:h
<br />IMUfance in _etlc(:t unlit such time: ;t'l,. the requirement lot slIch insunw(;t" terminale:. In ;I(;(,:ordancc Wllh Rorrowers <lIld
<br />Ltnde.r's written a,rccmc-nt or ~p-pHc:ablt; l~w, Borrower shall pa) !he amount \)f all mortgage imurancc rn:nllurn~ ill the
<br />man_ pro.ided un<ler I"'ragr.ph 2 hereuf
<br />An)' aJOO\Ult$ disbursed hy Lender purwant to tnts. p"lfag.raph- ? With Ifl(CrC-'it IhC1'e~)n, s:hall N-c....mlC ;l\.lJitioo;li
<br />mdebtC'dncu oJ 8Qll'{}wer KCllre-d by this- Deed oj l'fUlo-.!_ Unlcs" Bouowcr ,II"J Lemler ~gree (0 other terms of payment, ~uch
<br />lUltO-unh- !fha-II bt paya'b4e upon not)ce from Lender 10 a--ofr~n\.-cr r~quesfing p;.~yme!lr Ihere0f, :JI)(! shall hCOIf ItttCfcS-l fn~m fh('
<br />date of d."l:"Jt~,nt at the rate paYllb-k from rime to time on ouUtarHJmg pfJm;lpal under ;hc Nt)le llnku paym(~nt llJ' iUll.,'fc';t
<br />at sw:;h raw. w~M be tVAU.uy to ap-plit;able law. in wht.;.:h ev-eul $!.h.:h arnOUnf~ .,hn!1 hear HHerc\t ;IC the lllghest rah~
<br />pc:t~ -Under applicable !J,W, NOthing -c(mt~;nt,...J in !hi.:;, paragraph '7 .,hall require Lender Ii) :n':lJf any expense or take
<br />'''YlJCt'''''~'
<br />3.. t~. t.e-JlCku w...ay ma.k~ or ('ilUs.c h" be made t-e-a'\(mable ciltn~,> upon ;;nd Hl$pectIO--i\~ (if ,he Pr-op~n\', pf(,,,i.t;:,J
<br />tfwli Lc-ndttt itwlH ti!{C- BouQwc,f noli;;.: ptl~)r to ;W) :.ur.;-h mspc\.~Ii(H1 ~f~\.iiYHlf<i !~;B.\)n;t.bh,' ;:iHi:',e therc\i,~l rcla~~d hl l.end...! ':.
<br />Inl1}ft:$.t m lhe- Protlettv
<br />