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<br />83';';;;' 005179
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<br />
<br />9. Condrmnadc)n. The pnKCCm of aoy award or cla;m fllf uam<Jge<;. dJrCCI or consequenlial, in connection wilh any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part (hereof. or for ;,::onvcY,lncc in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />and shaH be paid fO Lender. '.
<br />In lhe event of a toraltaking of 1he Property, the proceeds shall be ;lpphcd Il) the sums secured hy this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />olherwi~e agree in wrj"ling, there shall he applied to the sums ~ccured by t~is Deed of Tnlst .such PToportio!l of the proceeds
<br />as is. equal to th;lt propor1ion which the .lmounl of rhe $UOI,> ~>ecured by tfll!l DccJ l1f Trust lInmCdtaiely pnor to the date of
<br />laking bears: to the fair market vaiue ()f the Property immcdi:Hely prior to the d~lIe of Taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />p<lid to Borrower.
<br />Jf the Property js abanJtmed by Borrower, or if. _after notice by I.ender to B.or~ower lhat the condemnor offers to ~a~e
<br />an ;'lward or settfe a claim for di-ln1ages. Borrower falls In respond to Lender wlthm 30 days <ifter the date such notice 1S
<br />mailed, Lender is. authorized tt) collect and .lpply the procccd~, at Lender's. option., either to restoration or repair of the
<br />I>roperty or to the sums 'icctlfcd 1:'1)' this Deed of TmsL
<br />Unless f .cnder and Borrower olhern-'j'j!,," ;igrce in writing. ~lny 1iuch application of proceeds to principal shall not exteno
<br />or postpone the due date of [he monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installrnents.
<br />10. BolTower Not Re'ea~t'd. E:\!en....ion of the !im.e for pJymcnt or modification of .1mortization of the sums secured
<br />hy this Deed of Trust granrcd hy I _endcr In any SUCCCS5.or in interest o~' 8~.rrowcr <;h.lll not operate to rclea,se, in any manner,
<br />Ihe liabillly of !he \mginal Borrnwer and B0rrowcr.s SUCCl'ssnr'i in II1tercs:. Lcnder ~hall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against such SUccessor or refuse 1(1 extend time for pjynu~:nf or otherwise modify amorrization of the sums
<br />..C'(ured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made br the onglnal ~Jnrrower and Bor~ower's successors in interest.
<br />J I. Forbearanc.>c b)' Lend.f.f Not a Wah'er. Any forbearance by Lenth-'f 10 exercising any nght or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise -afforded hy applicahle law, ~h:tlJ not he a waiver of or prc(:ludc the nercise of any such right or remedy,
<br />The procurement o( msur;snce or the paymcnl of taxes or llthcr hens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righl to accelerate !he maturity of the ;ndchlcdncs,; sl:curcd hy this Deed of Trust
<br />12. Remedks CumuJath,('. All remedies provided in thiS Deed of Trust .are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />Of remedy under lhi~ Deed of Trus.t (l! afforded by law or c~uity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively.
<br />13. SUCC(':MOf'!i and A~~ign.., Bound: Joinl and Several Li~bilitJ; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br /><:onlaioco shalf hind, ;,oJ the right.!!: hereunder ,h;ll! JnUfC !O. Ihc respcctl'<'(: :-.IICCC:<.j;Ors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject 10 lhe provi~ions of paragr~ph ! 7 hereof Ail ('.-,vena.nls .and jgr~c.'mcnts of Borrower shall he joint and several.
<br />fhe capllOlu .and hcadln~ _o.f the paragraph\ of :h!'i Deed ut TruSl arc lor CllllVclllencc only and arc nO! to be used to
<br />mterpret or define the proVISIOn.' hereof
<br />14. NDtif.'~. EX..:-qH for any notl(!,' n'4wrcd under JppiH.'able J,l\\-' (0 bl: gIven III anOlh(~r manner. {al any notice to
<br />Borrower PHWldcd for In this Deed or Trus.! ..h;l!l he gJ\'Cll hv li1;liJ:n,g "udl notJCe hy certified mud addressed (0 Borrower at
<br />the Property :\ddrcs.:o; (if ;It such other addrcs~, .J'> llorrnwcr Illay dC.l.lgllalc h\' flUl:CC to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />\' h) an\' notIce 10 Lender ...hall he glve;'l hy u:rtlr1ed m;:ul. n:!urn reCCIp! [('quested. h) Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />,>u-ch other addreu ax Lender may tlcsI!!n.ate by nOf!cc h) Borrower a<;. prOVIded hcrcln_ Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Tru\t ~ha!l be deemed 10 have been riven [p UorrOWl'f n {,cndcr when gIven in the manner designated herein,
<br />15. tJniform I)t'fiI of Trust; (;o,'c,minK 1,3"; St"verabtlit),. I hI" form A deed of i!U'it cl.)rnbines uniform covenants for
<br />nallonal \1M: ~nd non.urllform (-OVenants With hmli(~J \ Ml<tljpl1s by juriSDIctIon W u1Hslitule a uniform security instrument
<br />co\'crmg real propeny This Deeo of Tru:H ~hjll he governed hy lhc: law nl !he jU!l.\uH:tlOn in which the Properly IS localed.
<br />In Ihe event thai Jny plO\'ISIOO or t:bmc of Hll', ! h.'co of "T n.J':.1 or the Null' conlllL'IS with i:-lf1plicahlc law. such <:'onflic[ shall
<br />HO! affct:t tither pf0VIS-iOm of dWi Dc~J of Tm,t IH lhe Note .....hll:h (-;tn be l-!iven ctfcct withollt thC' conflicting proVIsion,
<br />and to this end the- proviYo{lHH. (It !hc fked or Tnn! ;md the ~Plt: ;.lr-~~ dCc/i!fCd tn be severa hie,
<br />16. 8orrowu'l( Copy. Borro.....er S!lJU be ftlflll',t)CJ a. \..onitlnneu ..op, \1! thl..' NOlc and of this Deed uf Tru:-;t a! the lime
<br />Di l'llccution or after f~,ordauon hert:-of
<br />17, Trans{('r of tbe ProPfl1Y; rh.'t'tlmption.. If :dl ,-ll .;my pMI of !he Propeny 0: an interest thereIn IS sold or transferred
<br />hy fktrrowcr wlthont L{"nder'~ pnGf "'\ml!C~1 ,-'('!l',C!\, c_\dudlfl!:- i. ,I) the I.n':.lillHl of a hen C'l' cncumnr:Hlce subordinate to
<br />thl:! DC1..'J of T1USI. {h) the t:rcat\O(l pI ;J. purch:l"',; !1HH\l..~'" 'i-CCUf!!)' l!llcn:'\\ lor hou$.dlOld applHl!Ices, lC) a lr.ao,fer by uevise,
<br />dt.'::.J.:Clll Of hy Opcf3llUn l)f law llpVIl the Jc~lIh IA ;~ .lillll~ It'IUll[ ur (J 1 the grant 01 allY kJschuJd IHtcrl'~{ oj three- YCilr:-.. or less
<br />not Llml,lIning all I1p!lnu t\.J p-un.:h;:t':H:, I ellJcr m~t!, .11 I nlJcr\ OPIH.)tl, declare ,1.1I [he sums se:..:urcd by thiS Deed of Trust to be
<br />l!nme-Jiately due and pil)'ahle, LenDer \haH 1'1;.1"'.1.: V,;:H-..cJ !i(h,:h "piW!l lit a..:t.:c!Cl;:t!(' if, prior hI the ~:.lJ..:: or transfer, Lender
<br />,tt'ld !he ptHOn IV whom [he Pr{1f'~lty IS to be ~nld ,I, Ir.Jn~rcrletJ !t;.:t(:h ,tgrectllcnt III wflllng that the uedit l)f such person
<br />IS Salls.[;I';Wry tn i ;:mkr .>ntl rha! fhe Imcr~_'!\ p;t;.--;!l,k ,'0 the ~Olll_\ '\;':,-I.Jr~d by !hi~ Deed of Tru~l "hall he at such rafc as
<br />I ,coder !'th,~)i fcqlll:'St. if fender has .....lI..'C-u the t,'I'!tt111 ;(} ,H;cclcntll' pn:>'Ildcd In tlw, p;if'agraph ! l, and if Borrower\ \U{;l.:essor
<br />in Intert,~i h.;t:\i '!.'"\..c..:utcd Of: wnlten J.~ulnptt'--':l ..g;rcCIJI<:nJ iJ-\..'d~ph:i.i lr1 wflhllg hv I,cnder, 1 cnder ..hall rclca~c Borrower from
<br />J:l1l)hhg~tlIO'h lHH.kr Ihi,:> Dc(.'-J o! TfU~! ;Hld the ("";ote
<br />If i,enucl C)"C!CI",e:s 'j.u..:h npllon h, ,h:"t'!c-l,l;;:, I C'tH.kr ..h_jil f1l.ul Hplrowcr nnlH;c of au.:c!cr.ation in al.;cordancc with
<br />flara,graph 14 h(,:ft'ol. SUt-.h notice ~haH pW\Jth: ,i ptnH..i i}! Ihl( k:.:. lhan HI d:I)!> lr(';fn the date (he 1I0lit;c IS mailed within
<br />whf~h HOlfuwe-r l~la) pay lhc SWTl~ Je\:!~f{'.J due if U(H!;''''';:1 f.Jd~ 10 P"l sUl,:h ~ilm.. p.ior [0 the e.xpiralion of such. period.
<br />Lender may. \\'HholH funher nOIH':C- (If IJcJ!l.allJ (111 LkHToWCf, (W'..-(IKC ..ny fcme-dle!. pe:lnutleo by pJfagraph IR hereof.
<br />N01S-,U:'-;IHHtM (O"[N"'~I':. Borrowcr dnt! 1 ('nuer lunhcr (,l\'l."-H.wl and agree as follow-s.
<br />18. AH'~kf:atiu-a; Rc-me'di~.!l.. EM.l't'p-t ll!!t pro"ide-d in panlt:;r-apb J7 hurof. upc)-u Borrower'" breach or auy co..enant or
<br />aa:c<<-meut of borru."'f in thb need ~)t Tru4jt. including th~ COl"~u..nLs- 10 pa}' when due any su.ms ~cu"ed by .hb Deed
<br />or Trutot. lA"otkr prior to a~ce-If'ution !.haU mail nutil:e 10 Harrower as pn,)-\-'ided in parMgrapb 14 hereof spedfying: (1) the
<br />b~it('h; (2, Ule at:lion r~quirt'-d to fUn:: sucb bretll('h; (3) a dalc-, not leM than 30 da)'s from the date Ihe notice i.., mailed to
<br />Bon-uwn. by whidt sudJ b<<-a~h musl be cured; and (4) loat failure tu curt such breaeb on or before th~ date specified
<br />in Uu: notin~ may "~!totd. in a('cl"ltral.oll of lb. sum.\- s('t.:urt:-d by tbi." nerd of TruM and sale: or the Property. The n()lk~
<br />~b.U (urtIKf inform Borr-u",-cf or the- right to rejR1;tat~ alt~,. al.'cf'luat;qn and the rigbi to bring a CQuf't action to assert
<br />thi: n()n~e:dst~nt"-c of 11 def;wlt Uf any other ddca--.e of Bo..m~er 10 ac~..rlendio-n and sale. If the bna('b is not cUft'd
<br />on or ~f(H'e I~ d__t' spt'(,.'mf-d in thf notice, l.-endu al I,ender's option may dedare aU of the !!ourns secured by _his Dud
<br />of '[rust 10 be: immcdiat-dy due .and p.yabU witbout furtber demand and mal invoke th~ puwet of sale and an) other I'Cme-dies
<br />permitted. b)' applic-able law. te-nder shalt be rnfit~ to culled aU reasonable costs and cxpensa incurred in pursuing the
<br />T~nJedia pnnided in this- pan&npb 1St indudinJ:.. but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fns..
<br />If tbc pow~( of yale is ihlOk~, Trust~c shall re-curd a notice of default in ea-eh count, in which <<he Property or some
<br />part tben-Qf u. kK-accd and \haU mall ropirs g,f su<:h notice- in n~ ruan~f pces<Tibed by .Ilpplkable law to Eon-ower and fo the
<br />uthn pcnon'JI prescribed b} appUcahlt>- law. Afft'r the lap~ of such limr a\ moty be f~qu;rrd b,y applicable law, Trustee shall
<br />l;\'f'- puWil" notk-e of sak (6 tbe pen;ous and in lht manner pr-e-,'icribed by applicabl-t Ja..-. Tru..tu. without denumd on
<br />8()trown. sh<<lJ MU tltt Pruperty a.t public: Auction to 1M htghe~t bidde. at the tifn~ and plact and under the: terms designated
<br />to tbe ilOtk.-e -or s..lt' in one or murr parcd!t and in ~u-cb Qrder .as Tn~tee In;')'y detemlin-e. Tnls,(ce may postpone salt or aU
<br />01 au) pan:d fill the: F'ropt'rty b}. pub-fu- >>1'!'U1UllCeWttnl at lb~ iinu and place of ~lny previou.sJy s\7hedwcd sale. I.e-n&r or
<br />l~mlt'f's d~&ff m.ay p-urchai;e the Propert)' at any saI~.
<br />lJpuA r<<eipt of ....}'tneui or tbe- prk,:, bid, Trustee fJhall deUnr to th~ pun..haRr Tru.\It:'-e's deed ('t)Dveylns: the PNlpNty
<br />'!'old. -rite ,,('it. ia lM TruAcC"s dud -Wl:dt b<< prima I'ade nidence of the:: truth of the statements made therein. Truster
<br />~aQ >>p-pl) lhe- p-raceoed5 of th(' salt in tM foUo"iflJit ordt-r: (a; to all ~~n..bJe t:'1)St~ and rxpet~ uf the ~Ie. induding. but
<br />ROt JimitifG tOt 'rrmt<<'s f~ of not mon than ~ 05 % of t~ EWS,\ .':\.ale pfit:e, n'&WIUlblt -atturney's feu and cosb of
<br />tide evideoct'; (b) tu .aU ,I,UtlS ~('u-rl'i1 by t!Uti Dt.'('-d u( TTU!at; and hd Ibe t:lcc:~. if an), to Ihe pCfM)n ur pecsons legally entitled
<br />llonom.
<br />19, BorttJ9u'. Righ_ to ReimJate-. NOiwft-O'\:tillh.hllg Lender.. ;.li...celer-Jt!I-'ii uf lhe _i>Uf!lS ~~>.:tln~d by tillS. Deed of TrllsL
<br />fkJrro-w~_f lhall nave (he rigtlt to have ;lll)' pHl(ccdwg\ hq;:m b) l,t;:!:uer tn ;;.nLJ-o':,:t: this Dceu vi frll\.t dl",~on!iflHCd a!
<br />ioIr~_f ttmt:' pfwr IfI the- ('J)rb,~( to (l'l,.",(,:ur of (I) the fifth <I.;:') tx:f Of\..' the \;'lIc of tlw Pwpenv pursuant to the fWWCf of s;il~ {:I)Ot<lIOCU
<br />lH thn. nc,,-,J ill ~-t'l'li-l t.Jf (it! e~Ht)' (~^~:;" jUUitfllC(H cnt'iI1\,:lng this [ked of Tnt!>t d. i_'l) B.)H-i.n,;;n pa)5 L:.l\dt.'r ;11! sum.. \\.n,dl "o\lld
<br />he -then flue un~!er !tn, De('_J tJf .1 hHii, the Note ;uu.l note:>. S(:t:lH ing Futun: AO\.,WI"T;>. d any, h7iJ ne ;<<.::,,:elefaIHlll (x.,;ulre,1:
<br />f'h} 8v-rm'4er uu~ ~H bl'~iI"hc.) of all}' lHher ~uyen..uh [~( ~,-grC-ctucnh pI Bmw'A't', n:mtiiinctl PI Ih!'!> Ik<d t.1" lru~t.
<br />h;) Uorrc"'1:r f.;ty" ~l! t'l'il~}n-AhJ(: t:_\pen\t''\. lW:t.lffN! 0) I_endet ~lad rl~ht~':'_ if! cn[t'I>;:Jiig lhe ..."l"cn.inf~, ilflJ ~grlCi,..mc-nh t'(
<br />aeH.oW~I i,..oou,mt:....J Hl lhl$ lk,ed vi 1 nn-t -itoJ It I ff1~ltf\;:IllJ;; Lnajct'.$. .me 1 fu..,lc-t: -<;. f~mcJie~ .p, IHOY1dC,U HI paugr<iph 1 S
<br />tK:f~q{ 1i~!U~!H~ h-ut npt hmltt',d fn h::a,?-(.l;-1:ihk ~HO-fIW~'~ fr.-c,,>. ..HkJ ~d~ UO(WWi:, Ll.ke\ s.uch ;lcl:..m a~ i cn-dt'r m~'r I ~~;h-\':nJhl!-
<br />,<tq--Utt-t'- I-tl ~'\UfC HI4t ~ht l>t:n ~A Hh; Vr-t;-d n( 1 HI">l. i endn ~ H,i;;-IC-!',l 1ft the PrppcH... .md n,}fHI\\ot~r'\ ,-+hf;;Hi~Hl In l"~)
<br />